The Conservative Government has an 80-seat majority. It means that for the first time in over a decade, we have a government with legroom. The signs were good. Boris has ridiculed the BDS movement and the Conservative party is publicly vocal about the anti-Israel bias in international forums such as the United Nations. In June 2018, Boris attacked the UN Human Rights Council, calling the permanent anti-Israel fixture, ‘disproportionate and damaging,’ and vowed to vote against these resolutions if they persist.
But when the Conservative government is actually put to the test – it stabs Israel in the back.
United Nations Israel bashing
The United Nations is currently sitting for the 75th session of the UN General Assembly. On the agenda are twenty-four resolutions. Incredibly seventeen of them are attacking Israel. Looking around at the state of the world, any sane person would have to wonder how it is possible that Israel warrants almost 75% of the UN’s time.
This disproportionate, damaging, obsession is exactly what Boris Johnson referenced about the UNHRC, also taking place at the UNGA. Every year without fail. An endless list of anti-Israel resolutions put forward by the world’s worst despots.
The Conservative government sides with despots
The Conservatives have been in power now for over a decade. They have as large a majority as they could possibly hope to have. Yesterday they voted against Israel. They did the day before too. The co-sponsors of yesterday’s resolution were Syria, Venezuela & North Korea. What possible excuse can a British Conservative government have for voting with the likes of Syria and North Korea against the only democracy in the Middle East?
Earlier this month, the UK abstained on an anti-Israel resolution that referred to Jerusalem’s Temple Mount solely by its Muslim name of Haram al-Sharif. What have the Jews done to the British Government to deserve such treatment? The UK voted for five of the six anti-Israel resolutions passed on that day.
It is true that all the EU states are also guilty. So what? These same EU states failed to introduce a single UNGA resolution on the human rights situation in China, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Turkey or Pakistan. Don’t we expect more from the Conservative government than bowing down before an antisemitic, anti-Israel, pro-Islamist obsession?
The Conservative government doesn’t know where Jerusalem is
It was announced yesterday that Israel would be re-added to the travel corridor following a sharp reduction in the number of Coronavairus cases in Israel.
Disgracefully, Jerusalem is listed separately from Israel on the UK travel corridor list.
Jerusalem is the capital of the State of Israel. No other nation has its capital city listed separately. So let us look at a map:
Let us say you are in Jerusalem. We will also pretend, however much it hurts us, that Jerusalem is a separate entity. How can you possibly get to Heathrow without spending time in Israel? The whole thing is absurd. Listing Jerusalem as separate from Israel is absolutely nonsensical in this context. Which means this is just another example of the UK Government spitting on us.
Antisemitism – all this matters
The Conservative government says it opposes antisemitism. It has given great lip-service to ‘the cause’ of fighting antisemitism as a weapon with which to create for itself an eighty-seat majority. But you cannot say you fight antisemitism if you constantly feed it. This type of activity obviously feeds antisemitism. Go onto the timeline of any antisemite and search for ‘united nations’ or ‘resolutions’:
The UK creates the legitimacy for antisemitism by siding with despots at the United Nations. Anyone who truly wanted to fight antisemitism would not give them this weapon to wield. Once the resolutions are passed, haters, antisemites and anti-Israel propaganda organisations are gifted with a deadly weapon – legitimacy:
No media outlet in the UK reports on the twisted bias at the UN when UN resolutions are referenced. They carry weight and they spread antisemitism straight into the mainstream. This is our government’s fault. If the nations of the west -which fund the UN and other global Israel-obsessed organisations – actually stood their ground (and really meant it) all this would end. It would be over in a day. The Conservative government should be one of those leading the way. Instead, they side with the despots. The Conservative government holds hands with Syria and North Korea as they bash Israel. These UN votes, along with toxic NGOs such as Amnesty, are the pillars upon which anti-Israel activity is built. Take them away and their entire argument is shattered.
Friends and enemies
In one single way, Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour party was refreshing. Driven by rabid antisemitism, we knew where we stood with Corbyn. Labour unashamedly had a Jew-hating, obsessive anti-Israel focus. So much so we had to mobilise and we spent four long years battling against the antisemitic hate. With the current Conservative government, it is all smiles. They even used Corbyn’s anti-Israel stance to attack him. Yet the truth is this – in the UN, it would have made no difference at all who was in power – the Conservative party or Labour. At the end of the day, the vote would have always been the same. How can it be that our ‘friends’ vote the same way as our enemies?
Which friend would not oppose a resolution that strips the Jewish history from Jerusalem?
Real friends certainly wouldn’t behave this way.
Can you help to support this fight?
This research is unique – it goes wherever it needs to – and it depends on community support. The results speak for themselves and for six years I have been creating headlines. I engage in forensic research, much of it undercover, into anti-Jewish hatred, anti-Zionism and anti-western extremism.
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No. The Conservatives are very supportive of Israel. Do not make the mistake of assuming that the record of the UK’s UN Ambassador represents UK policy!
now now boys you are both pretty
Someone get the air freshener. You can smell that Zio stink from miles away.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray.
Shabbat shalom.
Got the air freshener to clear Scoffy’s Zio stink? Good.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to (s)pray.
Shabbat shalom.
ImaM Oron,
Nakba Mubarak!
Ewwww, it’s DeadHead Ed and his Zio stink.
Got the air freshener? Good.
If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to (s)pray.
That’s better!
Shabbat shalom.
UK recognises that the settlements are illegal and that Jerusalem isn’t the capital.
What about you, Jonathan? …. siding with Israel?
You think Israel cares what the UK thinks?
Do you think the Labour Party under Corbyn cared what the Israeli government thought about it?
Jonathan, who does the UK’s UN Ambassador answer to???
Jerusalem has always been and will forever be the eternal capital of the Jewish state of Israel and the main focal point of World Jewry….
Eternal? Lol.
It isn’t even the capital now.
Only a few think it is. US/Israel and a few countries eager to continue receiving US welfare.
If Israel thinks Jerusalem is the capital of Israel (which it is) then that’s all that really matters….
Funny how other countries seem to think they can choose the capital of another country?
Quite disgusting too…
Amman is the Capital of Pal-e-STINE.
Happy Nakba!
A reminder from your friendly neighbourhood Rabbi…
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Shabbat shalom!
If it isn’t in Israel they’re unlikely to recognise it now, are they?
Why should Israel care about what the UK thinks Israel’s capital should be or shouldn’t be?
As a citizen of the UK I couldn’t care less about what citizens of other countries think or say about my country…
Why should I?
What business is it of theirs anyway ?
The Brits have a very long history of Anti-Judaism and Antisemitism not matter who runs the country.
Don’t expect anything from the UK.
They are no different than the rest of Eurabia.
Ah, you support the 22%-Arab multi-ethnic state of Israbia then?
Very true…
Even Balfour was a racist and an antisemite….
Thank goodness the Jews of Britain (and the world) will always have the Jewish state of Israel to move to should it prove necessary to do so…
There ‘s that “always” again.
Always NAKBA.
A reminder from your friendly neighbourhood RABBI:
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Shabbat shalom!
Well unlike you I am a realist Farmgirl…
An Iranian nuke aside…Israel will always exist…
And nobody wants an Iranian nuke to land on Israel…
Not the Israelis…not the Palestinians….and most definitely not the Iranians….
But Israel is by far the more aggressive and warring of the two. Iran NEEDS a nuclear deterrent to deter US/Israel from attacking it.
Well Israel and the US have had nukes for around 70 years
And so in 70 years how many nukes have been dropped on Iran?
Take your time…
I’ll give you a clue….it’s a round number….
I am glad you are a realist Ken all that Platonic idealism scrambles my head. In fact when greek idealism in the form of the church teamed up with Roman legalism it was the beginning of all our troubles. Hitherto the world had been a simple place. The Jews were the last hold outs but the State of Israel fucked that
Dumb Bellamy, Your head got scrambled because you fell off the Pub stool too often.
Well the majority of Jews finally relocated to the real world when they realised that no “Messiah” was going to save them from more than 2,000 years of persecution….
You can’t really blame them?
As long as there are voters like dear old darling Brucie and Michael and the Antisemitic mob, these types of votes will occur.
Jews don’t make up an important enough demographic in this country to be taken as a challenge to the majority of politicians, and the civil service/foreign office has always been pro-Arab
Don’t forget the British Government White Paper of 1939 that in effect contributed to the murder of millions of Jews in Europe during the Holocaust
Israel means that Jews don’t have to depend on other countries for their Safety.
Meanwhile Eurabia is being overrun by Muslims looking for Socialist EuroTrash with hands in other peoples pockets to pay for Benefits.
Happy Nakba!
A reminder from your favourite Rabbi:
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Shabbat shalom!
Is it useful to wear a mask?
Let me explain.
If you walk around nude, and someone pees on you … you’ll get wet.
If you wear pants and someone pees one you, you’re partially protected.
If the guy peeing ALSO wears pants, he’ll pee in his pants and you won’t get wet.
Sharmuta wears a mask to not scare her Johns.
You have demonstrated a strange and frustrating ongoing situation, David. In Europe, current staunch friends of Israel, Hungary, Poland and Czechia, also join in with the haters, others, like Brazil and Australia, abstain. It is clearly bizarre and suggests that there are various behind-the-scenes deals being done where, sadly, Israel is continually hung out to dry by countries sympathetic to her. I would suggest that it is all part of the great fear that we have in the West of upsetting Islam. We live in a world where gentle people can be beheaded for showing a cartoon of a man who died 1400 years ago, and where thousands take to the streets enraged, not at the beheading, but at the leader who sticks up for the beheaded innocent.
David surely it’s time to block our three resident antisemites . Their presence fouls and detracts from your otherwise excellent blog .
Suggested counter chant with this…
From the the River to the Sea,
Pal-e-SWINE Will Never Be!
It’s the rickshaw puller…
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to (s)pray.
Shabbat shalom.
Another parrot squawking ‘wolf, wolf, wolf’.
You’re another pig squealing ‘oink, oink’.
Happy Nakba!
A reminder from your future Chief Rabbi:
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Shabbat shalom!
Tesco Harv you are such a hoot
Does he shop at Tesco, or is he the one who stalked a young lady around the Tesco aisles?
Harvey, I hate those stupid arseholes as much as you do–but they’re so dumb and shrill and (this is important) easily enraged into being even more of a pack of asinine screamers, that they are immensely valuable to this blog as the demented sub-opposition. They’re the worst…and they bring out our best.
“In June 2018, Boris attacked the UN Human Rights Council, calling the permanent anti-Israel fixture, ‘disproportionate and damaging,’ and vowed to vote against these resolutions if they persist.”
Funnily enough during Israel’s murderous 2014 assault on Gaza, Boris called out Israel for its ‘disproportionate’ aggression.
Remember those good old days when the Gaza war was on TV 24/7 and thousands demonstrated on our streets with banners that proclaimed “We are all Hamas”?
Bet you really thought Israel’s day were numbered? But it didn’t happen did it?
Since the last Gaza conflict Israel’s economy has grown every single year. And now the world has other priorities with climate change and a pandemic to contend with…
You remind me of the Phil Daniels’ character in Quadrophenia after the Brighton beach riots…
Peace is breaking out all over the Arab Middle East and it seems nobody is bothered about the self inflicted plight of the Arab Palestinians…
So, the Israeli attrition on Gaza that killed over 1400 civilians, over 500 of them children, maiming countless others was “those good old days”, Ken.
That’s your Jewish soul is it, Ken?
Well I’m assuming that’s what you thought of them Farmgirl? All those anti Israel demonstrations calling for the destruction of the world’s only Jewish state? Must have been like Christmas every day for a Jew hater like you?
But not anymore huh?
Don’t you remember how the Hamas leadership turned down the offer of a cease fire (without any pre conditions) because the numbers of the dead were just not quite high enough to garner the sympathy of the gullible? But then accepted the cease fire on the exact same terms several weeks later after thousands more of their own people had died completely unnecessarily?
Ah those lovely “democratically elected” Hamas chappies certainly know how to “look after” their own people….don’t they Farmgirl?
Btw I don’t remember ever telling you that I was Jewish?
What makes you think I am? Is it because of my poetry?
Never said you were crap at poetry, Dobby.
Exactly right…
My poetry is way too good to have been wiitten by a Jew?
Right Farmgirl?
What is your assessment, Dobby?
My poetry isn’t that bad for a Jew…
Why what’s your assessment ?
Lots of talk following the US decision to label the BDS Movement as antisemitic.
A lot of people have been confusing the BDS with BDSM.
For clarity….
One is a violent movement based on submission and dominance that consists of sick, depraved people acting out their fantasies of controlling other people.
The other is something to do with sex!
Please avoid confusing them
Question for you, Ken.
Do YOU(forget Pompeo) think BDS is antisemitic?
A organisation whose sole purpose is to destroy the world’s only Jewish state…?
How could anybody think that was in any way antisemitic?
Do YOU(forget Pompeo) think BDS is antisemitic?
An organisation whose sole purpose is to destroy the world’s only Jewish state…?
How could anybody think that was in any way antisemitic?
Do you mean the purpose is to have it turn from a ‘Jewish state’ to a Jewish/Muslim/Christian etc. state of Israel where all its citizens are treat equally?
The sole purpose of BDS is to destroy the world’s only Jewish state…
It would be dishonest to pretend otherwise…
Israel? … or Israel as a ‘Jewish state’?
You haven’t watched the Norman Finklestein video have you ?
Duh !
If Israel lost it’s Jewish majority and therefore stopped being a Jewish state do you think it would still be called Israel ?
Another bumper week here in Panto Land and all this reminds me.
No Collier research into Labour dumping on Israel at the UN. He only smears Tories…for money. He’s a fraud.
Now if you’ll excuse me. Me and my Micronesian mates have got to go out on the lash to celebrate dumping all over 157 UN members.
Zios for the win again!
You sound like a twat
Ian is not a twat, he is just bored. If I lived in paradise I would be bored too.
I can’t be bored when I have you Bellers.
This chap Ben seems a bit rude though. You internet activists are such a joyless bunch.
They are joyless because they think that Jews are the root cause of all their problems…
They don’t realise that they are the cause of their own miseries….so they never do anything to change it…
So they just remain miserable in perpetuity….
It’s sad really….
This is truly outrageous. Conservative Friends of Israel should take a firmer stance on this issue.
Mainstream media needs to be lobbied.
Well, the Labour ‘Friends’ lied and smeared for years … that was effective.
Isn’t there some totally non-antisemitic mural somewhere that Boris has admired that could suddenly be spun and lied about?
Whatever Labour Friends of Israel did or didn’t do made no difference to the 2019 election…
Corbyn’s record on antisemitism is clearly shameful but he didn’t lose the election because of it…
He lost the election so badly because of Brexit…and for no other reason….
Corbyn’s record on antisemitism is clearly clean. EHRC found so. Read the report.
Procedures though improved under Corbyn, were still inadequate according to the EHRC.
The Labour party could have tackled antisemitism more effectively “if the leadership had chosen to do so”, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) concluded as part of its 130-page investigation released on Thursday.
The watchdog also found that Labour breached the Equality Act in two cases – relating to the former London mayor Ken Livingstone and a borough councillor, Pam Bromley – “by committing unlawful harassment” against Jewish people.
Here is a breakdown of some of the key findings.
Labour leadership
“We found specific examples of harassment, discrimination and political interference in our evidence,” the EHRC said in its foreword, adding: “But equally of concern was a lack of leadership within the Labour party on these issues, which is hard to reconcile with its stated commitment to a zero-tolerance approach to antisemitism.”
The report criticises the party hierarchy broadly for failing to take decisive action, despite what it says are “recent improvements” in handling complaints.
“Although some improvements have been made to the process for dealing with antisemitism complaints, it is hard not to conclude that antisemitism within the Labour party could have been tackled more effectively if the leadership had chosen to do so,” the report states.
Interference in the complaints process
The EHRC concludes that “there was political interference in the handling of antisemitism complaints”, which it said was part of a “wider practice” of the leader of the opposition’s office getting involved “in disciplinary cases that were deemed ‘politically sensitive’”.
It reviewed 70 complaint files between March 2016 and May 2019 and concluded that there were 23 instances of political interference by staff from the leader’s office and others.
“These included clear examples of interference at various stages throughout the complaint-handling process, including in decisions on whether to investigate and whether to suspend,” the EHRC said.
As a result, the equality watchdog concluded this “was indirectly discriminatory and unlawful” and it held that the Labour party was legally responsible for it…..
Disgusting really….
Your feigned disgust is noted, Dobby.
No need to feign anything…
My disgust is 100% genuine and 100% deserved….
… and 100% truthful 😉
Glad you agree…
Seems Corbyn has a case … “Article 10 will protect Labour Party members who, for example, make legitimate criticisms of the Israeli government, or express their opinions on internal Party matters, such as the scale of antisemitism within the Party, based on their own experience and within the law. It does not protect criticism of Israel that is antisemitic”
“It does not protect criticism of Israel that is antisemitic”
Good to see it acknowledges that certain criticisms of Israel can be antisemitic….
Thanks for posting this…
“can be” … but obviously wasn’t in her case.
Amazing what folk will say to keep their job.
Well it obviously was…
Given that antisemitism is aversion to Jews merely because they ARE Jws ….
A criticism such as “Israel acts the way it does because it is ruled by Jews and we all know how predatory they are” could indeed be labelled antisemitic,
Whereas, ‘Israel, which is majority Jewish, is predatory’ couldn’t be held as antisemitic.
Don’t give up your day job Farmgirl…
You are clearly no lawyer….
I clearly have a firmer grasp of logic than Keir has.
Nothing at all antisemitic about only choosing demonise the world’s only Jewish state whilst simultaneously ignoring the endemic mysogny and homophobia and human rights abuses that take place daily in countries like Iran and Pakistan and Nigeria and China and Syria and North Korea and Turkmenistan etc..etc…
Re. statements from Labour Party members …
“They told us they thought Ken Livingstone’s statement, that scrutiny of Naz
Shah’s conduct was part of an apparent smear campaign by ‘the Israel lobby’,
was a classic antisemitic trope. They said that the Jewish community and Jewish
Labour Party members were raising very clear concerns about Naz Shah’s
comments. Instead of taking their concerns seriously, Ken Livingstone dismissed
them as acting on behalf of a foreign power. They considered that this was
clearly antisemitic.”
So, Ken referenced Israel … not Jews. But some Jews were upset by his words.
Ludicrous that it was deemed antisemitic.
Labour MP Naz Shah has said the comments which saw her suspended from the party were anti-Semitic.
Ms Shah apologised in April for online posts, including one suggesting Israel should be moved to the United States.
Labour has now reinstated the Bradford West MP, who in her first interview about the controversy blamed her “ignorance”.
“I wasn’t anti-Semitic, what I put out was anti-Semitic,” Ms Shah told BBC Radio 4’s World At One .
In a Facebook post in 2014, before she became an MP, Ms Shah shared a graphic showing an image of Israel’s outline superimposed on a map of the US under the headline “Solution for Israel-Palestine conflict – relocate Israel into United States”, with the comment “problem solved”.
The post was brought to light by the Guido Fawkes website, which also highlighted a post in which she appeared to liken Israeli policies to those of Hitler.
At the time, Ms Shah said the posts had been written during the 2014 Israel-Gaza conflict when emotions had been running high – although she said that was not an excuse.
So basically Ken Livingstone is a tw@t…
Re. Naz Shah. She referenced Israel which is obviously not antisemitic. Her apology was to calm troubled waters.
Can you point out what was antisemitic in her words?
This example shows how the world is falling over itself to indulge the facade that anti-Israel comments are antisemitic.
It’s so sickeningly dishonest.
Nothing Ken said was antisemitic. It’s the world’s biggest lie. A farce.
I love it how you disagree with people when they admit what they said was antisemitic…
Like you know their own minds better than they do?
Always makes me chuckle that does….
The MP (Shah) says she wants to make “an unequivocal apology for statements and ideas that I have foolishly endorsed in the past”.
“With the understanding of the issues I have now I would never have posted them. I have to own up to the fact that ignorance is not a defence.
The language I used was wrong. It is hurtful. What’s important is the impact these posts have had on other people. I understand that referring to Israel and Hitler as I did is deeply offensive to Jewish people, for which I apologise.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing and I’m shocked myself at the language I used in some instances during the Gaza-Israel conflict.”
Then you appreciate that only I know if I am making an antisemitic statement, Dobby.
You certainly know how to make antisemitic statements Farmgirl…
You have no problems in that department…
Can you point out what was antisemitic in her words?
Maybe are right…
On reflection there is nothing antisemitic about suggesting that six million Israeli Jews should be “transported” to Texas and saying that everything that Hitler did was “legal”…
She had nothing to apologise for at all did she…
Dobby tells porkies. He misquotes Ms. Shah who actually said ‘relocate Israel into United States’.
He has the same mental block as Collier. Calls Israel ‘the Jews’.
Absolutely nothing antisemitic about suggesting that the world’s only Jewish state be relocated in it’s entirety to the United States…
What was I thinking?
Thanks so much for pointing that out…
It’s Israel, the Jewish, Arab, Christian etc. multi-ethnicity state, Ken. Google ‘demographics’.
“Modern Israel came into existence on 14 May 1948 as the homeland for the Jewish people. It was also defined in its declaration of independence as a “Jewish state,” a term that appeared in the United Nations partition decision of 1947 as well. The related term “Jewish and democratic state” dates from 1992 legislation by the Israeli Knesset…..”
Michael, there is a time for blind and resolute activism and a time for decency and consideration to ones fellow human beings. I believe that now is the latter.
Browsing that Twitter yesterday, I came across one of your posts in a thread about Israel and for the first time in about 6 years the content alarmed and concerned me.
The content included text and an infographic and raised the topic of male incontinence. It seemed like a slightly muted cry for help and despite our obvious differences I would not wish this affliction on anyone. To this extent I found this link below that you may find helpful and naturally hope that this is the start of a resolution to your issue.
Dear Keir
I’m sorry for the delay in sending you this letter, but I have been poorly. Still belatedly I am writing because I want you to know that I, as a Jewish member of the Labour Party, characterise Israel as an expansionist, settler-colonial, ethnocratic, apartheid State, which has occupied, illegally expropriated, and may be on the point of formally annexing land belonging to the indigenous Palestinian people, who are deprived of their political rights. Do you think this characterisation of the Israeli State makes me antisemitic? I don’t. And I’d like to tell you why.
First then: what does the word antisemitism means? The Oxford English Dictionary defines antisemitism as “prejudice, hostility or discrimination toward Jewish people on religious, cultural or ethnic grounds.” That sounds pretty good to me. How about you? So the reason I think my characterisation of the Israeli State is not antisemitic is because it says nothing whatsoever about the Jewishness of the State’s leadership nor of the now majority population of the country. It is based entirely on objective and observable facts of the policies and actions of the State involved. In other words, we (and I mean we) should not conflate Jewish ethnicity with the political behaviour of a foreign country.
Why am I going on about this now? Because it seems to me (and believe me to many members of our party) that this conflation must be the explanation for your extraordinary reaction to a passing comment made by Maxine Peake in a newspaper interview. This is not only important in its own right, but is the very conflation that has also mischaracterised our party as being riddled with institutional antisemitism, that has led to good party members being unjustifyingly accused, suspended or expelled, and that was so damaging to us in the recent general election.
You have the deserved reputation for forensic dissection of arguments. So I’m going to a take a leaf out of your book and tease apart the different issues that are at stake here.
Let’s start then with the Maxine Peake incident. This has well been publicised and I need only summarise it here. Maxine made the comment that Israeli secret services have trained US police in the kneeling technique that led to the death of George Floyd and you said that this constituted an ‘antisemitic conspiracy theory’. It is widely acknowledged that Israeli forces have trained the security forces of a number of countries, including the US in, among other things, restraining techniques and it is also documented that Israeli forces have employed the kneeling technique to restrain Palestinians. What is not known is that Israeli forces taught that particular technique to US police, so Maxine’s wording was loose and she has withdrawn the comment. But the issue for us here is that, even as the comment stood, there is no way that this criticism of Israeli forces could remotely be construed as antisemitic (let alone a conspiracy theory) since there was no suggestion at all that the criticism was because the people doing the training forces were Jewish. That comment of yours, conflating Israeli actions with Jewishness was completely illegitimate, for reasons I have pointed out above. So what were you thinking of? Was it a momentary aberration of muddled thinking or was it deliberate to send out an underlying message and, if so, to whom?
You said you made the comment in order to reassure the ‘Jewish community’. What ‘Jewish community’ is that? Could it be the ‘Jewish community’ that the Board of Deputies (BoD)) of British Jews claims to represent? The deputies are elected by synagogues and other communal organisations, but some half of the roughly 300,000 British Jews do not have synagogue membership and a quarter of them self-describe as secular. So any implication that the BoD represents the collective views of Jews in Britain is far from the truth.
Could it be that you are trying to placate the BoD and related pro-Israeli lobby groups such as their affiliate, the Jewish Labour Movement (JLM)? The JLM has been affiliated also to the Labour Party for 100 years, though for most of that time it was known as – what it actually is – as Poale Zion (Labour Zionist Movement). Its remit includes the promotion of self-determination of the Jewish people within the State of Israel and promotion of the centrality of Israel in Jewish life. These and related groups ran a relentless campaign, ably supported by the right wing press, of disinformation and lies about Jeremy’ Corbyn’s alleged tolerance of antisemitism in the Labour Party and even his being guilty of antisemitic acts himself. So is it that you are trying to earn relief from such relentless pressure?
The problem is that if you give into playground bullies, they only bully you more. There’s no better example than the BoD’s demand that the then Labour leadership contenders must sign up to its 10 pledges, which include (I paraphrase): that Labour should only relate to the ‘Jewish community’ though its ‘main representatives’ (meaning principally themselves), that these representatives should have effective supervision of the handling of complaints of antisemitism, and that JLM should be engaged to teach party members what antisemitism means – can you imagine what their curriculum will be?! Well, the answer to that rhetorical question is to be found in Pledge 6. I quote this in full because it is central to the purpose of this letter: “The IHRA definition of antisemitism, with all its examples and clauses, and without any caveats, will be fully adopted by the party and used as the basis for considering antisemitism disciplinary cases.” What an absolute chutzpah this all is! Is the Labour Party to become a vassal of a self-interested pressure groups? And what is worse is that you signed up to this.
So we’d better examine what exactly is this IHRA document defining antisemitism? I’m sure you studied this in forensic detail before you signed up to it but, if I may, I’ll just refresh your memory. The document has quite a long history. Essentially the same text was considered as long ago as 2005 by the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia and later inherited by the Centre’s successor, the Fundamental Rights Agency, but no decision was ever made to adopt it. It was then finally adopted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) in 2016. So what is the IHRA? It is effectively an intergovernmental task force, with at the time just 33 participating governments. The antisemitism document produced by the task force was actually adopted by only 8 of the 33 participating governments and 2 of 9 observer governments – which is not exactly a ringing endorsement.
What of the IHRA document itself? It comprises a definition of antisemitism and 11 illustrative examples. The definition is described as a “working definition” which is “non-legally binding” and the examples could be considered antisemitic but only in certain contexts, which are unspecified. It certainly reads like a working document because a lot of the writing is unclear and confusing, leaving much room for interpretation. But despite the apparently unfinalised nature of the document, it has been seized upon cynically by people wishing to extend the definition of antisemitism to include anything other than trivial criticism of Israel. Let’s see that now.
The preoccupation of the IHRA document with Israel is shown by the fact that 7 of the 11 examples relate to the State of Israel. The most contentious of the examples is that it would be antisemitic to claim that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavour. This example was resisted initially by the Labour Party, which finally caved in to persistent bullying. The wording “a State of Israel” in the example is very strange. It might have made some sense before 1948 as a kind of exercise of hypothetical model building. But now there is only one State of Israel. So is it racist? Ask the Palestinians.
Twenty percent of the population of Israel proper are Palestinian citizens. Putting aside for this purpose the situation of the occupied territories (including the siege of Gaza and the illegal expansions in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights), since 1948 Israeli Palestinians have been subject to the political control of the Jewish majority. This de facto control changed to de jure in July 2018 when the Knesset passed the Nation State Law, which embedded Jewish hegemony structurally into the constitution of the country. The law established officially that Israel is the Nation State of the Jewish people and the Jewish people alone. This meant that, while Palestinian citizens have equal individual civil and human rights, they have no political rights as a people. Any state which defines political rights on the basis of ethnicity, as distinct from citizenship, is – in and of itself – racist. This is not a matter of opinion. The Nation State Law applies not only to Jews in Israel. Jews worldwide have the ‘right of return’ to Israel and the right to gain citizenship, while no such rights are afforded to the 700,000 Palestinian refugees (and their descendants) who fled or were expelled from the country in 1948, leaving behind their land and possessions.
So, Keir, are you really going along with such a distorted, politically tendentious ‘definition’ of antisemitism. If so, you will be selling the Palestinian people down the river. What happened to Robin Cook’s ethical foreign policy?
Now finally, what about your peremptory sacking of Rebecca from the opposition front bench for not instantly withdrawing her tweet of her constituent Maxine’s published interview and before she had a chance to speak to you? To draw on Shakespeare’s Mark Anthony: Oh, what a fall was there, my fellow party members! Rebecca was a first class Shadow Business Secretary with her Green New Deal. She gave a very creditable speech in Parliament as your Shadow Education Secretary laying out what needed to be done for schools to reopen safely. Don’t you see your sacking Rebecca on such flimsy grounds has driven a coach and horses through your claim to want to unite the party? Or is it that you actually just don’t care?
Keir, I voted for you in the recent leadership election. So, please, now be a mensch, do the right thing: reconsider your current acceptance of conflation of antisemitism with any telling criticism of Israel, and reinstate Rebecca to a role on the front bench.
In solidarity
JLM complaint to EHRC ‘didn’t achieve what it set out to do, to declare Labour ‘institutionally racist’, it’s finding were really pretty fair since the complaints procedures criticised were a Blairite inheritance, Corbyn and Formby were attempting to update & improve.’
It is worth bearing in mind that the EHRC commissioners down to the last right wing racist were appointed by the Tory government and is headed by Rebbeca Hilsenrath whose husband organises funding for the ethnic cleansing of the west bank.
Just saying
And you know the husband better than his own wife does Bellers?
“Ethnic Cleansing” hahahaha!!
Sure as hell do
What does natch mean ?
Its ok I googled it. Natch indeed
Oh, look. The Conservative Party NOT following procedures ..
Michael, you will tell us if you plan to post any more of these made up letters so I can change my aettings to auto scroll.
On 12 May 2016, the Jewish Chronicle reported:
“There is a strong Jewish presence at the top of Britain’s equality watchdog. David Isaac, new chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, took up office this week, joining Rebecca Hilsenrath, who was made CEO of the body last autumn.”
Little wonder the JLM reported Labour to them.
Little wonder Pollard disappeared the article
Those evil scheming Jews…?
I couldn’t possibly comment
Changed my mind I will comment. Pollard is evil and a schemer. Also there is an unconfirmed rumour that he is Jewish
Just let it all out Bellers…we don’t really mind…and you won’t be saying anything that we haven’t heard a million times before…
“The Zionist movement would “mitigate the age-long miseries created for Western civilization by the presence in its midst of a Body which it too long regarded as alien and even hostile, but which it was equally unable to expel or to absorb.”
Lord Balfour 1919
Jewish? Poor thing.
All that pain and anguish when Israel is criticised. Must be hell.
Nah…most of us are used to it…
And besides you have already explained your reasons for choosing to demonise the world’s only Jewish state….
If you don’t like the way the Conservative Party has handled issues, why don’t you stop whinging and whining like a stupid brat that suffers from ‘limp-fish’ syndrome, and go and open a blog to see if you can influence things.
But methinks you are to much of a ‘lily-livered’ a–hole to be able to do anything other than attempt to throw dirt on somebody who has been extremely successful in his endeavor.
Your continued attempts to besmirch Jews, Israel and Zionists as an interchangeable collective puts you up for a nomination as the anti-Jewish Antisemite of this blog since the ejection/removal of Charles, the self confessed Jew Baiting, Holocaust Denying Antisemitic racist bigot.
And no, you don’t have the right to decide on your own if you are Antisemitic or not. Read the MacPherson Report on racism and racists for an explanation if you can. I do understand that your reading and comprehension skills are not that great considering the way you comport yourself in the comments section of this blog, so read it nice and carefully, and get help with any parts you don’t understand or may misunderstand. And don’ reply with some stupid comment as to why I should do this or that, or some out of context, incoherent and incomprehensible one liner which is invariably your normal responce
And no, you don’t have the right to decide on your own if you are Antisemitic or not.
So who does get to decide Richard ?
I know whether I have made a statement because I have animus to the Jewish race. Sorry.
You can decide if you feel outrage, pain or disgust at the words and whether they match a criteria designed by others. Understand?
p.s. Any of the above that you find “incoherent and incomprehensible”
So your “animus” is towards the Jewish race…and not specifically towards Zionists or even Jewish Zionists?
Your honesty is appreciated…and as it happens you are in “esteemed” company….
“The Zionist movement would “mitigate the age-long miseries created for Western civilization by the presence in its midst of a Body which it too long regarded as alien and even hostile, but which it was equally unable to expel or to absorb.”
Lord Balfour 1919….
Like Hitler his support for the Zionist movement was for all of the wrong reasons…
He basically wanted to get rid of Britain’s Jews…and as it happens the numbers are certainly decreasing….
Silly Dobby.
Racist (but honest) Farmgirl…
That Zio-loving, apartheid-loving scumbag Starmer will reap what he sows.
**The Labour Party’s Membership Is in Revolt Against Keir Starmer**
All across Britain last night, local Labour Parties passed motions opposing Keir Starmer’s decision to deny Jeremy Corbyn the Labour whip — the broadest rebellion against Starmer’s leadership to date. A civil war within Labour is escalating.
Last night, the grassroots campaign to reinstate Jeremy Corbyn’s whip reached fever pitch as Constituency Labour Parties (CLPs) across Britain passed motions of support, in many cases in defiance of threats from party officials.
Liverpool Walton, the constituency with the highest Labour vote in the country, was the first to announce its results — an overwhelming majority in favor with only a single vote against. They were swiftly followed by Camberwell and Peckham CLP in London, where the chair and secretary had been subject to warnings by region over debating the motion.
As the night continued, votes rolled in from across the country: Edinburgh Central in Scotland; London constituencies Kingston and Surbiton, Dulwich and West Norwood, and Brent Central; Rushcliffe outside Nottingham; Penrith and the Border, Bristol South, Newcastle Central, and Bolton North East.
These followed a unanimous vote in Jeremy Corbyn’s home CLP of Islington North on Wednesday night in favor of his full reinstatement to the Parliamentary Labour Party (PLP). Another motion that evening had thanked the range of CLPs — from Cardiff North to Hastings, Hull, and Carlisle — which had passed Campaign for Labour Party Democracy (CLPD) motions supporting Corbyn in the past ten days.
Another of those to pass a similar motion was Bristol West, where the chair and co-secretary have been suspended by the party for holding the discussion. These attacks by Southside on Labour members and their right to discuss major political developments in their party are likely to continue as a wave of constituencies defy the muzzle to table motions in every part of the country.
In a further warning to Keir Starmer and his leadership team, Richmond Park — which had been the first CLP in the country to nominate Starmer for Labour leader — also passed a motion of support for Corbyn. This demonstrated that it wasn’t just bastions of the Left where the campaign is attracting support; the meeting had one of the highest attendances of any since that leadership vote earlier this year.
Despite all of this, Jeremy Corbyn was informed last night that the suspension of his whip would last for three months — and that the Parliamentary Labour Party would be conducting an investigation into his statement. The terms of such an investigation, when all the evidence is in the public domain and has been discussed at length in both the party’s structures and the national press, remains to be seen.
This move amounts to the latest ad-lib approach from the Labour leadership to the Corbyn suspension — which was first leaked to the media before he was informed, then issued without any clear guidance as to what rule he had broken, overturned by a politically neutral disciplinary panel of the National Executive Committee (NEC) after Starmer allies had fast-tracked the case, only to then be reinstated (in the PLP at least) in a knee-jerk fashion by Starmer himself. Now, it is subject to a legal challenge.
If this all sounds like a farcical mess, that’s because it is — but Keir Starmer remains determined to dig in. And while he does, motions will continue in CLPs across the country, with every likelihood that there will be further suspensions as Starmer and his team launch a war on the membership that elected him only months ago — and which they will soon ask to help the party elect candidates in May’s local elections. Already, Unite, the Communication Workers Union (CWU), and the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) are considering whether to withhold funding support for those contests.
This situation is the inevitable consequence of a Labour leadership which has, from its beginnings in April, seemed more enthusiastic about attacking the Left than holding a catastrophically negligent Tory government to account. This might attract supportive coverage in the right-wing press — undoubtedly the point of the exercise — but it is increasingly clear that from this point onward it will also mean an escalating civil war in the party, a demoralization of its base, and a fraying of its ties to the trade union movement.
With the saga set to rumble on for a further twelve weeks, the question will surely be asked even by more middle-of-the-road sections of the Labour Party — is it worth it, Keir?
Starmer is frit of ‘the Jewish Community’ (Zionist Co9mmunity) flock.
He is a lot more frit of his wife and father in law
הו הו הו.
And you know him better than either of them do Bellers, natch !
Good you keep reminding us that Jews aren’t your thing Bellers. Hahahaha!!!
I am talking about Keith’s wife and father in law. Why do you keep bringing Jews into it ?
sure as hell do
Oh Brucie dearest, the foul mouthed pretend rabbi and Holocaust denigrator.
I’m sure the Conservative party is quaking in its boots at the prospect of having to face a Labour party controlled by the same bigoted zealots that took Labour to its worst defeat in decades in the last election
This looks like a rerun of 1980’s and the ‘militant tendency’ faction that condemned Labour to more than a decade and a half of opposition until the centrist Tony Blair took them to power for nearly 13 years
So go for it dearest ??????
You just walked into a furnace, Stinky Dick Galber.
I mean these Antisemites are so stupid. Don’t they realise that we Jews control the world.
I mean haven’t these Antisemites realised that we Jews are so all powerful that we were unable to stop the mass slaughter of six million of our number in the Holocaust.
I mean recently the Antisemites were saying we Jews had such ‘white privilege’ that we didn’t realise how lucky we were that it was only six million Jews that died in the Holocaust.
Former Labour Leader, man of the people and one man’s freedom fighter, Jeremy Corbyn, shocked supporters and Labour Party faithful today by denying that he has ever had a beard.
Despite photographic evidence to the contrary and the results of a recent inquiry undertaken by Shami Chakrabarti, proving the existence of the allotment keeper’s face garden, Corbyn will simply not accept the facts.
Even after being shown photographs of himself hobnobbing with some of the world’s most notorious terrorists, he still would not accept responsibility for his beardiness, dismissing any comparison between him and Oddbod Junior of Carry On Screaming fame.
Supporters of Mr Corbyn have rallied round the stubbly, socialist septuagenarian and echoed his claims, but critics from the centre-right of the Labour Party claim his has always tended to veer to the bristly side, favouring a furry fizzog.
Corbyn’s biggest fan base claim that he is being persecuted by the right of the party and, in particular, Keir Starmer, whose smooth features make him the ideal replacement for Johnson at the next election.
Starmer’s supporters say that a smooth face is the way forward for Britain. No Labour Prime Minister has ever sported a beard and critics claim this was the main reason Labour lost the last election……. if you don’t count Brexit or anti-semitism, obviously.
…..”Stephen Bellamy on November 22, 2020
……And no, you don’t have the right to decide on your own if you are Antisemitic or not.
……So who does get to decide Richard ?
It is accepted that ‘people of colour’ get to say who defines the racism that they suffer, so it is that Jews get to say who is an Ansemitic anti-Jewish racist bigot.
Nothing is an absolute though. Everything in life has to be applied with logic and understanding; and that applies to the above.
But when people constantly use language against Zionists and Israel that is the same as the language that has been directed at Jews for millennia, and is commonly accepted as Anti-Jewish Antisemitism, then that is anti-Jewish discourse.
“It is accepted that ‘people of colour’ get to say who defines the racism that they suffer”?
Is that what YOU accept, Richard?
“Everything in life has to be applied with logic and understanding;” … that put’s you at a serious disadvantage, Richard.
So, back to the question, Richard. …. who does get to decide?
which Jews get to say Richard ?
Certainly not the infamous Scoffy ‘n Collier tag-team.
Let’s face it…it’s not exactly difficult to spot a Jew hater is it?
This blog is living proof of that!
Fortunately the Jewish people have survived thousands of years of hatred and persecution…
Long may that continue…
There have been for years in the UK jokes about Englishmen, Scotsmen and Irishmen.
I don’t remember court cases between them, groups feeling deep pain or throwing themselves off cliffs because some has referenced their heritage/race.
Nothing more dishonest than feigned ‘pain’ … and nothing more widespread at the moment.
There were jokes about Jews too…
Never heard of Dave Allen?
Brilliantly funny comedian…
So I’m guessing you must hate the blm movement?
Political correctness gone mental?
Am I right?
“But when people constantly use language against Zionists and Israel that is the same as the language that has been directed at Jews for millennia, and is commonly accepted as Anti-Jewish Antisemitism, then that is anti-Jewish discourse.”??!?
Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Hilarious crap.
You dimwit
Can you not read and comprehend. The answer is there. You need to read what I said.
Oh, must I?
Brucie darling, the foul mouthed pretend rabbi and Holocaust denigrator
Your resorting to kindergarten playground name calling says far more about you than anything else.
Anyway, are you still threatening to sue me for Libel. I’m getting impatient.
You once again resort to Holocaust imagery by your mention of the ‘furnaces ‘.
This is pure Antisemitic and anti-Jewish sloganeering, the more so because you claim to be jewish and a rabbi
As with all other minorities that are being racialised and abused, the majority of that group and the organized majority leadership of that group will play an important part in calling it.
Right so its decided by a kinda referendum ?
Neither the abused nor the abuser should decide for OBVIOUS reasons.
Exactly right…
What do Jews know about antisemitism?
What do Muslims know about Islamophobia?
What do black people know about racism?
Those are your words Stephen, not mine.
Do you have a better method, system, methodology
A serious question deserves a serious answer , so please drop the ‘pretend village idiot’ facade for a moment.
Personally I have always gotten along just fine with a good dictionary but I am always ready to adopt a better system but first I need to fully understand it
Dictionaries are just fine to understand words. They are rather limited when discussing emotion. Racism is an emotion that involves the perceptions of the person being racialized, including all the circumstances.
So when we talk of Antisemitism we are talking about perceptions of Jews in a particular and negative manner as per the dictionary. The perception of Antisemitism must also include the way it has morphed into different anti-Jewish hatreds over a period of two thousand years and the way it has manifested those changes over the millennia
Utter crap. You either like ‘all Jews’, don’t give a toss about them, or you dislike ‘all Jews’.
I tend to like or dislike people based on what they say or what they do…nothing to do with what religion they happen to be….
I’m a bit funny that way…
Exactly, so if someone doesn’t like the way Rothschild operates then they can’t be accused of antisemitism.
Thankyou for that, Dobby. 🙂
Well you have animus towards the Jewish race as a whole (regardless of surname) which definitely is antisemitic…
Dobby with his ‘Galber comprehension’.
“Mike Farmer on November 22, 2020
I know whether I have made a statement because I have animus to the Jewish race. Sorry.”
Are you rowing back from this now? And after I was praising you for your honesty?
Post was ..
I know whether I have made a statement because I have animus to the Jewish race. Sorry.
You can decide if you feel outrage, pain or disgust at the words and whether they match a criteria designed by others. Understand?
Here is one of those ridiculous Farmer retorts that invert reality and relate it to the realms of the unknown…….
…..”But Israel is by far the more aggressive and warring of the two. Iran NEEDS a nuclear deterrent
to deter US/Israel from attacking it.”
Iran has been threatening to destroy Israel (the Zionist entity in their parlance) since the 1980’s.
Israel has never threatened to destroy any nation state, though it has threatened to retaliate against violence and threats directed against it.
It’s a more realistic scenario that it is Israel that needs the nuclear deterrent against the Iranian Ayatollahs than vice-a versa
There is rhetoric and there are actions.
Rhetoric kills no-one, aggressive actions do.
Quiet day here in Panto Land yesterday. Little more than an “Oh yes it is. Oh no it isn’t ” to entertain the audience, both of whom nodded off before the end.
Quick question to Michael. In an episode where Collier is knocking the UK Tories, you left your silly “Nakba, that reminds me…” repetition to that knob that posts as Bruce rather than posting it yourself. Was this because you were worried you’d look more of a dick than usual pushing it in this one?
Quite sweet that you’re still clinging on to some thin vestige of self belief.
Michael, that’s not about Collier sticking it to the UK Tories in his article.
Are you pleased to see him placing an emphasis of them as well as the UK Labour Party?
Michael doesn’t like commenting when Collier does research into Tories. It puts his slogans out of whack.
Is he just smearing Tories for money Michael?
‘While the balance of his mind was disturbed’ is the term.
So you are now saying that he smears UK Labour and UK Tories for money.
How does this affect the repetition of your “Nakba. That reminds me….” slogan ?
David Collier Retweeted
Center for Countering Digital Hate
Could be shutting down Collier’s hate blag?
Naughty, naughty Michael. You tell us who Collier re-tweets but deliberately omit the subject of the tweet coz it’s unhelpful to you. This one’s a critique of far – right extremism.
So you’re now saying that Collier smears Labour AND Tories for money and takes a pop at left and far right extremists.
You’re gonna need to review your slogans at this rate, aren’t you, you silly man?
Collier – “Let us say you are in Jerusalem. We will also pretend, however much it hurts us, that Jerusalem is a separate entity.” But it is, David. Netanyahu & Trump don’t make International Law, they spit on it, and David, a UK citizen, supports them. Shameful.
Which resolutions did the UK vote for, David? You’ve whined a lot about them but it seems to don’t want to spelt them out. Please do.
You do get cross about this Michael and it must be so much worse for you knowing there’s fuck all you will ever be able to do about it.
Oh wait. You can repeat some slogans here for the next 20 years. That’s bound to work.
Here are just 4 of the UN resolutions that the UK voted for that involved or required action on the part of Israel
(194 (III)) Resolves that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or in equity, should be made good by the Governments or authorities responsible;
Calling upon Israel to ensure the expedited and unimpeded import of all necessary construction materials into the Gaza Strip and to reduce the burdensome cost of importation of Agency supplies…”
“Reaffirms that the Palestine refugees are entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom, in conformity with the principles of equity and justice…”
“Deplores those policies and practices of Israel that violate the human rights of the Palestinian people and other Arabs of the occupied territories, as reflected in the report of the Special Committee covering the reporting period…”
These resolutions were to have Israel play its part in humanitarian agreements it had entered into.
Collier characterises the UK votes as ‘stabbing Israel in the back’ …. no humanitarian him. Israeli morals through and through.
Did Zionist Collier seriously expect the civilized UK to side with Israel and Trump in throwing needy Palestinian families under the bus?
cont :
“Reaffirms that the Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan are illegal and an obstacle to peace and economic and social development…”
Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem”
Determines that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken or to be taken by Israel, the occupying Power, that purport to alter the character and legal status of the occupied Syrian Golan are null and void
Recalling that Israel remains the only State in the Middle East that has not yet become a party to the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty.
Reiterates, for the thirteenth consecutive year, its deep concern about the adverse implications of the destruction by the Israeli Air Force of the oil storage tanks in the direct vicinity of the Lebanese Jiyeh electric power plant for the achievement of sustainable development in Lebanon
Expressing its grave concern also about the widespread destruction caused by Israel, the occupying Power, to vital infrastructure, including water pipelines, sewage networks and electricity networks, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
Recalling the conclusion of the Court, in its advisory opinion of 9 July 2004, that the construction of the wall by Israel, the occupying Power, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, along with measures previously taken, severely impedes the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination
Aware that development is difficult under occupation and is best promoted in circumstances of peace and stability,Noting the great economic and social challenges facing the Palestinian people and their leadership
Noting with deep regret the passage of 52 years since the onset of the Israeli occupation and over 70 years since the adoption of resolution 181 (II) on 29 November 1947 and the Nakba without tangible progress towards a peaceful solution
Recalling the advisory opinion rendered on 9 July 2004 by the International Court of Justice on the legal consequences of the construction of a wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
Reaffirming the illegality of Israeli settlement activities and all other unilateral measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the City of Jerusalem and of the Occupied Palestinian Territory as a whole, including the wall and its associated regime, and demanding their immediate cessation
Expressing its grave concern, in particular, about tensions, provocations and incitement regarding the holy places of Jerusalem, including the Haram al-Sharif, and urging restraint and respect for the sanctity of the holy sites by all sides
Deeply concerned that Israel has not withdrawn from the Syrian Golan, which has been under occupation since 1967
Situation of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran
You’d think that any decent UK citizen would be concerned at Israel’s vindictive actions, not siding with the offending state.
You’ve made a right mess of that copy/paste Michael.
Tell us more about these “decent UK citizens” They’re the salt of the earth types that would welcome refugees fleeing genocidal regimes, right; the straight bat, fair play chaps who would never turn civilian refugees away at the border if they knew that this would result in certain and gruesome death? Are these the one’s you mean?
“decent UK citizens”
like the “4 decent UK citizens” who bombed London transport on 7/7 2005 – 56 dead?
like the “decent UK citizen” who failed to bomb an in-flight passenger plane with a bomb hidden in his sneakers?
“Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran”
Never thought I would see you bringing attention to this…I’m guessing you did it accidentally?
But you are right. The human rights abuses that take place daily in countries like Iran are disgusting and 100x worse than anything that has ever or will ever ever ever happen in Israel…
Israel is in that group, Dobby … don’t throw stones 🙂
So if you were a gay man (and you may well be) who wanted to live openly as a gay man….where would you choose to live?
Tehran or Tel Aviv?
Up ‘t North.
LOTS of pictures of people hung to death from construction cranes in Islamofascist Iran.
These pictures need to be on display at the United Nations – but the UN has been hijacked by Islamofascists.
Israel does it quicker … by firing squads at the fence.
So if you were a gay man (and you may well be) who wanted to live openly as a gay man….where would you choose to live?
Tehran or Tel Aviv?
I’ve never once had a straight (no pun intended) answer to this question from any Israel hater…
Funny huh ?
To repeat ..
UK voted for ..
“Reaffirms that the Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan are illegal and an obstacle to peace and economic and social development…”
Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem”
Determines that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken or to be taken by Israel, the occupying Power, that purport to alter the character and legal status of the occupied Syrian Golan are null and void
Recalling that Israel remains the only State in the Middle East that has not yet become a party to the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty.
Reiterates, for the thirteenth consecutive year, its deep concern about the adverse implications of the destruction by the Israeli Air Force of the oil storage tanks in the direct vicinity of the Lebanese Jiyeh electric power plant for the achievement of sustainable development in Lebanon
Expressing its grave concern also about the widespread destruction caused by Israel, the occupying Power, to vital infrastructure, including water pipelines, sewage networks and electricity networks, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
No, you’ve still messed it up Michael.
But back to your point about “decent UK citizens”. Are you one Michael? If so, as a decent UK citizen would you refuse a refugee entry to a country if you knew that refusal so to do would result in certain and brutal death? Are you that type of decent UK citizen?
To repeat …
Recalling the conclusion of the Court, in its advisory opinion of 9 July 2004, that the construction of the wall by Israel, the occupying Power, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, along with measures previously taken, severely impedes the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination
Aware that development is difficult under occupation and is best promoted in circumstances of peace and stability,Noting the great economic and social challenges facing the Palestinian people and their leadership
Noting with deep regret the passage of 52 years since the onset of the Israeli occupation and over 70 years since the adoption of resolution 181 (II) on 29 November 1947 and the Nakba without tangible progress towards a peaceful solution
Recalling the advisory opinion rendered on 9 July 2004 by the International Court of Justice on the legal consequences of the construction of a wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
Still not helping yourself with lazy layout Michael. Take more time if you have a real point to make rather than going through the motions.
Anyway, to your point about “decent UK citizens”. Are you one Michael? If so, as a decent UK citizen would you refuse a refugee entry to a country if you knew that refusal so to do would result in certain and brutal death?
Are you that type of decent UK citizen Michael?
Happy Nakba to All !
The “Nakba” being the 1948 FAILURE of 5 attacking Arab armies, NONE of which was an army of an existing “palestine”, to massacre the Jews of Israel.
P.S. Counter Chant with this…
From the River to the Sea,
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he smears Labour … fand stabs Tories in the back … for money.
A fraud for having animus (your word ?) towards both the Tories and Labour for having animus (love that word?) towards Israel…?
That’s what you claim isn’t it? Folk have animus … and it causes you great pain …. while others just get on with things.
I couldn’t give less of a shit about your animus Farmgirl…
Does that cause you pain or sorrow?
Course not. I’m not one of the whining classes.
> I’m not one of the whining classes.
but you whine about
Happy Nakba! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears … for money.
Recognising Israel’s lawlessness and untrustworthiness … wasn’t animus … was ‘decency’ … look it up, Dobby.
And yet the source of your outrage stems from (and is therefore contaminated by) your self confessed animus towards the Jewish race and therefore the world’s only Jewish state…
Which makes you a bit of a c@nt…with all due respect…
The Village Sharmuta squeals like a stuck pig because the Israelis
aren’t the unarmed Jews of WW2 or Khybar or pogroms, inquisitions, crusades, jihads, …
Happy Nakba to All !
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears … for money.
When the Palestinians drop their policy of killing and attempting to kill Jews the ‘separation barrier’, (which is about 93% fence, not a wall) and other measures to prevent the anti-Jewish activities and killings, will remain in place.
And we all know that the whinging, whining and wailing of the Antisemitic anti-Jewish lobby and their acolytes around the world will no doubt continue until they achieve there attempted aim of destroying Israel, the only Jewish State in the world.
And the Jews of Israel will continue to fight for their survival against the murderous hordes beyond its frontiers
Richard, not sure if you ever saw a piece published by Martin Sherman in the Jerusalem Post that challenged the naïve posturing of the West and all their notions of solutionising here without any real intent or sincerity. It was a fascinating and thoughtful piece that concluded with the hypothesis that we gave the Arabs 100% of their demands – 100% ! He then posed the question,” what happens the day after? ” and speculated on the bloodbath that would arise on this tiny strip of land with casualties on both sides.
The comments section that followed was filled with every cranky Bellers and Michael on the internet who trotted out the same tune. “Not arsed, Not our problem.” It said all you ever needed to know about so called Pro Palestinian activism and gave the simplest illustration of how this was just straightforward KillTheJews-ery. It’s the reason that we will never take the arguments for an Arab state in Judea and Samaria seriously and certainly never give houseroom to the remote voices that have zero skin in the game and never will have.
You made the bed bruv, lie on it
You came. I knew you would.
Yup, a lovely Tempur memory foam jobby that’s really snug around my well upholstered Zio bum. Oh and a lovely view of the beach, natch!
So whats your problem ?
How do you mean, like The Jewish Problem? Got a Solution?
Whats The Jewish Problem ?
Whatever it is I wouldn’t need a solution would I not being Jewish. And I am not going to do your homework for you
YOUR homework, Dumb Bellamy, is to kiss your own fat azz
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears … for money.
Shrinking beach?
Good name for the band that. Catchier than “Michael and the decent UK Citizens”
You may have more chance of getting gigs in some of less sympathetic pist colonial outposts.
pist colonial outposts. Many a typo is spoken in jest
Screaming Shamutas?
Hi Ian
Do you have a link to the Martin Sherman piece in the JP?
There you go Ken. My super efficient secretary didnt need asking twice.
Which article is it though?
Link is to all the Martin Sherman articles in the JP..
Totally agree with you when you say………”You made the bed bruv, lie on it”…….
Up until 1948 everybody else dictated what bed we could lie in. After 1948 we have finally got the right and the power to make the bed we lie in. We Jews no longer have to get permission from the anti-Jewish Antisemites to have a say in the way we are allowed to live. And if the Palestinians and their anti-Jewish supporters try to kill us, we are finally in a position to protect ourselves and our families.
Good luck
Dumb Bellamy,
It’s better known as Mazel Tov.
… and the power to be as racist and genocidal as you wish … while the US smiles on you that is.
Permission from a “decent UK citizen” to crack on. Real progress that.
The United Nations, UK FO gives HamASS, Hezbola, ISIS, Taliban, Houti, Boko Haram, Pakistan, Fascist Shia Iran the power to be as racist and genocidal as they wish … while the UN SC smiles.
“The healthcare system in Gaza is near collapse due to the Israeli blockade and the rise in coronavirus cases, the WHO warned.”
Ah well….
HamASS treats the the people of Gaza
like HamASS treats gays
like HamASS treats opponents of their regime.
Why no mention about this:
Those fucking JINO bastards! I hope every single JINO who attended dies a slow and painful COVID death – especially the organiser. SEVEN THOUSAND maskless fucking JINO’s attended a wedding in a Joo York “synagogue!” WTF? Who the fuck do they think they are?
Do these fucking subhuman verman JINO’s not have any morals or concern about others?
Does anyone notice a similarity with these fucking human ants and apartheid Israel? The drive to ignore laws and endanger others lives must be ingrained in these subhuman vermin’s DNA.
Though I’m not antisemitic, I could understand why others are given crimes carried out by apartheid Israel and these fucking JINO human ants in Joo York. To call them “animals” would be an insult to animals.
Just like Scoffy and TESCO Harv, “their kind” gives real Jews a bad name.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to have a 1:1 with Hashem.
ImaM Oron,
This NAKBA is for YOU.
Please can someone have a word with this knob that posts as Bruce. He’s frightened of talking to me.
There are so many, misspellings, acronyms, cap locks, inverted commas and labyrinthine references that I can’t tell where the provocation is supposed to be, and I imagine that this rather defeats the object for him
Also worth telling him that it doesn’t count as provocation when we hold even more hostile views to his targets than he does.
Amateur !!
The pretend rabbi is probably drunk or stoned or both, and being petrified by his own shadow, he is hiding in the sewer of his mind.
I would like to know what type of community could consider a foul mouthed charlatan type thing like the Brucie babes as a member. Either they are ignorant about his foul mouthed rants about and against the Holocaust and Holocaust survivors and Jews in general, or they are just like him and agree with him
Ian’s the drunk, Richard.
You are the Squealing Sharmuta.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
A smear …. free of charge 🙂
Stupid Sharmuta, It ain’t a smear when it’s True.
Happy Nakba !
Note to readers:
Says much about the characters of Richard “Stinky Dick’ Galber and Ian “Bozo” Kay who were were quick with the personal insults against your favourite Rabbi and didn’t condemn the Heradi wedding held in the middle of a pandemic.
Bet if they could, those stingy JINO bastards would both be there for the free food.
Ted, this NAKBA is for YOU
From one colonialist to another huh
How many times has our anti-Jewish Antisemitic type troll Michael repeated his trope about Jews and their malign intent and use of money; 3 times here in quick cut and paste succession
You really are one dumbass, Richard.
Why? What did I say to elicit such a moronic reply like this….
……”You really are one dumbass, Richard.”…
Or do you have so little to say that you can’t address what I say and have e to resort to mundane stupidity instead
The imaginary trope, Richard. You see dragons.
Saw you over on that Twitter again Michael. Every time you post, you seem to get your pants pulled down, occasionally by friendly fire.
You know there are coaches that train you how to use social media effectively. I’d recommend a bloke I know but he’s Jewish and will want paying. I know you hate that.
Michael Walker
I’ve unearthed a clip of another crank claiming the attacks on Jeremy Corbyn were politically motivated. I assume
will be demanding a swift apology from
Social media. That reminds me. No Goldstein training on Twitter and Insta. He only coaches Facebook…. for money. He’s a fraud.
Brucie babes’ the foul mouthed pretend rabbi and Holocaust denigrator.
If anyone on this blog does personal insult and kindergarten playground type name calling, its you Brucie.
You disparage Holocaust survivors and are constantly invoking Holocaust imagery (eg lampshades, soap, tattoos, striped pajamas and furnaces etc.) and then claim to be a rabbi.
You insult and denigrate the majority of Jews because they support Israel and/or believe in classical Torah based Judaism and then you have the temerity to claim you are a rabbi.
Most of your discourse on this blog fits very neatly into the category of classical Antisemitic anti-Jewish racist bigotry.
You threatened to sue me for libel or something a while ago and I’m still breathlessly waiting to hear your progress
I would like to know what type of community could consider a foul mouthed charlatan type like Bruce Levy as a member. Either they are in ignorance of his foul mouthed rants about and against the Holocaust and Holocaust survivors and Jews in general, or they are just like him and agree with him
I would like to know what type of community could consider a smearing charlatan type like David Collier as a member.
So says the “good” racist…
“Maskless Indoor Religious Gathering With Hundreds Of Attendees Not Illegal, NYC Mayor De Blasio Says.”
These subhuman vermin do what they like and then scream “anti-Semitism” when they’re called to obey the law. Sound familiar David?
Who’s pockets does this slimy JINO community have a hold of? #JewishPrivilege.
And still no condemnation of the wedding that those 7,000 subhuman vermin held from that brainless human skeleton, “Stinky Dick.”
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to pray.
Anyone who breaks the lockdown rules in this way for any reason is a selfish ignorant tw@t…
Happy now….rav?
You dimwit; we have discussed ‘firing squads’ a few weeks ago and now you just mindlessly repeat what was said previously. You have just posted……….
…..”Mike Farmer on November 25, 2020
……Israel does it quicker … by firing squads at the fence.”
Here is the dictionary meaning of the term ‘firing squad’
…..”firing squad
…….a group of soldiers detailed to shoot a condemned person.”
Definitions from Oxford Languages (there are more definitions from other sources, and they are all the same)
You are entitled to your own interpretation of words, but to the rest of normal society, words and phrases have commonly accepted meanings (although these may change over a period of time).
There is no doubt in any NORMAL interpretation of the term ‘firing squad’ that it means a case of people unwillingly being led to a point and executed ie. in front of a wall or pre-dug grave/trench.
The Palestinians of Gaza went to the border fence of their own volition and in the full knowledge that Israel would prevent them from crossing. If they had not gone to the fence to challenge Israel there would have been no dead and injured Palestinians
There is a phrase that I have heard from a number of sources called ‘suicide by cop and/or soldier’ where the victim/s actually challenge the authorities in the hope that the will be wounded or die in a confrontation. In the case of the Palestinians this is a well known and common practice, as if the victim is shot by the Israelis they/their families will get a stipend either from the Palestinian Authority/PLO or Hamas/Islamic Jihad. The Israelis call it ‘pay for slay’ as described below
…”The scheme has been described as “pay for slay”, and has been criticized by some as …..encouraging terrorism. In 2016, the PA paid out about NIS 1.1 billion (US$303 million) in …..stipends and other benefits to the families of so-called “martyrs”.”
…..”Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund – Wikipedia”
You have a tendency to try rehash previous discussions for some reason. Cut and paste solves the problem
Discussions? Lol.
Antisemitism – behaviour hostile toward Jews just because they are Jewish.
None of your IHRA ‘would love it to be ….’ crap.
Antisemites – people who have animus towards the Jewish race…
Ring any bells Farmgirl?
Yep, it’s the true definition of antisemitic. Not the false IHRA special-purpose Israel-friendly one
Well demonising the world’s only Jewish state whilst simultaneously ignoring (and even actively defending) the vile human rights abuses that take place daily in countries like Iran and Pakistan and Nigeria and China and Syria and North Korea and Turkmenistan etc etc etc etc is certainly antisemitic…
IHRC have got that one 100% right….
You are a Dimwit
You post something about ‘firing squads’ which misrepresents and obfuscates the meaning of the term in the dictionary.
I reply with a previous post explaining the meaning of the term ‘firing squad’ and your totally incomprehensible response is to bring up Antisemitism which was not included in my post
And this is your out of context, irrelevant and incoherent reply…..
……….”Mike Farmer on November 25, 2020
…………Antisemitism – behaviour hostile toward Jews just because they are Jewish.
…………None of your IHRA ‘would love it to be ….’ crap”
Are you so incapable of discussing a particular point, that you find it necessary to deflect by stupid, out of context posts to change the subject.
Why did you post this? What do you attempt to achieve by posting this? Do you think you are being clever posting inanities like this? Are you bored and having nothing to do other than posting on the internet?
I think it’s sad and telling that you can’t see the link between your dictionary example and mine.
Put yourself in care …. unless you already are.
Great news about Bibi being nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize ?
Very much deserved….
what would you think the chances are Ken ?
Of winning?
Probably not great…
But Obama won it for….what? I can’t even remember….
At least Bibi has actually done something…
Yep, continued to flout the Geneva Conventions and reneged on past agreements.
See the list of UN pronouncements above.
Still managed to get a peace deal signed with 3 (formerly hostile) Arab nations….which is a lot more than Obama managed to do….
If they can give it to Yasser then surely they can give it to Bibi…
Lol. There was peace before.
There was hostility before…
But not anymore….
Peace is a good thing?
They are trading, nothing more. They are still at odds over Palestinian rights to a state and Israel’s wish to annex.
The Arab states have halted the latter.
Sharmuta, Your so-callled “palestinians” already have a state and a capital.
Jordan and Amman.
Happy Nakba!
A reminder from your favourite Rabbi:
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Yes they are trading…
Looks like another spectacular BDS fail…
? ?
BDS causes Israel and its cronies enough for them to spend millions denouncing it 🙂
Highly unlikely Stephen. I can’t see the Nobel prize committee being able to countenance such a thing for political reasons and because of political correctness. For the very reason that Obama got his prize without having accomplishes anything in less than a hundred days other than because of what he is, Bibi couldn’t get one because his face would never fit the criteria and because of what and who he is. I don’t particularly like the man, but he has definitely accomplished a lot, especially when he controlled various financial and commercial ministries in the Israeli government. Between him and Peres they helped create the dynamic economy Israel has today
Israel named the best country in the world for female entrepreneurs in 2020…
Was anyone here expecting it to be Iran?
? ? ?
Stalin said: “The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”
All the UN Resolutions on Israel, while ignoring the flagrant disregard of Human Rights etc by the majority of countries that voted against Israel.
The type of thing that Goebbels and Stalin and Mao would have been proud of
Ah, those Iranians.
Marg Bar Iran!
Long Live Persia!
Brucie Brucie the foul mouthed pretend rabbi and Holocaust denigrator and pretend doctor.
You keep on venting your spleen on a bunch of Chassidim.
Did you ever rant and rave about the thousands of fascists from ‘antifa’ and ‘black lives matter’ and sundry other groups when they rampaged through the streets with their manufactured anger. Or were they on a different outrage register to Jews in your pusilanous opinion.
Hey Stinky, your Klan hood just fell off and you just exposed yourself for the racist that you are. I know all about “your kind.”
FACT CHECK: Unlike you filthy Zios, Antifa and BLM haven’t committed, and continue to commit, atrocities continuously over several decades.
The ones who committed violence on the streets of America were the police, NOT Antifa or BLM:
Now go back to your EDL, KKK, BNP, JDL mates.
Hey Joo Boy. The KKK does a lot of work for charity and your kind are first at their door, hitting up their fabric buyer, shyster.
You think a bit of “I’m not one of them and always slagged them off” is going to save you from the whip, Joo boy?
Maybe we should all make our way to the JDL facebook group. That seems to be the in place at the moment.
See you there Bellers. Bring bottle and bird.
“manufactured anger”
Oh, yes. The ‘Jewish Community’ flock in Trafalgar Square with identical ‘Enough is Enough’ placards.
Hey, the curtain is already up here on the Panto. In the last episode, i did say that the next 250+ posts could write themselves.
Altogether now “Oh yes it is!” , “Oh no it isn’t”
Love it !
Oh! It’s a party then. Yippee
First one there will probably be the pretend rabbi staining at the leash to get in. He’ll probably be holding the Farmer’s hand to protect and prevent him getting confused and lost
You’re the challenged one, Richard.
Just seen another if your simpering tweets Michael, bleating “Zionism needs attacking,”
So, you big brave boy. Will you be leading your troops into battle with a vicious slogan and your cap locks set to kill?
Let’s face it….typing a load of incoherent bollocks on the Internet…is a reliable strategy that works so well for Farmgirl..
Brucie babes the foul mouthed pretend rabbi and Holocaust denigrator
I realise that you have congenital problems with reading and hearing and comprehending news that you don’t like.
The fascists of antifa rioted and destroyed parts of certain mostly Democrat run cities while the police mostly stood by and watched. In Republican run cities there was far less fascist antifa rioting because the police did get involved.
Because you are so obsessed with your intemperate feelings of hatred towards Israel and Jews does not excuse your inability to observe and understand facts and reality.
Fact of reality … TRUMP LOST.
“The fascists of antifa rioted and destroyed parts of certain mostly Democrat run cities while the police mostly stood by and watched.”
Name your source, Stinky.
Don’t you own a TV rav?
Or are you too frum?
Brucie babes the foul mouthed pretend rabbi, and even more implausibly, pretend doctor
I didn’t know that Stalin was purported to have said this…..
……..”Rabbi Dr Levy, Intifada Rabbi on November 26, 2020
………Stalin said: “The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes ………decide everything.””
I totally agree though. In the USA at this present moment we have an election for President that has been marred by potential voter fraud, and even worse, by partisan vote counting with the potential to allow the dishonest Biden to steal the election. This election has catapulted the USA into the realms of sham voting that has always plagued the ‘Third World’ and the ‘Communist/Socialist’ utopian dictatorships.
Thanks for that Brucie darling
Do European countries require ID to vote?
Here’s the Answer
“A voter ID law is a law that requires a person to show some form of identification on election day”
Voter ID benefits all parties except those who want to subvert Fair Elections
Fact of reality .… TRUMP LOST.
So did Corbyn….
? ?
Face it Stinky, Trump lost. ?
So did Corbyn…
BDS reminds us Jews of the boycott of Jews that the Nazis started after Hitler assumed the Chancellorship. As the boycott became more intense all Jewish businesses were picketed and German citizens (Jews had been stripped of their citizenship) were prevented from buying from Jews.
So yes, we Jews view boycotts against the worlds only Jewish State with extreme wariness because of the Antisemitic overtones it elicits.
Wouldn’t expect anti-Jewish Antisemitic trolls to understand that though because it is beyond their limited perceptions
… also reminds you of the Jewish boycott of German goods. no?
So was the Jewish boycott of Nazi Germany a good thing or a bad thing?
UK doesn’t need id
France does.
I’m sure most of the old Soviet bloc states do
Not sure about the rest
Israel requires id
Brucie Brucie babes the foul mouthed pretend rabbi, and even more implausibly, pretend doctor
You ask….”Name your source, Stinky.”
Well should I reply as you always do by telling me to ‘do my own work’ because it’s not your problem. So ‘go and do your own research’, and if you reply with some mindlessly stupid Michael Farmer type replies, I’ll keep it so that I can shove your own words on you in the future.
“Stinky Dick” Galber wants to play let’s pretend:
Oh lets pretend. Oh let’s pretend
Let’s close our eyes and think nice thoughts and let’s pretend.
Let’s pretend the shame of Israel isn’t really there
Netanyahu is a nice guy who only wants to share
in the ever-growing settlements that are being built today
He doesn’t mean Palestinians any harm,
so if we pretend long enough
they will go away
So lets pretend. Oh let’s pretend
Let’s close our eyes and think nice thoughts and let’s pretend.
Let’s pretend Israel’s war crimes
are not as they appear
All countries have some problems
Why should we interfere?
The Palestinians who were killed
don’t matter anyway
just a few in number
and if we pretend long enough
their memory will go away.
So lets pretend. Yes let’s pretend
Let’s close our eyes and think nice thoughts and let’s pretend.
The Zionist conspiracy really isn’t there
The Zios are only nice guys just wanting to be fair
Why should they want to kill Palestinians
when they truly are their friends
Don’t look at or Gaza or the West Bank
and if we pretend long enough
all tyranny will end.
So lets pretend. Yes let’s pretend
Let’s close our eyes and think nice thoughts and let’s pretend.
Brucie Brucie babes the foul mouthed pretend rabbi, and even more implausibly, pretend doctor
When Hillary Clinton lost you lot squealed like a bunch of baby porkies. You lot also spent the next four years trying to defeat Trump by every underhand method you could think of, to no avail. The only way Biden won was because of voter fraud in the counting process as you so rightly pointed out by saying…….
……..”Rabbi Dr Levy, Intifada Rabbi on November 26, 2020
………Stalin said: “The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes ………decide everything.””
You said it ‘ratty the pretend rabbi’. How is that ‘ratty’; kindergarten playground name calling and all (see; I’ve sunk down to your level but the sewer stinks so I’m going up for some fresh air)
“The only way Biden won was because of voter fraud in the counting process”?
Yep, Zionist-Jew to a T.
It’s only Zionist Jews that think Biden stole the election…
Literally nobody else thinks that….
PM Netanyahu welcomes first commercial flight from Dubai:
‘We are putting down the Israel-Arab conflict and making cooperation between Israelis and Arabs, not only for a new future but for a new present…history is being made.’
“Israel-Arab conflict”?? There wasn’t one with UAE etc.
Annexation is being stopped 🙂
There was hostility…
But not anymore…
Now there are commercial flights and tourism and trade taking place that didn’t take place before…
So go suck on that..
… and a halt on annexation …. that there wasn’t before 🙂
Oooh. You’re not gonna like this Michael
Trumps defeat has worked quite well for us, all things considered.
Note. When you guys put your daft slogans together you need to remember that the shit that the diaspora yids care about is not the same as the shit that we care about in Israel. If you want to be provocative you need 2 sets of slogans to play to 2 separate audiences.
Here’s a slogan…
From the River to the Sea,
Just peering round the curtain here into Panto Land before getting a brew.
Met by the sight of Michael, lying on his back kicking his legs in the air squealing something like “It’s NOT peace. It’s NOT. It’s NOT !!”
Honestly, this sort of bratty behaviour gets little boys sent to their rooms with no biscuits.
Brucie Brucie the foul mouthed pretend rabbi and Holocaust denigrator and pretend doctor.
I’m not sure if you suffer from some form myopia or other mental condition that limits perception, but after reading your last little attempt at obfuscation, I was left rather bemused, especially with this odd little ditty…..
…….”The Palestinians who were killed
……..don’t matter anyway
……..just a few in number
……..and if we pretend long enough
……..memory will go away.”
You seem to be unable to grasp the deaths of thousands of Israeli civilians at the hands of Palestinian Terrorists, especially in the ‘second intifada’. I suppose it’s the same mental process that allows you to mock and denigrate Holocaust survivors and to disparage the Holocaust as if it were not anything of importance.
You also seem unaware, or are unable to comprehend, that Israel has such massive firepower; and yet Palestinian casualties are a fraction of the casualties suffered by Syrians in their civil war. That you ignore Israel’s efforts to avoid casualties in the face of such severe and ongoing Palestinian provocation is a mark of your racist intolerant animus towards Israel (The worlds only Jewish State).
That is why I call you an anti-Jewish Antisemitic racist bigot (despite your ridiculous claim to be some sort of rabbi)
“The worlds only Jewish State”
Just as well given the disruption it has caused to the region, the crimes it is charged with, its zeal in ignoring the Geneva Conventions and the toll it is exacting on US taxpayers.
All for a Zionist adventure.
Zionism was born out of Jew hatred Farmgirl…
If there were no Jew haters (like you) then there would be no need for a Jewish/Zionist country to even exist….
So next time you look in the mirror give yourself a big pat on the back and say “I did that”
There is no need for Israel … it’s a costly adventure.
There is no need for TWO “palestines” – the existing on the East bank of the Jordan river and second one on the West bank.
The existing capital of “palestine” is Amman.
Happy Nakba to All !
There is no need for self confessed anti Jewish racists (like yourself) to exist either. What purpose do they serve? Absolutely none whatsoever….
But both you and the Jewish state of Israel do exist and are here to stay so it’s best to just accept that what we cannot change and get on with our lives….
Shabbat Shalom…
“…Israel (The worlds only Jewish State).”
ImaM Oron, YOUR name is MORON.
Happy Nakba!
Edward, you’re called “DeadHeadEd” for a reason.
A reminder from your beloved Rabbi:
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … “HIS KIND” only smears Labour … FOR MONEY.
Brucie Brucie babes the foul mouthed pretend rabbi, and even more implausibly, pretend doctor
And here is another ridiculously over the top distortion……
………”Don’t look at or Gaza or the West Bank
……….and if we pretend long enough
……….all tyranny will end.”
This ‘tyranny’ you talk about; who are you referencing/comparing it against? Or is it just you venting your spleen against Jews (Israelis), because you do not recognize Arab Muslims and Christians as Israelis by always calling them Palestinians.
When we start to remove all the fancy dance moves performed by anti-Israelis we begin to exposé their actions and animus as mostly a cover for classic anti-Jewish Antisemitic rhetoric.
Possibly you and Michael Farmer are spending to much time together, metaphorically of course, in the sewer of Antisemitic anti-Jewish racist bigotry
“Jews (Israelis)”??
Give that the majority of Jews prefer not to live in Israel shouldn’t that be …
‘Jews (non-Israelis)’
Yikes! How could this have happened? Seemingly no unexpected falling fridges involved and in the middle of Tehran, in broad daylight. Terrible.
Tornado’s originating in Kansas are notoriously unpredictable.
– the majority of Irish prefer not to live in Southern Ireland
– the majority of Scots prefer not to live in Scotland
Lots of Pakistanis prefer not to live in Pakistan, but flood into the UK for the benefits.
Brucie Brucie babes the foul mouthed pretend rabbi, and even more implausibly, pretend doctor.
Of course Israel is the Jewish State, and it’s most certainly not in your name.
Thank G-d; whatever gives you the idea that we Jews would want to share the beautiful Land of Israel, better know as Eretz Yisrael and home of of the Yehudim (Jews) with the likes of a person like yourself that wallows in the sewer of anti-Jewish Antisemitic racist bigotry.
Incidentally, you were threating to sue me for libel or some such thing a while ago; and I haven’t yet heard anything. I assume that was just one more of your more asinine comments/threats linked to your constant mockery of the Holocaust by often referencing lampshades, soap, striped pajamas, tattoos and furnaces etc.
Now it’s Friday night, the evening of the Jewish Sabbath; so please don’t spoil it’s beauty by spreading the venomous poison with which you often lace your comments. And remember to keep off the hard stuff
“whatever gives you the idea that we Jews would want to share the beautiful Land of Israel ..” with anyone else?
Thought Richard shared crowded London with 9 million others.
Londonistan is rapidly becoming West Pakistan.
See London’s 7/7 2005 terrorist attack.
Thank the fascist LaBOOR party.
Hey Stinky Dick, go take a shower ??
Shabbat shalom.
ImaM Oron,
Who would have thought that a bunch of Jews could resist hoards of Jihadi Islamofascists.
Unfortunately Eurabia can’t.
Happy Nakba!
Hey DeadHeadEd
A reminder from your beloved Rabbi:
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … “his kind” only smears Labour … for money.
“But when the Conservative government is actually put to the test – it stabs Israel in the back.”
But Collier AND the UK know the illegal actions that Israel continues with.
In the back? ho ho …. LIAR.
Hashem has truly blessed us!
We’ve just finished erecting the giant menorah outside of Beth Springfield Shul and our Hanukkah treat this year will be Carol Churchill’s play, ‘Seven Jewish Children.’ That will be socially distanced and livestreamed.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray.
Shabbat shalom.
General Soleimani had front row seats for that play.
As a sign of Nakba, I hope they put bouquets of dead flowers on his seats.
Happy Nakba!
A reminder from your beloved Rabbi:
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … “his kind” only smears Labour … for money.
David Collier
Mossad is trending.
That must mean it is another bad day for the terrorist state of Iran.
Mossad is trending.
That must mean it is another typical day for the terrorist state of Israel..
“The ONLY nuclear armed country in the Middle East, apartheid Israel, just assassinated a nuclear scientist in Iran, a country that has signed a deal to prevent it from getting nuclear weapons. Where is the world outrage???”
Sunni Saudi Arabia is a target of Fascist Shia Iran.
Sunni Jordan is a target of Fascist Shia Iran.
Sunni Egypt is a target of Fascist Shia Iran.
Sunnis in general are targets of Fascist Shia Iran.
Gays are targets of Fascist Shia Iran.
Women are targets of Fascist Shia Iran.
Israel is a target of Fascist Shia Iran.
America is a target of Fascist Shia Iran.
To whoever is responsible, who looks Persian and could get close to that scumbag to bring him to Justice….
Tally Ho!
I bet the Aytoolas are shitting their robes.
It’s outrageous! A high ranking Iranian nuclear specialist meets a mysterious and untimely end in which falling fridges may or may not be involved and everyone fingers Israel.
Now, I’m not saying I endorse targeted assassinations of kindly old scientists that seek nothing more than the development of weapons of mass destruction for purely peaceful purposes.
What I will ask is this. What is the point of getting 35 trillion dollars of super secret US military hardware completely free of charge every couple of months if you cant play with it once in a while?
“The Conservative government sides with despots”?
The Conservative government recognises Israel’s transgressions … and you cry!
So, you’re saying Collier does research into Tory antisemitism, Michael.
Oh the irony…
I love Al Jazeera…
It’s funnier than Nickelodeon….without meaning to be….
Iran’s president has blamed Israel for the killing of a top nuclear scientist on Friday, and said it would not slow down the country’s nuclear programme.
Hassan Rouhani also said Iran would retaliate over Mohsen Fakhrizadeh’s killing at a time of its choosing.
Fakhrizadeh was killed in an ambush on his car by gunmen in the town of Absard, east of the capital Tehran.
Iran has responded by getting six guys to burn two plastic Israeli and American flags with two of the guys accidentally burning their fingers in the process…
?? ?? ? ? ?
Lucky for everyone the Arabs are as clueless as the Panto Activists that turn up here Ken.
You may remember the story of the 4 Arabs lads that blew themselves up planting a roadside bomb on Road 25 a few years back. They were targeting the bus taking college kids from Kibbutz Nachal Oz to Sderot and had made one of their IEDs that was timed to go off near the main bus stop. Happily the dopes had forgotten that the clocks had changed and a couple of local farmers looked on with amusement as they blew themselves to smithereens.
Pleased to see that not much has changed on the ineptitude front.
Not that it matters but my experience is that the IOF is extremely adept at tear gassing and sound bombing iteself
Your experience Bellers? Was that when you were in deep cover as a Bedouin Brickie on your gap yaah? Hahaha.
Correct though. it doesn’t matter.
It was about that time yeah
Four “Darwin Award” winners.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Good place to do your slogan repetition Michael.
You paste “No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism.” in an article about Collier research into Tory antisemitism. Hahahaha !!
The irony is overwhelming…
… yet not apparent to the 2 Zionists disrupting the meeting.
Or you…
My my Stephen
This seems like one of of your over broad generalised anti-Israel statements
You use this derogatory term to describe an army that has prevented a second Holocaust from happening at the hands of the Arabs.
You say……….
Not that it matters but my experience is that the IOF is extremely adept at tear gassing and sound bombing iteself
Please explain where and why the IDF is supposedly ‘adept at teargasing and sound bombing itself’
I’ve no doubt you’ll resort to ‘village idiot’ buffoonery to obfuscate and avoid answering the question. And of course we will have an out of context, incoherent comment from the real ‘village idiot’ on this blog, Michael Farmer
* incoherent comment alert * Get your Mummy ready to read it and explain it to you, Richard.
Why mention a second Holocaust? I’m sure that mentioning the first one, which also targeted Jews, has much more value left in it yet.
David has thrown a hissy-fit with the government because along with others at the UN it reminded Israel of its responsibilities to the people that it occupies according to the Geneva Conventions, to which it is a signatory.
Seems Israel, along with the US, have shown that its word is worthless.
David may attempt to paint this as a form of antisemitism(there are so many forms being created recently it’s laughable) but Israel of course isn’t the Jews, it houses 🙂 only a belligerent minority subset of them.
“Israel of course isn’t the Jews, it houses ? only a belligerent minority subset of them.”
It’s true that Israel houses “only” 41% of the world’s Jews…
Now please name me one other country that houses a higher world percentage of any of the 3 Abrahamic religions….
Take your time….
Not relevant to my stated fact, Dobbs.
41% of the world’s Jews are “a belligerent minority subset”?
And that’s what you call a “fact” is it?
To paraphrase your usual ‘copy and paste’
……Nakba? That reminds me.
……No ‘Farmer research’ into UN antisemitism.
……They’re a fraud.
……Doesn’t fight antisemitism … they only ……smears ……Israel … for money.”
73 years ago today, the United Nations voted to establish a Jewish state and an Arab state living side by side in peace.
The Jews celebrated and accepted.
The Arabs rejected it – and prepared for war to “push the Jews into the sea.”
Silly sods….
Who wouldn’t jump at being given an unnecessary state on land almost totally inhabited by others?
Were the West to suggest that a Palestinian state taking a half of what is currently Israel, Golan, West Bank and Gaza do you think Israel would shake hands(with gloves of course)?
Too late now…Israel exists and has done for three quarters of a century…
The Arabs had their chance (multiple chances) and they blew it…
Feel sorry for them if you want to…but that’s all you can really do…
Well….you could try burning a plastic Israeli flag Iranian style (think Amazon sell them) but careful not to burn your fingers…
“Israel exists and has done for three quarters of a century…”
Wonder what the region will look like in another 75 years … will Israel survive when other states have similar weaponry and the US is no longer one of the main powers?
Pity, it’s like missing the end of a drama.
Given that the Arabs have lost every single Arab/Israeli conflict to date surely your question should be “will the other states survive another war with Israel?”
Personally I don’t think they would…
Ah well….
Glad you gave the topic of targeted assassinations of our enemies a wide berth Ken. This may or may not be a decisive strategy that we may or may not be prosecuting. Although the incidence of fridges falling from 5th floor balconies onto prominent Arab terrorists is probably coincidental.
Ah well….
Enemies of Israel should always keep an eye open for falling fridges…
Or Self-Driving Teslas with machine guns.
“Q” has updated his tricks.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to lead a Torah study group.
Just opened a nice bottle of (kosher) wine to celebrate the anniversary of this momentous event…
Cheers rav….
A damning report by three Israeli human rights groups has condemned the military’s widespread practice of entering Palestinian homes in the occupied territories, often in the middle of the night.
The report, which includes testimonies of soldiers, doctors and Palestinian families, claims that Israeli troops enter homes on average more than 250 times every month to conduct arrests but also for other purposes including “mapping” houses, to use roofs for observation posts or to search for money, weapons or for intelligence purposes.
Good for Israel.
Eurabia (France after the beheading of the school teacher) is starting to do the same.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
That reminds me…
Farmgirl’s obsession with Israel is nothing to do with being anti racist….quite the opposite in fact….
It stems from a self confessed animus towards the Jewish race….
O, you of little comprehension.
Glad you liked this post…
You will be seeing it a lot…
Extraordinary stuff !!
Unidentified intelligence sources are claiming that up to 62 people were involved in the mysterious assassination of the Iranian Scientist. They continue to point the finger at Israel, who has refused to comment on such outlandish accusations.
I would ask this. 62 highly trained, elite specialists may or may not have been involved in this mission but they were, what sort of border control policy are those crazy Iranians running over there?
Let’s do some Michael Farmer type stupid ‘cut and paste’ comments based on his Antisemitic anti-Jewish tropes and their malign use of money…..
…..”Nakba? That reminds me.
…….No ‘Farmer research’ into UN antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
……..Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
……..I think we all have Michael Farmer sussed .. “
Brucie Brucie babes the foul mouthed pretend rabbi, and even more implausibly, pretend doctor.
For a so-called rabbi you seem to have very itchy fingers with all your posting on erev Shabbat and Shabbat.
Or are you one of the pretend type rabbi’s who make pretend rules to justify their pretend belief in a religious system they pretend to know about