Barry Ackerman

My family are evicted from the #Palestineexpo at the QEII conference centre

The Palestine Expo was advertised as a cultural event and a family affair. So I went to the QEII Conference Centre to engage with the atmosphere with my wife and youngest son. I knew that the content of the speeches would be full of hate, so rather than listen to hours of anti-Israeli rhetoric, I wanted to enjoy the exhibits and activities. Most of all … Continue reading My family are evicted from the #Palestineexpo at the QEII conference centre

First they came for the Jews

What if they were ‘coming for the Jews’. What would you do?

There is an oft repeated poem that begins ‘first they came for the socialists’. It was refined over several years by German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemölle as he described the general cowardice of German intellectuals during the rise to power of the Nazis.  The central message is clear and it can be adapted easily to suit the person who wishes to use it. Given the … Continue reading What if they were ‘coming for the Jews’. What would you do?

Avi Shlaim, the foolish old man and the adoring church goers

It is the 27th June 2017. I have just returned from an event at St James’s Church, an Anglican church in Piccadilly, London. It has a history of anti-Israel activism. Tonight Avi Shlaim was speaking at the ‘Embrace Annual Lecture’.  The official subject was to ‘explore Britain’s historical and current relationship with Palestine’. The main drumbeat provided another anti-Israel festival. This one was delivered with … Continue reading Avi Shlaim, the foolish old man and the adoring church goers

Law, streets, jews Zionists

Fighting through law, fighting in the streets. Both may fail the Jews

From songs that ridicule the Holocaust to blaming Jews for the Grenfell fire on Al Quds Day. From a battle in law to a wider societal struggle. It would be foolish to understate or ignore the signals we are receiving from the current UK landscape. Law and Alison Chabloz 23rd June 2017. I have just left the Marylebone Magistrates Court, where the Alison Chabloz case … Continue reading Fighting through law, fighting in the streets. Both may fail the Jews

Marching with (and stopping!) terrorist supporters in London in 2017

It is 3pm on June 18th 2017.  I am in disguise, wearing a keffiyeh that is necessary to cover my face. I want to infiltrate the Al Quds Day march and the only way I can participate is to remain unrecognised.  I stand next to the terrorist flag of Hezbollah. The stewards are on the lookout for people like me, and although I am quickly … Continue reading Marching with (and stopping!) terrorist supporters in London in 2017

BDS antisemitic

Boycotting Gal Gadot. Antisemitic, discriminatory. BDS in action

Gal Gadot is the new ‘Wonder Woman’. Gal Gadot is also a proud Israeli. Gal’s nationality, religion and political opinion are hers to hold.  BDS once again shows that it is little more than a Jew hating lynch mob, that everyone with a conscience should refuse to engage with. It isn’t surprising that Lebanon wanted to boycott the Wonder Woman movie. The Arab boycott against … Continue reading Boycotting Gal Gadot. Antisemitic, discriminatory. BDS in action

Suarez Barkan

‘The only good Jew is a dead Jew’ (the Suarez – Barkan threshold)

‘The only good Jew is a dead Jew’. A horrific statement not so openly suggested in Europe or the USA in 2017.  In reality, this line is actually being propagated in almost every university campus in the west. Yes, it is camouflaged, but do not let that distract us from the sickening message underneath. Let me explain. Thomas Suarez recently published a work of revisionist … Continue reading ‘The only good Jew is a dead Jew’ (the Suarez – Barkan threshold)

Manchester terror victimsd

Manchester, identifying the extremism

This story begins in Tel Aviv, not Manchester. In a few days it will be exactly sixteen years since the Dolphinarium massacre. A terror attack against a discotheque that killed 21 Israelis, 16 of them teenagers. The terrorist, Saeed Hotari, was linked to Hamas. The target: Children. On March 4 1996 two thirteen-year-old boys left their homes to go to Dizengoff Centre. They were friends … Continue reading Manchester, identifying the extremism

University of Warwick lies

The twisted, lying academics at the University of Warwick (part one)

This is a two part report. This first part looks at a talk by ‘academic’ Teodora Todorova at Warwick. The investigation has uncovered highly disturbing activity at Warwick and the university have been contacted for comment. The second part will look into that activity. Recently, because of the report based on a one day anti-Israel conference on 4th May that I attended at the University … Continue reading The twisted, lying academics at the University of Warwick (part one)

The ‘Nakba’: The ongoing catastrophe of bad Palestinian decisions

Today is the 15th May, one day after the Gregorian calendar date for Israel’s Independence Day. Today, Palestinians and anti-Israel activists will commemorate the ‘Nakba’, or Catastrophe. Why the 15th May? Let me take a brief journey through history to find out if there are more suitable dates that should have been chosen. For example, just 11 days after the handshake between Arafat and Rabin … Continue reading The ‘Nakba’: The ongoing catastrophe of bad Palestinian decisions