I am a stickler for justice and truth. Seeing an injustice motivates me. In the last week a Jewish lawyer in Scotland, Matthew Berlow, has been badly stitched up in an article written by Scottish journalist Mark McGivern. The headline read “Top pro-Israel lawyer faked vandalism attack at Scots home in plot to frame Palestine group“, but considering there was no vandalism attack, nor a plot to frame a Palestine group’ I believe it fair to call this a rather blatant stitch up.
So bad has the reporting been on this, that I have yet to speak to a person who did not believe Berlow’s house was actually vandalised. Not one. This is important. Few read beyond headlines. That article will be used 100,000s of times in the coming years. It will fuel antisemitism and every time there is an attack on Jews it will be held up to suggest we do it to ourselves for political gain. I predict that by 2025, that pointless little story about a stupid Facebook comment will be the Daily Record’s most shared article, *ever*. In a world of rising antisemitism, fake news and click bait, Mark McGivern struck the jackpot.
I will not recount all of the background of the story here, as Jonathan Hoffman laid out much of it in an article he published yesterday. It involved a father and son team, both of whom I believe are under active investigation involving the police and Scottish Law Society. Berlow was harassed by the pair for years and attempted a ‘sting’, not to ‘frame’ the clearly antisemitic Scottish Palestine Solidarity group, but to bring his allegedly antisemitic abuser out into the open. It worked too – not that you would know any of this from the McGivern article.
The four actors
- Matthew Berlow – Jewish lawyer and subject of the newspaper article.
- Sock – Fake Facebook profile run by pro-Israel activist
- Neil McPherson – The father in a father and son team who have allegedly been abusing Berlow for years and the target of the sting.
- Mark McGivern – Scottish journalist who ‘mis’reported the story.
In private messages exchanged, between a fake Facebook profile and the ‘father’ in the father and son team, it was the father, Neil McPherson who reached out and made contact with the ‘sock’ account. It was McPherson that handed the sock Berlow’s physical address and McPherson who even offered to help out if the attack were to take place. It was McPherson, the abuser, who was clearly the target of the sting.
McGivern and the activist war
What is shocking here is that the journalist, McGivern, had all this evidence prior to the hit piece he wrote on Berlow. In effect, McGivern bashed the victim, McPherson even boasted about this feud and the public hanging of Berlow on his own Facebook page, ending his gloating post with the words “be careful who you fu.. with“. The antisemite wins and the Jew has paid the price for messing with him. In itself, this post is evidence he takes ownership of the episode.
The activist war is a dirty one. Those on the front lines often pay a price. The central pillar of the story that hung Berlow out to dry was the result of a ‘sock account‘. There are as we know, 100s of anti-Israel activists dressing up as Jews. Almost all of our groups have unwanted hidden guests. Twitter is inundated with non-Jews pretending to be Jews to undermine the voice of Jewish posters. None of this is pleasant, but it isn’t news. I had a sock, it is how I uncovered Corbyn in Palestine Live. Which is why the exposure of an obscure non-Jewish (but pro-Israel) activist who had set up an account to access information about a Scottish anti-Israel group wasn’t really news either.
Except Scotland is Jew-hostile. The head of the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign can literally introduce a non-Jewish Holocaust denying antisemite as a voice of Scottish Jews on the streets of Edinburgh – and nobody says a word. There is no press, no interested journalist and no article. Nobody cares if Scottish Jews are ridiculed and their voices silenced in this fashion. The SPSC clearly have friends in both media and politics. On the other hand, a Jewish activist makes a move and not just the press, but Scottish professional bodies pounce, to make sure the Jews wrong deeds are exposed, thoroughly publicised and punished. As always it is only the Jew who is hung out to dry.
Jews also suffer from a diaspora mentality. Berlow isn’t entirely clean here, but nor is he deserving of what is happening. There is clear injustice, but as soon as a Jew runs into trouble, we scurry to the corners to hide in the shadows. Nobody comes out to defend or support him. In this manner the enemy can take us out one by one. This has never been my way. I will always stand up against injustice and always fight for the truth to be told.
I am still researching this story. As part of my research I sent an email to the journalist Mark McGivern, the journalist at the Daily Record asking a few questions. Having given him a second chance but still received no response whatsoever – I am publishing the email in the form of an open letter.
The Mark McGivern email
Mark McGivern
I am an investigative journalist based in London who does a fair amount of reporting on the situation Jews find themselves struggling with in Scotland. Last week your paper published an article you had written about Matthew Berlow with a headline that was both misleading in part and fundamentally untrue in another.
Reading through your article you have clearly omitted vital detail from the report issued by the LSS reporter. So my primary question would be
1. had you seen the whole report, or were you only given access to specific elements?
However I have also seen ample evidence to suggest you were well aware of the true nature of this event prior to the publication in your newspaper. Given evidence presented to you, in email, message and on the phone, you must have known this was not a plot to discredit the SPSC AND must have known that the person involved was actually being hounded and targeted by someone who clearly seems to have antisemitic motivations. You were even contacted by an ex-editor warning you of the problems with the story you were pushing.
2. Why did you choose to dismiss the clear evidence given to you prior to publication and run an attack piece on Berlow anyway?
3. In your conversation with Berlow you refer to his problematic state of mind. Do you think victims of harassment and racist abuse have a duty to remain less emotional?
I found the idea anyone could discredit the SPSC as somewhat amusing. The deeply troubling antisemitic nature of many of their key activists has been widely publicised in Scotland. But not in your paper. In fact, I did a search and whilst there were many references to the SPSC, there was not a single negative story.
4. Do you have any idea why your paper has never run a negative article about Mick Napier or the SPSC?
As I understand it, Berlow made a clearly errant and regrettable comment in response to a FB post, for which he is being punished, that as you know, was made as part of a sting against someone who was harassing him. You turned that into a ‘bizarre plot to discredit a Palestinian pressure group.’ Which in turn became propaganda fodder for antisemites globally.
The group Scottish Jews against Zionism is promoted by the SPSC as the voice of Scottish Jews. The public face is a Polish / Ukrainian antisemite, Holocaust denier and non -Jew, who blatantly lies about her Jewishness in order to discredit the voice of actual Scottish Jews. She shames them and tells them to ‘look in the mirror’. The group has now been operational for two years.
5. Don’t you think this ‘fake-Jew’ on the street plot is somewhat more substantive and sinister than a single FB comment?
6. How do you think Jews in Scotland feel when they see her on the street being publicly applauded by groups like the SPSC whilst newspapers such as yours turn a blind eye, only choosing to attack and smear Jews that try to respond?
7. Do you have any idea why a paper such as yours would never publish such a story?
The people accused of threatening and harassing Berlow are two lawyers in Scotland. Both have been in trouble in the past – a history easily searchable online. Except for your newspaper. In your paper, the only time their names are used is as a quote or in a positive light.
8. Do you know why this is?
Sources are obviously sacrosanct, but only two people could have provided you with this story. Someone running a deeply antisemitic organisation or an apparent antisemite who threatens Jews. On the back of this you chose to write a deeply slanted article on the Jewish person who appears to be a victim of antisemitic harassment (dismissing the evidence he was a victim before you ran the article).
9. Do you have any comment to make on this?
I look forward to hearing from you. There are two articles on Berlow due for publication in the coming days, it would be helpful if you could respond swiftly.
David Collier
end of email.
A New Year greeting
At the last Jewish new year, we were facing the possibility of a Corbyn led government. As we welcome the new one, the threat of Corbyn has gone and we have recently seen both the UAE and Bahrain make peace deals with Israel. A year can bring a lot of change. Even with the uncertainty of Covid, there is much to look forward to.
There is also a lot of work to do fighting for the truth. I receive so many comments and so many leads from the community. Each day brings messages pointing me in the direction of things that need investigation. I also receive a lot of warmth and encouragement. There are also those who support me through donations – and you know who you are. As the new year arrives I want to take the opportunity to wish each and every one of you – and your families and friends – and happy, healthy and sweet new year. Shana Tova to you all.
Can you help to support this research?
This research is unique – it goes wherever it needs to – and it depends on community support. The results speak for themselves and for five years I have been creating headlines. I engage in forensic research, much of it undercover, into anti-Jewish hatred, anti-Zionism and anti-western extremism.
I battle back against those who seek to revise history and expose antisemitism and I fight when others don’t. If you can, please consider making a donation.
You can make PayPal donations using the donate button below.
You can also make a donation via my Patreon page
Every contribution is truly appreciated

Have you been in contact with the editor of the paper
At least you were able to end on such a positive note with the opening of diplomatic relations with two Arab countries.
That achievement by Donald Trump must be causing all the Antisemites and anti-democratic fascists to choke on their own bile
Yep, he’s achieved at the table a list of countries that insist on a 2-state solution.
Up to Israel now to not rock the boat with its new passengers on-board. 🙂
You must be in a state of depression, or similar emotional distress and melt down, with the incredible news that all the Arabs don’t agree with your negative portrayal of Israel.
If this had been an Obama/Kerry achievement, the MSM and all the ‘woke, progressive liberals would have creaming themselves with excitement and enthusiasm; but because it was Trump the mental illness called ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ prevents any acknowledgement of anything he does as good.
It seems that the Western ‘liberal progressives’ are not really interested in a Middle East Peace, they are only interested in trying to hasten Israel demise. A good many of them probably also wish for the demise of the Jewish people and religion.
Sharmuta, There already is a 2-state solution.
It’s Israel and Jordan.
Happy Nakba you ignorant Sharmuta!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Yes the new peace that now exists between Israel and UAE & Bahrain (with five more Arab countries set to do the same) shows that nobody cares about the fake Palestinians and their bogus and self inflicted “plight”.
“I am a stickler for justice and truth. ” – Collier
After many years of smearing and misinformation he has the cheek to write that.
He is of course deluded.
It ain’t a “smear” when it’s True.
That’s why your racist, fascist, islamofascist friendly LaBOOR Party lost – worst loss in 85 years.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Sharmuta, You Whore for money.
You surely can’t mean this Jonathan Hoffman
Bellers and Michael, scratching around at the fringes trying to stay relevant in a world that has passed them by.
This is Ian Kay, live from Paradise for JooozNoooz. Taking the piss out of armchair antisemites since 1967.
Oh yeah 1967. Free love on Bridlington beach and all that.
’67, when peace loving Israel attacked Egypt. Oh yes.
Not ‘attacked’ Michael, ‘obliterated’.
You should read up on the new warfare tactics we deployed to gain total air superiority in 24 hours.
As David’s piece indicates, Jews can still get stitched up in the UK and there’s not too much they can do about it. We like to take a more robust approach to this sort of thing
‘attacked’, Ian …. Pearl Harbor style …. Not ‘obliterated’, it’s still there.
I was referring to their military capability; totally obliterated ensuring our complete air and ground superiority. Read up on it. It’s good stuff.
Sharmuta, Here is a Youtube of jeremy corbyn’s friends handiwork.
In 1967, Nasser’s Egypt was threatening Israel with genocide, with pushing the Jews into the Sea, so…
The Best Defense is a Good Offense.
When Arabs/Muslims don’t get along with fellow Arabs/Muslims, 500,000+ dead in Syria, how can Arabs/Muslims get along with NON-Muslims/NON-Arabs????
Happy Nakba!
So, it WAS an Israeli offensive. Cheers, Ted.
Defensive, to prevent another Holocaust.
Happy Nakba, Fascist Pig!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
I doubt the Daily Record are going to be intimidated by notorious petty criminals. Wadya reckon Ian ?
Bellers, neither you nor I give a rat’s ass about this. As you like to sloganise ” everything’s only something” and this is only content. A useful vehicle for you to copy/paste from your 1996 archive. Another chance for me to take the piss out of you and Michael.
hmmm Ian side steps the question. Oh well.
when did you ever see or hear of Antisemites, sorry I meant anti-Israelists, changing their colours. They are much to entrenched in their prejudices and biases.
Richard, see how my superior comprehension can decipher that your ‘much to entrenched’ should have been ‘much too entrenched’.
Requires a more capricious mind that either Ian or yourself have. 😉
Basic stuff really.
Get back to work Sharmuta or you sleep in the gutter again.
You are a dimwit
In 1967 Israel defended itself from Arab aqggression
Nasser asked the UN to remove its peacekeeping forces from the Sinai , which U Thant promptly did
Nasser closed the Straits of Tiran, preventing Israeli and other ships getting to the Israeli port of Eilat ( a sufficient casus belli in International Law to go to war)
Nasser and Assad formed an alliance stating that they were going to annihilate Israel and started mobilizing troops and sending them to their front lines with Israel.
Israel would have been overwhelmed by the numerical superiority in manpower and arms of the Arab armies, so they preemptively attacked.
You might not like it that your side go so emphatically trounced by the ‘dastardly’ Jews, but Israel was perfectly legally entitled to defend itself in the face of the potential threat against it.
Only a Jew hating Antisemite could deny the JEWISH STATE its right to defend itself
An entire post of your on a missing ‘o’
Your pettiness is a joy to behold
My pettiness notices your “your” should be ‘yours’.
See the joy that I’m giving you?
That’s enough pettiness for this blog I suppose.
Back to type.
Type being Sharmuta.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
“Only a Jew hating Antisemite could deny the JEWISH STATE its right to defend itself”
Another mapping of ‘Israel’ to ‘Jews’. Deception is a way of life to your Zionist cult.
As you confirm in your version, Israel attacked Egypt.
Deception – like the Al Qada/ISIS, Taliban, HamASS, Hezbola, Muslim Brotherhood, Boko Haram’s
“Religion of Peace”.
9/11, Pan Am 103 (and scottish backstabbing), Boston Marathon bombing, Manchester arena bombing, Bastille Day truck ramming in Nice, Charlie Hebdo massacre, massacre of tourists in Luxor, Moscow subway bombing, Beslan school massacre, near nuclear war between Pakstan and India (a dispute over land!),WMD (poison gas) attack on Halabja Iraq, thwarted sneaker and underwear bombing of passenger planes, …
You dimwit
As I said in my post ; Israel attacked the combined forces of multiple Arab armies in self defense
The closing of the Strait of Tiran to Israeli shipping is a ‘casus belli’ and thus a legitimate right to self defence for Israel under International Law.
Because you are either to thick to understand, or you are not interested in understanding is a failure of your own character, especially when it comes to matters of Jewish survival and safety
Your habit of twisting facts to suit your narrative and ignoring other facts and details for the same reason is well noted
And now I’m getting ready to enjoy the Jewish New Year in these bizarre times of ours, again something I doubt you are able to comprehend
Your pettiness is confirmed Michael
You’re giving me a fair few name checks in the 3rd person on this one Michael. I’ve counted 4 so far.
That’s 4 fewer than the 8 opportunities I’ve given you to deny that you endorsed a tweet from a David Duke fan saying “Jews are counterfeit human beings”
Bleating “Nobody understands me” is a fools defence” Dont be a fool Michael.
‘Berlow claimed last night he had launched a sting to catch out a person who was stalking him.’
He said: “Unfortunately I made it too real and named an organisation I shouldn’t have. It wasn’t my intention to blame the SPSC for a fictitious event.”
A pro-Israeli lawyer thinks up an acronym matching that of a pro-Palestinian group.
Amazing co-incidence. Lol.
Michael bleats that there’s no antisemitism anywhere ever.
The same Michael that defended 3 Irish lads that said “Hitler didn’t kill no fuckin Jews “. Then endorsed a tweet saying “Jews are counterfeit human beings”
Amazing coincidence. Lol.
Ian – “Michael bleats that there’s no antisemitism anywhere ever.”
Another Collier-style lie. Are we surprised? Course not.
“Why Irish soldiers who fought Hitler hide their medals”
“Five thousand Irish soldiers who swapped uniforms to fight for the British against Hitler went on to suffer years of persecution. ”
Hey Dumb Bellamy, care to comment???
Happy to. What the fuck has Britain and Germany’s endless squabbles about the ” balance of power ” in Europe got to do with the Irish ?
Jeez, everything’s got something to do with someone you fucking moron.
errrrrr……..true………. but not everything has to do with the Irish does it ? Jezuz you are such a fucking eejit.
Are you in character now Bellers?
Anyhoo, looks like Billy and the Bog Trotters want to answer your question for me. The Oirland Massive earlier voted to single out Israel as the worlds worst violator of Wimmins Rights in a special UN vote.
Daft cunts cant help themselves you fucking cretin.
I think you need to go outside for a decent walk you are acting crazy. Oopps i forgot daft cunts Israelis are not allowed to.
You’re back in chacter again Bellers, right?
never out of character Ian
Michael has malevolent intent.
As David says, this story is much bigger than just the headlines and has gone on for quite some time.
The petty Michael reads the headlines and jumps in feet first to comment
It is David who has jumped in feet-first… complete with begging-bowl.
Without a little more explanation . this is just a wild allegation made without proof.
So give us an explanation backed by evidence
Wild allegations and your opinion do not constitute evidence
So put up or shut up
Can you help to support this research?
This research is unique – it goes wherever it needs to – and it depends on community support. The results speak for themselves and for five years I have been creating headlines. I engage in forensic research, much of it undercover, into anti-Jewish hatred, anti-Zionism and anti-western extremism.
I battle back against those who seek to revise history and expose antisemitism and I fight when others don’t. If you can, please consider making a donation.
You can make PayPal donations using the donate button below.
PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online.
You can also make a donation via my Patreon page
Every contribution is truly appreciated
You dimwit
Read what Ian said.
He said the Arab air forces were obliterated, and they were; they posed no danger and offered no resistance to Israel for the duration of the six day war because to all intents and purposes they had ceased to exist
That the Russians rebuilt their air forces at great expense after the war is of no relevance here.
Richard’s lack of comprehension shows him up once more.
Sharmuta’s lack of comprehension shows her up once more.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
No place for David. Bet he’s gutted.
Sharmuta, you throw hissy-fits over David Collier posts, so he must be much more influential than you care to admit.
Happy Nakba!
I’m here showing David’s deceit and hyperbole.
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
“I’m here showing David’s deceit and hyperbole.”
Great….let me know when you start….
Btw Farmboy…..were the Egyptians justified in their persecution & expulsion of their own citizens just because they happened to be Jewish….or not ?
I look forward to your reply….
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Sharmuta wrote…
No place for David. Bet he’s gutted.”
Demand a Recount.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Corbyn lost the election and it was Labour’s worst defeat for 80 years….
That must be very very painful for you ?
You are a dimwit
You just repeated what is at the end of David’s blog posts
‘It is David who has jumped in feet-first… complete with begging-bowl.’
I asked you to explain what you meant and you copy and paste David words ad nauseam. What exactly are you trying to say, and what is wrong with David asking for contributions from those who are happy to donate.
You confirm your inability to contribute any intelligent content to the blog with your inane, incoherent, context free posts
“You just repeated what is at the end of David’s blog posts”
Well, you’d obviously missed the begging-bowl paragraph, Richard.
Such a sore loser Michael.
Whinging that David gets paid to lie and you don’t !!
I did try to get a few sovs for you but people had obviously read your stuff.
No value in repetitious slogans
‘ ‘Well, you’d obviously missed the begging-bowl paragraph, Richard.’
Where exactly did I miss this.
Explain what you mean without all your pettiness and obfuscation
Well, Richard. On all David’s blogs, after the Hasbara and false instances of ‘antisemitism’ you’ll notice(ok, you didn’t ) a paragraph headed ‘Can you help to support this research?) … it’s before the comment section.
Have a peep..
Take your Taqiyya and stick it where the Sun don’t shine.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Corbyn lost the election and it was Labour’s worst defeat for 80 years….
That must be very very painful for you ?
You a dimwit
‘you’ll notice(ok, you didn’t ) a paragraph headed ‘Can you help to support this research?)’
I referenced that and said people will make donations to David as they see fit. That is a request for donations, and similar requests are made by charitable organizations and persons and groups who require money to operate. It’s quite normal and done all the time. If you don’t want to donate don’t.
If you are incapable of understanding that a request for donations is quite acceptable, then you are stupider than some of your more ridiculous posts suggerst.
Begging money to spread lies and smears seems ok by you, Richard. Hardly a surprise.
Speaking of money Sharmuta, how much do you charge?
I don’t think you work Pro-Bono/Boner?
Sharmuta, How effective has David Collier been in getting British Voters to REJECT the racist, fascist LaBOOR Party?
You have repeated this 3 times in rapid succession
”Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
‘he only smears Labour … for money.’ is one of those oft repeated Antisemitic canards that Jews only do things for money and that Jewish motives are always suspect.
Didn’t say Jews ….. said David.
David is NOT the Jews … only thinks he is.
‘Begging money to spread lies and smears seems ok by you, Richard. Hardly a surprise’
This is your own warped idea. And why is it hardly a surprise.
You have already raised that age old Antisemiitic canard that ‘‘he only smears Labour … for money.’, and it appears you are accusing me of the same. Careful Michael, your mask may be slipping.
Stop being simple, Richard.
Irrelevant trolls. That reminds me. Shana tovah from The Jewish State and our eternal capital Jerusalem.
Corbyn lost the election and it was Labour’s worst defeat for 80 years….
That must be very very painful for you ? Hehehehehe….
A Jewish lawyer has been fined £1,750 and ordered to undergo diversity training for saying an anti-Israel campaign group accused of hounding a Jewish businessman were “scummy racists.”
Matthew Berlow found to have commented on social media post about attack he knew never happened with accusation that Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign was the culprit
‘British pro-Israel lawyer admits staging graffiti attack to frame Palestine solidarity group’
Re. Matthew Berlow.
Once Ireland was part of the Empire
Some Irish were pro Empire, and some Irish agreed with the idea that the Nazi’s threatened the freedom of all and joined the good fight against Nazi tyranny
Never forget that the Irish Republic sent messages of condolences to Germany on the demise of uncle Adolf and the Irish President signed the book of condolence at the German Embassy for Hitler
Adolf Hitler was your uncle? Bloody hell.
If Ian sidestepped any questions, it’s because he has been watching you; you must be one of the world’s greatest question sidesteppers.
You have never answered questions that required a serious answer with anything other than obfuscation and/or totally ignoring them
Richard, old Bellers and I agreed some time ago that we would never have a real exchange here. Neither of us has the slightest interest in each other’s real opinions and in the past both have suggested that David shut this section down as a pointless place ( subject to UK Social Services taking over Michael’s care plan).
Collier – “warmongering movements such as BDS.”
BDS is a peaceful attempt to remove Israel’s heavily armed soldiers from land external to Israel and David labels them “warmongering” ……
Smears, lies and untruths ……… the Crazy Collier mind.
Anyway Michael, didn’t BDS fold when the Arabs decided they weren’t going to boycott us?
No wait, it was when their wanky leader told his cult followers that he’d take an anti-COVID drug made in Israel. They’re bigger frauds than you.
Israel is the last place that you’ll expect an anti-Covid drug from.
How come?
Farmboy probably thinks Covid was made in Israel and is some sort of Mossad plot….duh !
Silly, Dobbin.
How come you’ve posted the slogan about Tory antisemitism 7 times now Michael, often apropos of absolutely nothing?
I thought we’d discussed this on earlier threads?
Do you want to discuss it again?
I think Social Services would run a mile at the prospect of taking on Michael. He would bore them to death with his incessant repetition and parroting of the same thing over again. The Social Services need to husband their resources to overcome Covid ?????
Michael, you will note that the Auschwitz Museum has tweeted another memorial for a young Jewish boy murdered on this day in the gas chambers at the camp.
This is normally your queue to remind both the readers that Jews and Israel have no right to sympathy because Russians, gays and people with handicaps also died in Hitlers Final Solution to his ‘Jewish Problem’.
Off you go then……
David, the next time you go on a junket to the Auschwitz Tourist Attraction, please pick me up a medium-sized signet ring from the Holocoin Jew-lery collection, a large “The Doctor Will See You Now’ t-shirt, 5 postcards, 3 boxes of ZyklonB*athSalts and a #COVID48 kippa. Thank you.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray to Hashem.
The guys that post as Bruce and Charles must have hooked up as I suggested. Looks like the Bruce one has nicked a few style tips.
Dear Bruce Moooooohammed,
Happy 75th anniversary of the Unconditional Surrender of your heroes – your fellow Socialist Filth.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Michael, that must be the 11th or 12th time you’ve posted that slogan in this thread now.
Would you like me to help you to present a real proposal to David or is it just your silly way of countering things you dont like here?
Frankly I would be happy to support you here if you genuinely cared about this issue. My worry is that you are keener to bash UK Tories and David than address prejudice in politics. Do you want to discuss this properly?
Crickets about Islamophobic Edward and his Nakba fetish though.
Always happy to discuss Arab military defeats quite openly but seriously, I don’t get their connection to cricket.
Bruce Moooooooooohammed,
The need for checkpoints at airport all across the world to screen passengers and luggage and cargo for bombs, knives, guns …
is VERY RATIONAL and necessary.
Happy Nakba you Dumb Sack of SHlTler!
P.S. Marg Bar Iran, Hezbola, HamASS !
Long Live Persia!
Bruce Moooooooohammed thinks
CRICKETS are IslamoFAUXbic.
Happy Nakba and Crickets AKBAR!
Farmer has posted 14 (pls 3) items since 18-09-20 at 17:17 hrs as per my emails;
4 are repeats of his ‘lack of research into the Tories’, the rest are one liners or refer to articles that have been misunderstood by being misread.
The attachments he posts are important to read because it’s necessary to see how he either misreads and/or misunderstands newspaper articles.
It’s possible that he only reads the headlines
He appears to be obsessed by David, Israel and Jews but seems unable to articulate this obsession/hatred into any form of intelligible argument
1-4) 18th @ 19:52, 19th@ 8:53 , @ 11:00 , 20th @ 12:22
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
5) 19th @ 18:05
Silly, Dobbin.
6) 19th @ 13:51
Israel is the last place that you’ll expect an anti-Covid drug from.
7) 19th @ 12:53
Collier – “warmongering movements such as BDS.”
BDS is a peaceful attempt to remove Israel’s heavily armed
soldiers from land external to Israel and David labels them
“warmongering” ……
Smears, lies and untruths ……… the Crazy Collier mind.
8) 19th @ 12:29
Adolf Hitler was your uncle? Bloody hell.
9) 19th @ 11:47
Re. Matthew Berlow.
10) 19th @ 11:39
‘British pro-Israel lawyer admits staging graffiti attack to frame
Palestine solidarity group’
11) 19th @ 11:38
Matthew Berlow found to have commented on social media
post about attack he knew never happened with accusation
that Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign was the culprit
12) 19th @ 11:36
A Jewish lawyer has been fined £1,750 and ordered to
undergo diversity training for saying an anti-Israel campaign
group accused of hounding a Jewish businessman were
“scummy racists.”
13) 18th @ 17:17
Stop being simple, Richard.
14) 18th @ 17:05
Didn’t say Jews ….. said David.
David is NOT the Jews … only thinks he is.
15) 18th
You have repeated this 3 times in rapid succession
”Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for
(My comment on Michaels post)
‘ only smears Labour … for money.’ is one of those oft repeated
Antisemitic canards that Jews only do things for money and that
Jewish motives are always suspect.
“Antisemitic canards that Jews only do things for money and that”??!?
Just your neurosis. David is Jewish. I believe that David lies in his blogs and pleads for money to produce similar blogs.
I’m not saying all Jews do similar, obviously.
Brucie babes
The more Holocaust denial posts you make, the more you confirm your Antisemitic racist bigotry.
Making jokes about zyklon b, concentration camp soaps and lampshades, and mocking Holocaust survivors says more about you than anything anyone else can say.
So you keep going so that we never forget what an unpleasant and nasty person you are.
Incidentally, posting this last piece of yours on the Jewish New Year and then saying you are going to pray to Hashem (G-d) can only be interpreted as a contradiction in terms. That just days before Yom Kippur you can utter such hatred illuminates the fact that you can’t be a Jew as you claim
You are my misfortune.
Happy Nakba SHlTlerhead! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Making jokes about lampshades and soap?
Why are you making slanderous statements?
A gang of Sand Na zis can’t defeat a bunch of little ol’ Jews?
What a Nakba. 🙁
But Happy Nakba anyhow! 🙂
Wonderful example of why David’s contention that antiZionism = antiSemitism is a flawed assertion.
Collier and Phillips get a drubbing.
Yerse, very good Michael. But buggy links aside, let’s get back to your dozen plus posts of the same slogan on this thread. Do you want to talk about this properly or is it just one of your silly tactics when someone says something you don’t like?
Michael you dimwit
David wasn’t there
Pappe plays fast and loose with fact using the omission/commision method of argument .
The other chappie who has worked al-Jazeera and the chaired their Oxford debates needs a professional debater only as he is so quick off the mark. by the time anyone challenges him, he is well onto the next subject. He is one of the most difficult people to debate,
Melanie Phillips was excellent, Wilf is good , just not as good as ‘that chappie’
Apologies. Should have been Collier’s assertion and Phillips get a drubbing.
Brucie babes
Bruce Levy on September 20, 2020
You are my misfortune.
Thank you, you make me so happy
Melanie Phillips and Einat Wilf were excellent in that debate.
Problem is Hassan is in a class of his own in debates.
You’ll notice that Ilan Pappe doesn’t even rate
The problem was that Phillips’s and David’s assertion was shown to be illogical.
FinCEN Files: UAE central bank failed to prevent sanctions evasion.
David is asking for donations.
That is not begging or pleading.
And yes, taking the history of your posts here I can say your wording and context when you say David is only doing it for money can be construed as being similar to the centuries old Antisemitic canard that Jews will do anything for money.
It featured in Shakespeare’s plays and Dickens’s stories amongst many other examples
I offered to donate in Holocoin, but all I heard from DC were crickets. I think DC’s blog offers excellent entertainment value.
What a cheap bastard you are Bruce Moooooooooohammed.
Try Nakba coin.
It’s recognized in fascist scotland, fascist socialist southern ireland, fascist iran, pakistan, HamASStan.
…..ánd fascist Israel and fascist US?
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
“Problem is Hassan is in a class of his own in debates.”??
That is because he speaks truthfully and logically.
It matters little how eloquent you speak if your premise if illogical, untrue propaganda as Phillips’s is.
I haven’t said Collier only does it for money, he lies and smears and asks supporters to support his lifestyle and jollies with donations.
Your ‘centuries old Antisemitic canard’ shows that you are neurotic and off with the fairies.
Sharmuta, it ain’t a “smear” when it’s True.
Hence Islamofascist hugging LaBOORs 2019 drubbing at the Polls.
“General election 2019: ‘Worst night for Labour since 1935”
Happy Nakba!
David was not at the debate and Melanie Phillips and Einat Wilf did extremely well. Ilan Pappe was a waste of space. Hassan is a master debater.
Against anyone else but Hassan, Melanie Phillips would have shone.
It’s the way the proverbial cookie crumbles, no matter how much you try to prove otherwise.
Brucie babes
You are always alluding to nasty things like concentration camps and lampshades and
soaps and zyklon b, and tattoos so I can’t see how the truth about your comments could be in any way slanderous.
You could always try a David Irving and sue me for Libel
Richard, here’s an instructive exercise if you’re bored over your Frosties this morning. Go back in the archive and pick out any article from around 2015 or 16 and compare the contributions of David’s opponents from then with now. You may enjoy it.
What is palpable is the regressive nature of their approach. Setting this thread alongside anything from 5 or 6 years ago, there are still the slogans and the daft activist tactics but then, there was still a very loose pretext of pushing genuine opinions. Compare with this thread and the recent couple of dozen and everything changes. There seems to be real sense of going through the motions from them now with the lazy repetitions, unimaginative provocations and nothing at all to say. This reflects the changing times and more significantly the shelf life of anti-Jew, anti-Israel activism. It is hard to keep going when there is absolutely no skin in the game.
Chag sameach by the way !
Brucie babes
You have finally learnt how to cut and paste Michael’s moronic repetitions
If you want to go and find out about, and then write about Tory Antisemitism, do your own research and then open your own blog
Do try to be original though
Brucie babes
I take you were hit for a six on the off stump with your trousers down
Chag Sameach and Shannah Tova and Well over the fast
Yes, a lot of the postings by the gang of three are either insults, mundane commentary, inane and nonsensical posts, and pure Antisemittic racist bigotry.
Occasionally there may be a touch of ordinary, normal conversation; but those are rather sparse on the ground
Your quote ‘Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.’
You have continuously referred to David wanting money by begging. Whether you agree or not the way you have worded your oft repeated charge is similar to the Antisemitic canards that have littered western culture for millennia. The Antisemites have always accused Jews of doing things with ulterior motives, and always for money.
Ask Charles, our resident Antisemite to explain how it works?, this ‘Antisemitism lark’; he practises it daily
You could be explaining yourself with this comment of yours
It matters little how eloquent you speak if your premise if illogical, untrue propaganda as
Phillips’s (change this to Michael) is.
I haven’t said Collier only does it for money, he lies and smears and asks supporters to support
his lifestyle and jollies with donations.’
Either you are very stupid or you are pretending to be very stupid
You are a dimwit because you repeat the same stupid thing over and over again
Once again playing with Antisemitic tropes about Jews and money, and the fact that Jews only do things for money with malice aforethought
Your quore from your post!! “Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.”
Michael, who pays David if “he only smears Labour … for money.”
Remember Michael, a donation is a voluntary contribution to someone/something; it is not a payment
You are a stupid dimwit
You say “I haven’t said Collier only does it for money, he lies and smears and asks supporters to
support his lifestyle and jollies with donations.”
You say ““he only smears Labour … for money.”
You contradict and repeat yourself over and over again, sometimes within two postings one after the other
Maybe it’s time for you to leave this site to the real Antisemite, Charles, instead of you trying to emulate his Antisemitism by subterfuge