so you think Israel should tear down its walls

So you think Israel should tear down its walls?

I lived in Israel for nineteen years. I lost a good friend during the Second Intifada to a suicide bomber who chose to turn a music pub on the Tel Aviv seafront into a scene from a disaster movie. During this time I also tutored a boy of a close family friend – I helped him pass his exams – only to see him murdered … Continue reading So you think Israel should tear down its walls?

The BBC – Bowen, his lies, and the spread of antisemitism

On Thursday night Jeremy Bowen reported from Jerusalem on BBC One News at Ten. The segment lasted for four minutes and three seconds. It is 243 seconds in which Jeremy Bowen gave a masterclass in anti-Israel propaganda. Make no mistake – this type of ‘news reporting’ is not accidental. Every image – each word, is inserted or removed to deliver a message. There is also … Continue reading The BBC – Bowen, his lies, and the spread of antisemitism

The truth behind the anti-Israel ‘Apartheid’ smear

The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has just taken its latest steps towards using the Apartheid smear to delegitimise Israel. Everybody with an ounce of sense knows that there is no Apartheid in Israel. And this certainly includes those who have needed to butcher and mash-up several definitions in order to write lengthy reports that argue the opposite. Two minutes of walking through Israel’s … Continue reading The truth behind the anti-Israel ‘Apartheid’ smear

Amnesty's real problem - too many Jews

Amnesty’s problem with Israel – too many Jews

Unless you have been living under a rock, you’ll know that Amnesty International released a vile report accusing Israel of ‘Apartheid’. Every informed and level headed person on the planet also knows it is a spiteful and false claim. In a recent ranking of the world’s democracies, Israel came in at number 23, which makes it one of the freest, most liberal and vibrant democracies … Continue reading Amnesty’s problem with Israel – too many Jews

Suffering and the theft of the world's soul

How the Palestinians stole the suffering, of well – just about everyone

It might seem absurd to those that do not see what is going on, but the pro-Palestinian movement probably cannot believe its good fortune. They can steal any idea, make any accusation, and global antisemitism will do the rest of the work for them. Because their fight is against the Jews, their empty smears all go viral. What we see in the anti-Israel movement today … Continue reading How the Palestinians stole the suffering, of well – just about everyone

The Israel conflict

The Israeli – Arab conflict in context – how you have never seen it before

There have probably been more words written about the Israeli -Arab conflict than any other post WW2 military dispute. I have no way to highlight this in a graph, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the words written about the Israeli – Arab conflict didn’t outweigh the words written about the largest ten or so of the global conflicts that have taken place in the … Continue reading The Israeli – Arab conflict in context – how you have never seen it before


The science of hating Zionists, why most anti-Zionism is antisemitic

Some pieces are easy to write. I go to an event and hear people suggest that the Zionists were responsible for the holocaust, or witness mention of Jewish power. If it is a speech by Max Blumenthal or Tom Suarez, I will hear tales of Jewish conspiracy. I return home, analyse the recordings, research, and write. It is an easy process to follow. The more … Continue reading The science of hating Zionists, why most anti-Zionism is antisemitic