If you want to find bias in BBC News, you really do not have to look far. In just 30 hours, the BBC hate factory pushed out five articles – all full of distortion and lies. One even blatantly promotes a blood libel. This is not about a problematic journalist who manages to sneak a dodgy article past a sleepy gatekeeper. It is as if the BBC has declared war on the Jewish state. The arsenal of the public broadcaster is pointing firmly at Israel – and the result is a conveyor belt of articles – all shaped to demonise the only democracy in the Middle East.
On Thursday I took a look at the Israel / Gaza page on the BBC website. Scrolling down, you can see all the latest articles posted on the topic. It quickly becomes apparent that approximately every six hours BBC Journalists are posting another article – every single one of them is attacking Israel. No balance, no context, no alternative voice.
These were the most recent five:
Five anti-Israel posts published within 30 hours. It is worth noting that on Wednesday 13th, six Israeli soldiers were killed by Hezbollah terrorists, the terror group fired dozens of rockets at Israel (including at the central region), and on Tuesday 12th, two civilians were killed by Hezbollah rocket fire in Nahariya. None of this was important enough for a standalone BBC article. So let us look at the five that did make the grade:
BBC hate factory – article 1: Violating the Syrian ceasefire
- 12;04 13 November Article headline: “Israeli construction along buffer zone with Syria violates ceasefire, UN says”. Journalist, ME Correspondent, Lucy Williamson
The article carries a joke of a headline and is not newsworthy at all. In fact, as you read towards the end of the article, it becomes apparent that even the BBC journalist knows it isn’t. Yet the editorial spin is left intact so as to make sure from the headline that people think Israel is doing something wrong. Israel was attacked from Gaza, Iran, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq and Syria. Three of these places have a border with the Jewish state. Israel is rejigging its security – an understandable and legitimate act following the Oct 7 atrocities and all that has occurred since.
The BBC tell us the work is taking place near Majdal Shams. The article also suggests this ‘frontier’ has remained ‘relatively calm’. It appears the journalist did not bother to look up Majdal Shams, as 11 Druze children were killed by Hezbollah as they played football in the Druze town. Not mentioned in this BBC hit piece of course. How can you fail to mention a massacre of children that took place in the very place you are claiming is quiet?
More than this. The BBC often use UN statements as a means of attacking Israel – as if the UN is an impartial and respected organisation. This badly misinforms readers. Not only is the UN body ‘UNRWA’ in bed with Hamas, another UN body ‘UNIFIL’ allowed Hezbollah to turn Sth Lebanon into a terrorist fortress. When you also consider the UN has a twisted obsession with attacking Israel, the UNGA is overrun with despotic regimes, and the UNHRC (courtesy of the UNGA) is fronted by the world’s worst human rights offenders, no impartial and serious media outlet should ever mention the UN without a reminder that all UN criticism of Israel should be treated with scepticism.
The BBC never does this – which is either unforgivable amateurish reporting, simple stupidity, or a deliberate intent to mislead.
BBC hate factory – article 2: The blood libel
- 18:34 13 November Article headline: ‘Gaza surgeon describes drones targeting children.’ Journalist, Marcus White, BBC South Online.
The headline here carries a blood libel – the accusation that Israel is deliberately targeting children. It is based on evidence provided by a Dr Nizam Mamode to the ‘International Development Committee’. It all sounds very official – but in reality it is just a pointless parliamentary kangaroo court set up by an anti-Israel MP, Sarah Champion.
I sat through the entire testimony given by Nizam Mamode. If the journalist Marcus White also did, he should retire – because journalism is just not for him. The testimony was riddled with contradiction, and highly dubious statements passed without challenge. I am positive Mamode’s experience in Gaza was grim. It is a war zone and people die. Nothing about it is pleasant. But this was not the key point of his testimony. He claimed Israel deliberately targeted children with drones as they already lay wounded from an exploding bomb. He knows this because the children ‘told him’. Not once, but consistently.
In other words. His testimony is this. A child gets hit by a bomb. That same child is then shot deliberately by an Israeli drone. And then – miraculously – the child survives to tell the doctor of the ordeal. This happened to not one child or two, but consistently. He says:
‘it was not an occasional thing, but it would happen day after day after day, operating on children who would say I was lying on the ground after a bomb had dropped, and this quadcopter came down and hovered over me – and shot me.’
Gaza clearly has an epidemic of ‘superchildren’ being trained by Vought for use in their ‘supes’ program.
How about pointing out the fact that if all these doctors can go to Gaza – spend time in Gaza – and come out of Gaza safely, then things can really not be as bad as they claim. This is basic logic that appears to escape every BBC journalist.
Mamode’s evidence is clearly not serious. He also claimed that 1.2 million people are having bombs dropped on them all day, every day. This is not happening. He even said what he saw in Gaza was worse than the Rwanda Genocide. He spent one month in Gaza, and therefore in the Nasser hospital probably saw a few hundred casualties. In 1994, in just 100 days – 800,000 people were slaughtered in Rwanda.
The man is peddling a blood libel, with cheap impossible hearsay and other inconsistent and illogical statements. And the BBC plays that as a headline – and poses no challenge at all in the article? Unforgivable. It isn’t even student journalism. It’s antisemitic junk.
BBC hate factory – article 3: ‘Nowhere is safe’ in Lebanon
- 22:59 13 November Article headline: ‘Nowhere is safe’: Concerns grow as Israel strikes new areas of Lebanon. Journalist, Carine Torbey, BBC Arabic
This is another deliberately skewed headline. In actual fact there are lots of places that are safe in Lebanon – just not places that Hezbollah are using. The article quotes several witnesses but doesn’t name them – because their names would obviously give away these are all Shia – and part of Hezbollah. This means the article is no more than a BBC Arabic journalist giving a platform to Hezbollah propaganda.
In pretending all of Lebanon is at risk, it is a fake news article. It is absolutely certain that all of the many areas which are hostile to Hezbollah are not at risk at all – something the article does not mention. Which means this is more rancid, bias, amateurish, demonising, junk from BBC News.
Just how much do the British public give the BBC to produce propaganda material for proscribed Islamic terror groups?
BBC hate factory – article 4: ‘the peacemakers of Palestine Action’
- 06:12 14 November Article headline: ‘My daughter was branded a terrorist’. Journalist, Anna O’Neill, BBC News
This article is a bit different because it has clearly been created for purpose by a known anti-Israel journo at the BBC. Anna O’Neill has a long history of writing demonising pieces about Israel. Her likes on the X platform include several supportive of anti-Israel boycotts. O’Neill also gave the thumbs up to posts by Corbyn, the pro-Iranian Islamist Dilly Hussein – and even liked this – with its description of ‘barbaric terrorist Zionists’.
How on earth do the BBC ever let this journo post about Israel – a country she clearly hates? So Anna O’Neill wrote an article about two poor Palestine Action activists (Zoe Rogers and Fatema Zainab) who are sitting in jail awaiting a trial. The article rests on the emotional comments from their broken-hearted mothers who do not understand why their daughters are in jail. I did search for an article on the BBC website sympathetic to violent far-right thugs but didn’t find one.
The article also does not mention that Palestine Action has caused £millions in damages to buildings and equipment they have attacked. Nor that this particular action involved ram raiding a secure site – and seriously assaulting two police officers. But hey, why let little details like facts get in the way of an article dripping with ideological bias. The two thugs obviously belong in jail.
In all honesty, these kids didn’t stand a chance. These posts are from the parents. The post on the left is from Claire’s mom – a practicing Christian perpetuating 2000 years of Christian persecution of Jews. On the right is a post from Fatema’s mother, a devout Muslim, perpetuating over 1000 years of Islamic antisemitism.So both mums are anti-Israel activists with a religious bias (antisemites) – mentioned nowhere in the article.
BBC hate factory – article 5: ‘Israel accused of war crimes’
- 13:54 14 November -Article headline: ‘HRW accuses Israel of war crime of forced displacement in Gaza’. Journalist, David Gritten
This article follows the same pattern as the UN article above. The headline contains accusations that comes from the NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW). Israel is permitted in international law, to take many actions in the effort to secure its own citizens and eradicate Hamas rule in Gaza. HRW – as they always do – take Israeli actions out of context – remove the reasons for Israeli actions and then write reports that demonise the Jewish state.
If Israel needs to move part of the Gazan population in order to take on or expel Hamas then it is permitted to do so according to the laws of armed conflict. Israel is doing this to reduce civilian casualties and maximise its chances of success. While this legitimacy is referenced in the article – it is not given credibility and is dismissed by HRW – the same group who wrote the report. The BBC has not reached for any independent legal advice -which would have swiftly put the HRW report in its place (the nearest bin). This article shows the BBC going out of its way not to be professional or impartial because that would get in the way of the demonisation campaign.
Once again, the BBC are presenting an outfit (HRW) as a legitimate and unbiased source – when any serious investigation into HRW material highlights a severe anti-Israel bias. The BBC piggyback on the bias of others – using outrageous headlines such as this one, to further damage Israel’s legitimacy.
The puppet master
The headlines, Hamas supporting witnesses, a relentless number of toxic articles, (a few other examples 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11). All guns point in one direction (more people have died in Sudan in 2024 than Gaza – yet on Sudan the BBC have only published a single article this month). Worse still – even in articles that do contain some balance – headlines are skewed to demonise Israel as much as possible (many people never look at the article).
The main cause beyond the fact BBC journos are amateurish, biased hacks? Probably a man named Stuart Millar. He is the Digital News Editor of the BBC. So either he isn’t paying attention to the anti-Israel obsession and bias on the platform – or he supports it. Millar is a former head of news at the Guardian. So we know the type. An arrogant supremacist who probably thinks he is a lot cleverer than he actually is. One of the community of the good, and no doubt of the belief that he is the most ethically upright person in whichever room he graces with his presence.
Five attack pieces in just thirty hours. Including one that blatantly pushes a blood libel. What an absolute sewer the BBC has become.
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The BBC is the direct cause of antisemitism in the UK. Haters who comment under articles in the MSM have been indoctrinated by the BBC and frequently quote these lies.
Speaking of propaganda
How the media ‘evolves’ on reports by: death cult Gaza “health” ministry.
Asides from the fact that most Gaza casualties are combatants or their wives/helpers…
Gaza “health” system is controlled by the Hamas butchers. There no ifs, ands, or buts about it .
This is a Screenshot of Google News on Nov 10, 2024.
See how it evolves from:
1. Gaza officials – that means Hamas terrorists. (It doesn’t remind that it is just that).
2. Then it’s “medics” – sounding more ‘credible.’
3. Another screams: “rescuers.”
4. Another, desperate to make it dramatic, by NYT’s Arab “reporter” Hiba Yazbek – it’s: “emergency services.”
Sounds scary. Isn’t it?
On terrorists using schools and lying Bernie Sanders.
Nov 20, 2024.
Bernie Sanders, who pushed the anti-Israel bill to block arms sale, to MSNBC, among his tirade, he complained about “bombing schools.” Is Sanders saying that schools are functioning in Gaza at the war? Or is he denying that Hamas / PIJ uses schools? It’s just a pallwyood type to make a false link between targeting terrorists and kids.
Then he claimed of a supposed “poll” by the fringe JStreet.
The same “Palestinian” propagandist “Iskandar323” that led campaign [https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-806827] to oust ADL from Wikipedia as “ubreliable”, has created in Nov 2023 a page of so called “jewish” (sic) fascism.”
(wikipedia[DOT]org/w/index.php?title=Jewish_fascism&diff=prev&oldid=1183749410) BTW, it was Brit Habirionim who tore down the swastika flag from German consulates and it was Jabotinsky’s and right wing zionists who opposed any deal including Haavara, and it was right wing Zionists who assassinated left wing dubious character R. Kasztner…
Yet, it is Haaretzism [Haaretz rype of whitewashing supremacist racist-Arab Islamic-fascist terror targeting any Jews, while demonizing anyone fearing it] who uses the F word for click baits as (even lefty) Haviv Rettig Gur cited (on his FB) in 2016.
Anti-Jewish racist liar “professor” Neve Gordon, who identifies with Hamas, has been making rounds with his twisted viewes on human shields.
Sep 24, 2024.
In bed with neo-Nazis..
Neve Gordon: Is He Anti-Israel? HNN, Mar 7, 2005.
Gordon was arrested for his illegal interference with IDf anti-terror operations. Prof. Alan Dershowitz last year described Gordon thus: “It is my opinion that Neve Gordon has gotten into bed with neo-Nazis, Holocaust justice deniers, and anti-Semites. He is a despicable example of a self-hating Jew and a self-hating Israeli.” Officials at Ben Gurion University have long backed Gordon’s anti-Israel and Solidarity-with-Terrorists activism.
Distorting facts to support the A slur and intimidating students who challenged him to the truth.
Studying with Prof. Neve Gordon at the University of Michigan.
By Jacob Shrybman, Israel Behind The News. August 25, 2009.
An Israeli student in the large class raised his hand and told Gordon that he was offended by his phraseology and said Gordon was bordering on anti-Semitism by deeming these roads “Jewish roads.” The student described for the class the complete freedom of movement of Israeli Arabs (Arabs with Israeli citizenship) on Israeli roads inside Israel and inside the West Bank. Therefore by calling the roads “Jewish” and not Israeli Gordon was being anti-Semitic. Gordon again simply disregarded the challenge to his biased teaching and appeared irritated.
The same Israeli student that challenged Gordon received a terse email after class that same day from Gordon requesting that the student come see him at his office at an appointment two days later. The student arrived at Gordon’s office and was surprised to see his Graduate Student Instructor (who directly grades the student) present as well. The student cordially greeted Gordon in Hebrew but did not receive the same warm greeting in return.
Gordon then proceeded to berate the student for publicly embarrassing and offending him during class. He belittled the student by telling him that he (Gordon) had been teaching for longer than the student20had been alive and that he had never been embarrassed and offended like that before. Behind closed doors, intimidated by his professor yelling at him, and in the presence of the person who decides his grade, the student quickly apologized and hoped the matter was put to rest. Much to the student’s dismay, in the next lecture Gordon attempted to clear his name and denounced the student’s challenging questions as unfair and unfounded, while publicly humiliating the student…
Hypocrite, “a left-wing extremist from the fascist genre.”
Hypocrites at their worst.
Aaron Roll, September 4, 2009.
The debates surrounding the wrongful act of a lecturer at Ben-Gurion University are not forgotten. Niv Gordon, a left-wing extremist from the fascist genre, infamous as the human shield of “The Man with the Hair on His Face” Yasser Arafat, in a Muqata in Ramallah during “Operation Defensive Shield”…
Always an extremist:
October 2, 2013.
The LA Times’ Ongoing Assault on Israel.
There they go again! Radical professors espousing the demise of Israel are an apparent favorite of LA Times editors who once more give a platform to extremist academic Neve Gordon.
Peddling antisemitic tropes blood-ibels to Arab press.
Ben Gurion University Professor: “Passover (sic) Massacre in Gaza”
Liran Levy, 16th of Nisan 5778 (01.04.18)
Professor Niv Gordon of Ben Gurion University, wrote an article for Al Jazeera…
Now14, Apr 1, 2018.
Alon Schwarzer, head of the policy department at the Im Tirtzu movement and a graduate of the Department of Politics and Government at Ben-Gurion University, responded to the publication and said: “The use of the term ‘Passover Massacre’ by Niv (Neve) Gordon is not accidental. His goal is to direct the world of connotations to the most horrific anti-Semitic blood libels against the Jews who falsely claimed that Jews customarily kill children on Passover to prepare matzoh.
“Thousands of Jews have been murdered for these lies throughout the generations, and a professor belonging to the Israeli Academy is now dancing on this. Gordon is also known for his call to boycott Israel. We call on the outgoing university president, Rivka Carmi, to make amends in her personal career and to take advantage of Gordon’s sabbatical year to prevent his return to the institution. There is only one thing worse than anti-Semitism, and that is the Jews who fuel it.”
Identified with genocidal Hamas.
How Neve Gordon Identifies with Hamas.
Israel Academia Monitor. 19 November 2020.
Neve Gordon ‘book’ promoted by pro Hamas ‘Nableezy’ and anti-Jewish ‘Nishidani’.
Intellectual Racism.
Dailykos. Aug 14, 2020.
From email, August 12, 2020:
By editing so much, since around 2006, this means: the occupation on wikipedia as a routine putting in data and sources and pulling out and claiming what is a RS or not.
But revelations reveal this person’s [user name: Nishidani] motives.
Manipulating intellectuality for a hateful agenda. Nishidani masks his work under “politics.”
On the page of Grand Mufti of Jerusalem
His edit in November 2015:
As he is so excited to find a “cherry” that can put Himmler in a nice light. He quotes Mufti’s writing from the 1970s that Himmler “told” him in the early 1940s he was “shocked” to see Jews abused… But does not quote it the verbatim nor in context of how M. Sells writes it. His purported source.
The Mufti al-Husayni who in 1920 incited Link to attack non-Zionist pious Link old men, women & children under cries of “idbach…” Link; who in 1941 called upon all Muslims to “Kill the Js wherever they are..this pleases Allah” Link, Link#2 Link#3 Link#4 , and has escaped Nurnberg trial, decades later tried to rewrite details in his memoirs. Naturally. And he was bitter after six-day war too, as Sells writes. Though the hatred is still there on display even on those notes, including believing J. are evil, (choosing to) believe in blood libel, etc.
Yet, even in choosing so enthusiastically to quote this specific line, the user changes, intentionally omits the already beginning fictional part in line, the sheer absurdity that supposedly Himmler was “shocked” (at all) seeing Jews abused. Instead, he maliciously edited it, to fit his intended goal to blame the Jews. The people who were all boxed together hungry and under strict orders of brutal Nazi guards.
Pushing for Khazar myth especially on the days it was used (again) for hatred
It was at a time of publicized Farrakhan’s influenced “material” in hate in July 13, 2020. When the poison was in the air. Two days before Nick Cannon who pushed for it from Farrakhan, has finally retracted and apologized.
[Jerusalem Post › antisemitism.
Nick Cannon walks back on video containing antisemitic.. statements …Farrakhan has called Jews…
July 15, 2020
[Nick Cannon Apologizes to Jewish Community for Hurtful Words
By Associated Press
July 16, 2020 01:17 PM
Some info on the khazar myth:
[The myth of the Khazars and intellectual antisemitism in Russia …
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1179/pua.2004.3.3.189 PDF
Our Four Genetic Moms – Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Aug 29, 2013 · On Friday nights Jews traditionally bless their daughters to … million —trace their DNA back to 4 “founding mothers”…
https://www.jta.org/jewniverse/2013/our-four-genetic-moms Link
Jews are not descended from Khazars, Hebrew University
Jun 25, 2014 · New study finds no evidence that Ashkenazi Jews are the descendants of Khazars,
On the Khazar canard.
Sep 11, 2017
Forward › ashkenazi..
Khazar Myth Disproved By History, Linguistics And Genes
Sep. 25, 2017
And again, it’s also about ‘timing’ of Nishidani’s edit.
Upset, objects that the infamous anti-Jewish Houthis are being cited for its use of own people as Human Shields on the human shields page. (As usual, masking it under “politics”).
[Houthis’ flag: officially called Ansar Allah), a political and religious movement and rebel group in Yemen, reads “Allah is Greater, Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse on the Jews, Victory to Islam https://www.latimes.com/world/middleeast/la-fg-death-to-america-death-to-israel-say-houthis-in-yemen-20150220-story.html . https://books.google.com/books?id=42SzDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT414 . https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/curse-the-jews-yemens-houthi-rebel-slogan-handed-out-at-university-569074/%5D
Nishidani, edits, work on wikipedia come from seeing the world as non-Jews vs Jews.
His words in August 11 2020: “to win the minds and hearts of goys…” in the Human Shields page of wikipedia.
Besides the context, it is also the fact of using this form (with added S) not used by anyone else besides neo nazis , up to the time of that Aug.2020 edit. Example: (Fascists forge… January 15, 2019 https://lasvegas.adl.org/fascist-forge-a-new-forum-for-hate/%5D.
Later on, when asked, Nishidani took first the time to browse online, to come up with a weird “reply” trying to blame Jews. To make it clear. It’s not about any use of the word as a whole, but about the context; this person’s view of the world, and this particular form of use.
It all “explains” Nishidani’s obsession on editing about Jewish history, Jewish early sages, personalities, Judaism. And “deciding” what is a reliable source anything that can diminish, or and turn anything Jewish into negative light.
‘Nicola Perugini, distorter, typical inciter.’ Aug 9, 2020. http://www.danielpipes.org/comments/259883
How Wikipedia’s Pro-Hamas Editors Hijacked the Israel-Palestine Narrative
a powerful group of editors is hijacking wikipedia, pushing pro-palestinian propaganda, erasing key facts about hamas, and reshaping the narrative around israel with alarming influence
Ashley Rindsberg.
Oct 24, 2024.
1. CarmenEsparzaAmoux – 8,353 edits
2. Makeandtoss – 8,074 edits
3. Nableezy – 6,414 edits
4. Nishidani – 5,879 edits
5. Onceinawhile – 4,760 edits
6.Zero0000 – 2,561 edits…
Haredi synagogue just burned down in Australia.
Each and every racist Arab-Muslim attacker (London, Antwerp, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Melbourne, etc.) knows fully well: Haredim, are non Zionists, by in large, object serving in IDF. But this, again, like that fascist Arab who who pulled side-locks and spat in Jerusalem (Nov/2024), proves, everything is about bigotry. So are those ‘swastika palestine’ riots by WOL/SJP. Paid by Iran/Qatar. “Thanks” so much for the UN under the boot of Islamist lobby OIC, and its affiliate ICC who never acted against the real genocidal entity ”palestine”) who uses its civilians, nor against chemical Assad whith genocidal Islamic fascist republic of Iran have brought about almost 620,000 dead Syrians. “Thanks” to Hamas’ hosts: Qatar’s owned media (Al-jazeera – also Hamas linked, Middle.East.Eye) who propagates with false narrative and fake news. “Thanks” to BBC lies and promoting Hamas’ “info.” Oh, and “thanks” for that hate-site Haaretz, too [Haaretzism]. “We are just anti zionists.” Right.
Just like Sinwar’s distributing many Nein Kampf books in the 1980s to Gaza kids. AKA the Hamas fighters today.
* Poison Fruits of Hatred *
Targeting Jews outside of Israel
No Zionists are aiming at Arabs non terrorists.
And of course nor are Arabs, Muslims and mosques attacked outside of Israel by them.
But Jews, places of worship have been, are being attacked by Arabs. Muslims.
Targeting ultra orthodox
Each and every racist Arab-Muslim attacker (London, Antwerp, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Melbourne, etc.) knows fully well: Haredim, are non Zionists, by in large, object serving in IDF. But this, again, like fascist Arabs taunting Haredi Jews in Jerusalem, proves, everything is about bigotry.
Muslim lobby bloc OIC’s slave: UN and some in media
“Thanks” so much for the UN under the boot of Islamist lobby OIC, and its affiliate ICC who never acted against the real genocidal entity ”palestine” – who uses its civilians. But sure knows to promote PallyWeid slurring.
Nor did it act against chemical Assad whith genocidal Islamic fascist republic of Iran having brought about almost 620,000 dead Syrians.
Iran, Hamas chief backer and ‘father’ of PIJ, of the Oct 7 perpetrators with Hamas’ accommodator Qatar paid financially-broke South Africa to propagate at the Hague.
And of course longtime BDSr Omar Shakir abusing HRW – leaving a dreadful legacy, Karim Khan at ICC and that very longtimer Israelophobe Nawaf Salam at ICJ are part of the problem.
UN’s infamous antisemite Francesca Albanese –whose husband has worked for Palestinian Authority– has also been a big “help,” in the slippery slope trend since her “noble” racist-expressions in 2014. And yes, she already peddled the G slur back then (some 8 years after probably first “accusation” Feb-2006, by the fake “historian,” Ilan Pappe – defined as a liar by real historian Benny Morris).
Unstoppable ‘rolling ball of Pallyweid ‘accusations.’
Racist Arab organized lobby Wikipedians working in close cooperation, took a grip on the site more so since Nov 2024. Rewriting history pages on the conflict with sheer propaganda,
removing research on Goliath Palestine-Arab-Nazism; promoting / normalizing hyperbolic theroric; removing reliable sources and promoting anti Israel radical sites such as linked by Qatar, Islamic Tukey, etc. Even removing anti hate ADL, yet advanced Hamas linked CAIR lobby even further. These Pallywood actors duping the gullible as if random editors, have converted allegation of the so-called “genocide,” into a supposed “fact,” thus helping propagandists who also work for ‘human rights’ groups can quote Wikipedia, and vice versa. The echo chamber.
“Thanks” to Hamas’ hosts: Qatar’s owned media (Al-jazeera – also Hamas linked, Middle.East.Eye) who propagates with false narrative and fake news.
“Thanks” to BBC lies and promoting Hamas’ “info.”
Last but not least, “thanks” for that hate-site Haaretz [Haaretzism: since at least 2000, rationalizing racist Arab terror which targets Jews, while demonizing those fearing it, including via the R word].
It was always about the hate
Just like anti-Jewish hateful poem, antisemitic canard mixing with idea from their Koran, by Sheikh Suleyman Al Farouki al-Taji wrote in ‘Falastin’ in Nov 1913 – was already then masked as “anti zionist.”
So the Ottoman banned the paper for inciting ‘race hatred.’
But when the British decided to believe Falastin that it’s just against Zionism, fear and worry spread. This and al Husseini increasing agitation.
The cry: slaughter the Jews (Adbakh / Itbakh al Yahud) coined by al Husseini in early 1920/1.
The 1929 massacre of Hebron pious non-Zionist Jews, accompanied by rapes.
Al Husseini, the Mufti rushed to contact Nazi Germany within 2 months of Hitler rise, Mar 31, 1933, offering to cooperate for nazis, against Democracies.
Apr 1933, journalist of ‘Falastin’ and ‘Al Ahram’, Joseph Francis, on behalf of Palestine Arabs seeks the Nazis too.
Sep 1933: “Eissa Bendak, editor of the radical bi-weekly ‘Sawt Al Shaab’ published in Bethlehem, has left for Paris where he will receive instructions from a group of Germans and Arabs on ‘conducting Nazi propaganda’ in Palestine. Bendak was instrumental in organizing the Arab Fascist Party at Bethlehem.”
All major Arab “Palestine” newspapers in the 1930s cheering for Hitler, highlights include overview of Arab press on May 24, 1933 – titled ‘Arab Antisemitism.’ Hitler, ‘Falastin’ called him noble, promoting persecuting Jews and promoted forgery “The Protocls” at the same piece. Islamic paper Al Difa’ was the worse. The Arab press was controlled by the British during WW2, but returned to glorifying Nazis and Nazism immediately after. Including exalt the Nuremberg trials’ condemned to death, ‘Falastin’, deeming Nazism an ideology just like democracy.
Emil Ghuri (in his ‘Arab Federation’) on July 7, 1934: “Hitler whom the Arabs admire very much.”
1935, Arabs in Haifa form Nazi club, ‘Red Moon.’
The 1936 ‘Futuwwa’, by the Husseinis, modeled on Hitler Youth.
1936+ swastikas spread in Arab Palestine with the revolt.
Awni Abd Al Hadi in Jan 1937 to Nazi magazine: “Arabs like Nazis.”
New York Times, May 23, 1937: ‘All’ (Arab) Palestine celebrated Muhamnad’s birthday with Hitler pic.
German Consul Walter Doehle in 1937: ‘Palestinian Arabs in all social strata have great sympathies for the new Germany and its Führer.’
March 1940, magazine ‘Pathfinder’: ‘Palestine’s Arabs admire Hitler for his Jew baiting.’
1940-1, Ahmad Shukeiri [al Shukairy,
Shuqayri] would later (1969) write that they cheered and prayed for Hither, the Axis.
Feb 1941, Sari al Sakakini’s poll, 88% of Palestine Arabs support the Axis.
June 1942, the journalist Mr. Cohen reported most Arabs received news of Jews’ fate in Europe with open joy.
Aug 1942, CIA reported majority of Arabs in Palestine are anti-Jewish, eagerly awaiting General Rommel.
Dec 1944: As the Nazis were already losing all over: ‘Arab Delegation Presents “considerable Donation” to Goebbels in Berlin.’
1946, Ahmad Shukeiri and Jamal Husseini justify the Holocaust and rationalize Goebbels. (This Shukeiri, would, some 15 years later, invent the “apartheid” slur Oct/1961. The champion of PallyWeid. Laying foundation for default slurs, following actors need only to fill in the blanks to come to the slur pre determined by altering facts or/and definition).
After the war, Hitler’s Mufti (who was also behind Arab-Nazi coup in 1941 Iraq, incited to Farhoud pogrom with other Palestinians such as al-Miqdadi and Zuaiter; intervened against Jewish children about to be saved into Israel; broadcast to all Arabs to murder any Jew “wherever they are, this pleases Allah”; mobilized SS Muslim units, toured concentration camps) – his popularity at Arab Palestine only grew, because of his Nazi activities.
PLO’s Farouq Qaddoumi on Dec 7, 2013: that they supported the Nazis in Ww2 because they were also against the Zionists
1947/8, Jamal Husseini, as speaker, explains Arab rejection of a Jewish State, that it will interrupt Arab homogeneity, (open Arab racism).
1947/8, Nazis train Arabs, many Nazis join to fightbthe Jews in Israel “Palestine.”
1950s, Mufti arranges for various Nazis to come to Egypt, including Johann von Leers, naturally, this now Islam convert “Omar Amin”, continues his previous Goebbels job: Propaganda.
Eiichnann, reportedly, aiding in ‘Fedayeen,’ Arab terrorists.
1956, many ‘Mein Kampf’ books found by Egyptian generals under Nasser.
1960s-1980s, PLO and other “Palestinian” terror groups work with Neo nazis.
1960s Egyptian general Saad el-Shazly “known association with British neo-Nazis when he served in London as a military attache in 1963.”
1960s-1980s, Holocaust denier and Nazi Germany glorifier, Issa Nakhleh propagates with Neo Nazis.
1980s: Yahya Sinwar, in charge of education in Gaza, distributes many Mein Kampfs to kids.
1982+: Arafat invents the use of human shields on a large scape in Lebanon. The aim, in sacrifice its people – preferably children, is to gather sympathy.
Bloody Yassir Arafat and other “Palestinian” factions: 1987 1st Intifadah, then 2000, the second: the targeting of Jews, massacres, stabbings, suicide bombings, indoctrinating kids to Jihad and hate, demonizing Jews sermons step up.
1981, Islamic Republic of Iran founds Hezbollah. A year before Israel enters Lebanon to crush Arafat’s terror attackers .
1979-2024: Iran proves again Islamic bigotry. It has no border or land disputes with Israel. As to supposedly caring for Arabs, it’s actually racist against and oppressing its [Ahwazi] Arabs.
(It is also true, that all Arab Muslim regimes are discriminatory against minorities. In fact, the largest practicing real apartheid is the Islamic). The genocide ‘wiping off Israel’ calls dates back to 1996 by Iranian cleric.
1990s’, Islamic fascist Republic of Iran massacres Jews in Latin Anerica. (Such as: 1993 Argentina, 1994 Argentina and Panama).
2014, ADL survey, 93% of Arab “Palestinians” are anti-Semitic.
Repeated outbursts by “modertate” PA’s Mahnoud Abbas, including on the Holocaust have made big headlines.
2006, 2014, 2021, 2023-2024: human shields factory, ‘dead baby strategy’ only increases. Arab Islamists enjoy propaganda globally. (2023/4: The “health” system controlled by the death cult regime puts out “data”, swallowed by MSM as “facts”).
Those ‘swastika palestine’ riots by WOL/SJP. Paid by Iran/Qatar. Renewed hate riots began immediately on Oct 8.
June 2024, Arab poll: most Arab “Palestinians” support (genocidal) Oct 7ll attacks.
“We are just anti zionists.” Right.