The epicentre of global antisemitic activity is – astonishingly – academia. Anti-Zionist, antisemitic academics beget more anti-Zionist, antisemitic academics, all scratching each other’s backs and agreeing with each other.
It is almost impossible to follow a research path on the subject of Israel unless you have spent several years mentored by an Islamist, a Marxist or someone who claims Palestinian heritage. If you show potential as a professional anti-Israel propagandist, or agree to research an area that they choose for your study – your fees may all be covered. Once holding your PhD, you join a club whose members praise each other’s books, sign off each other’s grants – and block access to anything and anyone that does not fit the anti-Israel profile. As a group you actively seek to silence dissent. Hey – you even get to co-sign letters to the Guardian. It is a self-protecting global factory that churns out activists who hold PhDs and who all hate Israel. This isn’t academia, it is taxpayer-funded, Islamist-sponsored, antisemitic, propaganda. This propaganda is the central pillar upon which western antisemitic, anti-Zionism is supported.
In opposition to this, we must stop spending our time putting out fires and begin to address why these fires keep starting and where the fuel for them is all coming from.
Jews on campus – a type of ‘dhimmitude’
Jewish people today on campus can be tolerated, protected or abused. At no point are they treated as equals. The best they can hope for is protection and tolerance in a hostile environment. It is reminiscent of dhimmitude under Islamic rule. On the campus the prevailing wisdom is that their beliefs in Jewish identity are fundamentally wrong.
The Woke doctrine of ‘systemic racism’ holds that Jews are ’white’ and that they are guilty of establishing the ‘settler colonial’ state of Israel. Post-colonial, post-modernist, Marxist thought dominates the universities in which they are ‘permitted’ to study, and they will be tolerated provided that they ‘behave’. In these halls Zionism is a dirty word which is equated with racism.
Jewish students can wave their flags in secret rooms but must not do it where it can provoke. They are offered the protection of being allowed to be wrong within a superior system of thought – or in other words they are second class students. If they are abused, it is far less serious than an offence against someone from the Muslim, BAME or LGBTQ communities. If an academic is responsible for the abuse (see Bristol, Leeds, Warwick) it is the academic who will be protected and the complaining Jewish student who will be victimised – even if the student can prove abuse. Academics fiercely resist the protection for Jewish students that the government is trying to implement. Jewish students that bow down before their masters will be given special favours and status. The best analogy I can find is Dhimmitude.
It has got so bad that there are some universities which are virtually Judenfrei. Why would an openly pro-Israel Jewish student want to go to a University where they will be vilified by other students and victimised by lecturers? What an indictment of the failure to deal with the problem that Jewish students choose a University not by the course content or the quality of teaching – but by the extent of antisemitism that they will encounter.
The activists and their academic grandchildren
Anti-Israel academics on campus are mostly regarded as individuals and pro-Israeli groups often treat them as toxic islands. I would argue that this is a deeply mistaken strategy. Academics are products of the environments in which they develop – and much of the toxic development takes place on campus – in the very place in which they study or teach. Lecturers and especially PhD supervisors can pass their bias and hate onto their students as swiftly as they hand over their knowledge. Students are radicalised on campus. Take this example:
Hilary Aked (PhD) is writing a book on ‘the UK Israel lobby & anti-BDS movement’. Aked, a long time anti-Zionist activist is fixated on pro-Israeli organisations in the UK – and just as importantly, the ‘Jewish / Zionist’ money that supports them. Aked has worked for David Miller at the ‘Zionist money‘ obsessed ‘Spinwatch’, and written for hate sites like Electronic Intifada.
It wasn’t always like this. At Oxford, Aked was Deputy Culture Editor at the student magazine Cherwell, and used to write about music and theatre. After graduating from Oxford, Aked took an MSc in Development Studies at SOAS and became editor of the student magazine there. It seems SOAS sparked the anti-Zionist flame. From SOAS, Aked took up PhD research at Bath.
Hilary Aked first came to my attention in 2015, when North West Friends of Israel claimed to have been duped by Aked, into handing over information they had believed was for PhD research. That information turned up in a rancid Electronic Intifada article as an ‘expose’. Complaints were made to the University of Bath – which predictably, dismissed the complaint. No doubt Aked’s supervisor helped calm the water. Who was Aked’s PhD supervisor at Bath? Professor David Miller.
David Miller, who is something of a conspiracy theorist, has recently been suspended by the Labour Party for talking about the Labour party and ‘Zionist money‘. Jewish students at his current university Bristol, have said they are ‘sick of worrying about him’.
Miller has spent much of the last decade obsessing about Zionist funding and even blaming ‘Zionists’ for the rise of Islamophobia. Aked has also spent much of the last decade obsessing about Zionist funding and blaming ‘Zionists‘ for the rise of Islamophobia. It is reasonable to ask the question of whether Hilary Aked would be obsessing over Zionist money today – if she hadn’t been supervised by Professor David Miller.
Israel wasn’t Miller’s original focus either. Miller’s academic journey took him to Glasgow University where he did his PhD research as part of the Glasgow University Media Group. In 1998, David Miller’s expertise and field of study was Northern Ireland. His early work – even those pieces dealing with issues of influence on the press or government, doesn’t even mention Israel. Miller’s PhD was supervised by Professor Greg Philo.
If you recognise the name Greg Philo it may be because he recently co-authored a book defending Corbyn’s record on Antisemitism (David Miller was another of the co-authors). Philo has been using his platform to attack Israel for two decades (go back to 1998 and nowhere during a 4500 word in-depth interview with Greg Philo are Israel, Zionism or Palestine even mentioned.). Philo has taken part in Palestine Solidarity Campaign events. An interview with him was even published on the Jewish Voice for Labour website. Philo has been referred to as ‘Corbyn’s favourite sociologist‘.
Philo – Miller – Aked. An academic family with an anti-Israel obsession.
‘Activist’ Professors such as Greg Philo and David Miller are teachers, lecturers and especially in the role of supervisor, have enormous influence over PhD candidates.
Spreading out
Tom Mills is at Aston University. He is currently a Lecturer in Sociology. Mills is also currently accepting PhD students for supervision:
All of the keywords are in his list of ‘projects’. ‘Elites’, ‘neo-liberalism’, ‘media’, ‘Islamophobia’. This is because Mills was also part of the inner circle of David Miller’s Spinwatch. His supervisor at Bath where he received his PhD – David Miller. Another in the same family is Dr Mike Berry from the University of Cardiff. Berry is another of Corbyn’s ‘favourite sociologists’. He took his PhD whilst at Glasgow University as part of the Glasgow University Media group – his supervisor? Greg Philo.
It becomes possible to build a (partial) academic family tree:
In every corner
This exercise can be performed on any campus. A few academics at UCL have recently published an attack on the IHRA definition of Antisemitism. In 2019 UCL adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism. However, there was a pushback from some academics represented on UCL’s Academic Board (an advisory body representing academics at the institution). The AB set up a ‘working group’ to examine and report on the issue. Their final report about tackling antisemitism, became an ‘enabler of antisemitism‘.
Their report also launched into an unnecessary, bitter, personal and irrelevant attack on a Jewish activist. The chair of the Working Group is Dr Seth Anziska. At UCL, Anziska’s research and teaching focuses on Israeli and Palestinian society and culture, modern Middle Eastern history, and contemporary Arab and Jewish politics.
Anziska is a ‘revisionist historian‘ who has defended the BDS boycott movement. He did his PhD at Columbia. He also spent some time at a university in Beirut. His PhD supervisor was Rashid Khalidi.
Khalidi was allegedly a spokesperson for the PLO in Beirut at a time when the PLO was shocking the world with its terrorism. No stranger to antisemitism, Khalidi recently stated during a radio interview that Israel supporters would “infest” the American administration.
When Daniel Pipes launched an attack on Khalidi’s appointment at Columbia, it was none other than his faithful student Anziska, who came to his defense. When Rashid Khalidi wrote his book Anziska helped him with the launch. In return when Anziska wrote his book ‘Preventing Palestine’ guess who helped him launch the book – you guessed it – his old supervisor Rashid Khalidi.
This means that the person who was chosen to lead UCL’s examination of the IHRA definition of antisemitism, spent years being academically shaped by an ex-PLO spokesperson.
Illusions in the media
These connections are hidden but they are everywhere. In 2018, the Guardian published one of their ‘academic letters’ belittling antisemitism. It contained a list of about 17 academics. Only when you research the list, do you begin to see the connections:
The Philo academic tree with Miller, Berry and Mills is clearly visible. There is a part of at least one more family in there as well. Justin Schlosberg was supervised by James Curran – a Professor at Goldsmiths, so was Aeron Davis.
On and beyond campus
These networks – and they exist in almost every faculty – must be mapped, especially when they extend beyond campus. Alan Macleod is a journalist and is a Senior Staff Writer for MintPressNews. He has also written for the Guardian. His Twitter feed and articles contain many lies about – and deep hostility towards, Israel:
MacLeod has a PhD, he received it at Glasgow University whilst with the Glasgow Media Group – his supervisor was Greg Philo.
You may not have heard of MacLeod – but what about Clayton Edward Swisher? He is one of the key brains behind the Al-Jazeera ‘stings’ against the pro-Israeli advocacy groups. Swisher was Director of Investigative Journalism for Al Jazeera Media Network. He also has a PhD. The award came from Exeter University and his supervisor was the Marxist revisionist ‘historian‘, Ilan Pappe.
This is not just about hostile lecturers and journalists. This is a journey into the heart of the anti-Israel network.
Nor is it restricted to the UK. The network extends globally. Take Jeremy Wildeman at the University of Ottowa‘s Human Rights Research and Education Centre. He publicly writes anti-Israel articles. He has a PhD from Exeter – supervisor: Ilan Pappe. There are 100s of examples. Our academics spread out across the globe. Taking the poison with them.
This toxifies NGOs as well. Take the ‘Information and Research Center – King Hussein Foundation’, which partners with universities, global organisations such as Microsoft, governments and NGOs across the world. The Director’s name is Dr Aida Essiad . She supports BDS and has won a prize for her book on ‘Zionism and Land Tenure’. She studied on a scholarship at Exeter, was supervised by Michael Dumper. Pappe was one of her examiners. Michael Dumper is another pro-Palestinian academic at Exeter. He received his PhD at Exeter in 1991. In his acknowledgements, he credits Walid Khalidi for ‘giving him the idea for the thesis’.
And do not forget that in a recent expose on Wikipedia bias, some editors were shown to be obsessively spreading disinformation – it should come as no surprise to learn that when their identities are exposed – they turn out to be academics. All roads lead back to campus.
A few more examples
In 2017 at a conference at the University of Sussex I caught Dr James Eastwood spreading lies about Israel. Eastwood did his PhD at QMU but was a child of SOAS. His PhD supervisor was Laleh Khalili, an Iranian-American Professor and anti-Israel activist – who received her PhD at Columbia.
Another of Khalili’s supervision ‘successes’ is Akanksha Mehta, who managed to combine attacks on both India and Israel in her thesis. Mehta is now a lecturer at Goldsmiths. Elian Weizman – an Israeli – is another. Her thesis was on anti-Zionism inside Israel. Weizman, a hard-core BDS supporter – is now teaching ‘Israeli politics’ at SOAS.
The UK doesn’t just send these academics out – it also receives them. In 2018 I was barred from entering a public anti-Israel campus event at Warwick. The talk was given by Dr Siggie Vertommen, an academic at KCL, who had received her PhD at Ghent University in Belgium. Her PhD supervisor was Prof. Sami Zemni. Zemni is a former Director of the Center for Islam in Europe. Both Vertommen and Zemni signed an anti-Israel, pro-BDS petition in 2014. Several other Ghent PhD candidates also signed the BDS statement:
- Pascal Debruyne – PhD supervised by Sami Zemni.
- Koenraad Bogaert – PhD supervised by Sami Zemni.
- Marieke Krijnen – PhD supervised by Sami Zemni.
Siggie Vertommen is now working as a research associate in the Department of Sociology at Cambridge University.
These nests can turn up in unexpected places – here are some PhD topics recently covered at the University of Kent:
- Deconstruction and the question of Palestine : bearing witness to the undeniable (Declan Wiffen)
- ‘Bulwark against Asia’ : Zionist exclusivism and Palestinian responses (Nora Scholtes)
- Forms of exile : contemporary Palestinian life writing (Sophia Brown)
- Reading the Israeli/Palestinian conflict through theater : a postcolonial analysis (Azza Harass)
‘Doctor’ Sophia Brown has since written anti-Israel articles in the Independent. The suprising element about the Kent examples is that these were not written in the history or politics department – but in the ‘School of English’. The common theme here is that they all have the same supervisor – Professor Caroline Rooney – a long time anti-Israel academic.
Defenders of antisemitism
It must not be forgotten that whilst British Jews and their allies were battling hard against hard-left antisemitism in the Labour Party, Corbyn’s staunchest defenders did not come from the unions or the industrial towns – they actually came from academia.
Dozens of events were set up involving academics, to label the allegations of antisemitism a ‘smear’ and to tell everyone how wrong the Jews were. Suggesting the whole thing was all just so Jews could defend their ‘racist state’ and ‘oppress / kill’ Palestinians.
These are academics who were actually belittling allegations of anti-Jewish racism, and defending a political party that was soon to be found guilty of having broken the law, by having discriminated against and harrassed Jews.
The Labour Party were the first political party to be looked at by the EHRC Commission since the fascist BNP- and it was the academics who tried to defend it. Imagine being a Jewish student on one of these campuses!
Scratching the surface – time to dig deeper
Although it took a long time to put together, this first report does not even scratch the surface. Academia is the epicentre of the spread of antisemitism. The three key anti-Israel libels, Apartheid, ethnic cleansing and settler colonialism – all need and receive academic legitimacy. There is no opposition to all this. This is not one side of an argument, but rather, in many quarters, this is the only side being presented.
There are approximately 130 universities in the UK. In my upcoming research I intend to look at all of them, to draw a map – that highlights how and where this anti-Israeli propaganda is being spread. Following the academics can also highlight areas outside of academia (eg NGOs, media) where we can expect hostility. We will know where it must be countered. Knowledge matters.
We also need to know which academics are opposing the IHRA definition of antisemitism and how many of them are in academic families, such as some shown in the examples above.
There are some universities that only have one or two problematic academics, there are others such as Exeter, Warwick and SOAS that are factories, or central hubs for spreading hate. We have been putting out fires for too long. If we want to counter the hostility, we first have to properly understand it.
This project will take several months but the outcome will display the whole network of anti-Israel activity as it has never been seen before.
This research can be split in a modular fashion so please contact me if you wish to lend a hand. Send me names of hostile academics if you have some. Additionally, if possible, do think about helping to financially support this project – either by setting up a monthly donation (Patreon or PayPal), or making a one-off donation to help to support this important work.
Can you help to support this fight?
This research is unique – it goes wherever it needs to – and it depends on community support. The results speak for themselves and for six years I have been creating headlines. I engage in forensic research, much of it undercover, into anti-Jewish hatred, anti-Zionism and anti-western extremism.
I battle back against those who seek to revise history and expose antisemitism and I fight when others don’t. If you can, please consider making a donation.
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Every contribution is truly appreciated

Excellent research. If you look at the echo chamber and its decedents you will find them at 972 Mag, The Forward and any other left wing publication which amplifies this world view.
oh yes North West Friends of Israel AKA our mates in the EDL
A Dumb Bellamy Virus that feasts on his already alcohol poisoned brain.
I have to say David this is all a bit thin and desperate
A poor return for over a 100 DM messages in response to your heartfelt plea for material
I nailed it Bellers. Your frantic dash to get the first comment (unlucky son), a 2006 copy/paste and a bit of misc. shithousery. I know you better than …..oh you can fill in the rest. It’s your slogan.
I was never a fan of the 2SS anyway.
Oh, I haven’t event started to look at those. I have done no more than thank the senders. As for the thin and desperate. I accept that is your opinion. I also accept this piece will be mentioned in Parliament this week. So I’ll have to choose whose opinion I will pay more attention to.
You mean you have more respect for the opinions of the bullshitting fuckers in parliament than you have for mine ? Or did I make a wrong guess ?
Mind you it will be interesting to see which of the bull shitting fuckers you have hooked up with. The plot thickens
I don’t ‘hook up’ with anyone Stephen. 100s of this sites subscribers are politicians, academics and journalists.. I have daily contact with all three. If I am asked questions about my reports – I answer. I am aware this subject is being discussed in Parliament this week and know that today’s report has been forwarded around.
Thats all right then
David, a one-man lobby ……. or one of a cell?
One Cell is what in Sharmutas skull – and it rattles around.
Welcome to the club. There are many of us who have realised this 15 to 20 years ago. This isn’t a criticism, most of our Communal leadership is still in denial, thinking that it’s all a misunderstanding that they can explain to civilised and educated people. We must start to aggressively attack the pro Arab philosophy, rather than constantly trying to explain what nice people we are.
You don’t like Arabs then Tony ?
Any thoughts on Brian Coleman ? o:)
Dumb Bellamy,
9/11 was perpetrated by 19 Muslim Arabs.
London’s 7/7 was perpetrated by 4 Muslims.
Were we to attack a pro-Jewish philosophy would you deem that antisemitic? …. would you, David?
David ?
not sure why I am being called in to discuss Tony’s comments. Let Tony speak for Tony and David for David.
Were we to attack a pro-Jewish philosophy would you deem that antisemitic, David?
Mike (assuming your use of the word attack means to criticise). I am an agnostic, my own feelings towards religious philosphy of any type is often critical.
Who mentioned religious philosophy?
Seems David doesn’t want to speak for David .
Tony, of Hendon Town Hall fame, is of course one of Scoffie;s old side kicks. Another EDL eulogiser.
Just saying
Just thought David may be looking at the posts….. and he is.
David, the epicentre of antiSemitism in the UK is in the BOD who despise Jews who do not subscribe to Zionism. The BOD and others such as yourself, use the spectre of A/S to boost support for the racist, apartheid State of Israel which continues to de-humanise Palestinians and deposess them of their land and homes.
Hello Jack. I’ve noticed that you tend to drop by here when a new article appears and invariably offer your strong opinions on my country which are always expressed in somewhat unfavourable tones. Have these opinions been informed by your citizenship or residency here in Israel?
Hello Ian, do you deny that Israel is a racist, apartheid State which continues to de-humanise Palestinians and dispossess them of their land and homes?
Jack shiT,
Do you deny that Islam is at War with Animists, Atheists, Bahais, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, Zoroastrians
with fellow Muslims (Sunni v Shiite v Wahabis v Salifists v Sufis)?
When Muslims can’t get along with fellow Muslims, how are they supposed to get along with NON-Muslims?
Hi Edward, have you been in the conjuring business at any time? If not, try it, they too use sleight of hand – don’t look here
Jack shiT,
When Muslims can’t get along with fellow Muslims, how are they supposed to get along with NON-Muslims?
Remember the 20th Century when non-muslims couldn’t get on with other non-muslims …. 2 world wars …. millions killed…. you’re an idiot.
And YOUR Sand Nazi Grand Moooofti allied Arabs with
National SOCIALIST SHlTler.
As always, Happy Nakba you Sand Nazi Bitch!
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Sharmuta, It ain’t a “smear” when it’s True.
Happy Nakba!
Edward, you’ve already tried that trick, we know how it works.
Jack shiT, the trick called Islam-o-FAUX-bia only works with drones, dhimmis, socialists, racists, fascists, pseudo “journalists” from the ministry of information, Taqiyya, ….
Happy Nakba!
The UK ?? is as much an apartheid state as Israel is….
Suggest you get your own stinking house in order before you start pointing the finger at other people….
Hi Ken, at least you acknowledge that Israel is an apartheid State. Not sure that you can justify the UK of being so though. I know in the past, Britain has probably committed more atrocities than most other countries but I think that now, unlike Israel, it has become fairly civilised.
That’s 4 worthless posts and 0 ones with any merit, Jack-off. You need to study at the knee of Muck Framer and Bells over there: you’ll still be bankrupt but you’ll feign your victimhood much more believably if you get those shrieking queens as sponsors.
Thanks David for this excellent article. I see you have linked to the UCL working group report. For my takedown of this disgraceful document see here:
Thank you. ….^^ edited to point out I had already added a link to your report.
Academia is such an easy target for your slanderous accusations of antisemitism David.
Let a lecturer criticise the racist apartheid state in an institute of further or higher education and then watch as the JINO’s let loose with a barrage of antisemitism accusations.
Alright Bishop,
Did you have cheeky snigger to yourself when Michael thought that the language spoken in Israel was Israeli, or did you think it was too ?
The language of apartheid must be wiped off the face of the Earth.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray.
Well you should probably start with eradicating apartheid here the UK ??
Notice anything in the flag?
What language would that be Bishop, Israeli ?
Hahahaha !!
Yes, I noticed you Zios hijacked my beloved Jewish faith.
Whare are the apartheid roads and motorways in the UK?
And where are the UK illegal settlements?
And checkpoints?
Where are they in Israel?
Been there many times and never saw any….
You’re deaf, blind and dumb Dobby.
I’ll pray for you.
Pray for yourself…
Maybe you can do it on your kosher phone?
ImaM Oron,
Why are there CHECKPOINTS at every airport in the World???
ImaM Oron, There is Sharia Law posted Tower Hamlets.
Can gays walk unmolested through Tower Hamlets?
Happy Nakba!
Tell us DeadHead Ed (we know you’re a moron).
Were you molested?
ImaM Oron, Were you molested by the Grand Mooooofti?
The St.George’s Cross? The St. Andrew’s Cross? The St. Patrick’s Saltire?
The flag ?? makes it clear that we live in a Christian country…
So I suppose we non Christians will just have to put up with that?
…or England … or Scotland … or Ireland …
“The St.George’s Cross? The St. Andrew’s Cross? The St. Patrick’s Saltire?”
The clue is in the preposition “St.”
On several occasions Collier attempts to dishonestly link antiZionism to anti-Semitism by pairing them together.
Ludicrously, Collier describes Jewish students as being “second class students”. Doesn’t quite explain the remark. Perhaps they have to sit at the back in any lecture hall, can only use the loos after everyone else. Puzzling.
He also tells us that Anti-Israel academics on campus are mostly regarded as individuals and pro-Israeli groups often treat them as toxic islands. Hmm. Seems these groups are the problem here.
Collier attempts “It must not be forgotten that whilst British Jews and their allies were battling hard against hard-left antisemitism in the Labour “ The exhaustive EHRC report found no such thing, yet we remember Collier spent the last 5 years or more lying and smearing that to be the case. A dishonest but lucrative endeavour on his part.
He even attacks academics pointing out that the many allegations of anti-Jewish racism ere of course exaggerated, as shown by the EHRC final report which found that Labour had not fully followed their own internal rules set up prior to Corbyn being elected to lead the party.
Collier chuckles that The Labour Party were the first political party to be looked at by the EHRC, cynically failing to admit that it was the Zionist pro-Israel Jewish ‘Labour’ Movement that had pleaded with them to investigate. Surprise, surprise.
He also then attempts “anti-Israel libels, Apartheid, ethnic cleansing and settler colonialism”. These aren’t ‘libels’ … they are facts, happening day by day, enshrined in Israeli law.
Collier threatens to compile a list of academics who oppose (quite rightly) the IHRA definition of antisemitism with it’s vague ‘may be’ and ‘could be’ possible and the ludicrous inclusion of ‘Israel in the wording, an obvious sign that the definition has been a political fabrication.
His latest ‘project’ will take several months gathering notes on anti-Israel activity “as it has never been seen before” before we’ll see yet another misrepresentative blag where such understandable feelings will be twisted and described as, guess what? Yep. Collier’s constant accusation …. Antisemitism.
Don’t you love how rank Antisemites like Mike Farmer fancy themselves authorities on Antisemitsm?
Well, it’s the accused who knows whether they were being antisemitic, not the observer …. which you obviously are.
Sorry, Mikey. It’s neither they accused (who, like you, are often dreadfully clueless — or just lying) or, for that matter, the “observer”. It’s the victim.
“Our investigation (EHRC) found that the Labour Party has committed unlawful acts.
We have published a report about our findings, including our recommendations for change.
The Labour Party is now legally obliged to draft an action plan to tackle the unlawful act findings we made. This should be based on our recommendations.
Once the action plan is agreed, we will continue to monitor it. If the Labour Party fails to live up to its commitments in the legally binding action plan, then we may take enforcement action.”
And the UK ?? is as much an apartheid state as Israel is….as I have proved to you on the previous thread…..
You are a tw@t FG…..
“the UK is as much an apartheid state as Israel is….as I have proved to you on the previous thread…..” Lol.
Because there’s not a synagogue on every corner for the UK’s 0.4% Jewish community?
As I said. You’re an idiot, Dobby.
Percentage Correction … ‘Because there’s not a synagogue on every corner for the UK’s 0.5% Jewish community?’
Is the UK ?? apartheid state?
Big cross in it’s flag….
Only Christian holy days are public holidays…
Total lack of non Christian places of worship in most of the country…
Total lack of non Christian FAITH schools in most of the country….
Total lack of availability of kosher and halal meat in most of the country….
If Israel is an apartheid state then the UK must be too…
Didn’t think you would be okay with the ghettoising of the UK’s non Christian population but it seems that you are….?
Disgusting really…..
Speaking of APARTHEID…
How many synagogues are in Gaza???
How many Jews live in Gaza???
Here is a 37 second Youtube of a newsreel documenting
a Red/Green sit-down meeting between
National SOCIALIST Shitler
and his Sand Nazi ally,
the Grand Moooooofti of Jerusalem al husseini.
Superb article David. Academia is the green house of ‘politically correct’, and Israel and Zionism and most Jews are rated as ‘politically incorrect’
When I was at SOAS we used to bump into each other regularly at the frequent anti-Israel meeting, often organised and run by the student union; and those meetings were frequent.
I’m not sure if the Weisman at SOAS is the same one as was there teaching Middle Eastern/Israeli politics and history. The one that was there when I was left to teach at either Goldsmiths or Brunnel.
All of the students I met who had graduated from her course were virulently anti-Israel; this included the entire top echelon of the SOAS student union.
As I’ve mentioned previously, a number of senior lecturers, department heads and lecturers and students spoke to me surreptitiously saying they had voted against the pro-BDS resolution and requesting alternate sources of information on the subject of Israel, Zionism and Jews.All of them said they could not be seen talking/debating/engaging with me because they were scared it would affect their grades and employment prospects.
So many lecturers and professors at SOAS were open about their anti-Israel views and allowed their biases to affect/influence their lectures
The Israel society was openly anti-Israel, being run by two anti-Israel activists from an extremely anti-Israel country. Lecturers and Phd students were frequent participants in their meetings.
When were you at SOAS Richard ? The Israel Society ?
> from an extremely anti-Israel country
Which country was that???
SOAS from 2014 to 2016
First year the Israel society was anti-Israel; then it was saved from the anti-Israel zealots by Israeli, Jewish and non-Jewish students
Most Jewish students at SOAS while I was there hid their identities and political viewpoints out of a real fear of victimization. At various times I did see Jewish students in tears over particular issuesw and circumstances.
“At various times I did see Jewish students in tears over particular issuesw and circumstances.”
Almost believable, Richard. Honest.
Well you are the one who is okay with the ghettoising of the UK’s non Christian communities?
? ?
Go figure…..
Yep, you’re an idiot, Dobby.
When you find yourself stuck in a hole it’s probably best to just stop digging….?
Seems you are too stupid to work that one out for yourself…?
Think you’ve cornered the market on idiocy, mate.
Dobby’s lover?
Get back to work Sharmuta.
You’re behind in your bills.
Keep Jack-off’s prick out of your mouth if you’re going to speak here, Muck.
The Sharmuta needs the money.
And if it is true these sbowflakes need to grow up. If they can’t cope with encountering political perspectives different to theirs then university is clearly not the place for them
Quite right Bellers, defining being Jewish as a political perspective. Novel approach.
No doubt you’ll be adding being black, being gay, being a Quaker in the same way, and when all these woke wimps complain about prejudice against them, they can all be told to grow up. Perhaps suggest it in a nice letter to the Guardian, when you’ve done your Magnum Opus, obvs.
you have a bit of a thing about being Jewish don’t you Ian ?
Whereas, as you know, I don’t think about Jews from one way to the next.
There you go Bellers. It only took you 14 posts, but you got your slogan in there eventually. Lucky for you DC didn’t fancy the 2SS.
Anyway, you defined ‘being Jewish’ as a political perspective. How come?
You just made that up. How come ?
Oh dear Bellers. It’s come to that with you now? You’ll be trotting out Michaelisms next.
Review your own responses above. Do you also define being black as a “political perspective” and if so are black people who are offended by prejudice against them also snowflakes that “need to grow up” ?
no i don’t define being black as a political perspective
A cog in an occupying army perhaps?
Would that be the Israeli army Michael, where ‘they all speak Israeli’ ?
Hahahaha !!
Sharmuta is a cog justifying Global Jihad,
where Life has no value and Death is craved.
Once you have the data, organising it to find the relations between Phd Supervisors, colleagues in departments, AS complaints,and response, shared signed letters etc. looks like an interesting Graph Theory problem. No doubt some Databases are better at others than organising this “social network” data such as a Graph Database. Am I am willing to help code this all up. (I believe we live nearby too, although now we are in Lockdown so that is academic). Will DM you on twitter, if I can.
I was at SOAS for 2 years and I saw the constant low level harassment leveled at certain people; those people being mainly Jewish and pro-Israeli (including non-Jews)
Now imagine that not all 18-20 year olds are quite as strong and hard skinned as you; the harassment was low level and continuous. Most young uni students are also reasonably innocent and immature, and not the snarly old men like you and I and others.
The harassment was the snide comments made in public, the pointing out of certain people and comments made followed by group sniggering/laughter, shoving in passageways and the canteen, unnecessary kicking of rucksacks etc, mistakenly intentionally knocking things off desks and tables, blanking certain people to make them invisible non-persons, and the list goes on. If it happened once , OK; but it was continuous low level almost unnoticeable harassment over months/years. Comments by lecturers making fun of students questions and disparaging certain non-PC ideas is also a major problem..
All this harassment is too small to make a scene about and/or complain; but the cumulative effect can be devastating over a period. The McPherson report addressed this phenomena to a certain extent when talking about unintentional and institutionalized bias
I was a mature student and in your parlance ‘didn’t give a f-ck’, but to young adults going to university for the experience as well as the ‘education’, it’s not very pleasant. So stop being the
nasty snide commentator who has nothing to lose by making those comments
Thank you for these details, they really help to visualise how the students must be feeling. You would think people do these things at school, not at university… How sad. I did my PhD at Goldsmiths and were involved in music making at SOAS. I have never experienced anything like that. But I was also a mature student and was not really involved in the student life. At SOAS the presence of anti-Israel events and attitudes was ubiquitous and disturbing. I stopped participating in the musical activities there. At Goldsmiths it took me years to come across blatantly anti-Israel announcements, and it did take me by surprise. I would think three times before sending my child to any of these universities.
It’s not so astonishing considering that it was exactly the same thing during the 1930s
Wow. You must be really old.
Wow you must be really stupid….
There is an interesting discussion on twitter on the question ” is there anyone more batshit than David Collier ”
I offered Scoffie Hoffman, Simple Simon, and Antony ” danger to the public ” Denison but there were no takers
I then offered Dodgie Madge Hodge and that enjoyed a high degree of acceptance
Yeo, Collier certainly unpopular on twitter right now for his hate-stirring tweets.
I particularly liked “racist bald scumbag”
> I particularly liked “racist bald scumbag”
Sharmuta’s favourite customer.
The gloves ?? come off on Twitter ???
The “racist bald scumbag” will certainly learn a lesson from the Twitter sphere.
Never did like his kind.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray ✡️?✡️
Bellers, on a point of curiosity, you noted Richard’s observations about Jews being on the receiving end of prejudice and harassment, and when they expressed their offence and upset at this, you characterised them as snowflakes that needed to grow up. Just to close off this point, do you also think that black people and gay people that are offended and upset by prejudice and harassment are also snowflakes that need to grow up ?
Keen to hear from you on this. I am here to learn.
no i dont also think that black and gay people are snowflakes that need to grow up
And just to pre empt your next question, no I have not stopped beating my wife.
Oh dear Bellers. Defaulting to shithouse activist slogans. Save them for your usual punters. I was just keen to hear why you discriminate between Jews who are offended by prejudice and blacks and gays who experience the same biases. You characterise the former as snowflakes for taking offence but not the latter. How come?
i don’t recall ever saying this but you are an Israeli and therefore a man of unimpeachable integrity. I can’t believe you just made it up so it must be the case. I am very disapointed in myself. Anyone who says such a thing must be a rabid raving antisemite.
So the only remaining question is …….what are you going to do about it then ?
(Sigh) Resist the urge to lead with a slogan Bellers and just check your own exchange here with Richard.
You characterised Jewish students who were offended at prejudice and harassment towards them as snowflakes who needed to grow up and then indicated that you did not characterise black or gay victims of prejudice in the same way. Bit mean that.
You chose the self characterisation of rabid antisemite and asked me what I was going to do about it. (Nice touch of the Bruces there) I’ll simply say, stick with this new honest you. I think it works for you.
They may take a dim view of you down the Swan & Activist but that sounds like a you problem.
I guess so
It may be worth pointing out though that I don’t give a flying fuck about the views down at the Swan & Activist
So when Richard has asked you in previous threads why you are so hostile and offensive to Jewish people in general, Jewish people that do voluntary work for the Jews of the UK, Jewish people that offer charity to vulnerable members of UK society, Jewish politicians, non-Jewish people that align themselves with Jews and pro-Jewish opinions and of course sundry Chief Rabbis of the United Synagogue Movement, he has his answer.
How come you finally outed yourself Bellers. Are you dying?
He not busy being born is busy dying.
I didn’t out myself Ian. You did. Remember ?
Honestly Bellers, I couldn’t give a rat’s ass if you want to out yourself as a rabid antisemite. It’s your own affair and anyway, I’d taken this as read when we first met 7 years ago. As they say “a man needs a hobby”.
He does indeed
Anyways, Michael’s being brave today with a post 45 mins ago accusing Rachel Riley of being an online abuser. In light of the lovely Rachel’s stunning victory in the courts today and recent precedents of successful actions brought against these sort of online trolls, I’d say Michael may be wise to put a few bob away to pay a good brief.
a little sunshine.
Left candidates won a clean sweep in tonight’s executive elections of the London branch of the Socialist Health Association (SHA), despite a concerted campaign and membership drive by Labour First and the party’s right wing.
Coral Jones won the position of chair by 380 to 258.
Jude Ellis and Jessica Parsons (job share) won secretary by 400 to 238.
Sina Lari won treasurer by 404 to 235.
Norma Dudley and Sarah Pillai won the vice-chair positions by 389 and 378 to 249 and 238, with the left taking the full set of 30 places for the branch’s delegates to the Central Council.
Right-wing MP WES STREETING participated in the meeting but will have been disappointed by the result.
Did you mean to post this here Michael ?
I think Farmgirl may have been on the sauce tonight l…
In New York, 1946, Max Weinreich published his book Hitler’s Professors, which documented the use of German scholarship to spread the ideas that led to the slaughter of one-third of Europe’s Jews. The use of scholarship, today, to hound Israel from the community of nations will, if Israel is ever caught off-guard or somehow overwhelmed, lead to the slaughter of Israel’s Jews. Everyone who supports the lies being peddled knows it and feigns innocence.
1) The slaughter claimed more than the third of Jewish lives. A total of 17 million died in that Holocaust. All too often 11 million victims are brushed from History and barely mentioned.
2) “to hound Israel from the community of nations”. It is Israel itself that has distanced itself from the community of nations by its total disregard for established norms and laws. It constantly flouts the Geneva Conventions as it moves steadily towards a totally racist Jewish state.
3) There is no chance whatsoever of Israel’s Jews being slaughtered given that it is maintained militarily by the powerful US and its constant veto.
With the occupying military state of Israel “coming for” Palestinian children in the early hours or “coming for” Iranian scientists on a regular basis you have a nerve suggesting that others are blackening Israel’s name, Israel’s own actions are what shames it.
Two thirds of Europe’s Jews were deliberately murdered by the Nazis…to a pre determined plan…
That’s what they set out to do and that’s what they did….
Which other ethnic/religious groups were deliberately targeted in this way FG?
Israel will always do what it needs to do to protect it’s citizens….
I know that upsets you but I actually don’t give a fuck about that….
All that just to avoid the truth of my post: The Nazis recruited academics to package lies and hateful ideas about the Jewish people, back in the 1930s and 40s. Academics, today, package lies and hateful ideas about the Jewish state. Like Max Weinreich, David Collier is documenting the promoters of the hate and lies. Repeating the hate and lies is your way of distracting from these truths. It didn’t work.
Which lies are they, Liz?
Collier is documenting those that criticise Israel’s wrongdoing and dishonestly mapping it to antisemitism, no doubt to have from removed from their posts. Evil.
Your Collier is the peddler of “hate and lies”.
* have them removed from * 🙂
Sharmuta, tell us about “Islam-o-FAUX-bia” and why it is “irrational”.
See 9/11, London’s 7/7 transport massacre, Pan Am 103 bombing, beheading of French schoolteacher Samuel Paty due to a class on Freedom of Speech and Islam, beheading of British soldier Lee Rigby, massacre of staff at Charlie Hebdo in Paris, Bataclan club in Paris, Bastille Day truck ramming in Nice France, London and Westminster bridge stabbings and car ramming attacks, Mumbai India massacre, Beslan school massacre, Nairobi Kenya mall massacre, attack on Palmyra and destruction of antiquities, WMD (poison gas) massacre of Kurds in Halabja Iraq, ISIS beheading videos, beheading of journalist Daniel Pearl, beheading of James Foley, Brussels airport bombing, Manchester arena bombing, Rotherham rape gangs, Grand Moooofti and Socialist Shitler alliance, Fort Hood massacre, thwarted bombing (by alert passengers) of inflight passenger planes by British converts to Islam, shooting of Pope John Paul II by a Turk, HAM-ASS use of CHILDREN to dig tunnels, Fascist Iran using CHILDREN to clear minefields from the 8 year Iraq/Fascist Iran war, destruction of two 1,500 year old Buddahs of Bamiyan Afghanistan, massacre at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, bombing of Boston Marathon by Chechen brothers,
assassination of US Senator Robert F. Kennedy by a Pal-e-SIMIAN.
Happy Nakba Sharmuta!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Anyway as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, those students that Richard was talking about need to grow up. If they can’t cope with being confronted with political perspectives different to theirs, then maybe university isn’t the place for them
Been saying this to you for 7 years Bellers. You need to grow up. If you can’t cope with being confronted with pro Jewish, pro Zionist perspectives different to yours, then maybe this site isn’t the place for you.
You didn’t really read what I said.
I was saying that there is low level continuous harassment that takes a while to register before it is noticeable
In case you want to refresh your memory and take some time to understand what I said, here it is again……..
Now imagine that not all 18-20 year olds are quite as strong and hard skinned as you; the harassment was low level and continuous. Most young uni students are also reasonably innocent and immature, and not the snarly old men like you and I and others.
The harassment was the snide comments made in public, the pointing out of certain people and comments made followed by group sniggering/laughter, shoving in passageways and the canteen, unnecessary kicking of rucksacks etc, mistakenly intentionally knocking things off desks and tables, blanking certain people to make them invisible non-persons, and the list goes on. If it happened once , OK; but it was continuous low level almost unnoticeable harassment over months/years. Comments by lecturers making fun of students questions and disparaging certain non-PC ideas is also a major problem..
All this harassment is too small to make a scene about and/or complain; but the cumulative effect can be devastating over a period. The McPherson report addressed this phenomena to a certain extent when talking about unintentional and institutionalized bias. This type of harassment slowly erodes the self esteem and confidence of its victims without being apparent to most observers.
This harassment has a name; it’s called BULLYING
Snide comments made in public, the pointing out of certain people and comments made followed by group sniggering/laughter, shoving in passageways and the canteen, unnecessary kicking of rucksacks etc, mistakenly intentionally knocking things off desks and tables, blanking certain people to make them invisible non-persons, and Richard’s fantasy goes on
” … harassment is too small to make a scene about and/or complain; but the cumulative effect can be devastating over a period. “? I do believe toxic Zionist Richard is growing a heart … whatever next?
Agree with everything you say
Maybe it was a typo, but it wasn’t one third of Europe’s Jews mass murdered, it was one third of the worlds Jews that were mass murdered. Europe’s Jewish population was decimated, with the exception of a part of Russian Jewry.
There were about 17 to 18 million Jews in the world in 1939; the Jewish population of the world today has still not fully recovered to that level from the Holocaust the Nazis visited upon the Jews, though there are still many who try to deJudaise, deny it occurred and/or question the numbers of Jews that were slaughtered
“there are still many who try to deJudaise” ??!?
The majority slaughtered were NOT Jewish, strange that Richard seeks to Judaise it
Two thirds of Europe’s Jews were deliberately murdered by the Nazis…to a pre determined plan…
That’s what they set out to do and that’s what they did….
Which other ethnic/religious groups were deliberately targeted in this way FG?
The Roma , of course, Dobby. Lives equally important, if not to you.
My dad’s family were Romanian FG…
They are a lot more important to me than they are to you…I guarantee it….
Roma …. not Romanians, Dobby.
And most of the Roma in Europe in the 1930’s lived…where?
There you go again Dick Licker
Why not drop a five figure sum for a degree course in “Holocaust Studies” from a university designed to exploit and extract money from guilt-ridden creatures like yourself who exist in the past.
Lots of other things you can do including extreme dieting, wearing the yellow and taking a trip to Camden Market. Bit pricey though.
“This Jew-hate is cloaked in anti-Zionism, a doctrine that claims the Jewish state, alone among the nations, has no right to exist. It seeks to whip up anti-Israel hatred by focusing on three core lies: accusations of apartheid, ethnic cleansing and settler-colonialism.” – Richard Kemp.
Seems Richard Kemp has been living in cloud-cuckoo land.
He’s ignorant of the Nation Law of Israel which states “The right to exercise national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people.”, stripping statehood and self-determination from all of its non-Jewish citizens.
Kemp is also ignorant of the settler movement. You’d think a man of his age would be more aware of what is going on.
Don’t drink and type guys….
Bellers and FG….tut tut…..
Even more embarrassing than usual….
Ken, I think you’ve seen enough of this Panto to know the characters and script off by heart now.
Michael says that UK courts that find in favour of Jewish plaintiffs are wrong, Senior Commanders of British Armed Forces that are sympathetic to Jews are ill-informed, newspapers that are sympathetic to Jews are manipulated and anyone that supports or sympathises with a Jewish position is gullible.
Do you think Michael believes that Jews control everything?
Jews do control everything…
Senior Commanders of British Armed Forces
I think it is Kempie that Ian has in mind. Kempie of course is a batshit crazy Christian zio that has it mind that in the end times Ian will accept Jesus Christ has his Lord and saviour or burn in hell.
When he is not planning to fry Ian he is cheerfully seeking advice from dead Generals in Arlington
Some Christians expect Muslims to become Christians.
Muslims expect Christians to become Muslims.
Socialists expect Muslims to become Socialists.
Each are playing each other for fools.
et tu Edward are you planning to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour or are you planning to share a frying pan with Ian ?
A heavy iron frying pan that hits the top of your pointy head.
Happy Nakba!
This will be the same Stephen Bellamy that for reasons of his own self characterised as a rabid antisemite in comments above.
Seems he’s with Michael on this one.
Maybe accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour won’t be enough for you. Maybe you might have to do a bit less fibbing too
Jeez Bellers, I have no responsibility for what you’ve written here. Re-read your own stuff above. It doesn’t go away.
When you outed yourself rather suddenly yesterday, I asked if you were dying. I didn’t think it was of dementia.
Anyway Bellers, before we were rudely interrupted you were about to tell me why you discriminate against Jewish students who complain of prejudice and harassment, calling them snowflakes that need to grow up, but not black or gay students. Why one group and not the others ?
You are not an attractive person when you get rattled Ian. There is no point in justitying yourself to me. It won’t be me that will be sitting in judgment on you
I forsee Ian’s defence that his being cast into the frying pan is only down to antisemitism on His part.
You find an unrattled Ian attractive Bellers? That’s nice.
You can keep all your religious voodoo to yourself and the kiddies. I get my fairy stories from Michael.
Nah I leave the relgious voodo to you and Kempie. And the kiddies of course
Don’t forget that Michael (FG) also thinks that Jewish poets are rubbish for no other reason than them being Jewish….
He also doesn’t think that Labour had a problem with antisemitism under Corbyn even though Corbyn himself actually admitted they did…
He also doesn’t think that the Holocaust was a Jewish genocide despite the fact that the Nazis specifically set out to murder every Jew in Europe and succeeded in murdering two thirds of them. And despite the fact that no other ethnic/religious groups were deliberately targeted in this way?
It’s clear that Michael has a problem with Jews…
Wonder what he will think of President Biden’s new cabinet which is widely expected to be 100% Jewish…?
Dobby’s thoughts … or provided script.
Do you think I’m being controlled by a Zionist puppet master FG?
More your need to fit in with other UK Zionists. We’ve seen how Collier reviles non-Zionist Jews. Don’t want him scolding you, do do?
Not that you are paranoid or anything…?
Right FG?
Embarrassing….as usual…
Course not …. I’ve never ranted in Parliament Square.
You just do all your ranting here….
An excellent way of describing the Antisemitic Michael Farmer
Ah, you understand Israeli, Richard,
Banter Michael, you ballsy troll. Lovin’ the self confidence. Making a gag out of thinking that the language of Israel was Israeli. Way to not appear like a pig-ignorant troll. Well played.
The view from your Sty in the Sky? 🙂
Have you Googled what language we speak here yet Michael or are you still saying it’s Israeli ?
Seems more likely that you have been rattled by Ian than the other way around
Richard luvs ian.
Don’t you, Michael ? Aaaaaw !!
Back to your ‘batsh-t’ this and ‘batsh-t’ that. Seems to be one of your favorite words when it comes to Jews, Israel and Zionists
You still haven’t had had good manners to reply to my multiple requests about why you called the ex-head Rabbi Lord Sacks and the current head Rabbi Mirvis ‘racists’. Do please find the time to answer, though I won’t hold my breath
And while you’re at it, maybe you can explain why you call Israel a ‘basket case’. I’m sure you must have some sort of convoluted reasoning behind your rabid animus
At least the self-confessed Jew baiting Holocaust denier Charles offered an attempt at explaining his hatred of Jews. The modern anti-Jewish Antisemites hide behind the cloak of anti-Israel and anti-Zionist rhetoric to conceal their animus
It is not a matter of reason Richard. The statements you have in mind are not empirical statements. They are statements of impression and opinion. That is, unverifiable. One day when I have sorted Gnasher out I will explain the absurdities of logical positivism to you. Mind you I have been trying to sort Gnasher out for 5 years so don’t hold your breath except when you are walking past a jogger
Good to see Jenny Tonge getting her backside unceremoniously kicked in the HOL today…..
Utterly vile woman…..
Good lass.
You should watch what happened to her……
But also quite funny….
Fat Ass Sharmuta.
Baroness Tonge should be applauded for taking a stand against the Zio ‘Nazis in Kippahs’, which btw was the title of my dissertation.
ImaM Oron, Sand Nazis and their Dhimmis lose.
Read about Socialist SHlTlers pal, the Grand Moooooooooofti.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
David Collier Retweeted
HORRIFIC – an 11 year old Toronto student horrifically states “hitler was right about Jewish people they are evil”.
We have failed as a society when a young child utters such horrific words.
Perhaps the child has heard of the ‘Jewish State’ and its actions, not realising that the Jews there are of the Zionist cult AND only a minority of world Jewry.
Good point. No doubt this story got lots of traction in the Zio press.
This is the image that the apartheid state likes to nurture, since it keeps those paranoid supporters continuously defending it.
Accusations of antisemitism are the excuses Zios use to justify Israel’s horrid existence.
Making excuses for blatant antisemitic comments again FG?
I suppose the Trump protestors who were wearing 6MWE t-shirts on Capitol Hill last week just don’t like the Jewish state of Israel….that you keep telling us isn’t a Jewish state ???
Would it be too difficult for you to choose one argument and stick to it?
The entity that generates the largest amount of antisemitism throughout the world today is not academia, but apartheid Israel and it’s ridiculous claim to be a “Jewish state” when actually its actions contradict Judaism and everything that it represents.
Apartheid Israel has generated such hostility by its widely reported atrocities committed against Palestinians, that many confuse the poison of Zionism with Judaism, as was the case with the few protestors who wore those ridiculous t-shirts that took part in the Capitol riots in Washington DC.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray ✡️?✡️
So you are saying it’s okay/understandable for people to hate ALL Jews because of Israel because they are “confused” and they think it is a Jewish state – when it really isn’t – even though it defines ITSELF as a Jewish state ?
So I’m guessing it must also be okay to hate ALL Muslims because of Islamic State and Islamic terror attacks ?
And to hate ALL Christians because of the systemic child abuse in the Catholic Church?
Makes perfect sense doesn’t it?
Hey Dopey
I’m not even going to try to understand your logic.
Please take your medication, or cut down on the booze and drugs. Or both
Sorry Dobby.
Israel does NOT represent all Jews.
The majority do NOT live there.
Fools like you just taint the term ‘Jewish’.
Socialist Southern Ireland does NOT represent all Irish.
The majority do NOT live there.
Fools like you just taint the term ‘Irish’.
P.S. Substitute Scotland for Ireland and Scottish for Irish.
AND the Racist LaBOOR party only represents Racist Brits. Thankfully the Majority of sane Brits REJECTED the Racist LaBOOR party in 2019.
Happy Nakba Sharmuta!
Given that Israel flouts international laws and the Geneva Conventions are you telling me that all that is down to the Jews there?
I wouldn’t call them Jews, because what they do isn’t Jewish.
JINO’s perhaps.
…or Zios.
Oooo! Let’s watch this; that Bruce knob, schooling Michael on being Jewish – seriously.
This should be funny.
It obviously isn’t a Jewish state though it and its supporters give it that label, its actions and direction being controlled by a Jewish majority Knesset.
And yet you make excuses for blatant antisemitic comments using the justification of a dislike (hatred) of Israel?
So if Israel isn’t a Jewish state how can that possibly be justified?
Just saw a lovely tweet from Michael in response to the stats today that we have vaccinated 2.43m of our citizens (yes, yes ALL Israelis) with the first shot and 977,000 have now had both. With a daily target of 200,000 citizens per day we are on course to have our entire population over the age of 16 fully vaccinated by early March.
Michael rightly indicates that we are willing guinea pigs for Pfizer and are sharing all of our medical data with them to aid further R&D and assist other countries as they roll out their programmes. Michael omits to inform both of his followers that our Health Ministry met with their opposite numbers in the UK to share additional information and learnings from our own roll-out in order to assist them as they prepare their own vaccination programme.
Despite this we do appreciate the recognition from Michael for the efforts we are making to keep even the most rabid Jew Baiters alive and well. Thank you.
‘Police broke up a wedding party in north London where they said about 400 people had gathered.
Officers found the windows at the Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls’ School, in Stamford Hill, had been covered when they arrived at 21:15 GMT on Thursday.
The guests fled from the strictly Orthodox Jewish school when officers arrived. The organisers face a £10,000 fine for lockdown rule-breaking.
Five guests were issued with £200 fixed penalty notices, according to police, who said their inquiries had established those present at the school had gathered for a wedding.’
Disgusting I agree…
All religions have their idiots….
But is this any justification for antisemitism?
Please enlighten us FG….
Just saying.
I’d say that Israel’s foul actions and it’s insistence on renaming itself as ‘the Jewish State’ are the more likely cause for antisemitism.
And everyone going round speaking that Israeli, Michael, eh? We’re scandalous.
So the foul actions of Islamic State and Islamic terror attacks that routinely take place all over the world are justification for Islamophobia against ALL Muslims then?
Right FG?
So, it seems.
You could ask Ted.
I’m asking you…
Is this how it works?
If one Jew or Christian or Muslim does something that you don’t like is it okay to hate all Jews & Christians & Muslims?
Seems a bit heavy handed to me….
I realise that you are voicing your opinion; I’m not disputing/discussing that.
I’m asking for the reasoning behind your opinion in your comments.
I’m not asking the pretend ‘village idiot’ persona for their reasoning; I’m just asking you.
I’m also not asking for any batsh-t replies’.
I’m just asking for the reasoning behind your comments.
Especially your reasoning and evidence behind your allegations that Rabbi Lord Sacks and Rabbi Mirvis are racist
Has it not occurred to you that it is you that is a ‘jew in name only’
You often show a distinct ignorance of Jewish tradition and religious observance, and as with your Holocaust minimization and denigration, you misrepresent and purposely misspell etc names to further denigrate/mock Jews and Judaism
You claim to be a Rabbi, so which Shul and what other Rabbi’s are there; or are you fraudulently misrepresenting the Jewish religion?
I am not an apologist for a racist, apartheid, regime that commits genocide like yourself. Your false allegation that I minimize the so-called holocaust is false, as I have already admitted the 1933-45 German government did commit gross injustices against its Jewish population.
As I mentioned, I have a special dispensation from (The Learned) Chief Rabbi Shalom Dreck to educate the ignorant, JINO’s and learning disabled such as yourself on Shabbat.
I have written several papers and my booklet, “Zionist Poison” has received rave reviews.
Shabbat shalom.
And it’s happening regularly in Israel; I suppose the Farmer thinks that’s Antisemitic as well
This basically sums up what happens every day on this message board…
David : Highlights a specific incident of antisemitism
Farmer : It’s justifiable antisemitism
Us : Why?
Farmer : Because Israel is wayciss
Us : Is it?
Farmer : Yes
Us : Well Israel makes no secret about defining itself as a Jewish state. The Islamic Republics of Iran and Pakistan define themselves as Muslim states are they “wayciss” too?
Farmer : Errm…
Us : So you’re saying that because Israel is a Jewish state then antisemitism against ALL Jews is justified?
Farmer : Israel isn’t a Jewish state
Us : What?
Farmer : Israel isn’t a Jewish state.
Us : So antisemitism against ALL Jews cannot be justified then?
Farmer : Yes it can
Us : How?
Farmer : Because people are confused. They think Israel is a Jewish state when it isn’t which justifies their antisemitism. And even though I maintain that Israel is not a Jewish country I am prepared to defend those people who commit antisemitic acts using the fact that they are doing these things because they might not like Israel and they might think that Israel is a Jewish state even though I don’t think it is….
Us : wtf?
Day in and day out…the same old shit…
Perspicacious summary that Ken, innit ?
As you say Ian…it’s like a pantomime….
Yes, Michael once got very cross with me for making fun of the posts here, Ken. We weren’t supposed to be taking them seriously were we?
How could we take them seriously Ian?
How could anyone?
Shabbat Shalom to you anyway….
You fell at the first fence with “David : Highlights a specific incident of antisemitism”
David highlights anti-Israel and anti-Zionism comments, then dishonestly claims that they are antisemitic. He’s done it for years. It’s how he earns a living. Lies and misrepresentations….. known as Israeli.
Pay attention, Richard.
HORRIFIC – an 11 year old Toronto student horrifically states “hitler was right about Jewish people they are evil”.
We have failed as a society when a young child utters such horrific words.”
So just to be clear… think that saying that Hitler was right about Jewish people is anti zionism and not ant semitism?
Is that correct FG?
Btw I’m Ken and not Richard….
? ? ?
Pay attention FG…..
Is that correct FG?
Oh yes, he didn’t like Jewish people obviously, Richard.
So just to be clear… think that saying that Hitler was right about Jewish people is anti zionism and not anti semitism?
Please confirm
FG ?
FG ????
? ?
Excellent summary Ken. I would include two other Muck Framer beats he can’t stop returning to:
“I love Jeremy Corbyn and wish I was his concubine”
“I’m going to briefly pretend I care about non-Jewish victims of the Nazis because I ultimately like Nazis more than Jews and I can’t always hide that”
That’s our trolling, unsuccessful Muck.
A very precise description of what and how it is when you try talking and debating with a clump of mindless dung
Speaking of Melanie Phillips and Einat Wilf.
Watch them die under their banner “Anti-Zionism is antisemitism” Wonderfully destroyed.
This one is even funnier….
Poor Mehdi…he’s not the brightest is he….
It’s the fire-risk that lacks the logic.
This is interesting albeit not as interesting as last Sundays results in the 4TH division of the Albanian basketball league
1 in every 115 people in the world is British. Yesterday 1 in every 9 people in the world that died of
covid was British
If an Albanian basketball playing student was offended and upset by prejudice and harrassment would you call them a snowflake and tell him to grow up Bellers or is it still just the Jewish students against whom you discriminate as you indicated above?
you got your singulars and plurals mixed up but never mind.
This is what I mean Ken. Who clicks on some preposterous long link like this, not just because it comes from a nutcase like Michael. But you can imagine the buggy, porn site where you’d end up. You just can’t take these daft barn pots seriously.
‘European Jewish groups have condemned a European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruling released today which upholds a Belgian ban on kosher and halal slaughter methods.
The court ruled Thursday that authorities can order that animals be stunned before slaughter.
The ruling sets a precedent which could see laws against Jewish ritual slaughter upheld across the European Union.
Rabbi Menachem Margolin, chairman of the European Jewish Association (EJA), stated that it was a “sad day for European Jewry”, and that the ruling rested on “completely ignoring the fact that kosher slaughter puts the welfare of the animal and minimising its suffering as of paramount importance.
“What today’s ruling does is put animal welfare above the fundamental right of Freedom of Religion. Simply put, beast takes preference over man,” Rabbi Margolin said. ‘
Idiotic Rabbi.
Banning kosher meat effectively bans orthodox Jews….or forces them to become vegan/vegetarian against their own will….?
Is that what you want?
I thought you were against the oppression of minorities?
But it seems that you are all for it?
What a tw@t you are….
“..any stick I can find to beat the Jew over the head.”
Chris Rogers. Former contributor here and team mate of Michael, Bellers et al. That’s the way their cookie crumbles, Ken.
Shabbat shalom.
christ you are an impenetrable wall of self pity much like those students Richard goes on about. Get over yourself ffs
Just uncheck the auto update notifications here and you won’t have to dash over after every ping Bellers.
Anyway, you’ve made the effort to pop over on a weekend, so be a thoughtful guest and clean up after you’ve taken a shit in the airing cupboard. I’m off to the beach.
Really ? Ian if you told me it was Saturday I wouldn’t act on it without getting it independently checked out
Mind the lift doors.
Not allowing people to mistreat animals deliberately just to prolong myths isn’t oppression, Dobbs.
All religions are based on myths FG…
Judaism is….
Islam is….
Christianity certainly is….
And let’s not forget that Jesus Christ himself was born a Jew and lived his whole life as a Jew and died a Jew so he would have eaten kosher meat his whole life….
Died a Christian. He was a Christian by his actions.
Scribes and Pharisees weren’t Jewish by theirs.
p.s. he eat bread too. 🙂
He died a Jew…
Yes he did eat bread…
In fact his last meal included unleavened bread from the Passover table….
Hence…he died a Jew….
I know how painful this is to a Jew hater like you…
Which is why I love reminding you about it so much…. ❤️
Plus Mary and Joseph were Jews.
How do Jew haters deal with that?
Praying to Jews for Salvation.
Naw, Collier doesn’t reckon that decent Jews are really Jews.
Those students were not suffering from self pity; they were suffering from Antisemitic and anti-Jewish prejudice and racism
Not if they were Zionists, Richard.
Yeh we get it…
It’s acceptable to hate and abuse all Jews because some of them support Israel and Israel is wayciss because it defines itself as a Jewish country even though it isn’t…
That’s it in a nutshell isn’t it Farmgirl?
… and what is that wild rant based on, Dobby?
Six months of reading your embarrassing schoolboy bullshit FG….
That’ll be ‘mis-reading’. Remember, you’re Dobby.
So says the “king of comprehension”
? ? ?
Is saying “Hitler was right” antisemitic FG?
Or do you actually think he was right?
I think I know what your answer to this question is…
But do you have the guts to actually say it?
Settlers attack.
Here’s your modus operandi: Will seek out academics who criticize Israel, call them antisemitic and expose them in your blog and on Twitter, with the goal of getting them fired.
Only then will you be pleased with yourself and satisfied about putting your warped version of “Jewish values” into action.
Flippin’ ‘eck! I’m away spending a lovely Shabbat on the beach and the trolls lose their shit.
Michael’s back on the “Jesus wasn’t Jewish, honest”. That knob, Bruce is on his “I am Jewish, honest.” And old Bellers doesn’t know what day it is. With team mates like that, who can blame him?
Anyway, let’s raise the curtain on another week of Panto. Places everyone !
UN has said “ultimately, the responsibility for health services “remains with the occupying power until the occupation has come to an end”. ”
The Israeli minister on Andrew Marr showed what a disgusting scum bunch they are.
Liberating death camps wasn’t the responsibility of the Soviets, the UK and the Americans.
That’s not very nice Michael.
Was he talking “Israeli” Michael?
Note to reader(s). Michael, one of our less well informed trolls believes that the language of Israel is Israeli.
Poor Michael is upset that the death camps were liberated….
And yet now he wonders why we support and stand up for the the Jewish state of Israel….?
Michael is a dozy c@nt….
Don’t be like Michael….
That is all…..
Muck Framer, sort of being against Nazism for about 5 minutes now.
What is your level of interest in our health services and those of our Arab neighbours Bellers?
They aren’t your neighbours … they are your occupied, and your responsibility
Do they speak “Israeli” too, Michael ?
well i couldn’t give a flying fuck about your health services
Natch !
Collier – “the BBC love dead Jews, weak Jews, injured Jews, scared Jews.”
The same idiotic shite Collier peddled for 5 years against Jeremy Corbyn. EHRC showed what a liar Collier is.
Jeremy who, Michael ?
Is saying “Htler was right about Jewish people they are evil” antisemitic?
Yes or No ?
Silly, slow Dobby.
You are clearly too dense to even answer a simple Yes or No question so let me make it a bit easier for you….
1. YES
2. NO
I look forward to you reply with eager anticipation….
Well done for proving my point and for disproving yours…
Quite an achievement that is….
Yes ‘n No?
My, you ARE slow.
And you are a dozy racist cunt
Always have been
Always will be
That is all
Sharmutas customers like it S–L-O-W.
> 3
Sharmuta the Turd.
If Jesus Christ lived in our time, DC & Co would no doubt refer to him as: “A self-hating, antisemitic Jew-Hater.”
But that aside, would like to take a moment to remember our “Good Zionist” acquaintance, the greedy fucking, bastard JINO billionaire and racist Sheldon Adelson, who once said: “The purpose of the existence of Palestinians is to destroy Israel.”
If I ever got my hands on that racist when he was alive, no bone in his sorry body would have been left unbroken. He would of been praying to this rabbi for his life.
Sure Sheldon and his cellmates in hell, Schicklgruber and Kahane are getting along just fine.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray..
I’m sure if Jesus came back he would have been horrified to see a mosque sitting on top of where his temple used to be….
I’m sure that restoring his temple would be the first job on his list….
And I’m sure that every rabbi in the world (apart from you ? ) would agree with me….
You just exposed yourself for the Islamophobe you are.
Now go sliver back under your decomposing log. ?
ImaM Oron, keep banging your head on on the mosque pavement.
It’s great for your cognitive disabilities.
And when you regain consciousness, Israel / Zion will be here
and Pal-e-SWINE will be NOWHERE.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
DeadHead Ed (we know you’re a moron)
Listen to your Rabbi:
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
ImaM Oron,
Now go SLITHER back under your decomposing NAKBA.
DeadHead Ed (we know you’re a moron)
Listen to your Rabbi:
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Just going back over yesterday’s Panto script.
The more attentive reader(s) will have spotted that knob Bruce saying that he is tough enough to beat up an 87 year old Jewish man, now dead.
From what I’ve seen of our pugnacious poster, he does look quite small and does not appear to have any real physical development so I wonder. Is he being boastful, provocative or just quite realistic in his ambitions ?
Israel’s brave protectors.
Israel’s brave protectors.
Happy Nakba to Pal-e-SLIME!
And He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a ‘den of thieves.’ ”
Note the key words “MY HOUSE”
The actual words of Jesus….
Maybe he was an islamaphobe too?
Jesus had the gift of prophesy. The “Den of Thieves” describes apartheid Israel to the hilt.
As sung by a Zionist soldier:
“Land grab, Land grab
Land grab, land grab, land grab
Hey Palestinians
Want some Zionism?
Bugs and lice
they’re very nice!
I like killing,
murder too
I love the tasty smell of blood.
When I come back from patrol at night
I give my favourite yell –
Land grab, Land grab
Land grab, land grab, land grab
Hey Palestinians
Want some Zionism?
Bugs and lice
they’re very nice!”
Well the land that Jesus’s temple stood on was stolen by the Arabs….who then built a mosque on top of it….
Wonder what he would have to say about that exactly?
Have to say this made me laugh
Israeli to Palestinian………” what seperates you from the animals ” ?
Palestinian……….” the wall”
Nice stab at a Roger Waters gag there Bellers. It operates on a couple of levels.
And what levels might they be ?
The Wall and Animals are both Pink Floyd albums?
aaaahhhhh thank you Ken
In my view Pink Floyd have been a heap of shite ever since the late, great Syd left
Syd never died Bellers. Just lying low from HMRC but still doing his thing over here.
Pretty good. Brought back memories of when I saw Daniel Khan at the Jewdas party in the synagogue in Whitechapel
Nice. Was that knob Bruce there. They always have a pretend Rabbi on hand to Minister to the pretend Jews, right?
Message to resident f@ckwits…
Tell us again about how David never did any research into “tory antisemitism” and how this was the main reason for Labour’s worst election defeat since the 1930s….
? ? ? ?
Always makes me chuckle that does….
Remember the sealions at the circus Ken and how they’d stand up, clap and make a funny noise when you threw them a sprat ? It’s the same with the trolls.
Ed’s much better at it that me but we’ll have a try with a sprat. Michael, Bruce. On your podia, and …………
“NAKBA !!”
Come on guys…you know you want to….
Just think if you had only highlighted David’s failure to investigate “tory antisemitism” back in 2019 Corbyn would be in No. 10 now and the wearing of sandals with socks would now be compulsory….
Witness …
We got there in the end didn’t we?
Oh FG….
What a difference you are making to the hard left Jew hating agenda……
What a poster boy you are….
Good banter Ed. I will suggest to DC that you are designated as the official site Seal Trainer. This is quite a prestigious role and comes with all the ceremonial accoutrements including the container for the rewards, or “Nakbucket” as it has become known. You also get a monthly stipend of 20 shekels to buy sprats from the market. This should be more than enough to keep our performing seals in line.
Mazaltov !
If you’ll excuse me, I have to pray.
Pray for the restoration of our temple in Jerusalem….
That’s what all rabbis pray for….
I’m sure you knew that?
I pray for the dismantlement of apartheid Israel, a free Palestine, the return of refugees and the punishment and final solution of Zionism.
ImaM Oron, Your “Pal-e-CRIME” is destined for the same eternal dustbin of History that your SOCIALIST furher SHlTler’s Turd Reich is in.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
Your prayers are blowing up in your rat featured face.
DeadHead Ed (we know you’re a moron)
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
You must be Sharmutas ImaM.
Guide her well – to HELL.
Belief in the future advent of the Messiah and the fulfilment of the messianic prophesies (including the building of the third temple) is one of the fundamental requisites of the Jewish faith, concerning which Maimonides has written: “Anyone who does not believe in him, or who does not wait for his arrival, has not merely denied the other prophets, but has also denied the Torah and Moses, our Rabbi.”
Keep praying rabbi…
That he may come swiftly and fulfil the messianic prophesies as it is written….
? ? ? ?
Jewish eschatology, the term mashiach, or “Messiah”, refers specifically to a future Jewish king from the Davidic line, who is expected to save the Jewish nation, and will be anointed with holy anointing oil and rule the Jewish people during the Messianic Age.
The Messiah is often referred to as “King Messiah”, or, in Hebrew, מלך משיח (melekh mashiach), and, in Aramaic, malka meshiḥa. In a generalized sense, messiah has the connotation of a savior or redeemer who would appear at the end of days and usher in the kingdom of G-d.
Messianism “denotes a movement, or a system of beliefs and ideas, centered on the expectation of the advent of a messiah.”
Orthodox views hold that the Messiah will be descended from his father through the line of King David,[9] and will gather the Jews back into the Land of Israel, usher in an era of peace, BUILD THE THIRD TEMPLE ? and father a male heir…..
Belief in the future advent of the Messiah is one of the fundamental requisites of the Jewish faith, concerning which Maimonides has written: “Anyone who does not believe in him, or who does not wait for his arrival, has not merely denied the other prophets, but has also denied the Torah and Moses, our Rabbi.”
Every Jew on earth (including the Neutra Karta crackpots) believes in and prays for the coming of the Messiah that he may fulfil the above prophesies….
Prophesies that include the building of the third temple…..
? ?
Keep praying guys….and may the almighty hear your prayers and let this come to pass….
All that may well be the case but it is not quite what Christian Zio nut jobs like Ian’s mate Kempie have in mind
Ah, bless.
This post wasn’t for you…
But your condescending and dismissive response to what constitutes the bedrock of world Judaism is duly noted….
Bruce the pretend rabbi(t)
Si where is this Zionist song you Antisemitic dimwitted mugginns
Show us this song; or forever put whatever it is you put in your mouth and shut-up
Think before you sing along
Apartheid is Collier’s song
Collier whitewashes; real Jews protest
Boycott, sanction and divest!
Your whitewashing -we don’t buy it
All your lies won’t keep real Jews quiet!
Israeli apartheid is out of key
With freedom for humanity!
Music for liberation
Not whitewashing occupation!
Voice of peace? That’s a lie!
Zionists laugh while Palestinians die!
Collier, let the Rabbi set you straight
Israel is a racist state!
Stand for justice, here is how;
Boycott apartheid now!
Every Jew on earth (including the Neutra Karta crackpots) believes in and prays for the coming of the Messiah that he may fulfil the above prophesies….
Prophesies that include the building of the third temple…..
? ?
Keep praying rabbi….and may the almighty hear your prayers and let this come to pass….
Brucie the mindless pretend rabbi(t)
Methinks Satan awaits your supplications
…says Dick “Licker” Galber.
I will pray for you. If that helps.
Every Jew on earth (including the Neutra Karta crackpots) believes in and prays for the coming of the Messiah that he may fulfil the above prophesies….
Prophesies that include the building of the third temple…..
? ?
Keep praying rabbi….and may the almighty hear your prayers and let this come to pass….
Brucie the Antisemitic pretend rabbi(t)
You use the language of the Nazis in the context they meant it to be (your stated wish for the final solution for the Zionist Jews)
……..Rabbi Dr Levy, Intifada Rabbi ?? on January 26, 2021
………”the punishment and final solution of Zionism.”
Obviously means the death of Zionism. A one-state solution…. all having equal rights and being a part of the state?
Jew and non-Jew equal.
Jews and non Jews are already equal in Israel Farmgirl…
Unfortunately this is not the case in most Muslim majority countries….
Disgusting really…..
How many Palestinians live in settlements? Are allowed to drive on ALL roads? Intermarry? Are legally allowed to own firearms? What about land theft? Water theft? Bulldozing of Palestinian homes, etc, etc…
Belief in the future advent of the Messiah and the fulfilment of the messianic prophesies (including the building of the third temple) is one of the fundamental requisites of the Jewish faith, concerning which Maimonides has written:
“Anyone who does not believe in him, or who does not wait for his arrival, has not merely denied the other prophets, but has also denied the Torah and Moses, our Rabbi.”
Keep praying rabbi…
That he may come swiftly and fulfil the messianic prophesies as it is written….
Not only are you now the ‘keeper of the batsh-t’, you have now taken on the roll of mind reader for Christians who like Israel.
You have mastered the art of insulting Jews without ever giving any evidence to back up your ‘batsh-t’.
Keep going to see how fast and deep you can dig; sewers flow much better when they are deeper
“Christians who like Israel.”
Why would true Christians like Israel given its actions?
Hey Ed. The performing seals are back. Grab the bucket !!
Well there is only one country in the middle east whose Christian population is growing….
Can you guess which one Farmgirl?
Christians who are not a part of the state?
Christians who are denied self-determination?
Christians who are denied statehood where they live?
Could be anywhere in the ME, Dobbs.
Not the brightest are you Farmgirl?
Christians United for Israel….
Over 100k followers….
Must be something to do with Israel being the only country in the middle east where Christians are free to live in peace…
No wonder their numbers are growing….
100k Pseudo-Christians.
Ah okay…
So that makes….
Christian values are against the abuse, the theft, the cruelty of the Israeli regime.
Are you saying that the names that you mentioned do are not following Jewish values when they also campaign against the abuse, the theft, the cruelty of the Israeli regime.
Belief in the future advent of the Messiah and the fulfilment of the messianic prophesies (including the building of the third temple) is one of the fundamental requisites of the Jewish faith, concerning which Maimonides has written: “Anyone who does not believe in him, or who does not wait for his arrival, has not merely denied the other prophets, but has also denied the Torah and Moses, our Rabbi.”
Keep praying FG…
That he may come swiftly and fulfil the messianic prophesies as it is written….
Oh and btw…the Nazis…the actual Nazis….were mostly Christians….
How about that for Christian values FG?
More people call themselves “Christian” than actually read the Bible and practice the religion.
Keep praying rabbi…
Moschiach will be here soon if you keep praying for him….
Dear friends and online congregants.
From the Capitol siege in Washington DC to Islamophobic, Xenophobic neo-Nazi EDL and Britain First rallies in London, you’ll ALWAYS find at least one flag of apartheid Israel present.
Read and discuss.
Every Jew on earth (including the Neutra Karta crackpots) believes in and prays for the coming of the Messiah that he may fulfil the above prophesies….
Prophesies that include the building of the third temple…..
? ?
Keep praying rabbi….and may the almighty hear your prayers and let this come to pass….
Scoffy also carries the flag of apartheid Israel as a fashion accessory.
Nuff said.
I have to pray now ✡️?✡️
Belief in the future advent of the Messiah and the fulfilment of the messianic prophesies (including the building of the third temple) is one of the fundamental requisites of the Jewish faith, concerning which Maimonides has written:
“Anyone who does not believe in him, or who does not wait for his arrival, has not merely denied the other prophets, but has also denied the Torah and Moses, our Rabbi.”
Keep praying rabbi…
That he may come swiftly and fulfil the messianic prophesies as it is written….
Dear Friends and online congregants
On this International Holocaust Memorial Day, we remember the victims of fascism; be they Palestinians, especially the children and babies murdered by the Israeli Zionist apartheid state, victims of the Armenian Genocide, Cambodian Genocide, Rwandan Genocide, as well as others – and victims of the 1933-45 German Government.
May their souls rest in peace.
Never heard of a Palestinian holocaust rabbi….
Given there were around 1m Palestinians in 1948 and around 5m today it would seem that theirs was the only holocaust to have INCREASED their population by 500%….
Btw Holocaust Memorial day….is tomorrow….
Not around tomorrow. To busy fundraising for Palestinian charities.
We will raise much money. Inshallah
See you in a few days.
Yeh right
Can’t wait
Let us pray, speak out and act against injustice everywhere.
It’s a mitzvah to be anti-Zionist.
Oooh look. A performing seal playing at provocation. Ed, bring the bucket!!
Every Jew on earth (including the Neutra Karta crackpots) believes in and prays for the coming of the Messiah that he may fulfil the messianic prophesies….
Prophesies that include the building of the third temple…..
? ?
Keep praying rabbi….and may the almighty hear your prayers and let this come to pass….
Are seriously saying that the Colliers, the Kays and the Edwards of this world pray to the Jewish God? lol.
Well we pray to the same God that you pray to FG….
Don’t ever forget…..
Jesus was a Jew
Born a Jew
Lived as a Jew
Died a Jew
I know how painful this is to a Jew hater like you and that’s why I love reminding you about it….
Dream on, Dobby …. or read the NT..
It’s you who needs to read it Farmgirl…
“MY temple should be a house of prayer…”
Keep praying to your Jewish Messiah….
You have a lot of sins to forgive….
Read your Bible Dobby (if you even have one)
Must be tough for a jew hater like you to realise that he has been praying to a Jew his whole life
Oh boy
That must really hurt
Saw the hypocrisy … and rejected it. 🙂
Died a Jew
Never forget that
The Israel Central Bureau of Statistics noted that when taking into account the data recorded over the years, Christian Arabs fared the best in terms of education in comparison to any other group receiving an education in Israel.
In 2016 Christian Arabs had the highest rates of success at matriculation examinations, namely 73.9%, both in comparison to Muslim and Druze Israelis (41% and 51.9% respectively), and to the students from the different branches of the Hebrew (majority Jewish) education system considered as one group (55.1%).
As for higher education Christian Arabs are one of the most educated groups in Israel. Statistically, Christian Arabs in Israel have the highest rates of educational attainment among all religious communities, according to a data by Israel Central Bureau of Statistics in 2010, 63% of Christian Arabs have had college or postgraduate education, the highest of any religious group.
Despite the fact that Arab Christians only represent 2.1% of the total Israeli population, in 2014 they accounted for 17.0% of the country’s university students, and for 14.4% of its college students.
The percentage of Arab Christian women who are receiving higher education is also higher than that of other groups. There are more Christians who have attained a bachelor’s degree or higher academic degrees than the median Israeli population.
The rate of students studying in the field of medicine was higher among Christian Arab students than that of all other sectors.
In 2013, Arab Christian students were also the vanguard in terms of eligibility for higher education, as the Christian Arab students had the highest rates of receiving Psychometric Entrance Test scores which make them eligible for acceptance into universities.
Data from the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics show that 61% of Christian Arabs were eligible for university studies, compared to 50% of Jewish, 45% of Druze, and 35% of Muslim students.
And yet somehow some people would have you believe that Israel is an apartheid state and disadvantages it’s non Jewish population….??
‘The right to exercise national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people.’
Tell me about how Jews and Muslims are able to self determine in the Christian “apartheid” UK ??
Ah, you’re still the fool you were when you attempted that fantasy weeks ago.
Please tell me how Jews and Christians and minority ethnics are able to self determine in a white Christian majority democracy….?
It is you who is the fantasist FG….
You are also as thick as pigsh1t…
Jerusalem Post : -“IDF Chief Kochavi: Return to Iran 2015 nuclear deal is strategic mistake.”
So, this fool, from a state that already has a nuclear arsenal thanks to a Pakistani, allows no-one to inspect its own facilities and refuses to join any international nuclear consensus whines that others should not also have for themselves a deterrence against the hawks of the world, such as the US and Israel.
Keep praying to your Jewish Messiah FG
The Jewish Messiah who had 2 Jewish parents and 12 Jewish apostles….
That’s gotta hurt….
There seems to be a bit of confusion amongst resident f@ckwits about what constitutes Self Determination….
Allow me to try to explain it to you….
The Belgian government recently banned the production of kosher meat…
This means that Orthodox Jews who eat meat will either have to become vegetarians or will have to import kosher meat from other countries (at a huge cost) or be forced to leave that country….
Because they are a minority living in a democracy the Jews of Belgium are not able to determine the laws that govern them….
This applies to ALL Jews who live in every country in the world apart from one…..
It is only in Israel that Jews are able to and are therefore guaranteed to make the laws that govern them…
Some people resent the Jews even having this one country….but one look at what has happened in Belgium tell you that they need it….
Hope this is helpful to the f@ckwits….
nothing and nobody self determines otherwise I would be the absolute monarch of the whole world
And that, dear reader(s) is a performing seal that has had extra sprats this morning.
what have you got against sprats ?
Oooh look. It even makes a funny noise and claps when you feed it.
Ed, fill the bucket.
Our Sharmuta has worked for Sprats when Lucre was not on the table.
do you regard them as unclean ?
Yup, Dobby confirms that he really is an idiot.
Farmgirl confirms that that reading and comprehension are really not his/her thing…..
Yep. You’re right, but “idiot” is too kind a word to describe Dobby.
ImaM Oron calls others “idiot”? Imam has NO self awareness.
Imam, just keep praying for NAKBA.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
Caught you sneaking around that twitter again just now Michael targeting Jews on Holocaust Memorial Day with demeaning and unpleasant comments. Nice !
Just having a quick check on the Russian, Polish, Roma, LGBT and handicapped people sites to see what you’ve said to them about them mourning their own dead and reminding them how many Jews were murdered. Not found anything yet, but there’s time.
How many people died in the Holocaust, Ian?
Silly Michael. I’m not here to talk to you. I’m here to take the piss out of you, remember?
17 million died in the Holocaust.
Let’s today remember ALL of the Holocausts that have taken place but also affirm that we will see as more important the prevention of future ones and the eradication of one country’s abuse of others.
The performing seal is on its podium, making funny noises again.
Ed, fill the bucket with sprats
On international Holocaust Memorial Day I remember the members of my own extended family who were murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators just because they were Jewish….and who were unable to escape their fate as no country in the world at that time was willing to give them refuge….
Never again……
On international Holocaust Memorial Day I write this to you with great pride from the Jewish State, Ken.
This pride is amplified every day as I watch the performing seals here and elsewhere whining and bleating about our existence but knowing that they will always be completely powerless to do anything about it. They have an internet connection. We have a country.
This is our victory.
Ken also has a country. A more respected one. A more independent country.
True I do have a country FG…
One that enslaved half of the world….
One that murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians….
One that stole entire countries that did not belong to them and in some cases never gave them back….
Israel is far from a perfect country – I’m willing to admit that. However it’s “crimes” against Palestinians are insignificant compared to those of colonialist Britain….
It is our victory Ian…
And may a say as a member of the Jewish diaspora how proud I am of the world’s only Jewish state (as 99% of the world’s Jews are) and how grateful we are for it’s existence….
Israel is the lifeboat that we didn’t have 80 years ago when we needed it the most!
Who knows when we will need it again….but (sadly) history tells us that we WILL need it….
Meanwhile you are one of the majority of Jews who prefer not to live there… along with Collier.
That wouldn’t be you championing Israel over the UK would it, Dobby, or is that question on the antisemitic naughty list?
I’m very proud to be a citizen of the UK FG…
Despite it’s rather shameful history it is a wonderful place to live…
And I’m grateful to my great grandparents for choosing to come to live here when they did for obvious reasons….
The families they left behind did not fare well…
Such a tragedy that Israel did not exist from the 1930s or early 1940s when the world basically sat back and allowed 6m Jews to be murdered….
I’m sure you will agree?
Or maybe not?
“I’m very proud to be a citizen of the UK”
That’s settled then.
Your mate Ian thinks its a shite all of a country. ffs boys get your story sorted out
Have you got the bucket yet Ed?
The seals are performing.
Ian, if you’re not careful, the seals will ?? on you again, like we did many times ??? on DeadHead Ed (we know he’s a moron).
As part of Conflict Tourism, “Levy” is scheduled to be a Human Shield for Gaza.
Good Luck Asshole and say Hi to Gen. Salami for me!
Hey DeadHeadEd (we know you’re a moron) LOOK THIS WAY!????????
Looks like ImaM Oron has diarrhea.
Happy Nakba!. 🙂
It was Britain that basically stood defiantly alone against the Nazis…when every other country in Europe surrendering to them…
It is for that reason alone that I am alive to type this message and that you and Michael are not speaking German…
So of course I am proud to be British…
(Notwithstanding the deaths of 600k German civilians due to allied bombing….which again rather pales into insignificance any “war crimes” committed by the Israelis…)
Stupid Sharmuta said…
> the majority of Jews who prefer not to live there…
The majority of Irish prefer not to live in Ireland…
The majority of scots prefer not to live in scotland…
Wealthy Brits flee the UK to avoid high taxes
OTOH, Pakistanis, Syrians, Iraqis, etc., prefer to live in the UK, Germany and the EU – something about Benefits – thanks in part to the racist LaBOOR party.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
David, on this International Holocaust Memorial Day, I understand there’s going to be a ? fireworks ? display ? held at the Auschwitz Tourist Attraction sponsored by the Israeli Ministry of Tourism.
Is it going to be live streamed?
The Israeli students enrolled in “Jewish” state schools who are on their indoctrination visit to the Auchwitz Tourist Attraction will ❤️ the ? fireworks ?
Auschwitz not Auchwitz.
Keep praying for Moschiach rabbi and the restoration of our temple in Jerusalem…
It is the duty of every Jew to do that….
May the Lord hear your prayers rabbi and let this come to pass….
Wouldn’t that mean destruction of the dome? Not a thing to pray for surely.
That is one of the messainic prophesies….
Sorry if that upsets you…
But it is the holiest site in Judaism…
And only the third holiest site in Islam…
… and what if Jews, Muslims and Christians are worshipping the same God …. the one and only.
Tell it to the Ayatoolas,Imams and Sheiks.
What a Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
The prophesy is that the temple will be rebuilt
That is the prophesy
Many of the apartheid state’s political and military elite will be quaffing champagne ? and partying ?? the night away at Yad Vashem ????
Keep praying for Moschiach rabbi…
And for the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem
You cannot call yourself a Rabbi (or even a Jew) if you don’t do that….
But I’m sure you know that already….
I pray to Hashem for peace.
These are the 4 messainic prophesies Rabbi….
This is what our Moschiach will do when he comes…
1. Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26–28).
2. Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5–6).
3. Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease. As it says: “Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4)
4. Spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel, which will unite humanity as one. As it says: “God will be King over all the world ― on that day, God will be One and His Name will be One” (Zechariah 14:9).
But you are a Rabbi…so I’m sure you know this already….
And I’m sure that you pray every day that he will come quickly and fulfil these prophesies….?
A bit more complicated than your attempt to pull verses out of context Dobby.
The state of Israel has a beginning point, May 1948. For many, it is clear that modern apartheid Israel and biblical Israel are two distinct entities.
All people are created in Hashem’s image.(Genesis 1:27) In Hashem’s kingdom, none are elevated above others or granted privileges at others’ expense.
The Bible articulates Hashem’s love for the whole world and desire for everyone to experience new and abundant life.
Hashem requires that we “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly.”
Where the Spirit of Hashem is at work, injustice cannot be ignored.
So, no Zionism or occupation then. All Israeli weaponry gone. Sounds good. But a bit crowded in “tiny Israel”.
The “world peace” bit does rather negate the need for ANY weaponry….be it Israeli or otherwise…
So let us pray for the swift coming of Moschiach and the rebuilding of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem…
Oh dear rabbi…
You really are a bit of an embarrassment aren’t you….?
These bible quotes are not “out of context”
These are the four messianic prophesies which are part of the bedrock of Judaism….
You cannot call yourself a Rabbi (or even a Jew) and not pray daily for these prophesies to come to pass…
If you were a real rabbi you would know this…
Seems that you have been exposed as a fraud….
So, all Jews pray, Dobby … even the murdering, brutal, racist ones?
Well you are a vile Jew hating racist FG…
And you pray…
Albeit to your Jewish Messiah…
> even the murdering, brutal, racist ones
like your fellow demons who hijacked 4 passenger planes on 9/11, who bombed London transport on 7/7, who beheaded French schoolteacher Samuel Paty over a lesson Freedom of Speech, who beheaded journalist Daniel Pearl, who drove a truck into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day in Nice France, who operate a rape gang in the UK, who bombed Manchester arena, …
ImaM Oron, You are created in the image of satan.
Happy Eternal Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
We know you’re a MOron, DeadHeadEd.
ImaM Oron,
Jerry Garcia AKBAR! 🙂
With Dobby’s pathetic attempt to use bible verses to defend his beloved apartheid state, it’s important to keep in mind that many, but not all, forms of Zionism have their roots in theological interpretations. Keep in mind that this form of Zionism is not exclusive to Jewish religious traditions. For example, some evangelical Christian denominations believe that in order to facilitate the second coming of Christ, Jews must “gather” in Israel as part of Biblical prophecy.
Ed, the performing seals are clapping and making their funny noises again. Bring the bucket !!
Poor Levy is all upset about being outed as the fake rabbi that he is….
Dozy tw@t doesn’t even know what the messainic prophesies are….
These prophesies are only the fundamental bedrock of the Jewish faith….NOT Zionism….THE JEWISH FAITH…..
And if he was a real rabbi he would know this and be praying daily for their swift enaction….
But instead he doesn’t even know what they are….or what his duties as a Rabbi (or even a Jew) are supposed to be?
Embarrassing…..plain and simple….
Dobby you need all the prayer you can get. Keep praying for yourself.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a radio interview to do.
I will pray for you Levy…
I will pray that the Almighty will expunge hatred that infects your heart….
And I will also pray for the swift coming of Moschiach that he may fulfil the above prophesies….including the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem….as every Jew on earth does every day…..
Where does the Tanakh mention apartheid, house demolitions, land theft, water theft, genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, etc..?
Keep praying for Moschiach rabbi…
And for the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem…..
It is you rabbinical duty to do so….
Some cracking stories emerged from Holocaust Memorial Day this year that told of the journeys of the Jews that survived the Nazi death camps and the ingenuity and resilience that they showed in getting to British Mandate Palestine. This is one I hadn’t come across before that tells of the voyages of “The Wedgewood” its passengers and their individual stories
Ah yes Abba Kovner
” can vengeance put upon the shelf be taken out later on someone else ”
Don’t forget to tell Michael that Kovner was a Jewish poet too. Michael doesn’t think there have been any. Silly Michael.
A pretty crap one Ian you have to admit
I believe Michael’s critique was based more on the existential than the qualitative, Bellers.
Dumb Bellamy, YOUR kind of poetry comes from the bottom of a bottle of whiskey.
Sober Up Dumbbell.
Vengeful people.
We learned that from the experts….
“If a Jew wrongs a Christian, what is his recourse? Revenge! If a Christian wrongs a Jew, what should the penalty be by Christian example? Revenge, of course. I will carry out the villainy you teach me. And even though it will be hard, I will even outdo that villainy!”
William Shakespeare
We certainly are Michael. Ask the friends and family of the (now dead) Arab terrorists involved in the massacre of our athletes at the Munich Olympics. In some cases it took our operatives a couple of decades to demonstrate Israel’s vengeance. Luckily, we still have a healthy supply of fridges in stores.
who are a vengeful people Mike ?
The would-be poisoners…. and presently the home-destroying and collective-punishing Israelis.
That’s us Michael, Israelis; not giving a single shit since 1948.
A bit like the British colonialists then?
Notwithstanding the fact that they were 100 times worse!
If your entire family had been murdered in the Vilna ghetto or shot to death in the forests can you be absolutely sure you wouldn’t feel just a teenzy weeny bit vengeful ?
Good point Bellers…
However you will never get an honest answer out of FG…
I’ve not been posting here that long but I’m yet to see him give a straight answer to a straight question….
Hopefully you would not put your vengeance on a shelf and take it out later on someone else. Oops you already have
Have I?
Dumb Bellamy asked…
> who are a vengeful people?
It’s all about JUSTICE.
Happy Nakba!
Seems that our good rabbi Levy wasn’t a real rabbi at all…
I had my doubts with the kosher-phone-gate incident but my suspicions have now been confirmed with Moschiach-gate.
So just to make it absolutely clear these are the 4 messainic prophesies…..
This is what our Moschiach will do when he comes…
1. Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26–28).
2. Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5–6).
3. Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease. As it says: “Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4)
4. Spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel, which will unite humanity as one. As it says: “God will be King over all the world ― on that day, God will be One and His Name will be One” (Zechariah 14:9).
So let us pray every day that he will come quickly and fulfil these prophesies….and that our temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem….as it is written….
Israel has used the history of the oppression of Jews in Europe often historically and as it does today to justify many of its crimes.
These are the 4 messainic prophesies Rabbi….
This is what our Moschiach will do when he comes…
1. Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26–28).
2. Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5–6).
3. Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease. As it says: “Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4)
4. Spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel, which will unite humanity as one. As it says: “God will be King over all the world ― on that day, God will be One and His Name will be One” (Zechariah 14:9).
So let us pray to the Almighty that Moschiach will come quickly and fulfil these prophesies….
Justice is NO CRIME.
Jihad is a Crime.
9/11 is a Crime.
7/7 is a Crime.
Pan Am 103 is a Crime.
Rotherham rape gangs is a Crime.
Using brainwashed children to dig tunnels, stab people is a Crime.
Driving cars and trucks into pedestrians is a Crime.
Beheading captives is a Crime.
Poor Levy….
Thought he had the perfect ruse…
By pretending to be a rabbi he thought that gave him a licence to get away with his vile antisemitic postings and not be accused of antisemitism….
But he forgot about (or most likely didn’t even know about) the messainic prophesies….
Prophesies that include the building of the third temple in Jerusalem….
A fundamental part of the bedrock of Judaism….
And something that ALL religious Jews pray for every day….
You CANNOT be a rabbi (or even a Jew) and not want these prophesies to come to pass….
But we pray for you Levy….that the Lord will grant you the wisdom to see the error of your ways….and will expunge the hatred that is in your heart….
And that the arrival of Moschiach is imminent…..
“not be accused of antisemitism”? … like being accused of giving someone a funny look.
A worthless jibe, but David’s way of touting for money
Whatevs FG…
Even saying “Hitler was right about Jewish people they are evil” is not antisemitic in your book so what the fuck would you know….with all due respect….
Too simplistic, Dobbs.
Too complex for a Sharmuta.
Happy Nakba!
I think the correct spelling is SIMPLETON…
And you are certainly that….even if you can’t actually spell it….
“not be accused of Islam-o-FAUX-bia”? … like being accused of giving someone a funny look.
A worthless jibe, but its another way that Fugly Sharmutas grasp for money.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me DeadHeadEd (we know you’re a moron)
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Dobby appoints himself the judge, jury and executioner.
Typical Zio.
Poor Levy….
Hasn’t been a good day for you has it ?
Ah well….never mind….
You must admit he presents a compelling case.
Personally, I had thought you were pulling it off up to the point where you said you were a Rabbi. Performing seals can’t be clerics, silly.
To be honest the “kosher” Shabbat phone was also a dead giveaway…
Those phones can literally be used for calls only and in a life or death situation….
Not for typing bollocks on the Internet…..
? ? ?
Going from strength to strength with Hashem’s help and had a wonderful radio interview!
So many Jewish anti-Zios out there!
Keep praying for Moschiach rabbi and the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem…
You cannot even call yourself a Jew if you don’t do that….
May it come to pass….and may the redeemer come to zion….
Zio’s for the WIN.
ImaM Morons for the LOSS.
Happy Nakba to All!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
The full interview is much better…
Love the bit where the interviewee makes the claim that the Jews control the police….
Great to once again promote BDS.
Eat your non-kosher hearts out! ?
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray ✡️?✡️
Keep praying for the swift coming of Moschiach and the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem….
You cannot call yourself a Jew if you don’t do that….
And may the redeemer come to zion…and let us say….
ALL Jews believe that?
Reading and comprehension are really really really not your thing at all are they Farmgirl?
Atheist Jews believe that, Dobby?
Fuck off FG….
Sharmuta, what do Atheist Muslims believe in?
The prophet Muhammed? Allah? Socialism?
UK Citizen Serving in Israeli Forces Identified as Killer of 17-Year-Old Palestinian Boy
Should the vile female terrorist, Lian Harush. ever return to the UK, eternal torment awaits. Her life wouldn’t be worth living. Even the CST thugs wouldn’t be able to protect her from justice.
I will recite Kaddish for the young Palestinian life she took ✡️?✡️
And don’t forget to pray for the swift coming of Moschiach when there will be peace in the world and the third temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem….
May the redeemer come to zion and let us say….
Wonder if she was in the IOF whore corps with what’s his name’s daughter as well?
Jihadi Whores AKA Sharmutas can’t defeat a bunch of little ol’ Jews.
Now THAT’s a Nakba. Sniff. ;-(
P.S. Kudos to the IDF training – which resulted in the death of the jihadi pig who failed to stab the Female soldier.
Now Allah as to deal with that Darwin Award Winner.
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
So, as with ISIS fans, a young woman moves to fight for a foreign power and takes the life of an innocent.
No doubt our government will arrest her on her return and have her spend time in a UK prison.
Pity the UK Prevent initiative couldn’t have caught her and stopped her from leaving the country in the first place.
Brave young girl thwarting a stabbing attack like that….
A hero….. ❤️
“A group of soldiers guarding a road junction near the northern West Bank town of Ariel was set upon on Tuesday by a knife-wielding Palestinian who attempted to stab a woman soldier and commander multiple times. While she was struggling against the assailant, the soldiers shot him dead, the IDF reported. The soldiers belonged to the mixed-gender Ram Battalion of the IDF Home Front Command. The girl soldier was a new immigrant from Britain.”
Wonderfully heroic young lady…protecting her new country like that….. ❤️
Tough chicks who kick JIhadi ASS. RIGHT ON!
More power to her and her sisters and brothers of Zion!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
ImaM Oron,
It ain’t a “smear” when it’s True.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Of course that’s the IOF version. Likely, he was just kicking around a football with his mates. The knife was planted by the IOF. The IOF needed to justify their budget, so they chose a poor innocent child and claimed he was a terrorist.
Turned the bitch child killing murderer into a hero. Expect nothing less from the slimy JINO’s
Another Sand Nazi bites the dust.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
ImaM Oron, May ALL Pagan Jihadi savages end up like your latest Darwin Award Winner.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? DeadHeadEd (we know you’re a moron). That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
ImaM Oron, You don’t like Jerry Garcia?
WTF is wrong with you, you STUPID ImaM?
CCTV footage shows police shooting dead all THREE terrorists in the London Bridge attack, seconds after they stabbed a man in Borough Market on June 3 2017.
Happy Nakba to the three jihadi pigs!
That article is brilliantly debunked in the comments section…..
Thing of beauty….
Her London address is all over the internet
Lock and Load Baby.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
Nakba? DeadHeadEd (we know you’re a moron). That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Will send flowers to congratulate her on her bravery….. ❤️ ?
No flowers at Jewish funerals, please.
Yeh right whatevs…
Inciting murder on the Internet….and you call yourself a Rabbi?
Inciting murder? Nonsense. Put down the colouring book and read your OT Dobby: Exodus 21:24, 25; Deuteronomy 19:21
Maybe you should brush up on the Messianic prophesies Levy…
Given that you don’t even know what they are…
And may the redeemer come to zion and let us say….
Good work this morning Ed. The seals are performing beautifully. Remember to keep all the receipts for the sprats though.
Just a thought. For the weekend matinees, do you reckon we could get a joke Bishop’s mitre for that knob Bruce to wear when he’s on his podium, clapping and barking away. It would be hilarious and the kiddies would love it.
Brucie babes the foul mouthed Holocaust denigrator and pretend rabbi
I have no doubt that if he was alive and perpetrating the crimes he did, you would say a kaddish for Hitler and his Nazis and acolytes
Ah well.
Brucie the pretend rabbi and repeater of mindless ditties
You haven’t mentioned your friends in Springfield Shul and Homer and Marge Simpson for a while. Are your delusions of grandeur so set in stone that you have come to believe them.
Your supposed Shul magazine called ‘Blood and Matza’ that plays on the old Blood Libel that resulted in so many Jewish deaths also seems to have taken a rest.
You are now reduced to repeating the mindless anti-Jewish Antisemitic dimwit Farmer ditties as your own repertoire seems to have become depleted
Have a good nakba
There are MILLIONS of Palestine supporters in London. Bet more than a few would love to meet Cpl Lian Harush in person.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray ✡️?✡️
In case you haven’t noticed, Cpl Lian Harush has prior experience defending herself.
So too does the London police – the bodies of dead paki jihadis prove the point.
what are your thoughts on Pakis Ian ? I ask because Edward and David don’t seem to like em
Anyway enough of this. Bring on David’s promised thing about the Irish. Can’t wait for that
Twitter folk were saying that you and he were on a launch tour together with his jobby and your Magnum Opus. Will there be snacks?
Yeah but what are your thoughts on Pakis Ian ? I ask because they are not much liked by the other members of your team
Bellers, I notice that you are using the term “paki” in your posts. Presumably spurned on by you, your team mate, that knob Bruce has repeated the term. This doesn’t sound very appropriate language does it ?
Anyway Bellers, a few punters have been asking me who to bet on for the release of their articles first, you or DC. Any insider tips?
Mind you, if you’re dying of dementia you probably won’t be able to answer that.
no spured on by your team mate Eddie. So wadya think ?
Well, 2 things Bellers. You’re missing keystrokes in your posts which is not a great sign for your health deterioration. Secondly I am keen to know about today’s fascination that you and your team have with the term “pakis”. It sounds like you’re being rude. Are you?
Don’t sink as low as Edward, Richard. Arabs were massacred and raped when Jewish militia emptied the villages.
More clapping seals on the podia this afternoon. Fill the ‘Nakbucket’ Ed. We’re doing an encore.
BTW- If you manage to find a comedy mitre for the Bishop, see if we can get a tutu and tiara for Michael. We could tour with this act. I may have to up the budget for the sprats.
Nothing funnier that watching an outed racist Jew hating sack of dogsh1t attempting to take the moral high ground…..
You couldn’t make this shit up…
Ian is right….the seals are on great form today…..
Dobby think it’s funny too?
I have always found something to laugh at in your postings FG….
Hey Ian, hat are your thoughts on Pakis? We already know what Edward and David’s opinions are.
Man up already.
Don’t be silly. I am not here to talk to performing seals. I’m here to laugh at them.
Ed, bring the bucket.
Oh come on Ian man up
extra extra read all about it. Serial chemistry failing dumb fuck Israeli talks to performing seals to tell said performing seals that he doesn’t talk to performing seals. Brilliant.
Bellers, are you speaking on behalf of all performing seals or just the ones in your team?
On behalf of all performing seals. Did you just speak to me ?
Are you identifying as a performing seal Bellers?
Are you a they/them?
Did you speak to me again ?
I did Bellers. I wasn’t sure whether you were one of the performing seals. Are you?
I am a performing seal yeah.
Phew. Close call. Wouldn’t want to be talking to a performing seal. That would be silly. Unlike them Arab stabbers, I dodged a bullet there.
Whose been stabbing Arabs. I want names
Well there is a subtle difference between “talking” and “ridiculing” Bellers….
Ken in order to ridicule it is necessary to talk to or talk about. Ian appears to be talking TO me
“Dumb Fuck Israeli” describes Ian perfectly.
“Fake Jew hating racist sack of dogsh1t” describes you perfectly doesn’t it Levy?
Now if you will excuse me I have to pray for the swift coming of Moschiach and the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem…..
And may the redeemer come to zion….and let us say…..
Show some respect Dobby; ‘RABBI Dr Levy’, if you please.
The jig is up Levy….
But rest assured that I will be there to shoot you down every time you post….
Who knew lockdown could be so much fun…?
Shabbat Shalom Levy…
And may the redeemer come to zion and let us say….
ImaM Oron,
GFY 24/7
Happy Nakba! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
“Dumb Fuck SHlTlerhead” describes you perfectly.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Nothing funnier that watching an outed racist Jew hating sack of dogsh1t attempting to take the moral high ground…..
You couldn’t make this shit up…
Ian is right….the seals are on great form today…..
Edward is an unapologetic RACIST. And you know what we do to racists.
Seems that Levy is still a bit upset about being outed for the fake that he is……
Keep crying Levy…..
And I will keep praying for Moschiach and the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem… every single Jew on earth does every single day…..
And may the redeemer come to zion and let us say….
…. and you are a follower of the Jewish faith, Dobby?
Reading and comprehension are really really really really really really really really not your thing at all are they Farmgirl?
? ????????
I will pray for you Dobby, as well as for swift JUSTICE for Cpl Harish. ✡️?✡️
Saw images of Cpl Harush from social media.
Hashem did not bless her with looks. Typical, ugly Zionist features.
Now have to tend to my boxcar collection.
Zionists = ugly on the inside and outside.
I particularly enjoy videos of Jihadis being put down like the mad DOGS they are by IDF, US Military, British police and other “Islam-o-FAUX-bs”.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Don’t bother praying for me Levy…
What good are the prayers of a Jew hating racist sack of dogsh1t like you anyway?
But I will pray for you Levy….
May the Almighty hear my prayers and expunge the hatred that has infected your heart…..
And may Moschiach come swiftly and fulfill the prophesies of world peace and the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem…..
May the redeemer come to zion and let us say…..
Your mask is slipping Dobby….
My mask?
Not been a good week for you has it Levy?
Long may that continue….
And may the redeemer come to zion…and let us say….
ImaM Oron, your bitching and moaning make me smile.
Pal-e-SWINIANS aren’t a Race
BTW, you are not exempt from the Laws of Physics – specifically Ballistics. Capice?
Happy Nakba! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
This is the full interview that the resident f@ckwits keep repeatedly posting a clip from…
The full interview is really quite hilarious…
Especially the bit where the David’s “debunker” (lol) makes the claim that the Jews control the police…..
Thinking of posting this 20 times a day which seems to be a fairly normal thing to do on this message board?
Shabbat shalom all ✡️?✡️
Shabbat is a good time to remind you of the 4 messainic prophesies Levy ….
This is what our Moschiach will do when he comes…
1. Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26–28).
2. Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5–6).
3. Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease. As it says: “Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4)
4. Spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel, which will unite humanity as one. As it says: “God will be King over all the world ― on that day, God will be One and His Name will be One” (Zechariah 14:9).
So let us pray to the Almighty that Moschiach will come quickly and fulfil these prophesies….
Amen……and Shabbat Shalom….
Brucie the Holocaust denigrator and pretend rabbi
Your thoughts and language directed at Jews, Israelis and Zionists are by far the most vile that are on display by commentators on this blog
You make fun of and denigrate the Holocaust and Holocaust survivors with your nasty and snarky comments. And you use Holocaust imagery to insult and threaten me and others
You call for the deaths and destruction of Jews, Israel and Zionists on a regular basis.
You certainly are not in a position to criticize others in any form or manner
So, off you go to pray to satan and whoever else it is that you believe in
Naw Dick Licker, I’m Jewish. My comments are only directed at Zionists, JINO’s and supporters of the racist, apartheid state.
Now bugger off.
And Shabbat Shalom.
Still sticking with the fake rabbi routine are you Levy?
I’m glad in a way….
Imagine all the fun I’m going to have exposing you as the racist liar that you are….
Again and again and again…..
Now let us pray for the swift coming of Moschiach and the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem like every single Jew in the world does every single day….
And may the redeemer come to zion and let us say….
Pray for the good health of your spiritual leader (The Learned) Rabbi Dr Levy, and Chief Rabbi, Dr Shalom Dreck.
Levy…. You couldn’t lead a dog ?
We can all see you for what you are….
But please stick around as ridiculing you is a great deal of fun….
Now if you will excuse me I have to pray…for the swift coming of Moschiach and the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem….and may the redeemer come to zion and let us say….
ImaM Oron,
Shabbat Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Brucie Brucie the Holocaust denigrator
Back to your Holocaust denigration mockery.
Talking a about ‘boxcars’, which were well known to be used to transport Jews to the concentration camps and gas chambers.
And this a day after the designated Holocaust Memorial Day. If Hashem had wanted to create a more vile member of the human race than you, he would have a problem
“more vile”? Ben Gurion, Begin, Sharon, Shamir ..
Good training Ed. This performing seal can read the Tel Aviv A to Z. Impressive.
Grab the bucket.
Ben Gurion, Begin, Sharon, Shamir,
ALL kicked your raised Ass.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
You have “Holocaust-on-the-brain” Richard Galber.
At least Richard HAS a brain….
Now I you will excuse me I have to pray for the swift coming of Moschiach and the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem…and may the redeemer come to zion and let us say…..
Ken Dobkin on January 29, 2021
At least Richard HAS a brain….
So does a ragworm..
But sadly not the pretend rabbi….?
Now if you will excuse me I have to pray for the swift coming of Moschiach and the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem…and may the redeemer come to zion and let us say….
ImaM Oron,
Is that ragworm or raghead?
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
You have “Eternal-Nakba-On-The Brain” – your brain being what it is.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Brucie Brucie the pretend rabbi and Holocaust denigrator
You are about as Jewish as your friend Greenslime (sorry I meant Greenstein), and he is about as Jewish as a bacon sandwich on Yom Kippur
Javad Zarif
Reality check for @SecBlinken:
The US
-violated JCPOA
-blocked food/medicine to Iranians
-punished adherence to UNSCR 2231
Throughout that sordid mess, Iran
-abided by JCPOA
-only took foreseen remedial measures
Now, who should take 1st step?
Never forget Trump’s maximum failure.
9:25 AM · Jan 28, 2021
This is what happens when you let a performing seal near the the tech; gibberish.
Brucie, you Holocaust denigrator and pretend rabbi
Every time you create your Holocaust imagery I am reminded of the Holocaust
You were threatening to sue me for Libel or some such thing. I’m still waiting to hear from you.
I still think you are an anti-Jewish Antisemite, and someone who scrapes the bottom of the barrel of hatred with your mockery of the Holocaust and Holocaust survivors
The Mossad once recruited a former lieutenant colonel in Waffen-SS, Otto Skorzeny was one of Adolf Hitler’s favorite commandos.
Documenting Zionist crimes from the beginning of the Zionist movement till the creation of the Zionist entity and it’s aftermath.
Posting on Shabbat again Levy?
I will pray for soul…
May the Almighty in his mercy forgive you for your many many sins…
And may he send Moschiach so peace will reign across the world and our temple is rebuilt in Jerusalem according to the messianic prophesies… ❤️
And may the redeemer come to zion and let us say….
I have a special dispensation from Chief Rabbi Dreck to educate and inform the ignorant (you) and intellectually stunted (you) on Shabbat, Dobby.
Nope that’s not how it works Levy….
Everyone already knew that you were a Jew hating racist sack of dogsh1t….
Now we know you are also a fraud and liar….
Now please excuse me whilst I pray for the swift coming of Moschiach and the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem…
And may the redeemer come to zion….and let us say….
Dobby posting on Shabbat?
Dobby the religious zealot who prays for the swift coming of the Messiah”?
I’m not a Rabbi (or pretending to be a rabbi) am I you dumb f@ck….
I’m not orthodox so I will post when I want….just like you (a Christian) post on Sundays….
Now go pray to your Jewish Messiah FG….
The adults are talking….
Dobby, why are you posting on Shabbat? Who issued your dispensation? Jonathan Sacks? ??
Dobby, with every comment,your mask slips further and further down…
Poor Levy….
Levy the clown ?
Plain and simple….
Correction. Ian’s the blog Clown, Dobby. Remember?
Ian’s the blog clown, but Dobby’s the BOZO! ?
Ah, just pretending to follow Judaism then, Dobby?
No FG….
I’m just not a Rabbi or pretending to be a Rabbi….
We all know that reading and comprehension are really not your thing at all….but do you see the word “Rabbi” in front of my name?
Maybe you should say a prayer to your Jewish Messiah that he may bless you with a better understanding of the English language….
Bruce Levy the foul mouthed pretend rabbi
So is this rabbi dreck the head rabbi at the Beth Springfield Shul as featured in the Simpsons and your favourite Shul. The Beth Springfield Shul magazine is your favourite ‘Blood and Matza’ Blood Libel reading matter.
And you must be the second from bottom pretend rabbi in a pretend Shul in an animated comedy series
Go for it Brucie, and don’t forget to say your prayers to satan or similar
After Shabbat, I’ll bake some (Kosher) gingerbread men cookies in my new OVEN. Some of my cookies are in the shape of train boxcars. Love decorating them. Yummy.
Baking on Shabbat now?
What a dozy c@nt you are Levy…
I will pray for you anyway…
And may the redeemer come to zion and let us say….
You just proved you can’t read Dobby.
Now if you excuse me, I’ve got to pray ✡️?✡️
And you just proved that you don’t have a Shabbat Oven….
Some fucking Rabbi you are….
And another piece of the good rabbi’s disguise slips away….
ImaM Oron, Let me suggest you bake cookies shaped like yourself,
Pigs named “Pal-e-SWINE”.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Poor Levy….
Levy the clown ?
Outed as a racist
Outed as a liar
Outed as a fraud
Poor lad is desperate…
He thinks my “mask” is slipping?
What mask would that be?
Do you see the word “Rabbi” in front of my name?
Do you see the word “Dr” in front of my name?
Levy is upset….
Because his mask hasn’t just slipped…
It has been OBLITERATED…..
Shabbat Shalom to you anyway Levy…
Now please excuse me whilst I pray for the swift coming of Moschiach and the world peace that will ensue with his coming and the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem….
May the redeemer come to zion and let us say…..
Ken Dobkin on January 29, 2021
But rest assured that I will be there to shoot you down every time you post….
What an empty life you must lead Dobby. Sounds like Asperger’s to me.
Still, I must be doing something right!
I’m using you for sport during the lockdown….
I call it Levy Baiting….
And given that you reply to everything I post…I must be doing something right too….
Now please excuse me as I have to pray for the swift coming of Moschiach that he may fulfil the messianic prophesies and bring peace to the world and rebuild our temple in Jerusalem….as it is written….
And may the redeemer come to zion and let us say…..
Dobby, I shall pray Hashem heals your mental illness.
Maybe I’ll see you at Finchley Synagogue. Was recently invited to a Rabbi’s roundtable event.
Rabbi’s Roundtable will likely be virtual. So see ya online cretin.
Don’t worry Levy…
Nurse will be doing her rounds soon…
I have asked her to give you extra chocolate pudding as a special treat…
And extra medications too…
You obviously need them…
Now you have a nice long rest….and don’t play with anything sharp….
Shabbat Shalom everybody….
Pray Cpl Harush relocates to Gaza, is taken as a wife and has many children. Inshallah.
Let’s hope that Gaza has a series of “workplace accidents”.
And don’t forget to pray for Nakba!
Wow, nearly 600 posts on this one. Not bad for a kiddies Panto.
Still cracking up over the performing seals on their podia clapping and barking for sprats whilst wearing funny costumes. Now, if we could just get Bellers to glam up with a red nose and massive shoes, we’d really have an act. I’ll get DC to speak to his people.
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Brilliant. Synchronized seals !!
Btw Levy….
Inshallah is Arabic not Hebrew….
B’ezrat hashem is what you you would have said if you were a Rabbi….
oh dear
Would this be the same Baroness Falkner who had a meeting “of solidarity” with Hamas officials in Gaza in 2011?
Oh dear……indeed….
Yikes. This is what happens when the performing seals are let loose near the tech.
What does an Israeli know about tech?
Just knows how to use the tech of others.
Sprat for the seal, Ed !
What a surprise! Hopefully he’ll be banned from Facebook and Twitter before long as well.
Inshallah and B’ezrat HaShem!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray ✡️?✡️
Well done with the Hebrew lessons Levy…
In another 20 years or so you may actually be a rabbi for real…who knows….?
? ? ?
What’s it like to be a convicted criminal Scoffy, I mean Dobby?
ImaM Oron asked…
> What’s it like to be a convicted criminal ?
Ask this guy, ignorant slut.
“Abu Hamza, is an Egyptian cleric who was the imam of Finsbury Park Mosque in London, England, where he preached Islamic fundamentalist views. In 2004, Hamza was arrested by British police after the United States requested he be extradited to face charges. He was later charged by British authorities with sixteen offences for inciting violence and racial hatred.[3] In 2006, a British court found him guilty of inciting violence, and sentenced him to seven years’ imprisonment. On 5 October 2012, after an eight-year legal battle, he was extradited from the UK to the United States to face terrorism charges[4][5] and on 14 April 2014 his trial began in New York.[6] On 19 May 2014, Hamza was found guilty of eleven terrorism charges by a jury in Manhattan. On 9 January 2015, he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.[7] ”
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
ImaM Oron,
It ain’t a smear when it’s True.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
The woman was speaking in a personal capacity as an opinion.
The IHRA is not a legal document and has never claimed to be a legal document; it is purely an advisory.
What it does do is go some way to give a working definition of Antisemitism in the modern age where everything is becoming defined by identity politics and race.
The McPherson Report was the precursor of this type of document which because common practice under the Labour administration after 1997
“everything is becoming defined by identity politics and race.”
Tell Collier(Chicken Licken) that. He dishonestly(and mistakenly) maps state to race.
Oooh look. This performing seal’s on a big stripey ball.
Not as entertaining as ..
guess it doesn’t halp her being a Paki. Ian and his team don’t like Pakis
Ed, you naughty seal trainer. Getting them all to use the word “paki” , indeed!!
It’s quite funny in a 70s sitcom sort of way, but quite rude and a bit racist for 2021. Let’s stick to them clapping and balancing balls on their snouts.
Oh dear Scoffie has been kicked off and banned from the Jewish News blogs. He has to sneak in the back door as ” Simon Levy ” . What a hoot
What a surprise! Hopefully he’ll be banned from Facebook and Twitter before long as well.
Inshallah and B’ezrat HaShem!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray ✡️?✡️
Sure there’s a toilet cubicle for him over at the Chronicle Comic.
Come on Ed. Performing Michael’s wearing the joke Bishop’s mitre and performing Bruce is wearing the tutu. You’ve mixed them up. When they both make the same funny noises, how will we tell them apart.
Great balance….
Here’s your fish…
Well, he hooked you didn’t he?
? ? ? ?
The Jews control the police don’t you know….
Zionists(not ‘The Jews’) certainly control Starmer and his party.
Dobby = Scoffy.
I knew it.
Oooh look. A performing seal doing maths. Get it to clap Ed.
No fish for you Levy….you clown…
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
You’ve been outed Scoffy! ???????
You’ve been 666’d ImaM Oron.
Happy Nakba!
DeadHeadEd, we know you’re a MOron
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Full vid is much funnier Levy…
Is it as funny as a workplace accident or getting yourself set on fire when trying to set an American flag on fire?
Today, a special treat.
To commemorate a potential 700 posts, yes 700 posts, The DC Big Top is proud to bring you a world first. Our Super Synchronised Performing Seals Mickey and Brucie will attempt to break the world record for the number of times they can pass a big inflatable ball between themselves using only their noses. For extra comedic effect they will be dressed as a ballerina and a joke Bishop, will be clapping after each pass and barking what will sound like “Nakba, that reminds me..”
The target is 48 and the reader(s) are encouraged to count along. If they nail it, there’ll be extra sprats for the week
Positions performers please !!!
I understand Hamas have dispatched a special detail to apprehend Leanne Harush, “escort” her to Gaza and have her stand trial for murder.
Remember, let us pray for peace WITH justice.
Yes I know….
That operation has started as expected….with a house full of home made explosives blowing up and injuring (some very seriously) around 30 young children….
Hopeless Hamas…..they never let you down….
Meanwhile let us pray for the swift coming of Moschiach and the world peace that will ensue with his coming and the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem in line with the messianic prophesies….
And may the redeemer come to zion and let us say….
Anyway, on more important matters. Bellers was inquiring about the names of the Arab murderers that go out to do some stabbing on our nans, young mums and kiddies. I don’t have the full list but for now I can offer Muhammad Marwah Kabha. Here’s the link and I hope this helps.
Luckily we have brave young men and women like Cpl Harush serving in our Defence Forces to neutralize the majority of the threats posed to our civilian population by these terrorists. Infuriating
and frustrating the internet trolls is just a nice bonus.
“we have brave young men and women like Cpl Harush serving in our Defence Forces”
An example of those in Israel’s occupation forces ..
How do performing seals type when they only have big fins? Helluva skill !
(We’ll hit 700 posts by the afternoon matinee at this rate. Great for the SEO rankings).
It’s all in the nose.
Is there anyone that knows is there anyone that gives a flying fuck
To quote Doc Hampson, my much maligned O level chemistry teacher, “I can only pass on the information. Giving a flying fuck about it, is entirely up to you.”
If only you had listened to him. You could have ended up working for medecin sans frontiere fighting ebola in some central african hell hole.
I understand Hamas have dispatched a special detail to apprehend Leanne Harush, “escort” her to Gaza and have her stand trial for murder.
Remember, let us pray for peace WITH justice.
Yes I know….
That operation has started as expected….with a house full of home made explosives blowing up and injuring (some very seriously) around 30 young children….
Hopeless Hamas…..they never let you down….
How many countless young innocents have Zionists agents, like Cpl Leanne Harush, already murder in cold blood?
Their deterrents have to be homemade. The US doesn’t give them over $3.5 billion of advanced weaponry year on year and an eternal veto on attempts to hold Israel to account for its crimes.
The Iranians smuggled in plenty of weaponry over the Egyptian border (Gaza does have a border with Egypt you know) when the “brotherhood” were (briefly) running Egypt…
No wonder Israel has to keep such a close watch on their sea border….
And besides what do Gazans need weapons for anyway? Nobody will attack them unless they attack first….
Maybe they should spend the billions they get sent in aid on aid? How about that for an idea?
Apartheid Gaza….where every single Jew that lived there has left or been evicted….
Makes you wonder what any future Palestinian state might look like….
Palestinian revolutionary socialist and martyred resistance leader, Ghassan Kanafani answers why stopping the fight for liberation isn’t an option and why he refused to talk to Israeli leaders:
“That’s the kind of conversation between the sword and the neck.”
Who evicted the Gazan Jews, Dobby?
Google it.
Off you go then.
Well they were evicted by the Israeli army for their own protection….
Do you think they would have been safe if they remained?
Did you see what happened to their houses and businesses after they left?
Go on….Google it….
No need to Google it.
Much of the housing and greenhouses were destroyed in the usual vindictive fashion by Israel.
Other materials were taken to repair Palestinian homes.
Israel locked exports from Gaza for a while leading to rotting off the produce.
Mike cures Dobby’s lack of knowledge.
Meanwhile back on planet earth….
Some of the burnt out sub structures still stand nearby Nahal Oz. They serve as a permanent reminder that the Arab leadership deprived it’s own people of opportunities for decent livelihoods whilst trousering huge chunks of the EUs €39m weekly aid payments into their private accounts in Zurich.
The stark difference between Israel and Iran:
Israel celebrates its athletes, while Iran brutally executes its athletes.
In the last 4 months, the Iranian regime has murdered 3 of its most prominent sportsmen including boxer Ali Mutairi and famed wrestlers Navid Afkari and Mehdi Ali Hosseini.
Where is the world outcry?
Foul indeed.
How many more has Israel murdered?
The stark difference between them is that US lavishes $billions on one population and seeks to starve the population of the other.
There is a world outcry over Israel’s settlements in the Palestinian territories. But the West is content.
Israel does not murder its athletes (or it’s homosexuals….for being homosexuals) it’s only Iran that does that…
And there is no way than an oil rich nation like Iran should be starving anyway….
Maybe they are spending too much on the nuclear weapons program…?
Such a pity that everything they do with that just ends up getting bombed to smithereens….
“And there is no way than an oil rich nation like Iran should be starving anyway….”
You are an idiot.
The US bullied other countries into NOT BUYING THEIR OIL. Duh.
“If you have a look at the World Bank reports, you find Iran among the top 40 countries in terms of gross domestic product and per capita income. According to the World Bank’s forecast for 2019, it is expected Iran’s GDP in 2019 to exceed $413.1b and the per capita income is expected to be $4982 despite sanctions and economic woes.”
One of the top 40 wealthiest countries in the world…..
Per capita GDP of Israel 2020 est. $41,560
Per capita GDP of Iran 2020 est. $7,257
Iran 78th in list of countries.
Just shows you how “successful” the BDS movement has been….
As for Iran…the silly sods should spend a bit more of that money on feeding their people and a bit less on building weapons that they will never get to use….
? ?
Ah well…never mind….
At least they are good at murdering innocent athletes and homosexuals and women who don’t want to wear a headscarf…
I love it how you defend them for doing that FG….
Exposes you for what you really are….
Well done….
“As for Iran…the silly sods should spend a bit more of that money on feeding their people and a bit less on building weapons that they will never get to use….”
The US didn’t want Iran’s people to be fed, that’s what the sanctions were for.
If Israel attacks, the weapons will be used.
What weapons?
They haven’t been built
And they never will be
So much better to feed your people than attempt to build weapons that will be destroyed long before they are ever used…
I’m sure there’s sufficient rockets to ruin Ian’s perch in Tel Aviv.
this is a hoot
Simon Levy
Both ‘Dine Ahavah’ and ‘Abe Cohen’ are fake profiles
Like · Reply · 17h
Dine Ahavah
Really, What makes you think that? Because I wouldn’t paint my page with personal info, So you can use anything else for your own agendas, silly boy.
Like · Reply · 1 · 11h
David Michaelson
Whereas “Simon Levy” is a sock puppet account of Jonathan Hoffman, or Honathan Scoffman, as he is known on these pages.
He’s only posting under this name because the JN has banned him from posting as Jonathan Hoffman.
Like · Reply · 1 · 8h
Abe Cohen
Jonathan hoffman I rest my case x
Send for the seal psychologist. One of the performers is deflecting rather than balancing his ball !
“Ken Dobkin” is another of Honathan Scoffman’s aliases. The JINO gave himself away.
You are way beyond divine help Scoffy.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray ✡️?✡️
Poor Levy…
Desperately clutching at straws after being outed as a fake Rabbi and fake Jew….
Doesn’t know what a Shabbat Oven is…
Doesn’t know what a Shabbat phone can be used for….
Doesn’t know what the messainic prophesies are….
Embarrassing…plain and simple….
Please join me in a prayer to the Almighty….
May the vile Jew hatred that infects his heart be expunged swiftly and forever…..
Let us also pray for the swift coming of Moschiach and the world peace that will ensue following his coming as well as the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem in line with the messianic prophesies…..
And may the redeemer come to zion and let us say…..
Love the image of you wearing your “Burka” outside the court while evading photographers Honathan. Unfortunately it only mad you look even more ridiculous.
Note to Palestine Action: Please use more red paint next time. Will be glad to contribute from discretionary fund if short on funds. Also have a few litres left over from Ahava and Israel Ministry of Tourism billboard campaigns.
Poor FG….
Repeatedly exposed for the vile racist that he is….
Andy now publicly losing his mind and his dignity on the Internet….
Grab some popcorn guys…..this is gonna be fun….
Bravo all ! I knew we’d get to 700+ posts.
If the performing seals devoted as much time to new skills as they do to clapping and barking here we may one day see one of them in high office; perhaps even the Lord Privy Seal.
David Collier
The only thing stopping a second Holocaust is the Israeli army
We know what the radical Islamists want to do to the Jews.
If you want to close down companies that sell arms to Israel
You are not a ‘peace activist’
You support Genocide against Jews.
Yet Israel seeks to strip any weaponry from the Palestinians.
Another example of Collier’s insanity and idiot logic.
…and on we go with the show !
We have the smartest and happiest performing seals on the internet. Ours now have their own bait.
There’s no business
Like show business
Like no business
I know….
3rd line is ‘There’s no business’ again.
David Collier
The only thing stopping a second Holocaust is the Israeli army
Zionists would treat a second holocaust like manna from heaven, which they could use to justify their continued land theft and brutal occupation of Palestine.
There’s no such thing as the Israeli army. It’s an ILLEGAL OCCUPATION FORCE, much like the Americans in Vietnam and the English in Northern Ireland.
Nurse will be round with your meds soon Levy…
Looks like you might need extra tonight….
Performing seals can’t be provocative. They’re seals.
Congrats on the EXR lot for throwing a ton of red paint on the Elbit building in Oldham in Greater Manchester…
It has certainly brightened up what used to be a very drab area…
Surprised that they used an oil based paint? Seems to go completely against what they stand for….
Just shows what hypocrites they are….
Ah well….
Maybe go for a nice blue next time? The colours of Oldham Athletic fc and the Jewish state of Israel? ??
Was the red paint that was thrown at your head oil-based Scoffy, I mean “Dobby?” How long did it take to remove?
Note to Palestine Action: I have loads of red paint left over from the Ahava and Israel Ministry of Tourism redecoration project. Contact me to collect.
Poor Levy…..
Has even dropped the “Levy’ from his username…..because he hates it when I call him Levy…..
Levy did that just for me…..
Not that I’ve got to him or anything….
Right LEVY…..??
Scoffy, when will you learn that Israel is a Zionist state, not a Jewish state?
There’s a HUGE difference you’ll never comprehend because You’re a JINO with an unnatural obsession.
There’s nothing in the Tanakh about apartheid, genocide, home demolition, land and water theft, the beatings of, detention and shooting of women and children, checkpoints, etc, etc.
By tying it’s existence to the Jewish religion, Israel is the biggest cause of antisemitism in the world today.
Your unbalanced personality is clearly reflected in your mindless comments, but keep it up because you’re giving the blog clown some competition and providing entertainment that I don’t even need a license for!
Definition of irony…..
A fake Rabbi/fake Dr/fake Jew who doesn’t know what a kosher phone is supposed to be used for – doesn’t own a Shabbat Oven – doesn’t know what the messainic prophesies are (or that they are basically the cornerstone of Judaism) accusing another poster (who does not have the words Rabbi or Dr in front of his name) of having an “unbalanced personality”
You really could not make this shit up….
This is the most fun I’ve had since I got banned from the Guardian…..
Thanks for the laughs Levy….
You never let us down…..
Don’t spend all day online Scoffy. You’re overweight as it is, so get outside, get some exercise and eat healthy. Cut out the unhealthy, fatty “Jewish” foods. You’re far too valuable to Palestine.
Why did The Guardian ban you Scoffy?
Was for the same reason you were fired from the GLC?
Good to see you restored your Levy ID…..
But you needn’t have bothered….
We can always tell it’s you just from the utter bollocks that you type on here….
Looking forward to watching more of your online mental breakdown tomorrow…..
Sweet dreams….
Lol. You’re too cowardly to even use your real name Scoffy.
That all you got Levy?
> You’re too cowardly to even use your real name
THIS is why you are known as
ImaM Oron.
Happy Nakba!
Edward? Oh, THAT Edward.
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Israel and Kosovo officially establish diplomatic relations!
Kosovo has also announced it recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and has applied to open an embassy in the country. ????
Yet another Muslim country establishes official diplomatic relations with the Jewish state of Israel ??
Yet another Muslim country turns it’s back on the fake self inflicted “plight” of the Palestinians…..was there ever a cause that was LEAST deserving of anyone’s sympathy or even attention??
Oh BDS what a wonderful job you are doing…..
In many countries, there’s a HUGE disconnect between the people and the government.
As they say, “a leopard cannot change its spots,” if you catch my drift! Lol.
Now if you’ll excuse me Scoffy, I’ve got to pray.
And Israel is a Zionist, NOT a Jewish state.
Israel defines itself as a Jewish state which is good enough for me and around 9 million Israelis…..
I know that upsets you but quite frankly who cares what a vile racist sack of dogsh1t like you thinks…?
Now let us all pray for the swift coming of Moschiach and the world peace that will ensue with his coming as well as the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem….
And may the redeemer come to zion and let us say….
Meanwhile Dobby declines to live in his ‘Jewish State’ (Israel really) preferring the UK.
Well I am living in the land of my birth FG….
If that upsets you…sorry….not sorry…..
Most Irish prefer to live OUTSIDE of Ireland.
Most scots prefer to lie OUTSIDE of scotland.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
ImaM Oron,
It ain’t a “smear” when it’s True.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
…. was there ever a cause that was LEAST deserving of anyone’s sympathy or even attention??
Attacks on settlers?
Waaay!! The Panto is on its way to 800 posts. And they said that the performing seals would get bored, clapping and passing the same ball to each other over and over and over again. The fools !!
Who doesn’t love a semiaquatic marine mammal dressed as a comedy cleric?
‘Joanne Bell
Claudia Roden, a British Jew whose family (originally Syrian) were made refugee from Egypt,’
…. or emigrated to Israel,UK, US?
Are you saying @jobellerina is Claudia Roden ?
Not knowingly, Stephen.
Collier retweeted a tweet by Joanne Bell re. Claudia Roden
got it i misunderstood
Full marks to the performing seal. How many other fin footed mammals would attempt to be taken seriously whilst wearing a tutu and joke tiara and balancing a ball on their nose?
Ed, get the sprats !
This seal will balance a fat Zionist on his nose, twirl him around a couple of times, then throw him into the shark enclosure.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to pray.
This answers the age old question; Does a performing seal know it’s a seal ?
Clearly, YES. Who knew they could be so self aware?
amazing sir thanks for sharing very valuable and helpful thank a lot sir great job