Nazis, BDS

BDS black-lists, naive Jews and rabid Nazis. It has been quite a week

Sometimes I find the landscape a little overwhelming. What I do notice when discussing antisemitism within the community, is that each person stands in his own political corner, and focuses on the antisemites that swarm amidst his own personal ‘political enemy’. Activism against antisemitism is often ‘contained’ by political bias. This means that against Nazis on the far-right, there is a clear consensus, but when … Continue reading BDS black-lists, naive Jews and rabid Nazis. It has been quite a week


A journey beyond Zionism – part one – Haaretz.

Truth is I had placed myself on a month long self-imposed exile from all my research into the anti-Zionist camp. I reasoned I needed a holiday, a break from the venom, the hatred and the antisemitism. The theory had been that if I replace Electronic Intifada with the Israel press and Counterpunch with Jewish media in the US or UK, I would be able to … Continue reading A journey beyond Zionism – part one – Haaretz.