Yesterday was another day of hate on London’s streets. There had been calls for the demonstrations to be banned – but none of the authorities saw fit to do so. I have been doing this for many years and can see things have visibly become worse. Yet just as the streets in our cities deteriorate – there is a growing counter movement of delusional people refusing to see the truth.
The Islamic reception
While cowards in the west want to pretend that these demonstrations are peaceful affairs that are all about human rights, in reality they are a vital part of the Islamist brainwashing of western society. If you open your eyes you can see it everywhere. These are Islamist demonstrations – that try to capture as many ‘new believers’ as they can.
As I exited from Marble Arch Station, standing at the top handing out their placards – were the Friends of Al Aqsa crew.
Friends of Al Aqsa (FoA) are run by Ismail Patel, a British citizen of Pakistani descent. I have spoken to Ismail and FoA are not about ‘equality’ at all, but are about Muslim control and Christian / Jewish subordination. According to the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, FoA ‘attempts to conceal and play down its real objectives by fine-tuning its rhetoric for Western ears.’ Patel has ‘saluted’ Hamas and ‘supported’ the ‘resistance’.
According to ‘Stand for Peace‘ this is what Ismail Patel wrote about adultery:
‘In humanity, the worst crime after murder is zina (adultery), and the punishment dictated by Islam for adultery is equal to that meted out for murder. This indicates the enormity of illicit sexual conduct … Pornography, prostitution, rape…are the by-products of zina … The free mixing of men and women from the time they become sexually active to the time they are no longer sexually active is prohibited.’
The group is often linked with extremism, and they were ‘instrumental’ in the establishment of the annual pro-Hezbollah march through London. The entire framework of the London march is built around groups like FOA and the Palestinian Forum in Britain – another extremist outlet:
It always astonishes me that the few in the crowd who do not seem to be Muslim, simply adopt an Islamist identity without blinking. Does this woman really identify with the homophobic, misogynistic, Islamist supremacy group ‘FOA’ – because she is happily waving their placard and wearing their sticker. These people are like turkeys voting for Christmas.
This Islamist positioning is visible throughout the march. As it set off from Marble Arch, a car moved ahead waving the Palestinian flag and the flag of Pakistan.
You cannot claim the march is about ‘human rights’ and wave the flags of despotic failed states like Pakistan. The truth is simple – this crowd is an Islamist force that (just like Pakistan), wants Israel wiped off the map. There were plenty of Pakistan flags being waved – but these were not the only ones visible. Here is an image of someone with the flag of Afghanistan – another Islamist hellhole (currently back in the hands of the Taliban):
I took 100s of photos, and they all show the same image – the demographic of this march appears to be 85+% Muslim.
For those willing to see the truth, other signs carried enormous clues. Such as this FOA placard:
That placard is not about peace, it is about religion. It is about whipping up a frenzy in the ummah by suggesting Muslim holy places are under threat. It is the same strategy through which Muslim extremists have been murdering Jews for centuries.
Everywhere I looked there were pockets of Islamists with their banners.
The 85%+ concentration is also visible in the video below. In it we can here the chant from ‘the river to the sea’ – a call for the destruction of Israel.
And they would be considered moderates – considering we also had extremists such as this on the street (h/t Harry’s Place).
The MET police have since stated that the Islamist and blatantly anti-Jewish rhetoric in the video constitutes a hate crime.
Hizb Ut Tahrir
But London is a big city – so one demonstration that hates Jews was never going to be enough. As the main demo ran close to the Egyptian Embassy, I made my way over to a second demonstration. Hezb Ut-Tahrir had placed themselves outside the Egyptian Embassy to protest.
Hizb Ut-Tahrir ‘ is an international Islamist movement seeking to unite Muslims under one Islamic caliphate (think ISIS). Hizb Ut-Tahrir members have been linked to violent acts in multiple countries (think Jihadi John). The group has been banned in at least 13 countries, including many Muslim-majority countries.
In some of the videos shot at the Hizb events (they had two, a second outside the Turkish Embassy), there were calls for ‘jihad, jihad’. The MET police saw all this and didn’t think there was a problem. When will we learn – when Islamists call for the blood of Jews – we should take them at their word.
Having seen all I needed to see from the Hezb fundamentalists (and feeling rather sickened that they had been allowed to demonstrate), I began to make way back to Park Lane.
Journos like this
One of the key problems the UK has (not just the Jews) is that these Islamists are being potrayed on our main media channels as peace loving people. A perfect example of this took place yesterday in a live interview on Sky News (link to video, h/t Stuart):
Sky had a journalist at the demo, talking to demonstrators. The Sky News journo declared that ‘peace is the sentiment here that everyone is calling for‘. Incredibly she failed to notice the sign supporting ‘resistance’ being held directly in front of her:
Back to the main march
There were a lot of people demonstrating in London – the police estimate was 70,000, so when I returned to Park Lane, the march was still going on. After a while it all looks the same, rows and rows of people – mostly Muslim – all calling for the destruction of Israel. As usual they are accompanied by signs that support ‘resistance’ and ‘intifadas’ – all code words for slaughtering Jews.
And like moths to a flame – there were also the antisemitic images on show:
The Jewish connection
It is incredible to think that some Jewish people are so stupid that they march with groups like Friends of Al Aqsa. I do not even know where to start with this one, so I will let the image speak for itself:
And there is no excusing this depressing image.
As the Islamists marched – somewhere within were the lost Jewish youth of Na’amod. Standing alongside FOA and other Islamists – people who identify more with the Hamas terrorists who slaughtered 1400 Jews – than with their Jewish victims. There is little more sickening than this image. Smug, privileged, British Jews – spitting in the eyes of millions of Israelis. These people are standing alongside the Islamists who are calling for Jihad and the destruction of Israel. Shame on you all.
Home time
At some point some of the marchers broke off and headed for the embassy, there was also some trouble (1,2). But I had seen enough – I didn’t want to get identified or caught with the police now occupied elsewhere. This London is not the London I had grown up in. It was over for me, I had seen enough and headed home. Until next week.
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When the Nazis came to power there was a large group of British who supported them.
Even after WW2 started there were pro-Nazi groups in the UK, and people in Parliament who wanted to make peace with Hitler
It is nearly 100 years since the 1929 massacre of Jews in Hebron.
Jews that had lived in Hebron since before the Romans, and before the rebirth of Israel, were massacred because they were Jews.
And the Jewish presence in Hebron was extinguished after thousands of years by the predecessors of Hamas, and encouraged on by the arch anti-Jewish Antisemite, haj Amin Husseini the guest of Hitler during WW2
I didn’t see you there Richard!
However, David’s observation is misleading. Only about a quarter of the participants were Muslims. Huge turnout of non-Islamic participants who are FED UP with apartheid Israel’s murderous and blatant violations of international law. Long past due to put Zionism in its grave where it belongs.
Old Brucie here is thick and wouldn’t know an International Law if it slapped him in the face like a limp lulav. I can’t be arsed schooling the daft booby so I’ll leave it to this lass, a UK barrister and expert speaking on the subject to the Beeb. She’s very good.
I’m amazed the BBC let her speak as much as they did. When she started making a total idiot out of Katya and her pro-Hamas views I was sure that they’d “lose the connection”.
What can you expect from ‘UK Lawyers For Israel’ and from Katya Adler who always spins her reports in favour of Israel? In fact, the ‘lawyer’ also spun her opinion. She tried to bluff those watching by not addressing it to the situation of the occupation but rather to existential attacks.
Even then, as an illegal occupier, who continuously ignores international law, Israel has a barefaced cheek to cite international law as a defence. But that’s Israels M.O., ignore its own atrocities like bombing hospitals and civillians and then run to international law when someone attacks it. It’s beyond despicable.
I think someone here has the horn for sweet Natasha…..(ehem, Jack)
Notice the Islamofascistic organizers’ grinning — as more atrocious animalistic torturous per images of Oct 7 massacres — emerge from morgue…
The time for us Jews to live safely here in Britain is coming to an end
And what starts with the Jews does not end with the Jews
When we are gone Britain will quickly become the hellhole that Sweden is already and that France is quickly becoming
You reap what you sow I guess
But the one thing that is very clear is that world Jewry has not been in more dire need of it’s Jewish state since the holocaust
I have the distinct sense that the mortal danger to a Jew in Israel is, at the present time, greater than the mortal danger to a Jew in Britain.
I think I said that “the time for us Jews to live safely here in Britain is coming to an end” ?
Let me just check that….
Yes that is what I said
Future tense not present ?
Get it ?
While on the other side of the Atlantic…
Oct 16-18 poll: “57% of US Muslims Believe Hamas Atrocities Justified.” In a unique poll “in that it polled Muslims in America as a separate group about the Hamas attack on Israel during which the Islamic terrorists massacred civilians, raped and kidnapped women, and killed and kidnapped children.”
October 22, 2023
Typical Nazi-palestine:
Dunia Abu Rahma – “Filastin” Gazan, had celebrated Hamas massacre, mass rape, torture of children & wished Hitler had finished the “job.”
More here:
JJ Or Brucie Levy the fake rabbi and Holocaust revisionist and denigrator
You didn’t see me where
You claim Israel is breaking International Law etc etc.
So please post some specific details other than your vague insinuations that you seem to favour so much.
You have never offered any evidence ever to back your pusilanously ridiculous comment s, but then that has always been your modus operandi.
With your past form it’s a wonder that you haven’t included any mockery and denigration of the Holocaust and the six million murdered Jews
JJ, or Brucie Levy the fake rabbi and Holocaust revisionist and denigrator.
During WW2 the Nazis formed murder groups which were tasked with hunting and killing Jews; these groups were called the Einsatzgruppen
I would have thought that on past four you would have been posting in support of the 2023 Nazi murder group, the Hamas Nazi Einsatzgruppen who went out hunting Jewish babies, children, women and men to rape, murder and take as hostages. You are letting your side down
Richard, you actually mean the Zionist Einsatzgruppen.
Richard, let me tell you that there are six million reasons why the IDF should not invade Gaza, if you catch my drift.
Any by the way, even the leader of the Warsaw Ghetto Resistance, compared their resistance against the Nazis to the Palestinian resistance against the Apartheid Israeli Zionists.
And I didn’t see you at the London march for Palestine? Where were you hiding?
Show some respect for your Deputy Chief Rabbi.
According to the Talmud, it is a commandment (mitzvah) to honor a rabbi and a Torah scholar, along with the elderly, as it is written in Leviticus 19:32, “Rise up before the elderly, and honor the aged.” One should stand in their presence and address them with respect.
Keep praying for Moschiach “Rabbi” and the swift rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem
And may the redeemer come unto Zion and let us say
Amen 🙏🏻
Possibly at this time Jews are safer in the UK than Israel.
But Ken was talking about the future; and the future for Jews, including woke progressive Jews, has the potential to be very much less rosy in the future.
Look at the change over the last few years in the name Palestine
Remember in 1933 the fate of Jews in Germany looked bad but not life threatening. Six years later the future looked distinctly bleak, and three years later it had become decidedly deadly. And that included all sections of the Jewish population with no exclusions for age, political views, gender etc.
But Jews living in Israel have been being killed by bomb, bullet, knife and rock every single year since the state began.
That’s not been happening in Britain.
And even if – if – it starts happening in Britain, why would my wife and I take our two children somewhere (or, if you insist, ‘somewhere else’) demonstrably unsafe for Jews?
JackT, our resident anti-Jewish Antisemite.
Pray tell what International Law Israel has broken. Facts and evidence only, not yours or anyone else’s evidence free opinions
I think the trouble with your post is the assumption that the white people seen here are, first “British”, second not also Muslims or third being bedded by one of them.
The assumption makes no sense to me because Islam is present in Eastern Europe and even to blame for many of the civil wars in that region.
Not only that but many non Muslims in formerly Christian lands, oops I meant to write “Europe and the Americans” because “formerly Christian lands” includes all of the heartlands of Islam.
In Europe and the Americas a lot of people are honey-potted into Islam by lurve without even bothering to read the Quran, let along the other Islamic essential reading or learning BASIC history. Many stupidly believe that Islam is just like Christianity, I know because an atheist friend insisted this to me and then got angry and upset when I tried to explain why he was mistaken. I can only assume this delusional thinking is because of the revisionist history and anti-white racism in most historical films, documentaries and mainstream literature on the subject. (I’m black so I think I can say that hating white people and lying about them is racist without being accused of being racist)
Also, I think that any British non Muslim siding with these people is not like a Turkey voting for Christmas since this isn’t North America. I think they are more like the deranged smiling chicken motifs displayed on the many chicken centric fast food shops throughout Britain. When you see those signs, haven’t you ever questioned why a chicken is smiling and inviting people to eat it and its relatives fried remains? If you haven’t noticed those evil images, you’re not better than foolish people who can’t see that being the right hand of Satan doesn’t stop you from also being in his path, after all Al ilah (the god) has two right hands… (think about it).
The kind of mindset that thinks that a smiling chicken is an appropriate image for a place that exclusively sells chicken meat, is the same mindset that has psychologically manipulated the “Westerner” to become those smiling chickens.
Ugly Haaretzism ( – justifying racist Arab/Islamic supremacy – terror and demonizing those who fear it)
Haaretz justifies the massacre and mocks the kidnapped victims
Hanan Amior, PressPectiva 23.10.23 |
And again, as always, the issue is not who wrote the article, but the decision of the newspaper’s editors that it is worthy of publication
On Monday, October 9, two days after the massacre in the Gaza Strip, Amira Hass published an article in Ha’aretz entitled…
But the article did not describe any circle, but was entirely a song of praise and praise for the barbaric Nazi massacre carried out by Hamas throughout the enclave, and a song of mockery and joy for the IDF’s defeat on that blackest of black Sabbaths.
Already at the beginning of the story, Haaretz’s story about the IDF is a vile and despicable lie…
I noticed that since the beginning of the war, all daily Israeli newspapers incorporate the Israeli flag in the newspaper logo. Thus Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel Hayom, Ma’ariv, Jerusalem Post.
They do this because they feel Israeli. A part of Israeli society that stands on its own.
The only newspaper that does not do this is Haaretz, for the exact same reason.
He does not feel part of Israeli society. once felt Then he moved to look at us from the side. Then he adopted a critical look from the side. Then a hostile look.
The wagon goes unstoppable and now he, quite simply, sympathizes with the enemy and supports him, even when he commits the most barbaric crimes, which human history will forever remember.
But there is another thing that history, especially Jewish history, will forever remember: and that is the negative, debilitating, inciting, divisive and enemy-justifying content that the newspaper published systematically and consistently from the beginning of the war.
JJ or Brucie Levy the fake rabbi and Holocaust revisionist and denigrator
I find it rather unpleasant to associate with genocide supporters who celebrate the massacres of Jewish babies, children, women and men. But I have no doubt that you agree with and fit in totally with such debased and inhuman bestiality
Similar sentiment was no doubt voiced by tens of thousands of Jews in Europe during the 1930’s who eventually ended up being murdered and disposed in various ways including up the crematoriu chimneys in various camps.
To paraphrase something I heard recently; ‘disasters creep up slowly and then they happen suddenly’
We have the ability to look at the evidence and then make our own decisions, and we very often find out too late if our decisions are right or wrong
I can’t help noticing you didn’t answer my question. Why would I take my family to live somewhere where I *know* that Jews get violently murdered with depressing frequency?
Well then why would you bring up your family Jewish.. because…. ditto….
Why not just opt out all toether?
You are lucky enough to be ‘that Jew’ who gets to make himself look virtous by attacking Israel too.
You grew up in a generation lucky enough to be ‘that Jew’ which Israel shields – as it became ‘the global target’.
You are just too dumb to realise it.
So, still no answer to the question, but childish abuse instead. What a surprise.
I did answer it my dear Gabby. Quite clearly. It isn’t my fault you have comprehension issues.
Interestingly, according to the murder rate per 100k of the population in Israel for the period 2022-3 was 1.9 cases compared to 1.1 cases in the UK. So on the statistics our Gabriel is correct by 0.8 of a dead person. Now, our intrepid rabbit hole explorer may wish to have a deeper dive to ascertain how many were Jews in each case and rather disappointingly I must say that there is no available public data on this. I do suspect that the figures for 2023-4 may increase but one wonders whether the progressives will discount death by Hamas in the figures as they tend to regard these cases as justifiable manslaughter.
The murder rate for Jews in the UK (which is what I very explicitly referred to) is *not* 1.1 per 100k of the population.
What is the murder rate for Jews in the UK, Gabriel?
(Let the rabbit hole descent begin. It’s a nice distraction in the day.)
Our population in 2023 is 9,174,520 with a murder rate of 1.9 case per 100K. So around 174 murders. According to the NYT in September 2023, 155 of these cases relate to the murders of Arabs by other Arabs in gang related violence in the North of the country, so that only leaves 19 cases but there are no official statistics on how many of these were Jews.
So again, i concede your point that “Jews living in Israel have been being killed by bomb, bullet, knife and rock every single year since the state began” but up to September this year only a possible 19 of them. I imagine that there have been less than 19 Jews murdered in the UK over the same period but without your actual numbers we cannot be certain. Do you have these to hand?
So more rudeness and no answer. What a surprise (again).
I shouldn’t have really replied to such a pusilanously stupid comment, but I couldn’t resist
You really don’t have any material except insults, do you?
Does anyone know why the Quranic Naxi Imam ‘Johannes’ uses JJ name too?
[ INN] Oct.24.23
Nazism again in Huwara: Swastikas and PLO flags on a wall in Huwara
Why the MSM narrates the conflict only from 1948 and not –at least– 1929 massacre
With the immense ‘struggle’ to “cope” with Oct/7/23 animalistic onslaught by about 2,500-3,500 Islamic Arab Palestinians; (Hamas-regime/PIJ/ordinary Palestinians), on men women and children: massacres, dismemberment; beheading babies; mass rape while laughing; raping corpses; immense tortue, disfiguring injured girls; parading with the injured to be abused by other racist-Arab Palestinians…
And maybe more embarassing are the sheer numbers of masses of Islamic celebrations to the savagery.
Some try to minimize it by the comparing numbers game: wilfully ignoring Jihadists past/present ‘dead baby strategy,’ but quoting fake stats straight out of lying Hamas regime’s “numbers” – that strangly never include terrorists…and always talk about “children.” (More sophisticated arm of Hamas’ mouthpiece is Al Jazeera, dubbed Al Jihadzeera). Any journalist stopped for a second to ask: where are all the adults among the dead, in Gaza images?
Others try to put the atrocities in “context,” especially human rights groups, (managed so often by Israelophobes, often open bigots – a sad default), who were always a tool by the monsters.
Others try a “backgrounder,” but not the full picture, let alone accurately. Certainly not beginning with the 1920s pogroms. Especially the animalistic butchery in the Hebron massacre. As it refutes the “grievances” sugarcoating of barbarity.
The Hebron massacre – 1929 (Tarpat)
On the afternoon of the August 23, an Arab mob broke into the Yeshiva, and killed the only student who had remained there, Shmuel Rozenholtz, a conscientious, young yeshivah bachur who had prepared for Shabbat early and had gone to the yeshivah to review the parashah. As the Arabs made their way back through the streets, an Arab who had participated in the murder of Rosenholtz boasted, “Too bad we found only one boy. Tomorrow the number will be higher.” Although there were no further killings that night, the Jews were besieged in groups of up to 40 people scattered around homes in the city center. Shortly after 8am on August 24, frenzied Arab mobs, with axes, knives and iron bars, screamed, “Kill the Jews!” They broke into the homes where the Jews were sheltering and stabbed and mutilated everyone they found they found. The mob that rampaged through the city included respected Arab merchants and “good neighbors” who killed their friends, clients and business associates.
When the massacre began, the Palestinian Police presence in Hebron consisted of 18 mounted police and 15 on foot, commanded by one British policeman, Raymond Cafferata. Except for one Jew and Cafferata, all of the police constables were Arabs.
The mob went from house to house, while the Arab police stood by, watching the slaughter. Some of them spurred on the rioters and even participated in the riots. The British police officer said in his testimony afterwards:
“On hearing screams in a room I went up a sort of tunnel passage and saw an Arab in the act of cutting off a child’s head with a sword. He had already hit him and was having another cut, but on seeing me he tried to aim the stroke at me, but missed; he was practically on the muzzle of my rifle. I shot him low in the groin. Behind him was a Jewish woman smothered in blood with a man I recognized as an Arab police constable named Issa Sherif from Jaffa. He was standing over the woman with a dagger in his hand. He saw me and bolted into a room close by and tried to shut me out, shouting in Arabic, “Your Honor, I am a policeman!” I got into the room and shot him.”
Believing they would be safer, many people had gathered in the home of one of the rabbis, Eliezer Dan Slonim Dwek. However, in that house alone, twenty-two men, women and children were slaughtered, including Eliezer Dan himself, his wife, Hannah, one of their children (aged 6) and Hannah’s parents. Hannah’s sister, aged fifteen, “was pushed into a closet by Lezer Yanishker – one of the students in the Yeshivah. Yanishker, twenty-four years old, powerfully built, was known as the giant of the Yeshivah. He held the girl confined in the closet during the massacre. When she saw her parents killed – she was watching through a crack in the door of the closet – she would have screamed. Yanishker held her mouth, held it so tightly that her lips were swollen and distorted for weeks after. When the Arabs had done slaughtering they turned to plunder. They tried to open the unlocked door of the closet. Yanishker held its handle inside [with such strength] that they gave up trying to pry the door open. He saved his own and the girl’s life thereby – much more than he could have done, despite his physical prowess, had he tried to face the armed killers.”
In another house, the mob gouged out the eyes of Gershon Ben-Zion, the Hebron pharmacist, and stabbed him over and over again; then they cut off his wife’s hands and killed her. They also tortured his daughter, and then murdered her “in a strange and cruel way.” American journalist Van Paassen was one of the first to arrive after the massacre and saw the results of the “strange and cruel” killings – when he arrived back in Jerusalem and heard the government and Arabs had published a refutation of the rumors that the dead Jews had been tortured and mutilated “this made me rush back to [Hebron] accompanied by two medical men, Dr. Dantziger and Dr. Ticho. I intended to gather up the severed sexual organs and the cut-off women’s breasts we had seen lying scattered over the floor and in the beds. But when we came to Hebron a telephone call from Jerusalem had ordered our access barred.” He also reported that the Arabs had draped blood-drenched female underwear around the pictures in the Slonim household.
One survivor, Yosef Lazarovski, then only a young child, recounted: “I remember a brownskinned Arab with a large mustache breaking through the door. He had a large knife and an axe that he swung through the doorjambs until he broke through. [He was] full of fury, screaming, “Allah akbar!” and “Itbach al Yahud!” [Slaughter the Jews!] I understood all this; my grandfather tried to hold my hand, then [he tried] to push me aside [and hide me], screaming, “Shema Yisrael”…and then I remember another Arab… with an axe that he brought down on my grandfather’s neck…”
One Arab policeman stood outside a house and even hinted to rioters to continue as they wish. Rabbi Grodzinski was murdered and abused, they poked out his left eye, smashed his brain and his blood was splattered on the ceiling and walls. Many women were raped. One young woman who finished the seminary in Jerusalem and returned for vacation to her parents’ home, was raped by thirteen… in front of her parents, they then killed her father and seriously injured her mother.
One girl begged the murderers to kill her and when they “felt sorry for her” they rattled her stomach and burned her intestines. The rioters attacked the baker and burned his head in a primus stove which they lit, set him on fire, and when they saw that he was still alive, they beat his intestines with daggers.
It wasn’t till around midday on August 24 that British reinforcements arrived. The survivors were eventually gathered at the police station, which itself came under attack; one small child was shot and killed while sheltering there. They were under siege for three days. On the evening of August 25 they dug 5 mass graves to bury their dead. The graves became known as Kever Achim (“Tomb of the Brothers”). At some point between 1948 and 1967, when Hebron was under Jordanian rule, Arabs dug up the graves and planted a vegetable garden on the site where the graves had been. After the Six Day War, the Israelis rebuilt the cemetery.
In the aftermath, the surviving Jews were forced to leave their home city and resettled in Jerusalem. Some Jewish families tried to move back to Hebron, but were removed by the British authorities in 1936 at the start of the Arab revolt. In 1948, the War of Independence granted Israel statehood, but further cut the Jews off from Hebron, a city that was captured by King Abdullah’s Arab Legion and ultimately annexed to Jordan.
The 1929 massacres were directed mainly against non-Zionist religious communities. Ultra orthodox.
Richard, David, “Ian” “Ken”
The Mayer of London asked me to convey that if you’re a Zionist, you’d better take refuge inside your home and stay off the he streets as much as possible since the Metropolitan Police Commissioner informed Sadiq they can’t guarantee their safety.
I would advise that Zios leave everything identifying them as a supporter of apartheid Israel at home if they go out.
We may disagree, but I’d hate to see any of you torn apart and beaten to within an inch of your life.
Stay safe! 😉
Sounds very much like a threat of physical violence Joey lad ?
It’s quite surprising that Rabbi Gabriel hasn’t taken you to task over this ?
Or maybe not ?
I do wish that all the diasporans would stop bleating about their feelings and how mean everyone is about them and Israel. Over here we’re fine and couldn’t give a single shit about it. We’re crushing the elected representatives of the peace loving people of Gaza, will rid the 500 sq km of Islamist terror, hand the keys over to the UN and hope they mandate the area on a 500 year lease to some tame Arab despots like the lads at the UAE and Bahrain. They’ll put a squillion quid into making it Singapore with a beach, the natives will get rich and we get to eff off to our side of the fence and repopulate Nachal Oz and Be’eri with young families, safe in the knowledge that the millionaires on the other side aren’t gonna jeopardise their Merc 500s on some random rocket rage. Israel will have sustained peace on its Western border and you can all come and visit, expect Gabriel of course, coz why would he?
JJ the fake rabbi and Holocaust revisionist and denigrator
Has something happened to you recently.
Your normal foul mouthed commentary seems to have changed a little.
Now it is just pusilanously silly
I hope you are right, but I’m seriously worried that Bibi is going to bottle it and settle for a ceasefire and a Hamas victory. He has a history of doing it
Gabriel, I really wasn’t referring to you; I was referring to the JJ/Brucie Levy comments.
If you are incapable of differentiating then you may have a paranoia problem.
But rather I think it is that the massacres in Israel have seriously dented the plausibility of your progressive views that you have now limited yourself to throwing silly accusations that we are insulting you
It doesn’t matter who you were responding to. Your comment consisted of nothing but childish insults.
As I said recently, you have now resorted to nitpicking as your progressive views are being seriously challenged by the massacres perpetrated by the Hamas Einsatzgruppen in the previous weeks.
Murdering Jewish civilians because they are Jews becomes a little difficult to justify and excuse, even for a progressive Rabbi
Not only have I never – ever – justified the killing of Jewish civilians, I have repeatedly gone on the record condemning Hamas’s attacks of 7 October as (i) abhorrent, (ii) terrorist, and (iii) antisemitic.
Perhaps you’d like to retract your allegation?
“NEVER HAVE I EVER…” Episode 209 with special guest Rebbe Gavriel Kanta-Banta.
“Never have a I ever …
(A) Admitted to being THAT Gabriel.
(B) Chosen sincerity over deflection
(C) Missed an opportunity to say Kaddish for Hamas.
Note to GK-B. Yes, yes, I know this is childish and silly but it’s only social media and none of it matters. I just find that taking the piss out of you and Brucie is a nice distraction from real life at the moment.