This time I caught the BBC red-handed.
I actually have a growing pile of BBC ‘gotcha’ articles waiting to be written. The situation is so bad these days I cannot keep up. Part of the problem has also been trying to avoid repetition. Everyone is become desensitised to news about the BBC’s conveyor belt of dodgy articles.
Then along comes something that jumps to the head of the queue. Back in November I exposed that the BBC had fabricated a story about footballers being trapped in Gaza. I not only managed to prove the entire story was absolute hogwash, I highlighted how the BBC had relied on a Hamas supporting local journalist for the fake scoop. I said at the time that if ever BBC executives are forced to stand before a panel at an inquiry – that article should be held up as exhibit A.
This latest example can be exhibit B. Inexcusable and blatant fake news being promoted by the BBC because its obsessive hack journalists are falling over themselves to demonise Israel. And even when the BBC realised the error – it still could not pull the plug entirely.
And this time I caught them red-handed. What makes this one even better? The BBC thought they had got away with it.
The BBC publish fake news
About 6am on Friday 21 June, the BBC published a story about how Gaza’s water system is broken – and how it is crippling children and making them sick:
It was another in a long line of similar headlines. On the 19th it was about how Gazan children are living ‘alongside rotting rubbish and rodents’. A day before this – on the 18th, Adnan Al Bursh (a BBC Gazan correspondent currently enjoying life in Doha) wrote a story about ‘a desperate mother’s plea to feed her baby’ – and so on. The same story packaged 1000 different ways. The BBC want people to buy into the lie that a famine is taking place – so it pushes out these empty, skewed and fact-free propaganda articles like a drumbeat.
This latest article automatically set off alarm bells. Firstly, it was written by Jon Donnison. He is a veteran BBC journo with a long history of falling over himself to publish lies about Israel. Donnison was the journo who reported on the Al Alhi hospital explosion that was caused by an Islamic Jihad rocket – and he was the one who told BBC viewers that he couldn’t see it being anything else other than an Israeli airstrike. A big mistake that the BBC had to apologise for. But this journo has real form. In 2012 he even posted an image of a girl injured in the Syrian Civil War and claimed it was from Gaza. A perfect example of a BBC anti-Israel obsessive.
Red-handed with red flags – the healthy parents
But the biggest red flag was the subject matter. The article contained images of healthy looking parents sitting next to extremely sick children in hospital beds. This is straight out of the Hamas propaganda playbook. These children – tragic as their situation may be – have deep underlying illnesses – which are hidden from the reader. But any fool can see the truth – parents who clearly eat well do not let their children suffer from famine – ergo, something else is at play.
Yet the BBC went for it and pushed blatant Hamas propaganda. An image of a broken child – Yunis Jumaa – next to a healthy looking mum – Ghanima Jumaa. And the BBC quoted directly from the mum informing readers that the child was in ‘excellent health before’:
How can we not be swayed by this gut-wrenching, heartbreaking BBC piece? Except the entire piece is based on a lie.
Canadian CBC tells the truth
We learn a lot from how the BBC picks up its stories from this case. Donnison was handed his story by a third party. Who was the unreliable source handing out fake news? We cannot know because the BBC never tell. But we do know that just before the BBC published the story – Canadian CBC published its own- using some of the same photos. Similar sources were feeding both.
However – CBC did not pass Younis off as a healthy child – their article noted that Younis has quadriplegic spastic cerebral palsy:
Liar liar, pants on fire
We can be pretty certain that if CBC had not published the story – the BBC would have continued to push its fake ‘healthy child’ version. But at some point someone at the BBC must have twigged (or was told) that incriminating evidence had been published on CBC that was exposing the BBC piece as an outright lie.
Caught red-handed
I had been working on the flaws in the original story from the beginning and was aware of the CBC piece – so I was watching this unfold. And seeing the BBC take these actions in real time is an education in itself. As soon as the BBC became aware that the core narrative of its story was fake – it should have pulled the plug. But it didn’t. That lack of professionalism speaks volumes. The BBC must have known at this point that the sources behind the story were unreliable.
I can only imagine the behind-the-scenes scrambling that took place. Eventually the BBC corrected the piece (somewhat) but importantly did not take it down. The current version can still be viewed online.
What happened next
What they did is this: There had been two children mentioned on that page – Younis first, then following with a second malnourished child (also with a healthy looking parent) Tala al-Jalat.
But now the BBC knew Younis was sick – so they demoted him to the bottom part of the page. And Tala al-Jalat was moved to the lead – because nobody could prove she had an underlying illness.
The BBC is working backwards. Rather than needing to prove a story is true – we have entered an age where the BBC will push any old lie – as long as it cannot be proven to be false.
Think this through. Tala’s father also looks healthy and so she clearly has an underlying illness too. The BBC knew the source for their story had been caught feeding them lies. They had to pull the piece but didn’t. This means that the BBC is not an outlet producing quality journalism. It isn’t even producing second-rate student journalism. This is vindictive – spiteful – ideologically driven propaganda.
A hidden admission of guilt
The BBC clearly recognised the story was flawed because they had been promoting it for six hours – it had led the Middle East index, had also appeared on the Home and World indexes, and was also on the international version of the site. The corrected version was just relegated to the archives.
Which leaves us with a burning question. If the BBC was happy with their correction, why not keep it promoted? The answer is they no longer had faith in it – and yet taking it down would be an admission the BBC was not willing to make.
Understanding these actions tells us everything we need to know about how rancid the BBC has become.
Other clues of interest
There are other clues that show this was propaganda written in Gaza and blindly swallowed by an eager BBC anti-Israel journalist. Take this description of the Doctor at Nasser:
His name is actually Dr Ahmed Al Farra not Ahmed Al-Fari. They have spelt his name wrong. An even bigger clue swiftly follows – the BBC tells us he is head of the ‘children’s department’ in the hospital. What is a ‘Children’s Department in a hospital? In English we call it Paediatrics. There is mounting evidence that Donnison did not write any of this. This section has clearly been translated from Arabic and blindly copied. This is junk activist journalism at its worst.
And again, the CBC report gets both points right:
It is time to make them face the music
The BBC were peddling lies. When the BBC feared they could be found out – instead of acting professionally – they rejigged the fake news piece and left it online. Worst still – we can see there are unsourced and uncredited Gazan based hands feeding propaganda lies to the BBC – which activist journalists at the BBC happily regurgitate as their own.
These BBC journos are public funded bottom feeders who pose a real danger to British Jews. There is nothing in the UK spreading antisemitism wider and with more speed than the BBC network. And they take no responsibility for the damage they do. They know they posted lies. Within minutes other sources had copied them. Now – because they rejigged rather than retracted the piece – 100s of outlets are still pushing those original lies. The BBC clearly does not give a damn about the truth. Glad to see the Telegraph picked up some of this story too. It really is time to make the BBC face the music.
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Who do you present your findings to & are there any consequences for the BBC after you’ve provided your evidence?
On the day this was published Jon Donnison reported on this at around 850am on the Today program.
Great job. David!
You are doing what I aspire to. May Hashem bless your work. Let denuded civil war Syria be the site of a Palestinian state with the world’s financiaL support.
Christian Zionist
Christopher Proudlove