The last Arab state to make peace with Israel was Jordan, in 1994. Egypt was the first, in 1979. 15 September 2020 was a historic day. At the White House, Donald Trump, Bibi Netanyahu, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Abdullatif Al Zayani signed agreements between Israel, the UAE and Bahrain.
Yesterday’s momentous event could only take place with the blessing of Saudi Arabia. In December 1945, the Arab states began a boycott of the Jewish Yishuv. On 15 September 2020, the Arab boycott was firmly buried. These days Amnesty International, terrorist groups and extremists in the west are the only ones pushing the Arab boycott. It is deader than the Monty Python’s parrot.
Last night the walls of Israel’s capital city Jerusalem were showing the flags of the United States, Israel, the UAE and Bahrain. A historic and moving sight.
With another five or more Arab states apparently queing up to sign treaties with Israel, the term ‘new Middle East’ finally has some meaning. What right minded person wouldn’t be celebrating?
Of course in today’s world, where Donald Trump and Bibi Netanyahu are both potrayed as demons in a failing media, there were many on the left side of the political spectrum who found clever ways to avoid joining the party. Here are a few choice ones:
The silent treatment
The largest group simply ignored the event completely. Take Jeremy Corbyn, who never misses an opportunity to comment on Israel when he can demonise it. Corbyn simply went offline for a few hours. So did Yachad, that wierd fringe Jewish group that believes Narnia exists. What possible reason could ‘the pro-peace movement for British Jews’, have for tweeting on a day that two Arab states made peace with the Jewish state?
Both their Twitter account and Facebook page went dormant. Perhaps they were just following that old saying – ‘if you have nothing nice to say, it is best to say nothing at all’.
The ‘they werent at war’ method
This tweet from Aaron Rupar got 4.5k likes.
This attempts to say that because UAE / Bahraini soldiers are not facing Israeli soldiers on a battlefield, then it doesn’t count. Many leftist cranks pushed this line.
When Israel made ‘peace’ with Jordan I can recall no such opposition, but by the 1990s Israel and Jordan had been cooperating closely for decades. That’s what often happens, conflict thaws over time until eventually – peace arrives.
In any event, this entirely misreads the history and geo-politics of the region. The Gulf region has been the financial heart of the entire conflict. The centre of the Arab boycott and the source of real political clout against the west. The 1970s oil crisis anyone? On 15 September the Arab boycott was totally buried. No cause for celebration?
The ‘human rights’ method
When peace comes to a war-stricken region, people rejoice. Unless it is Israel.
A Sky News interviewer even tried this method live on air with veteran Israeli politician Tzachi Hanegbi. Mark Austin asked Hanegbi “so you are happy to sign deals with Saudi, Bahrain despite the human rights issues?” to which Hanegbi replied “They are the same deals that your country signed aren’t they Mark?”
Suggesting Israel alone, from all the world’s nations should not sign a deal with the Gulf States is ludicrous in the extreme. If every nation in the world has a diplomatic relationship with the UAE, why does it only bother them when Israel reaches out?
This is just a group of people, annoyed that Trump is involved and who are trying to pour poison into the party punch. Pure, simple, spite.
The oddest part about this one is that it tends to come from people desperate for Israel to make peace with the Palestinians. Does Mark Austin oppose Israel making peace with the Palestinians? After all, the Palestinians certainly ‘trample on human rights’.
The ‘it is an arms deal’ argument
This suggests the only reason this deal is being done is because each of the players stands to get improved weaponry, which the US will also benefit from by selling to them.
This is the argument of a leftist with the emotional maturity of a 10-year-old and the geo-political understanding of a dead goldfish. Perish the thought that these nations are making peace because they have similar concerns, face mutual threats or want to benefit.
Aren’t all political relationships built on pillars of mutual benefit? In any event – why now? Didn’t Obama supply all these players with weaponry? Why didn’t they dance for him?
The Palestinian way
What is a terrorist to do when peace moves occur in the Middle East? Turn violent of course. When Israel embarked on the Oslo Peace process in the 1990s, Palestinian terrorists responded by slaughtering Israelis. Buses, cafes and malls became targets for suicide attacks. So perhaps it was no surprise that just as the ceremony was taking place in the White House, terrorists in Gaza fired rockets at Israeli civilians.
It is worth remembering that those terrorists firing rockets from Gaza as Israel makes peace – don’t want to be blindly firing rockets. They would much rather be blowing up Israeli buses, pubs & clubs just like they used to. The only reason they can’t? Israel stopped them getting in.
The leftist media method
This is CNN’s front page last night, just hours after the historic deal:
On 14th September 2020 only two Arab states had signed treaties with Israel. By the time this page went live there were four. And like him or not, the President of the United States was central to the event. There are four featured stories on this CNN front page, one is aobut the weather, the other three are clearly anti-Trump. The peace deals don’t appear as news anywhere. The one mention is a comment piece- an analysis – which permits CNN to deploy a critical piece, rather than a news piece. Even then it is hidden away as a ‘lesser item’ on the page.
The BBC had a Trump item on their front page – but it was to ridicule him, rather than talk about the peace deals.
This is the way the leftist crank media dealt with it. They just hid it away.
The ‘it’s an election stunt’ gambit
This is the argument that this only happened because the election is two months away:
Oddly no president before Trump has ever thought of doing it. Calling Bahrain and the UAE over a couple of months before an election to help them win. It is clearly hogwash.
In Israel the same argument translates as ‘Bibi is only doing it to deflect from the corruption trials’. Which means that all the Prime Ministers of Israel prior to Bibi could have made peace with the UAE and Bahrain, but chose not to because they weren’t facing corruption trials.
The ‘it is because of Rabin and Oslo’ method
This method rewrites history by taking away all the credit from those involved. Take Tal Ofer. He has found it almost impossible to say a single positive thing on Twitter about the event. When he did mention it, he first used the ‘political stunt’ method by implying it was more about Trump’s election campaign or Netanyahu’s pending trial. When pressed to praise the event he finally broke:
So Ofer finally ‘welcomes’ the peace with the UAE and Bahrain, but gives the credit to Rabin and Peres. He also deploys the ‘not at war’ method too. I am not sure how old Ofer is, but this is just historically wrong. Rabin’s tenure as peacemaker lasted just 3 years and he existed in a particular Middle Eastern paradigm. The world we have now, the one that has allowed for Israel’s ties to blossom with Gulf States simply didn’t exist then. The fall of Iraq, Arab spring and the emergence of Iran’s nuclear threat were gamechangers.
Tal is so desperate to avoid giving credit where it is due – he resurrects the masters of the early 1990s Oslo catastrophe. Even if we stretch to suggest early Saudi ties actually created the possibility – they began in earnest in the late 1980s – with Yitzchak Shamir – another Likud Prime Minister.
The antisemitic way
This one is simple. Everything that happens is just an expression of Jewish control and power. Antisemites don’t see this as anything more than Jewish people using their influence to get more money and power as part of the plot to create ‘Greater Israel’:
The ‘who cares’ method
This is an example from the Twitter account of the Daily Edge, which has 200k followers:
There is no attempt here to deny the peace deals with the UAE and Bahrain are important. The Daily Edge simply points out that Donald Trump has better things to do than obsess about Israel.
The ‘let’s attack those celebrating’ method
This method didn’t actually directly engage the ceremony itself but rather chose to attack the Jewish people who celebrated it. Take the tweet by David Rosenberg, that was retweeted by Joseph Finlay of the fruitcake group Jewdas. It was in response to the Tweet by the Board of Deputies that celebrated the ‘historic moment’:
This is part of the paradigm that Jews cannot ever do anything right or be happy. There is always a moaning uncle around the Passover table bringing everyone else down. We must always be miserable and find fault, because nothing can ever be perfect. And we must remain weak and helpless – which is perhaps why these people generally oppose Zionism.
Remember that Finlay turned up to say Kaddish for Hamas terrorists. As for David Rosenberg, the only mention of international human rights on his Twitter feed is when he attacks Israel. But hey, let us never suggest the crank left are raging hypocrites.
A broken moral compass
No, this is not another method to spoil the party, this is my assessment of those that do. The peace deal yesterday was not Trump’s or Netanyahu’s, it was ours. The people of Israel, the UAE and Bahrain along with all those globally who support peace.
And we will take this peace and hand it to our children and grandchildren. Maybe my daughter, who serves in the Israeli army, will have children who will grow into a world that don’t have to.
If this was Clinton and Rabin, the media would still be rolling the cameras. They’ve forgotten what it means to report news.
If you cannot see beyond Trump and Netanyahu when you look at these events, your obsessive hatred has blinded you completely, rendered you incapable of proper judgement and broken your moral compass. The reaction by some on the left to these deals just prove how lost they have truly become.
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Oh yes Pax Romana. That didn’t work out too good did it ? Eternal Rome huh.
This article could have featured your name on every line.
Your anti-Israel morbidity bursts forth on every one of your posts.
Maybe you can explain what relevance Pax Romana and Rome have to do with a 20th century peace deal? Oh! wait. Bellamy never answers a question (unless its a snide remark)
It’s not a peace deal ….. that’s Collier speak. They weren’t at war.
It’s a US/Israel theatre production.
Are any of your 9 followers world leaders Michael? No. Ah well. If only they’d listen to your important opinions instead. If only anyone did eh?
Israel weren’t at war with Jordan when their peace deal was signed….do keep up Farmboy….
Have you even read the article on which you are commenting ?
Pax Romana – During this period of approximately two centuries, the Roman Empire achieved its greatest territorial extent
…. later followed by the Year of the Five Emperors and the crisis of the third century, marked the descent “from a kingdom of gold to one of iron and rust”.
Yes Michael, but what did the Romans ever do for us?
They sated your lust to be seen as victims didn’t they? Ungrateful.
“They sated your lust to be seen as victims didn’t they?”
The mask is slipping……isn’t it Farmboy ?
So according to this twisted logic…. Jews should be grateful to Adolf too….?
Stephen thinks he’s clever & witty.
The truth is that we shouldn’t take pity
on an arrogant antisemitic, an indolent fool,
who clearly has nothing to do,
other than troll David all day and night
to cover the hole in his pee brain flight
of fancy, a lettuce salad or more
but Stephen is simply a horrible bore!
well that wasn’t very nice was it
More countries round the table, more people to insist on a Palestinian state not under the control of Israel/US.
David Collier
The only ‘Apartheid’ in the ME is in Arab states.
The ‘ethnic cleansing’ was Arab states ethnically cleansing Jews.
The colonisation was the Arab conquest.
The racist states are Arab ones.
It is like they look in the mirror, see the bad stuff and throw that accusation at Israel
Israel’s Nation Law denies self-determination and statehood to its non-Jewish citizens. THAT is Apartheid.
The ‘ethnic cleansing’ of almost a million Jews from from MENA countries is yet another Collier myth. Most emigrated to the new needy state of Israel with the encouragement and assistance of Jewish and Israeli agencies. Some MENA countries forbade them to leave.
Repetitious sloganising…..
That reminds me. No denial yet from Michael that he endorsed a tweet from a David Duke fan sayings “Jews are counterfeit human beings ” Asked 5 times. Avoided 5 times.
Michael’s an antisemite. Don’t be like Michael.
Ian’s a alter cocker. Don’t be like Ian.
An alter cocker? Is that what you Catholics call the priests that bugger the preteen choristers after mass?
IF any uncouth person called me an anti-Semite (which I know would be a false and an impossibility), I would say that they’re attempting to intimidate and put me on the defensive.
Take it from a R E A L Jew and don’t believe Ian’s drivel. Michael’s no anti-Semite.
The meaning of apartheid is very different to what you claim. Either you are intentionally trying to mislead, or you are so blinded by your hate that you clutch at straws.
No-one is fooled by your twisted definition. Israel is the antithesis of what apartheid South Africa was.
“The meaning of apartheid is very different to what you claim.”??
Apartheid means Apartness. You didn’t know? Did you think it required White over Black? No twisted definition at all, only your ignorance of the definition.
Jews and non-Jews are treat differently.
Only Jewish citizens are allowed self-determination. You didn’t know?
The National Anthem references only its Jewish Citizens. You didn’t know?
“Only Jewish citizens are allowed self-determination.”
Are Jews & Muslims allowed self determination here in the UK Farmboy ?
If not… the UK apartheid too ?
My family was expelled from Iraq, lucky to leave with their lives and little else.
Don’t you lie about this. Read about the Farhud and the truth becomes evident. Your argument has been shot down in flames in both of your assertions.
Shame on you for your racist hatred and deceptions.
I don’t hate. I just don’t like deception such as that peddled by David Collier. Not a decent bone in his body. Makes a crooked living from it.
Re. Iraq. I take it that advantage wasn’t taken of Operation Ezra and Nehemiah where Iraq, after forbidding Jewish emigration from Iraq, allowed Jews to leave on the condition that they relinquish their Iraqi citizenship.
In fact local Zionist activists forbade the Iraqi Jews from registering for emigration with the Iraqi authorities, because the Israeli government was still discussing absorption planning.
Please. No hype that 800 thousand Jews were ethnically cleansed from MENA countries.
In October 1956 President Gamal Abdel Nasser brought in a set of sweeping regulations abolishing civil liberties and allowing the state to stage mass arrests without charge and strip away Egyptian citizenship from any group it desired.
Some lawyers, engineers, doctors and teachers were not allowed to work in their professions. As part of its new policy, 1,000 Jews were arrested and 500 Jewish businesses were seized by the government.[Jewish bank accounts were confiscated and many Jews lost their jobs.
The actions taken to encourage emigration or expel the foreign minorities of Egypt also applied to Egyptian Jews who were suspected of being Zionist agents, especially those with free professions and relatives in Israel.
The expellees were allowed to take only one suitcase and a small sum of cash, and forced to sign declarations “donating” the rest of their property to the Egyptian government.
As they were leaving some Jews were stripped of their valuables… and jewellery etc…
Foreign observers reported that some members of Jewish families were taken hostage, apparently to ensure that those forced to leave did not speak out against the Egyptian government.Some 23,000—25,000 Jews out of 60,000 in Egypt left, mainly for Israel, Europe, the United States and South America.
Many were forced to sign declarations that they were voluntarily emigrating and agreed to the confiscation of their assets. Similar measures were enacted against British and French nationals in retaliation for the Suez invasion. By 1957 the Jewish population of Egypt had fallen to 15,000.
It’s not exactly difficult to find any of this out Farmboy….
And this is just what happened in Egypt… you want me to tell you what happened in Syria ???
Yes please, Dobbin. Spin me your version.
Now, Dobbin, why would Egypt take against Jews?
Anything to do with Israeli brigades invading Egypt as part of the Suez crisis.
It wasn’t exactly difficult to find any of this out.
Ah ok…
So you think persecuting and expelling your own citizens is fine just because they happen to be Jewish – and because you don’t like Israelis who also happen to be mostly Jewish ?
Yes that all makes perfect sense Farmboy….
I thought you were supposed to be against apartheid ?
But no… seems you are all for apartheid….when it suits you….
S’cuse us, Dobbin, where did I say anything was fine?
Like Ian you’re a liar …. or like Ian you lack comprehension.
You don’t seem to comprehend what you yourself have written…..let alone anything anybody else has…. !
Landmark UAE-Israel deal will deliver ‘suspension of annexation’, says Gargash. The real reason…. a block on Israel unilateralism. 🙂
You are like a stuck tape recorder; you repeat the same incoherent,irrelevant nonsense day after day.
You don’t understand? Unsurprising. You’re like Ian. He doesn’t understand that which is being said.
Great sentence Michael.
Proper zinger from Angela Rayner to Boris Johnson at #PMQs: “The next time a man with Covid symptoms drives from London to Durham, it’ll probably be to get a Covid test.”
Love it.
Rayner? She’s one of the Trots right? Opposition benches, No influence. No relevance. No power. Easy to see the attraction.
Rayner is a slimy toady chancer. Hopefully Ian is right.
She is about as trustworthy a friend as Corbyn
If you notice any weird actions in the weather, it has a simple answer.
We agree on something! ‘Congratulation and Celebrations’, – Cliff Richard song (I wanted to add some emojis but my laptop has a mind of its own and doesn’t always let me)
Your laptop has the better sense.
This could be the best thread ever.
We now have that Bruce one, a 3rd rate Jew baiter and pretend Jew, dashing to defend Michael against charges of antisemitism. Our Michael endorsed a tweet by a David Duke fan which said “Jews are counterfeit human beings” and has since been offered 6 opportunities to deny it and 6 times he has refused.
Memo to Michael; Your choice of witnesses isn’t helping you.
No apartheid?
How Jewish kids and Muslim kids are treat differently by Israeli authorities.
Michael, when we remind ourselves that you endorsed a tweet from a David Duke fan saying “Jews are counterfeit human beings” it does set all your posts here into context.
Don’t mind Ian he is in paradise. Just a little bored but then so would you be if you weren’t allowed more than 500 metres from home. How he wishes he could go skinny dipping from the glorious south beach at Bridlington. Not sure how the local girls would feel about it.
S’ok. Their Covid-10 vaccine should be ready next week … or was it 2 months ago?
… or even Covid -19. lol. Sausage fingers.
MICHAEL!!!! Bellers mentions skinny dipping and you jump in talking about sausages!
I had to chastise that Bruce one earlier for mentioning pervy Catholic clerics. Seriously is this the level of deflection needed to take the sting out of your vile antisemitic endorsements on Twitter?
Still, nice you got Bellers to rejoin your team.
‘Catholic clerics’ was your fantasy, Ian. Scroll up.
Your team is so defensive today Michael.
Tweets by @mishtal
David Collier
Palestinians are fed demonising lies about Israel from birth.
While gullible UK Jews are fed demonising lies about Labour …… by Mishtal
Millions of UK non-Jews too Michael.
They call them Tory voters.
David Collier
Palestinians are fed demonising lies about Israel from birth.
Care to give examples, David? … some context?
Seems that Israeli education paints Palestinians as second-class citizens. Does it?
Trying to have an intelligent discussion with Farmer is more difficult than getting water out of a stone.
Tried then have you, Moses?
Meanwhile in Jew York, which is NOT apartheid Israel….Fucking human ants…
Queens Yeshiva, Reportedly Shut By Mayor, Continues Holding Classes After COVID Outbreak
A yeshiva in Queens continued holding in-person classes on Tuesday, contradicting a declaration from the Mayor’s Office that the school was shut down after more than a dozen students tested positive for coronavirus.
A spokesperson for Mayor Bill de Blasio, Bill Neidhardt, told Gothamist that the city made the decision on Monday night to shutter classes at Yeshiva Darchei Torah in Far Rockaway beginning on Tuesday.
Politico first reported the apparent shutdown, noting that at least 13 students had tested positive for the virus, with another half dozen cases suspected.
But calls to Yeshiva Darchei Torah — which enrolls more than 2,000 students in all grade levels — confirmed that in-person classes were still in session on Tuesday, despite the outbreak.
“Yes we’re here. The boys are here. Everybody’s here,” a woman who answered the phone at Darchei and declined to be named told Gothamist. “The boys are in class with the Rebbeim. Everybody’s learning.”
Shortly before noon on Tuesday, Rabbi Yaakov Bender, who founded the prestigious all-boys school, emailed parents informing them that the school was “in compliance with all published City, State and Federal government rules and regulations.”
He acknowledged there was “a concern that the Yeshiva may have to close because of a proposal from the City of New York,” but said the school was confident that they’d reach a “reasonable and amicable resolution” with the Health Department.
“We are working feverishly to resolve any issues and will keep you updated,” he added.
In emails with Gothamist, the mayor’s press secretary seemed to believe the school had already switched over to remote learning in line with the city’s recommendation.
“Following discussions with senior City Department of Health officials and the yeshiva leadership, we have proposed moving the school to remote learning for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to complete a health investigation and protect students and staff from COVID transmission, given evidence of cases across multiple age levels,” Neidhardt said in a statement.
“We believe this is the safest approach to track down the cause of over a dozen lab-confirmed COVID cases across the school,” he added.
Mayor de Blasio has faced criticism for his reluctance to enforce COVID-19 restrictions in ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods, even as some community leaders have responded to city and state regulations with open defiance.
This weekend, hundreds of Hasidic men crowded into the Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters in Crown Heights — a venue that healthcare professionals believe has been associated with many positive cases.
Ahead of the upcoming Jewish High Holidays, the leading Orthodox advocacy and religious authority released a decree stating that worshippers should not change any part of their prayer routine.
UPDATE 4:30 p.m.: Administrators at Yeshiva Darchei Torah have agreed to move to virtual instruction, after Department of Health officials arrived at the school on Tuesday and ordered it shut down.
“It is with a heavy heart that I write to inform you that the Yeshiva will be closed for in-person learning for the next several days,” Rabbi Yaakov Bender wrote to parents in an email on Tuesday afternoon. “The Health Department officials are currently in our building and have begun discussions with our safety committee. We have offered our continued full cooperation and transparency.”
City Hall officials said they were in communication throughout the day with school, which initially resisted the city’s orders to cancel class on Tuesday. A spokesperson for the Health Department confirmed to Gothamist that 13 students have tested positive for COVID-19 and six other suspected cases pending lab results.
Suggest the police raid the police and kneel on the neck of the ring-leader.
whoops … ‘place’ …. even more sausage-fingers.
Jeez Michael. Really going through the motions today. No wonder folk wint Kay you for this shit.
Those holier-than-thou effing Zionist pigs break every commandment in the Tanakh.
Jeez Michael. No wonder people refuse to pay you for this shit.
Lucky I’m not on the payroll too !
Doing 100 on the Ayalon and taking the piss out of Michael don’t mix.
I’d love to see the Morning Star article about THAT, if it happened. Pretty sure they’d be careful not to cite Amnesty International this time–didn’t work out quite so well for them the last time, innit?
Here are 20 of Farmers posts in order from bottom to top; This covers about a day. A series of repeat type posts from previous articles, refusal to accept that Jews suffered discrimination and 2nd class ‘dhimmi’ status in the MENA countries,, insults directed at David, context free posts etc.
It is irrelevant what is posted , Farmer will always have a negative post/comment; and most of those comments are irrelevant, context free, incoherent, unrelated to the general conversation, and always implying that Israelis are bad/evil, lie and are driven by malice.
We must be well aware that when Farmer talks of Israelis he is referring solely to Jews,, because when he talks of the Israeli Muslims and Christians he calls them Palestinian.
So when Farmer relates all the bad traits of Israelis (thus Jews) , they all seem to fit into the classic way that Antisemites and Jew Haters have defined Jews for millenia
1) whoops … ‘place’ …. even more sausage-fingers.
2) Suggest the police raid the police and kneel on the neck of the ring-leader.
3) Tried then have you, Moses?
4) David Collier
Palestinians are fed demonising lies about Israel from birth
Care to give examples, David? … some context?
Seems that Israeli education paints Palestinians as second-class citizens. Does it?
5) Tweets by @mishtal
David Collier
Palestinians are fed demonising lies about Israel from birth.
While gullible UK Jews are fed demonising lies about Labour …… by Mishta
6) ‘Catholic clerics’ was your fantasy, Ian. Scroll up.
7) … or even Covid -19. lol. Sausage fingers.
8) S’ok. Their Covid-10 vaccine should be ready next week … or was it 2 months ago?
9) No apartheid?
How Jewish kids and Muslim kids are treat differently by Israeli authorities.
10) Your laptop has the better sense.
11) Proper zinger from Angela Rayner to Boris Johnson at #PMQs: “The next time a man with
Covid symptoms drives from London to Durham, it’ll probably be to get a Covid test.”
Love it.
12) You don’t understand? Unsurprising. You’re like Ian. He doesn’t understand that which is being
13) Landmark UAE-Israel deal will deliver ‘suspension of annexation’, says Gargash. The real
reason…. a block on Israel unilateralism. ?
14) S’cuse us, Dobbin, where did I say anything was fine?
Like Ian you’re a liar …. or like Ian you lack comprehension.
15) Now, Dobbin, why would Egypt take against Jews?
Anything to do with Israeli brigades invading Egypt as part of the Suez crisis.
It wasn’t exactly difficult to find any of this out.
16) Yes please, Dobbin. Spin me your version.
17) I don’t hate. I just don’t like deception such as that peddled by David Collier. Not a decent bone
in his body. Makes a crooked living from it.
Re. Iraq. I take it that advantage wasn’t taken of Operation Ezra and Nehemiah where Iraq,
after forbidding Jewish emigration from Iraq, allowed Jews to leave on the condition that they
relinquish their Iraqi citizenship.
In fact local Zionist activists forbade the Iraqi Jews from registering for emigration with the Iraqi
authorities, because the Israeli government was still discussing absorption planning.
Please. No hype that 800 thousand Jews were ethnically cleansed from MENA countries.
18) “The meaning of apartheid is very different to what you claim.”??
Apartheid means Apartness. You didn’t know? Did you think it required White over Black? No
twisted definition at all, only your ignorance of the definition.
Jews and non-Jews are treat differently.
Only Jewish citizens are allowed self-determination. You didn’t know?
The National Anthem references only its Jewish Citizens. You didn’t know?
19) David Collier
The only ‘Apartheid’ in the ME is in Arab states.
The ‘ethnic cleansing’ was Arab states ethnically cleansing Jews.
The colonisation was the Arab conquest.
The racist states are Arab ones.
It is like they look in the mirror, see the bad stuff and throw that accusation at Israel
Israel’s Nation Law denies self-determination and statehood to its non-Jewish citizens. THAT
is Apartheid.
The ‘ethnic cleansing’ of almost a million Jews from from MENA countries is yet another
Collier myth. Most emigrated to the new needy state of Israel with the encouragement and
assistance of Jewish and Israeli agencies. Some MENA countries forbade them to leave.
20) More countries round the table, more people to insist on a Palestinian state not under the
control of Israel/US.
By ‘eck Michael. You’ve been a busy lad and be aren’t even at 80 comments yet. I told you you’d need to double down after your latest set-backs.
Richard omits your response to the 7 opportunities you’ve been given to deny endorsing a tweet by a David Duke fan saying “Jews are counterfeit human beings” Remind me. What was your reply?
“We must be well aware that when Farmer talks of Israelis he is referring solely to Jews,, because when he talks of the Israeli Muslims and Christians he calls them Palestinian.”
Just another example of Richard’s lack of comprehension, if it’s not Ian style misrepresentation.
When referencing Israel I reference its Jews, its Muslims, its Christians etc. BECAUSE it’s a Jewish/Muslim/Christian etc. state.
As you well know it is David who equivalences Israel to Jews.
By Palestinians I reference those under illegal occupation in both the West Bank and Gaza.
Richard, Ian …. you must do better.
Michael, writing as much as you do and then whining that nobody understands you really does sound like a you problem.
Have a look up the thread. In one of your sentences you arranged your words in such a weird order. Still, you got your team mates here yesterday defending you so perhaps they don’t see you as such a liability as they used to.
So, Ian’s comprehension packs in after he’s read past 50 words?
Try putting the words in the right order Michael or as Bellers suggested, re-read your stuff before you post.
When you’re baffling your own side it really is a you problem.
I’lll make it as simple as I can just for ‘Green Book 2’ Ian.
The first post I have seen of yours that is intelligible and coherent. I’m not saying it’s correct or not.
The common perception of Israel among the anti-Israel brigades is that Israel is a Jewish State and that when referencing non-Jewish Israelis, they refer to them as Palestinians.
This, in my opinion, is to allow the use of anti-Jewish tropes without being called Antisemitic; and I have believed for a long time, after talking with many anti-Israel activists, that this is a conscious and deliberate action on their part.
I shall be following your posts to see if you adhere to your saying ‘When referencing Israel I reference its Jews, its Muslims, its Christians etc. BECAUSE it’s a Jewish/Muslim/Christian etc. state’.
That Israel is a Jewish/Muslim/Christian state and that’s how I reference it has only just dawned on you, Richard?
What a coincidence.
There’s a big clue in the Israeli flag as to what kind of a state it is…just like there is in the Union Jack…..
Brucie babes
You claim to be a ‘R E A L Jew’ and that thus you can’t be called an Antisemite.
Your posts, the language you use, and the general level of insult and accusation you direct towards the Jewish majority and Israel supply proof in more than sufficient quantity to qualify you as an Antisemitic Racist Bigot, and not much different than another of our dedicated posters, Charles.
The first line of one of your posts puts your Antisemitic Jew Hatred in perspective; Maybe you can say why this is not Antisemitic; ‘Meanwhile in Jew York, which is NOT apartheid Israel….Fucking human ants…’
Didn’t someone used to call you the ‘Poisoned Dwarf’
Thought Begin was ‘the Poison Dwarf’.
You said; ‘So, Ian’s comprehension packs in after he’s read past 50 words?’
It’s not that there is a problem with Ian’s comprehension; rather the problem is with your inability in many cases to string together a number of words to create a coherent sentence. Occasionally you do succeed.
…. could coincide with bouts of sobriety on Ian’s part, Richard.
The reason for your lack of comprehension could be anything.
The gist of your posts is always anti the Jewish component of the only Jewish majority state this world has.
And yes I do believe you accentuate your dislike/detestation of the Jewishness of the majority of the Jews of Israel, the only Jewish majority state in the world
Once again I wasn’t talking to you
Begin was a brilliant man, a man of principle, an honourable man, and the man that oversaw the peace with Egypt and Israel’s withdrawal from Sinai.
Only a mindless dwarf could dispute his achievements
It’s all to easy to find your posts incomprehensible.
As my previous list of your posts show; you mangle the English language , your posts are very often incoherent and irrelevant, context free and unrelated to the conversation at hand.
I think you work on the basis that ‘bullsh-t baffles brains’ and the more incoherent your posts are the better