Warwick Jews

Uni of Warwick – false accusations of aggressive & misogynistic behaviour

The story goes that three Jewish people turned up at the University of Warwick, and were told that the ‘public’ event had suddenly turned ‘private’. Warwick has a small clique of distinctly anti-Israel activist academics. The full account was written within hours of the event, and published on this blog. Soon after my report was published, news organisations began to run articles covering the episode. … Continue reading Uni of Warwick – false accusations of aggressive & misogynistic behaviour

eugenics, university of warwick

Jews denied entry to eugenics libel event at the University of Warwick

Last night, at the University of Warwick, Faculty arranged a public talk that accused Israel of eugenics. Let us digest a simple truth. Like with most medical or technological innovations, Israel is a global powerhouse in fertility treatment. Every Israeli citizen, regardless of race, religion or colour, receives equal treatment. If you are Muslim and in need of IVF then no citizenship in the world, guarantees … Continue reading Jews denied entry to eugenics libel event at the University of Warwick

Nazis, BDS

BDS black-lists, naive Jews and rabid Nazis. It has been quite a week

Sometimes I find the landscape a little overwhelming. What I do notice when discussing antisemitism within the community, is that each person stands in his own political corner, and focuses on the antisemites that swarm amidst his own personal ‘political enemy’. Activism against antisemitism is often ‘contained’ by political bias. This means that against Nazis on the far-right, there is a clear consensus, but when … Continue reading BDS black-lists, naive Jews and rabid Nazis. It has been quite a week

BDS Boycott

Boycott – BDS – maximalist Arab rejectionism and failures of logic

The Maximalist Arab position The original Arab position was that there should be no Jewish self-rule, and Jewish refugees should not be accepted into Palestine. A boycott of Jewish businesses began in the early 1920’s. By 1930 Arabs had committed massacres against ancient Jewish communities. Much of the Arab effort of the 1930’s was spent violently protesting the arrival of Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany. … Continue reading Boycott – BDS – maximalist Arab rejectionism and failures of logic


Following the hate – an open letter to Lorde

Lorde, Last week you read and responded to an open letter asking you to cancel the gig in Israel. This letter isn’t like that one. As soon as any artist lists Israel as a tour destination, an industry springs to life to bully them into cancelling. The letter you read last week is an element of that industry. Polished, packed full of disinformation and written … Continue reading Following the hate – an open letter to Lorde

khaybar - London

Islamic war cries heard, as antisemitism runs free on the streets of London

Jerusalem – the capital of Israel Before discussing London, first a quick note about Jerusalem. It is where Israel’s Government sits and is inside Israel’s internationally recognised borders. Israel, as a sovereign state, has every right to name its own capital. So what is the problem here? The responsible nations on the planet should have recognised Jerusalem as the capital decades ago. Unofficially they all … Continue reading Islamic war cries heard, as antisemitism runs free on the streets of London

Israel Balfour protest

Obsessive and suffocating, 176 anti-Israel events in a month

At the start of a recent event at the House of Parliament, an MP opened his speech by claiming it was necessary to give the argument of ‘Free Speech on Israel’ – ‘a platform’ because apparently criticism of Israel receives no airtime. The first speaker at the event, even claimed it necessary because their argument is not given ‘any form of platform’ at all. How … Continue reading Obsessive and suffocating, 176 anti-Israel events in a month

SHEPPARD - Anti Jewish circus

Tommy Sheppard’s anti-Jewish Marxist circus comes to Westminster

Last week an event was held in Westminster, that is alleged to have deliberately excluded Jewish members from attending.  My own ticket was cancelled due to an overbooking, yet I later managed to get a place booked with a non-Jewish name. Some Jews who turned up were refused entry at the door, despite there being empty seats in the committee room. That particular event was … Continue reading Tommy Sheppard’s anti-Jewish Marxist circus comes to Westminster

Jewish names de-registered

Jewish people de-registered – discrimination at the heart of Westminster

My research, and the book I hope to eventually complete, deals with two issues – one is the conflict between Israel and its neighbours, the other is what I view as a connected topic – the rise of left wing antisemitism. As part of the search for truth and in the hope the conflict will someday end, I go to events to gain a better … Continue reading Jewish people de-registered – discrimination at the heart of Westminster

The antisemitism problem in the Labour party turns from bad to shameless

The antisemitism problem inside the Labour Party is turning from bad to shameless. Just this week, there were two more public incidents. Potential Labour candidate Nasreen Khan was dropped in Bradford for making antisemitic remarks on social media. Jewish News ran the story, but the question remains how even now, these candidates are not being properly vetted by the system. In another example, Labour ‘withdrew … Continue reading The antisemitism problem in the Labour party turns from bad to shameless