To the police and CPS.
With reference to complaints made by Gabriel Kanter-Webber about Rupert Nathan. I understand that the matter has now been referred by the police to the CPS. Given Webber is from Brighton I imagine the original complaint would have been received by Sussex Police but cannot be certain.
I have known about this complaint for some time – and was shocked from the outset when I learnt that the police had turned up early in the morning at Rupert Nathan’s home, arresting him in front of his child. This created unnecessary trauma. Webber (and remember we are talking about someone who – progressive or not – qualified to be a Rabbi), also reported the incident to Rupert Nathan’s professional body – the Chartered Institute of Securities & Investment [CISI]. Thankfully, they chose to take no further action. But we have every right to question the ethical position of a man (Rabbi or not) who would knowingly attempt to damage someone’s career over a single personal comment made on social media.
The reason I am writing this is because I believe I possess relevant information. On December 4 2023 (long before the incident you acted upon), and because of his behaviour, I felt compelled to write this in an email to Gabriel Webber:
“Please stop commenting on my website. You are deliberately goading people as part of your ongoing harassment. I have work to do and am not there to police deliberately provocative behaviour – and the responses to it.”
Despite my written request Gabriel Webber continued to post comments on my site – and I felt forced to disable his ability to post freely in my comment spaces.
On the incident itself
I would not claim to know Rupert Nathan well. My understanding is that before this incident we may have briefly met once or twice at events. My own position is this. I never use the word Kapo. Nor, to turn to more contemporary smears, do I use terms such as ‘self-hating Jew’. I think the term ‘Kapo’ is misplaced when used anyway. None of us know how we would have behaved within the horrors of a concentration camp. Some ‘Kapos’ may have acted to try to save the life of a wife, a parent, or children. The Holocaust was the worst of times, and none of us are fit to judge. Which means using Kapo as a replacement word for ‘traitor’ – is historically illiterate. I do think it is a horrible word to use – but said by one Jewish person about another, I just do not see why the police got involved.
My experience with Gabriel Kanter-Webber
My opinion of Gabriel Kanter-Webber, the Rabbi at Brighton and Hove Progressive Synagogue, is built from years of personal experience. I am a journalist and run my own website. My interactions with Webber were mostly political (we disagree on most things), but since 2018, I have tried for the most part to avoid intra-Jewish community disagreements. It is energy draining, and I feel we have far greater problems. This means that I have had almost no exchanges with him on social media since 2019. However, Webber has continued to come to my website and seek me out on 100s of occasions – posting comments underneath my articles.
One of his more common party tricks is to make GDPR requests. On 25 October 2023, after more exchanges with people in the comment section on my website, Gabriel Kanter-Webber sent me such a request. This was less than three weeks after October 7, and I was still experiencing deep trauma. Did we really have nothing better to do with our time?
As a journalist, I could have relied on several exemptions. However, I wanted to let Webber know (in no uncertain terms) that I hold no personal information on him, and also asked if he would stop wasting my time with spurious requests. And I told him that he has the online persona of a troll.
I am fully aware Webber has sent numerous such requests to other pro-Israeli organisations. He has quite the reputation for it. It is within his rights, but the motivations are questionable and strange. My response clearly did not suffice – as Gabriel Kanter-Webber actually complained to the ICO about me. This is an official body that can cause me a lot of trouble, and several months later I received notification from the ICO that a complaint had been opened.
I am just a Jewish activist standing up against antisemitism, and I found myself under an unnecessary and (in my opinion) vindictive attack. What possible good could a Rabbi get from causing me these problems?
A day after the GDPR he was back posting on my site again (five posts on the 26th). Important to note, most of these exchanges on the site are not with me – I (mostly) ignore him. And then in December, following another exchange, someone threw a sarcastic and clearly untrue insult at him – so Webber threatened to sue me if I did not delete the comment.
In my response (I did delete the comment he referred to), I told him he was harassing me and asked him not to post anymore. I also made it clear I had enough:
I did not see the point of him coming to my site just to stir up trouble and make a scene.
There is also another angle to this. Gabriel Kanter-Webber blocked me on X (Twitter) long ago. He also blocked me on FB. This is what I see if I navigate to his FB page.
I am not abusive on social media, nor does he interest me – and he is free to block as he pleases. But it is odd that someone who blocks me across the platforms, comes to my website to persistently make comments there. It appears strange and cowardly behaviour. In fact, Webber has been coming to comment on my website for years. Checking against just one email address, I can see 100s of comments – even as recently as last month (almost a year after I told him to stop):
One more relevant image. Dec 3 2023 Webber posts this comment. It is several weeks since he opened a complaint about me with the ICO – and a day before he sent me a defamation notice. Pay attention. This is someone who continually chooses to come to my website and cause trouble. And note his accusations. I stalk, bully, abuse, and harass him.
How am I stalking, bullying, and harassing him if the only exchanges we ever have are when he chooses to persistently come to my website? The nonsense in this image is what this is all about.
People are obviously and understandably intimidated by all this. Jewish activists and Jewish organisations. When a Rabbi complains to the police – or ICO – or any official body – such a complaint is given added weight because of the religious title. But I am not so easily intimidated and felt dutybound to tell you my thoughts – as one of the many Jews that the Rabbi Gabriel Kanter-Webber has targeted.
Thick skin and hypocrisy
One final point. Being a political activist (as Webber also is) opens you up to attack. This is what my personal message stream looks like on X – all day -every day. These posts are from just the last few hours:
And that is just X. There are also those on other platforms – or those who choose to send me messages via my website – this is one from two days ago:
Those are some just from this week. And I have been doing this for more than 10 years, so I have received 1,000s of these. Not all of them are anonymous, and I could spend my time – and waste a hell of a lot of yours – reporting every one of the 1000s of actual hate crimes I am targeted with. But in all honestly I would rather you spent your time trying to catch murderers and rapists. Perhaps this is something the Rabbi should consider? And if you do want to fight antisemitism – perhaps deal with the actual Jew hate – that is continually being ignored.
Isn’t it reasonable to expect an activist (Webber, who has been an online activist for years) to have slightly thicker skin? What on earth does he gain by involving the police? But I also feel you are greatly overstepping your place in society when you act on situations such as this. This has left me unsure of where to direct the most anger. At Webber for playing the system as he does – or at you, for empowering his behaviour even further.
As for the Rabbi – maybe he should listen to his own advice. He came out to defend the rights of those extremist Jews who said prayers for Hamas terrorists on the basis of free speech. Apparently he considers free speech a Jewish value. One he does not appear to hold closely to his heart:
I hope other Jews he has targeted have the courage to come forward – I know there are plenty of them.
Best wishes
David Collier
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Is there a professional body for liberal Rabbis?
we have a Rabbi who often hangs around these parts Helena. Maybe he can provide an answer.
?bringing the profession into disrepute?
I pity his congregants.
The comment Rupert posted that caused poor Baby Gabe so much upset was made on one of my posts, a post which laughed at the way Baby Gabe threw all kinds Nd of insults at me after a JC story about me quitting a post at my shul.
There are literally hundreds of Jews that Baby Gabe attacks. Maybe it is time for the Kids veral Synagogues to take a little Ng hard look at whether Baby Gabe should continue in his post.
A bit rich Damon, considering you are a convicted criminal.
David, I have just read your extremely measured letter to the police in response to your own experience of Rabbi Webber’s social media exploits.
There is never a day when I don’t think of the dangers that you expose yourself and your family to on our, (the greater Jewish Community’s), behalves.
I will always support you, and your phenomenal work, and indeed wish I could do more.
I am shocked that a Rabbi should take it upon himself to seek to harm other members of our Community. I don’t agree with him, nor with the Naturei Karta movement, but I would not wish them ill.
I also question how any Rabbi can find the huge amounts of time that this vindictiveness clearly requires. In our busy, complicated, social media riven times, I would have thought that a Rabbi would be too busy tending to his or her Community’s pastoral needs.
At this moment of growing worldwide antisemitism, it seems horrific that a Rabbi would seek to stir up intra Community divisions by involving the Police. And one might question why this is.
Very best, as ever, Jani
I am sorry to read about the additional and deeply troubling problems that you have. Earlier I read about the use of non crime hate incidents being reported to the police and their responses to SOME of those complaints – it is deeply troubling that your valuable time and the Police’s valuable time is being wasted in such an egregious manner.
I’m a member of the Brighton and Hove Reform Synagogue but was some years ago a member of the Progressive shul. I don’t know this character Gabriel Kanter-Webber, but am distressed that someone like him could a leader of a Jewish community in Brighton and chaplain to the Sussex Uni. Free speech is saying Kaddish for Hamas? Really? Perhaps Kaddish for Eichmann is good too? ‘
If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am not for others, what am I? And if not now, when?’
David, this is gibberish. You have no idea what you’re talking about.
Why not concentrate on your antisemitism fantasies? They’re much more entertaining.
You seem narked !
Which bits bother you the most ?
I can’t describe how much Israel and its citizens are hated internationally.
I’m in America now at the National Day of Mourning in Plymouth, Massachusetts and the many Native Americans who are here, identify with Palestinians, as they too were victims of settler colonial ethnic cleansing. You know Ian, they hate your kind.
I can confidently say when your people travel and identify yourselves as Israeli, it’s not going to be pleasant.
Right ho!
Next time I’m sitting in shul next to Chief Sitting Bull I’ll send your best. xx
I never understood why he (G.W) spammed here with his comments. It was soon after Johannes_juden under 4 different aliases has been posting antisemitic posts , including rewriting Holocaust, claiming he is just “anti zionist.” (Promoting T.G. “book” too).
As to the term Kapo. It’s one thing if a (real) Jew does it to another one, VS when done by non-Jews. Just like the N word is different if a black person utters it.
As to the Kapos themselves, some were good who sacrificed their lives, some were different and we, today, decades later can not really judge people who were put in a closed box, starved, threatened to be killed or/and their relatives.
Why would you “Abe” incite the native Americans with lies? (“identify” that isn’t an authentic term when propagating) And I know plenty who don’t buy pallywood propaganda. Now you are going to tell us that most Arab “Palestinian ” grandparents were supposedly “natives”… LOL.
This “abe” and NYT post Amsterdam Islamic pogrom reminds us this 1933:
Der Angriff, newspaper popularly associated with Dr. Goebbels, Nazi propaganda chief, editorially comments tonight on the so-called Arab revolt and attempts to justify it. It remarks sarcastically on the efforts of England, the mandatory power, to protect the Jewish population in Palestine and declares that “the Jews know how to provoke a people until there is bloodshed.”
Nazis Claim Credit for Palestine Arab Rioting; England is Ridiculed.
October 30, 1933.
Some good advice to you people free of charge: Keep your mouths shut if you travel abroad. If you mention that you’re Israeli or Zionist, you are at risk of being harmed, crippled or worse. That is all.
Aha yes. Remember you told us about your life’s work; the total dismantling of the apparatus of Zionism and the eradication of the Jewish State? How’s that going for you as you advance into later life? Time is not your friend.
Is lying Abe trying to tell us that racist Arabs are only targeting Israelis? And what exactly is he (SICK).happy about? Cheering to beat up Jews in ‘jew hunt’?
Is “abe” apologetics for the Arab Islamic monstrous regime , Hamas/Hezbollah ally too?
Marissa Newman:
Alois Brunner, most-wanted Nazi, died ‘unrepentant’ in Syria.
Times Of Israel, 30 Nov, 2014.
Nazi hunter says Eichmann’s ‘best man’ sent 128,000 Jews to camps, then advised Assad regime on SS torture methods…