Jeremy Corbyn attended a politicised Passover Seder service held by a fringe Jewish group called Jewdas. Up until three days ago many people had not heard of Jewdas and I imagine that they are thankful for all the publicity they have been given. Jewdas are agitators, which is why Jeremy Corbyn would probably feel at home with them. A small group of people on the fringes of a community, pushing terms such as ‘f..k capitalism’ and ‘f..k the monarch’. It probably reminded Corbyn of days when he was young and free enough to join in with those type of chants. #nostalgia
The post isn’t really about Jewdas or the Seder, but both must be addressed. It must be noted that Jewdas isn’t everyone who was at the Seder ceremony. In some ways they are like a novelty act and people like to watch. It is also important to state that the uproar had nothing to do with Jewdas and everything to do with Corbyn. Jeremy Corbyn had either thought through the decision to attend the Jewdas Seder or he had not.
Jeremy Corbyn doesn’t think it through
The Labour Party is in the midst of a crisis over persistent charges of antisemitism. This problem has plagued Jeremy Corbyn since he became leader of the Labour Party. The latest outbreak began when news of Jeremy Corbyn’s association with antisemitic Facebook group, Palestine Live, was broken on this blog. Jeremy Corbyn is leader of the opposition party and should be working to heal rifts, and bring people together. I personally believe the ideological gulf is too wide, but let us assume Jeremy Corbyn cannot buy into this theory. Let us believe that he wants to mend a seriously fractured relationship. Therefore choosing to extend a hand to a group that has dismissed *SOME* or *MUCH* of the Labour Party antisemitism issue as political smearing was seriously misguided.
At a time when most of the Jewish community is seriously concerned about antisemitism inside the party, it is hard to suggest meeting this group was a well informed choice:
Jeremy Corbyn thinks it through (the Jewdas Gambit)
Unless of course, it was a well-informed choice. Events since can support the idea that this was done with the knowledge that the Jewish mainstream would react harshly. It would be naive to suggest that this was not considered. Which would make the event a very well played, and well thought out example of a divide-and-rule strategy. The hard-left box of tricks is always one to be both feared and admired. Corbyn goes to the event, the Jewish community leadership responds and in the end, onlookers scratch their heads. They begin to believe the entire antisemitism issue is an internal Jewish disagreement. As I write, new articles appear hourly, as the idea of ‘good Jew’ and ‘bad Jew’ is torn apart.
This isn’t a conspiracy theory, and there is no need for Jewdas to be active participants. This could have been Corbyn’s team looking for a way to offset or partially defuse the antisemitism crisis. The question ‘to go’ or ‘not to go’, must have been raised. A list of ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ must also have been discussed. Corbyn cannot be so stupid as to not know by now, major divisions exist between the small groups of Jews in his camp, and the rest of the Jewish community.
What a week ago was a focus on antisemitism in Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party, has now become blunted by a mess of badly targeted and misinformed articles. A bemused non-Jewish population cannot understand exactly what is going on. As a personal and direct message to Corbyn’s team – if it were planned that way, then I take my hat off to you.
Jewdas are provocative, satirical and love people talking about them. Their recent ‘official’ Haggadah takes a major swipe at everything establishment Jews would consider precious. They first burst onto the scene with a leaflet for a party titled ‘Protocols of the Elders of Hackney‘ in 2006. They had further trouble after sending a hoax email that ‘cancelled a Board of Deputies pro-Israel rally’ in 2009. Even with an extreme distaste for their politics, I find some of their repartee highly amusing. There is something distinctly ‘Jewish’ about Jewdas.
However if Jewdas were serious about fighting antisemitism, they would view the deflective uproar over Corbyn’s attendance as a problem. Instead they are climbing on top of it all to score additional political points. But then it would be difficult to expect Jewdas to take anything seriously. It is almost against their nature.
The publicity increased their Twitter following by over 12k in two days, and many of their new followers are hostile to Jewish people as a whole. Suffering from an inability to understand the nuances in Jewish groups, hard-core antisemites now view Jewdas with the same favour they see the far more toxic JVL.
As a community we know Jewdas are part of a fringe. They themselves know they are fringe. In two recent Jewish student union elections, they have failed miserably to make an impact. Eran Cohen in 2016 failed to get 9% of the vote. This despite a social media recruitment effort looking for self-identifying Jews to register with UJS in time for the election:
In 2017 Annie Cohen, Eran’s sister also ran in the UJS election. Annie also failed to get more than 9% of the vote. If you think this is unimportant you are wrong. Both are Jewdas members and this is a key Jeremy Corbyn demographic, the students. If the type of Jewish anti-Zionist politics Jewdas represents has minimal following even in the student youth, their actual representation amongst the community as a whole is likely to be statistically negligible. So any attempt to suggest this is a young against old situation is pushing well-oiled Corbynite propaganda:
But I will get back to this point because it is important.
Writing articles about the Jewish community is like crossing a minefield and never goes well. It is why I do not envy the role of people like Stephen Pollard or Justin Cohen. Every sentence you write ‘loses’ some of the people who read the article. As I am known for being ‘wordy’, my chances of coming out unscathed are never good. Apologies in advance to all those I am about to offend.
A community response can never be unified. The whole concept of ‘Jews as a people’, inherently suggests an entire spectrum of thought can be found inside. This is a Zionist approach and whether Jewdas like it or not, I include them in my body of ‘Zionist’ thought. The very underpinning of Zionism, the idea of a people without a state, suggests that within that body of people will also be those that vehemently disagree with everything that ‘is’ and wish to bring the entire edifice down. It doesn’t matter if it sounds counter-intuitive, from a Zionist perspective, an ‘anti-Zionist Jew‘ is almost an oxymoron.
When any action takes place that displeases the centre ground, thus statistically capturing the majority of the community, response can be reflexive, self-harming and uncontrolled. As a rule, the more complex and nuanced the problem, the more self-harming the inevitable response becomes. When dealing with a peculiarity like Jewdas, there is almost no way to stop criticism coming from those who cannot differentiate the tiny groups on the far-left. In other words, when people confuse the ‘Judean People’s Front’ with the ‘Judean Popular People’s Front‘, it is always going to get messy. This awful article appeared in the Jewish Chronicle April 3rd, actually suggesting Jewdas are a ‘source of virulent antisemitism‘.
Jewdas are nothing of the sort. There are groups on the far-left this could be applied to, but we have to distinguish properly if we are to present a coherent argument. As I said, self-harm comes with the territory.
The hard-left and the abuse of statistics
Returning to an earlier point. One of the most often used propaganda tools is to suggest the ‘young Jews’ are disenfranchised by an ageing and disconnected leadership.
The results of recent UJS elections suggests this is highly deceptive, and a rather bitter and twisted way to attack a mainstream that seems to represent over 90% of voting Jewish students. But this type of propaganda is not new. Recently, I was directed by Robert Cohen to a Mondoweiss article:
It is an article that deals with young disenchanted Jews and blames most of it on Israel. Jewdas play the same game:
This is pointing the finger of blame on Israel for a problem that has dogged the Jewish community ever since emancipation. It is almost as if they are dancing on the issues of assimilation, waving it proudly in the air. It is a problem deeply felt by all religious communities, not just Jewish ones, that in turn do not have an Israel to blame.
Dancing on community problems
Traditionally, the Jewish community ‘loses’ a percentage of its youth through assimilation. This is not a ‘Zionist’ related issue at all. If you compare old to young in surveys, the statistics become distorted. The old who identified as Jewish are people who didn’t assimilate, whilst any ‘youth’ figure will contain a % of Jews who will during their lifetime, leave the community. In effect you are not comparing like to like. It is little surprise then, that at any given point, older Jews statistically are more conservative, more Zionist and practice more religious traditions that younger ones. It would be a social phenomena if this were not the case.
If you simply compare the statistic of the older Jewish population with that of the younger generation and suggest it is all ‘Israel’s fault’, you are twisting Jewish community issues for your own ideological purposes.
Taken from a New York Times article ..
All of the community issues that are familiar to us. Not religious, marry outside of the faith, and not raising their children Jewish. None of this is Israel’s fault, but it is a convenient scapegoat for some on the left, and certainly the Anti-Zionists use it as propaganda. I don’t expect anyone outside of the community to grasp this properly, and these statistics are used and abused by ideological propagandists to say something they don’t say.
There is no community split
You will not split the Jewish (Diaspora) community from Israel, although the size of the Jewish community may well continue to disintegrate. Those leaning to the hard-left are least likely to go to synagogue, marry someone Jewish, raise their children Jewish or sympathise with Israel, so statistically 100 Zionist Jews today will produce a higher level of children who adhere to the Jewish faith, than anti-Zionist Jews.
A generation on, most AZ offspring, if brought up Jewish at all, will be almost fully assimilated, whilst Jewish Zionist children will again split between Zionist offspring and a % of new anti-Zionists ‘rebels’. It is a circle, but an ever decreasing one. An anti-Zionist Jew (apart from oddities like Jewdas and the small ultra orthodox cult) is highly likely to be one or two generations away from the family leaving the community entirely.
All of the statistics support this notion. Outside of ultra-orthodox Jewry the correlation between religious and community activity and Israel is almost absolute. Where it weakens, the religious and community aspect weakens too. On the far left fringe is a small group of people who try to build hybrids of one sort or another, that may be temporarily attractive to some of those ‘on their way out’.
In reality Jewish people have always had a % who leave the community. It was going on way before 1948. Until a few decades ago, these people left quietly. Today they get the opportunity to spit on the community on the way out. As some of our youth reject our customs and our faith, their need to belong to wider society will also see them reject Israel. Today it is the fashionable way to leave the community. Israel is there, safe, secure, and 100 years from now, the offspring of these AZ’s may not even know they had a Jewish ancestor.
Little choice
So why do we continue to hug these people and seek ways to address their alienation? Why is the community so desperate to hang onto those who are willing to harm the community with spiteful actions? It is simple, because these people are our children. These people are not abstract opponents, they are members of our family. So they will be given as many chances as we have to give them, to try to bring them back on board. Understandable, natural and fraught with inherent danger. However serious that danger may be we still have little choice but to try.
Good Jews – Bad Jews
One of the traits of hard-left propaganda is to accuse the opposition of the very thing they are guilty of the most. The idea of ‘good-Jew, bad-Jew’ is a perfect example. Since the uproar over Jewdas, it has been claimed Zionist Jews are choosing which Jews are good, and which are bad.
The central position of anti-Zionist Jews is to suggest that ‘Jew’ does not equal ‘Zionist’. This is the pillar upon which their entire platform stands. I have lost count of the number of times I have seen an anti-Zionist Jew explain that they are the ‘good-Jews’ that must not be confused with the ‘bad ones’ (Zionists).
Rationalwiki even has a section on it:
And finally, of course there are bad Jews. Our history is littered with examples of Jews who aligned with the enemy and those who deliberately harmed the community. We may not have the right to say who is a Jew and who is not, but we can certainly look at actions some Jewish people take, and consider them dangers to the wider Jewish community. You cannot spend your time protecting hard-core antisemites and then get angry when you are attacked by the mainstream Jewish community. Well you can try, but I doubt anyone will listen. Nor should they.
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The ‘Israel is a moral cesspit that should be removed’ comment (or something close enough) tells you all you need to know about these creatures.
Here’s a chant for Jewdas…
From the River to the Sea,
Pal-e-STINE Will Never Be!
Very good, as usual, particularly on the good-jew-bad-jew projecting from the antisemitic left wingers.
Worth noting that I don’t think Corbyn’s attendance at the seder was jew-baiting. If his attendance hadn’t been leaked, no mainstream Jews would have even been aware he went to it.
Yet it is all just further evidence of the lie that Corbyn has spent his career meeting unsavory people because “you don’t make peace with friends”. In reality, Corbyn only ever meets people he fundamentally agrees with, IRA, Cuba, Czech communists, Hamas, Hezabollah, JVL and Jewdas.
It was made sure that it would be leaked.
but it was guido fawkes that leaked it – not even sure how they knew!!
Was it held in a secret bunker?
You say that ‘Corbyn cannot be so stupid’ as not to understand that divisions exist between the small hard-left groups who support him and the wider Jewish community. Actually, David, I think he certainly can, and is. He is also very ignorant; despite having been to a grammar school he is very poorly educated (possibly the worst-educated of all our MPs – look him up), and has never seen the need to try and improve this. My impression is that Corbyn doesn’t think, or reason – he has never learned how, and doesn’t have the mental equipment to have taught himself – he simply reacts, in slot-machine fashion. He has held the same ideas for many decades, and as his own MPs have noticed, is quite unable to take new ones on board. So I doubt whether the meeting with Jewdas was thought through. Any group that shares his long-cherished views will receive his instinctive support. This also applies to terrorist groups (such as Hamas): all such groups hate the West, and so Corbyn, who is also anti-West, will have a strong fellow-feeling for them. This is automatic, based on emotion rather than thought, and entirely fixed. He isn’t going to change. He will do very little to combat anti-Semitism in his party because his heart isn’t in it. The anti-Semites are part of his fan base, and he is prepared to overlook their vicious and libellous remarks because they agree with him about the evils of the West, of capitalism, et al. That said, he would distance himself at the speed of light if any of the faithful started making disgusting comments about, say, black people; this would be something he really cared about. So I’m afraid he is tinged with anti-Semitism himself – I don’t buy the mantra, frequently repeated, that Corbyn ‘is not personally anti-Semitic’. Of course he is – you don’t regularly hang out with, support, attend the functions of, people whose opinions you find repellent. I don’t mean that he is vile and rabid about it. like too many of the Corbynistas: but tarred with the same brush, yes.
His closest advisers, such as Seumas Milne, also detest – violently – this country, the USA, Western Europe and of course Israel (for them a de facto Western nation). They too are very rigid; but insofar as they did think anything through, they would have supported the meeting with Jewdas, simply because it would spread alarm and despondency among liberal, thoughtful, democratically-minded people; people they hate, fear and long to silence.
That is quite the best summary of Corbyn and his unsuitability as leader of the Labour Party, let alone potential PM, that I’ve read yet – could you make it more widely available ?
How hate filled you are. Get well soon.
It is perfectly legitimate to say that Jews who support the destruction of Israel are bad Jews and indeed reasonable to attack in the same terms those who at best recklessly or at worst knowingly promote extreme calumnies against Israeli Jews. Pollard was therefore wrong to take to task those who do this.
The better coverage of this issue – e.g. the Telegraph – has covered this essential detail about Jewdas.
Forward, the American equivalent of the post-Zionist/anti-Zionist Haaretz has also published mendacious articles seeking to whitewash anti-Jewish hatred within the Labour party, as well as Jewdas -
Deborah Lipstadt is not only a historiian but also an advisory editor of Forward who so far has been silent about this. Could readers please contact her to get her to intervene.
Funny old world, here we now have a combined assault on Corbyn & Jewdas. Never mind folks, all this bad publicity for Jewdas is great, now up to 20K Followers on Twitter.
Seems you have all ‘jumped the shark’, your attacks on Corbyn are of utter futility, as I say, you can’t appease persons who can’t be appeased.
Now, where’s my beetroot, the import of which cannot now be overestimated. BEETROOT. BEETROOT. BEETROOT!
Oh Chris. Jewdas can have 50k followers, or 100k. It is how you guys perpetuate the fake world you see from your bubble. Does it matter if 95% of the Jewdas followers are not Jewish? Does it matter if 30% are hard-core antisemites? Not to you of course, because they have more ‘followers’ than the BOD. It would be hilarious if you all didn’t take yourselves so seriously. Corbynites are a danger to Jews. Period. And no amount of deflection can ever change that. We can only hope that the rest of the UK isn’t fooled by your distortions and can see through to the hard core racism that underpins so much of their world vision.
The lunatic Rogers has landed.
Beetroot?? Well, the day will come, there will be many happy occasions for a Free Borsht For Everybody.
A very thoughtful analysis. What members of groups such as Jewdas tend to forget is that their Jewishness is ultimately defined not by them but by non-Jews. There is a “reason” after all that the Spanish deliberately modified the Christian concept of baptism to create a special and lower class for Jewish converts, why the Nuremberg laws definition of “Jew” goes far beyond Jewish law and why antisemitic tropes follow those trying to escape their heritage. The false belief in inherited Jewish characteristics is too deeply imbedded in society. Many pre-WWII bundists and anti-Zionists learned this lesson the hard way.
It is something Einstein understood in his quip on his fame: “If my theory proves true, the Germans will call me a German and the French a citizen of the world. If it is false, the French will call me a German and the Germans a Jew.” Or, in the wisdom of Hillel, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me.” Or, given this Passover season, the wicked child who asks “what has any of this to do with me.” Jewdas’ non-Jewish seeming allies will remind them all, when – and if – the time should come.
Looking at the name Jewdas, I am struck by certain possible associations.
Jewdas sounds awfully close to Judas.
In Christian lore Judas betrayed Jesus to the Romans.
In Jewish lore, could it be said that Jewdas betryed the Jews to the Antisemites
To many Jews today, unsure of their identities vis a vis the Jewish community at large and their own Jewishness, Israel looms large either as enemy or saviour depending on individual choice.
With Jewdas I am not sure where they will eventually progress to.
They seem to be intentionally provocative; whether that is to shock, or by conviction, will always be a valid question
So let them occupy their corner, and maybe we will see them later either in or out of the community.
Not much we can do about it other than to let them run, and challenge them when they cross certain lines (which differ from person to person)
Do yourself a favour and visit their website – Jewdas are great ambassadors and actually face neo-fascists & racists groups down physically, they do not consort with them!
Still, obviously, another case of good Jew, bad Jew, so i’ll stick to the Jewdas Bund, for they are good folk capable of having a good time, whilst combating racism and making any valid points. My kind of people.
Swivel-eyed nonsense, as per.
As ever Leah27z I absolutely adore being savaged by a toothless sheep – it is perhaps one of the weekly highlights of my existence now. Do keep up your wonderful satire, although, don’t give up your day job.
That was no sheep shagging you, it was some frustrated jihadi.
Does the unhinged spittle-flecked Rogers labour under the delusion that he has ever managed to savage anyone here? In his hallucinatory fantasies, does he imagine himself as some great warrior for social justice, instead of realising what a stupid, ignorant, rotten lettuce leaf he is, treated with contempt by everyone here except his fellow trolls?
Oh Leah27z,
Please suck on my beetroot, which has been especially prepared with vinegar, sugar and salt.
Oh Crazy Chrissy,
You can suck on your beetroot yourself, you double jointed sack of socialist SHlTler.
I sucked on much beetroot on Sunday and it was very nice – said beetroot was grown in our allotment. Now, where’s my fresh beet to knock you around the head with as a jar of beetroot may inflict some serious damage.
Glad to hear you are flexible so you can spend quality time with your head between your legs attached to your beetroot.
The traveling circus has a crowd pleaser with you in their Freak Show.
Indeed Edward,
And truth be told, I fucked off a good number of Rightists and pig ignorant folk, given I don’t suffer fools gladly and have zero tolerance for anything that smacks of rightism.
You are a pathetic pile of filth, Rogers.
Oh Leah27z,
You do realise I become eroticised when you speak to me with such tenderness. However, we all know you become eroticised at the multiple deaths and injuries to Palestinian’s. What a ghastly fuck you truly are. Still, I do love you and that’s all that matters is it not?
Chrissy offered himself as a Human Shield, but Islamofascists weren’t convinced he’s Human.
Just a bunch of Socialist Atheist JINOs.
You, as a non-Jew, can shill for Jewdas without having to suffer any resultant fall out (if any) from their actions
I on the other hand, and being well aware of history, have to be aware of the consequences of Jew hate in the many forms that it manifests itself in.
You have the luxury of going home and closing the door on this issue.
I have been hounded by this scourge of Antisemitism from as early as I can remember; the terrifying thing about it was that when I was young I had no idea what my detractors were talking about (both by the children and their parents), but the hate stuck to me like sh-t on shoes.
Anyone can write a plausable piece for their website.
Its what they do that counts.
I am more interested in what JEWDAS does as opposed to what they say; and that has been the situation since I became aware of them years ago.
I put their antics down to youthful rebellion and contrariness; whether that view will survive the current spat will be interesting, if nothing else.
You are implying then that Antisemitism is not a racist ideology.
I do find it strange that non-Jews seem able to dictate how Jews should perceive and react to Antisemitism, or the term I use, which is Jew hate
If anyone is to claim that Antisemitism/Anti-Jew hatred is not racist, I would be hard put to not question their motivation for such claims, considering the Jews history over the last 1700 years
Incidently your mention of the Bund is very interesting as virtually all of their membership was killed by various means during that great anti-Jew hate fest called the Holocaust/Final Solution
It’s the favourite position of JVL – to hide behind the ‘Bund’. Rarely has such an absurd defence ever been used. Their ‘here-ism’ (as in live where we live), was to see them virtually wiped out.
Yes its a funny old world indeed, however, as a Leftist I’m indeed fully aware that the Bundists were very much like myself, namely opposed to an elitism that imposed its will by terror. Had our own lumpen proletariat been unleashed by Hitlerism within the UK, most of my own clan would have been exterminated – hence my own opposition to fascism and all forces of the Right, which I truly detest.
This ‘cut and paste’ from Tablet is very interesting.
The most interesting part seems to have got lost.
It refers to the murder of Bundists by the Soviet secret police after their invasion of Poland in 1939.
The Soviets probably killed more people than the Nazis to advance their quest for world domination; but they differed from the Nazis by the fact that they were not killing by racial profile as their killings were across the whole board and were dependant on the current enemy of the moment as decided by the paranoia of the Soviet leadership.
‘the striking thing about Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union, as the Russian-American journalist Masha Gessen observes in her new book, “Never Remember,” is that “Russians exerted the force of state terror against themselves. … The millions who died anonymously in the Gulag were not necessarily members of ethnic or religious minorities, or even homosexuals: The population of the camps largely corresponded to the population of the country.”
Although at times the dictator’s venom did target particular groups, like Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars and, at the very end of his life, Jews, this is largely true.’
>>100 years from now, the offspring of these AZ’s may not even know they had a Jewish descendant.
Shouldn’t it be ancestor?
wow – thx – edited.
This Joshua Garfield thing has the same wiff about it as the Oxford Labour Club scam
This all reduces to the simple fact that Corbyn preferred to celebrate an important Jewish festival with some socialist anti fascist Jews than with some Trump loving racist Tory Jews. Who with the remotest semblance of good taste wouldn’t ?
You are being disingenuous.
Please explain ‘Trump loving racist Tory Jews’
You have managed to say so much in five words.
But please explain the correlation between these five words and their extremely nasty association as used by you.
Each word individually is rather innocuous; but join them together and you create an extremely nasty statement.
Are all Tory Jews ‘racist’
Are Jews who like Trump ‘Tories’?
Are Jews who like Trump ‘racist’
Do you have to love Trump to be a ‘Jewish racist’?
I think your words are in rather poor taste.
After reding your various posts here and elsewhere, I think you intentionally try to be provocative.
But please be a little more selective in the way you conjoin words, and the words you use in this manner, because one of the traps you fall into is that of stereotyping.
Well Richard I might have said or some combo of. And all of the words are certainly applicable to Arkush who is fronting this batship stuff. And I might have added miserable and self pitying
Personally Stephen, I find Arkush a very pleasant perso.
I have never heard any racism from him in word or deed.
I have never yet heard him evidence any form of love towards Trump, though he would have been very appreciative of Trumps decision on Jerusalem (as are most Jews and all Zionists)
How do you in your infite wisdom know that Arkush is a ‘Trump loving racist Tory’. The Jew part we all know is correct.
That aspertion could almost be interpreted as a libel if it is without proof to back it up
I have been hanging on Arkush’ every word for 8 years Richard. He doesn’t have an ethical bone in his body. He can always sue me. I would enjoy that
what and where was he for those 8 years as I have never had him on the radar for that long
He has been bord pres for 3 years and a vice pes for 6 years before that. I will be writing about him nexte week and prob the week after and the week after that
And of course it was Arkush that busted Newmark, settling some old scores with Newmark personally and with Mick Davis
Trigger alert to Jews, Muslims, and Christians alike:
I am new to “Jewdas” so don’t know how offensive this particular group may be, but my general observation is that the fake maxim “anti-Zionism is NOT anti-Semitism,” which has set the stage for all this, first needs clarification. If Zionism is about Jews (who else?), then opposing Zionism is clearly about Jews. The inherent connection is particularly obvious when someone feels entitled to say “not in my name [as a Jew].”
But just as the Muslim community often raise their young to hate (I am basing this on the reports of Muslims themselves), the Jewish community raise their young in loving bosomy hyper-praising families (I am basing this on observation). Thus young Jews think the rest of the world loves them equally. The wicked child is never banned from the Passover table; s/he can mouth off in safety. Hence to them, there’s no such thing as anti-Semitism: it’s all old-fogy hooey.
So in a coup that recalls replacement theology, young anti-Semitic (anti-“Zionist”) Jews become the “good” Jews. Of course, “good” Jews have always been the ones who condemn Jews/Judaism. In fact, we know which side is morally “good” precisely because it is the side opposing Jews/Judaism; this is the paradigm that dates from Christianity’s very founding (I’m basing this on the New Testament).
Of course antiZionism isn’t antiSemitism, Nameless.
So you know so musn about Arkash
So stop shilly shallying and tell me exactly why you call him a ‘Trump loving racist Tory Jew’
You don’t have a very good record on responding to requests to justify the wild, unsubstiated accusadions that you hurl about with such abandon, so can we expect a reply now.
I doubt it as I think these wild allegations of yours are thrown to be provocative
I an sure that if you could get a rise out of it, you would proclaim that the world is flat and controlled by funny little pinky yellow men who wear funny hats.
But then ho hum, expecting an intelligable answer is much to much to expect ftom academia and the wallypole wimpalongs of frubby manor
you ald scooby do you
So you say it was Arkush that sorted Newmarh for dipping his fingers in the till
Is that not grounds for praising Arkush rather than suggesting that he is a ‘Trump loving racist Tory Jew’
I think with that flippant aside you wandered into a rather putrid cesspit of nastiness that definately requires some form of explanation.
Insulting people that are not present to defend themselves is scraping the underside of a particularly dirty barrel.
Personal opinion is one thing – defamation and slander are another matter
Richard don’t post on blogs, tweet or send emails after the sun has set. I can but then I am special
Stephen, stephen, stephen
Answer the question, even if it is after dark
He did the right thing!