The CAABU letter. How rancid and hypocritical can British MPs be? In the coming months Israel may or may not reclaim sovereignty of land along the Jordanian border.
Petitions are being signed advocating boycott, sanctions and other diplomatic penalties. Every anti-Israel group talks about it being the end of Israel’s democracy, proof of Apartheid and whatever other nonsensical term they seek to use.
Early May a letter was signed by 100 UK MPs. The letter stated that if Israel moves ahead with the annexation, there should be sanctions. It was written by the ‘Council for Arab-British Understanding‘ (CAABU), a well funded anti-Israel lobby group. The PLO’s Hanan Ashrawi is a patron.
I have gone through the list of names of those who signed the letter.
There are 100s of land-based disputes in the world, plenty of armed conflicts, untold despots, war crimes, persecutions and massacres. As I write there are over a million Muslims locked up in concentration camps. It is logical to assume that ANY of the British MPs that support sanctions as a strategic response, would have a long list of nations they support boycotting. Obviously, many nations would rank above Israel, if Israel were to rank anywhere at all.
After all, it couldn’t be possible that these MPs who seek sanctions on Israel are singling Israel out for special treatment. Could it?
Here is what I found.
NOTE. The letter provided a core set of anti-Israel MPs. This page can and will be updated over time as new information comes in. If you are aware of important activity not included, please message me.
British MPs
Tahir Ali (Labour)
Tahir Ali represents Birmingham Hall Green. Ali was speaking at boycott Israel events when he was still a councillor as far back as 2009. His problem with Israel cannot be related to human rights issues as he doesn’t have a problem accepting donations for visits to Pakistan from the government there:
Rushanara Ali (Labour)
Rushanara Ali represents Bethnal Green and Bow. Ali is made of hard-core anti-Israel stuff. She doesn’t just sign letters, but also takes the time to attend PSC rallies and speak at their events. She assists many of the anti-Israel NGOs and has hosted toxic PRC events in Parliament. All of these organisations support full BDS and work to eradicate Israel. In fact, the PRC has no other purpose. Ali has even been on the anti-Israel propaganda tours of Medical Aid for Palestinians. Hardly a surprise then that she signed the letter. She clearly hates Israel.
Rushanari Ali has no such problems with Bangladesh:
Bangladesh is another state that has Islam as its state religion. Bangladesh’s human rights record is also far worse than Israel’s. Article 6 of the Bangladeshi constitution openly discriminates against the country’s significant non-Bengali population. Recent reports on Bangledesh conclude that ‘the Government of Bangladesh is responsible for multiple human rights violations, including unlawful killings and disappearances, arbitrary arrest and detention, and torture’. Obviously nothing there for Rushanara Ali that deserves sanctions.
Hannah Bardell MP (SNP)
Hannah Bardell represents Livingston. Bardell voted against a recent vote on sanctions on Russia. There is little evidence of her supporting sanctions against the world’s worst human rights abusing governments. It is therefore unclear why she has singled the democratic state of Israel out for punishment.
Clive Betts MP (Labour)
Clive Betts represents Sheffield South East. He has been on a tour of ‘Jerusalem and the West Bank’ with the UK branch of Fatah:
As Fatah are responsible for numerous human rights abuses and even fund and reward the murder of Jews, the tour with Fatah speaks for itself. Betts also took a funded trip to Qatar – paid for by the Qatari government.
Clive Betts also came out vocally in support of councils being allowed to boycott Israel. Betts voted against a recent vote on sanctions on Russia. There is little evidence of him supporting sanctions against any of the world’s worst human rights abusers. It is therefore unclear why he has singled the democratic state of Israel out for punishment.
Tracy Brabin MP (Labour)
Tracy Brabin represents Batley and Spen. Another Labour MP with a long history of picking out Israel for censure. Brabin has also been on a Medical Aid for Palestinians propaganda trip. A search for her parliamentary contributions using the keyword ‘Syria’ doesn’t turn up any criticism or call for censure. It does however return a question about the safety of Palestinian refugees living there. Iran turns up no results at all. China scored a big zero too. The only reference to Pakistan was about Kashmir, not about Pakistan’s many human rights abuses.
Ben Bradshaw MP (Labour)
Alan Brown MP (SNP)
Alan Brown represents Kilmarnock and Loudoun. Brown is yet another of the British MPs who have been taken on the MAP propaganda tours. He also dutifuly raised questions about Israel in Parliament as a response.
On Syria, his questions seem to be related to his opposition to UK military force being used in Syria. His only real criticism of Iran was also in a speech opposing UK military force in Syria. He has never spoken about Pakistan. Whilst millions of people were being slaughtered elsewhere in the Middle East, he managed to table 12 questions attacking Israel.
Paul Blomfeld MP (Labour)
Paul Blomfeld represents Sheffield Central. Blomfeld led local Labour members on a visit to ‘Palestine’ in 2017. He also recently met a UN contingent to discuss Gaza. What is this obsession they all have? Predictably his other international concerns mainly focus on attacking India. On international matters he uses his Twitter feed to campaign against Israel but it almost silent on China, Russia, Pakistan and many other of the world’s worst regimes.
Ruth Cadbury MP (Labour)
Ruth Cadbury represents Brentford & Isleworth. Cadbury has chaired a meeting in Parliament for the toxic Palestine Return Centre. Cadbury has indicated she supports boycotting Israeli goods with or without the annexation. This bias is everywhere you look. Her website has pages describing her own activity, like this page, in which she took time from a busy list of UK items to make just one international detour– a letter to complain about Israel to the Israeli ambassador.
In Parliament, her only reference to international sanctions was about Israel. Like so many others, she has been on paid junkets to PA areas, for example one in 2017, paid for by the Britain-Palestine Communications Centre, the President’s Office, Ramallah, the Palestine Mission and Travel2Palestine Ltd.
Alistair Carmichael MP (LibDem)
Alistair Carmichael represents Orkney and Shetland. Carmichael is a CAABU Board Member, so it is no surprise he has been tabling questions attacking Israel for almost 20 years. Needless to say he has taken trips to PA areas. He also has no trouble taking paid trips from serial human rights abusers such as Qatar:
Sarah Champion MP (Labour)
Sarah Champion represents Rotherham. She has also been on paid propaganda trips to PA areas. Champion has a highly active Twitter account – so I used that as a base for easy comparison. How many times did she critically mention Israel? – and how many times did she critically reference the world’s serial human rights abusers?
- Israel: 60
- Syria: 7
- Iran: 5
- N Korea: 2
- Pakistan: 1
- DRC: 0
Those numbers speak for themselves.
Joanna Cherry MP (SNP)
Joanna Cherry represents Edinburgh South West. Another who has taken paid propaganda tours.
Whilst Cherry has made several tweets condemning democratic Israel, she never found time to condemn regimes such as Burma, Pakistan, Iran or Syria. Cherry also raised 6 questions in Parliament on Israel – but none criticising China, Burma, Pakistan, Iran or Syria. She did find time however to question the government’s intention to proscribe all of Hezbollah as a terror group.
Daisy Cooper MP (Libdem)
Daisy Cooper MP represents St Albans. Cooper was only elected in December 2019. Six months ago she signed the We Believe declaration that opposed boycotts. She confirmed this stance in a statement to the Palestine Solidarity Campaign.
Her constituents might note that it does not seem to have taken her long for her to break that pledge.
Martyn Day MP (SNP)
Martyn Day represents Linlithgow and East Falkirk:
Day strongly opposes trade with ‘settlements’, with or without the annexation. He also attends anti-Israel events by hard-core groups that want to wipe Israel off the map such as the PRC.
Julie Elliot MP (Labour)
Julie Elliot represents Sunderland Central. Elliot is another MP who has recently been on a MAP / CAABU paid propaganda tour. Calling it a ‘fact finding’ mission simply rubs salt in the wound.
Elliot’s actions in the House are clear. She has spoken out against Israel on several occasions, including a suggestion that the Balfour Declaration Centenary should not be celebrated. Lots of calls to ‘hold Israel to account’. She found no time to speak out against China, Russia, Pakistan, Syria or Iran. Looking through all her contributions, Israel appears to be the only international issue that interests her.
Richard Graham MP (Cons)
Richard Graham represents Gloucester. He has also been on CAABU funded trips.
He recently went on a trip to Indonesia. – paid for by the Indonesian government. The Indonesian government has occupied West Papua for 50 years – West Papua, the western half of New Guinea, is owned and run like a 19th-century colony. The Indonesians slaughtered 10,000s of Papuans to suppress the calls for an independence referendum that they had been promised. Perhaps Graham can join the Free West Papua campaign.
And there were recent visits to China. The purpose of the visits – to strengthen ties. Graham once spoke out about China – and they denied him a visa. Maybe he learnt his lesson. Just recently Graham spoke in Parliament welcoming the increase of trade with China.
If Graham seeks to strengthen trade ties to China then he has no moral standing whatsoever to ask for a boycott of Israel!
Lilian Greenwood MP (Labour)
Lilian Greenwood represents Nottingham South. Yet another in the long list who have been on paid propaganda trips to PA areas.
On International matters in the house, Greenwood has spoken up against Israel – but not against Iran, North Korea the DRC, Russia, Pakistan or Syria.
Kate Hollern MP (Labour)
Kate Hollern represents Blackburn. Hollern has an entire constituency to take care of. For all the problems they must face, she has only spoken in parliament on 12 occasions in over 2 years. Even then, she found the time – in her only comment on international issues – to attack Israel.
Hollern’s Twitter feed displays similar bias. Whilst she has made several Tweets criticising Israel, she never seems to use the platform to criticise serial abusers such as China, Iran, DRC, Afghanistan, N Korea or Burma. Perhaps this explains why she liked a FB comment that said “Jewish leaders are worse than Nazis”.
Imran Hussain MP (Labour)
Imran Hussain represents Bradford East. In the last 12 months Hussain has taken trips paid for by the governments of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia:
Although his first trip abroad, (shortly after becoming an MP) was a MAP propaganda trip to the PA areas:
His speeches in Parliament tell the same story. Criticism of Israel, nothing critical about Saudi Arabia, Pakistan or Afghanistan. He never even mentions Iran. On Twitter he is proud to show off his credentials:
Yet no returns on Twitter for the human rights abuses of those like Saudi Arabia and Iran.
This is not human rights activism, this is an anti-Jewish, pro Islamist bias. If Israel was a Muslim majority state, Hussain would be a massive fan. It is that simple.
Christine Jardine MP (LibDem)
Christine Jardine represents Edinburgh West. Jardine has also been on a CAABU propaganda tour. The only other financed international trip she has made since her 2017 election was to China
In Parliament she has also spoken about Israel on several occasions, but never about the human rights abuses in places such as Iran and Pakistan. Jardine even writes articles attacking Israel, putting an imaginative narrative on an event she saw 30 years ago, to suit the story she wants to tell.
Jardine is an example of someone who is on a slippery slope. Not a person instinctively anti-Israel, she was probably far more in tune with the truth a decade ago, but her values are slowly being eaten away by the propaganda. If her 2008 self could see her 2020 version signing letters – alongside some genuinely toxic individuals – calling for a boycott of Israel – I believe the image would horrify her.
David Jones MP (Cons)
David Jones represents Clwyd West. Jones is the Chair of CAABU. It is an anti-Israel lobby group with dubious associations. The CAABU position drives a substantial amount of his international parliamentary activity.
Afzal Khan MP (Labour)
Afzal Khan represents Manchester, Gorton. This was Gerald Kaufman’s constituency. Khan has previously shared Rothschild Conspiracy material for which he later apologised.
From his Twitter feed, Khan clearly has a keen interest in Pakistan. In every reliable index, Israel ranks far above Pakistan on every single level of law, freedom and democracy. Recent human rights reports on Pakistan suggest the military is increasingly taking control and silencing dissenting voices. Additionally, women, religious minorities, and transgender people face violent attacks, discrimination, and government persecution. People regularly ‘disappear’. So what does Khan feel is a suitable punishment for such flagrant abuses of human rights? Afzal Khan actively works to increase trade with Pakistan:
Is Afzal Khan really suggesting Israel is more worthy of sanctions than Pakistan? Afzal Khan is a hypocrite.
Stephen Kinnock MP (Labour)
Stephen Kinnock represents Aberavon. He is Chair of the Britain-Palestine All-Party Parliamentary Group. On 16 May, Kinnock tweeted that Israel was an ‘authoritarian regime‘, comparing it to China and Syria. His Twitter feed contains many attacks on Israel. Kinnock does not attack Afghanistan, Pakistan or Saudi Arabia and he only made one critical tweet on Iran. He has never even mentioned Hamas or Hezbollah on Twitter.
Kinnock also supports a boycott with or without the annexation. He also suggests that boycotting settlement goods is ‘just a start’.
Tony Lloyd MP (Labour)
Tony Lloyd represents Rochdale. In 2011, Lloyd was in Gaza and was pictured with Hamas leader:
When Israel was facing the daily incursions, incendiary kites and mass protests on its border, Lloyd actually called its response ‘calculated murder’.
But he refers to a human rights abusing nation such as Pakistan as ‘a vital ally’. There are no critical tweets of any kind about Pakistan. And rather than boycott them, he celebrates their Independence Day:
Angus MacNeil MP (SNP)
Angus MacNeil represents Na h-Eileanan an Iar. He talks about Israel as a ‘racist apartheid state’ and calls its government ‘terrorist’:
When it comes to Pakistan or China, attitudes change. The Pakistani flag can be included in a ‘good symbol of internationalism‘ and high levels of trade with China are helpful in an argument over independence. This difference between seeing States – however flawed- as legitimate actors – and the demonisation of Israel as the devil is at the heart of all this. MacNeil would never use Israel in a positive fashion.
Shabana Mahmood MP (Labour)
Shabana Mahmood represents Birmingham Ladywood. Her Twitter feed highlights clear contradictions and hypocrisy. Israel and the conflict, especially with Gaza merits over a dozen explicit tweets BUT these countries are NEVER mentioned – not even once – Syria, Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, China and the DRC. The only international issue Mahmood publicly addresses on Twitter is Israel. Mahmood is blatantly picking out Israel for special attention whilst ignoring the human rights abuses of the world’s worst regimes.
Whilst Mahmood seeks to sanction Israel, she has been on paid trips to improve ties with both Bangladesh and China. In 2014 Mahmood was accused of encouraging mob behaviour at an anti-Israel protest outside a branch of Sainsbury’s. The demonstration forced the temporary closure of the supermarket. Mahmood also spoke at anti-Israel rallies elsewhere. Mahmood’s attitude to boycotting Israel clearly has nothing to do with annexation. The image on the left is Mahmood speaking at an anti-Israel rally. The image on the right is her speaking at a celebration of Pakistani independence:
The question is a simple one. Would Mahmood attend a celebration of Israeli independence and also attend a rally calling for Pakistan to be sanctioned or even wiped out because of severe human rights abuses? The scenario is absurd and therefore human rights issues clearly do not explain this blatant bias. Mahmood is treating Israel differently.
Seema Malhotra MP (Labour)
Seema Malhotra represents Feltham and Heston. In Parliament Malohtra appears to have spoken about Israel more than Russia, China, Saudi Arabi, Pakistan and Syria COMBINED.
Seema has also been on a paid CAABU propaganda trip to PA areas:
Mark Menzies MP (Cons)
Mark Menzie represents Fylde. Menzie came under fire for recent trips to Saudi Arabia. He justifies the relationship with the regime through the make-up of his constituents:
Menzies has even vigorously defended arm sales to Saudi Arabia, an absurd position for someone who claims Israel should face a boycott on humanitarian grounds. According to a record of his speeches in parliament – he has never spoken out against human rights violations in Pakistan, Burma or the DRC.
Grahame Morris MP (Labour)
Graham Morris represents Easington. Morris is one of those Labour MPs who posts against Israel whenever possible He has compared Israel to the Nazis and pushed fake news on the conflict. Morris was consistently on the wrong side of the antisemitism debate in the Labour Party – including opposition to the IHRA definition.
His Twitter feed on international affairs reads like that of a hard-core anti-Israel activist. He even retweets toxic outlets such as Electronic Intifada. Morris went to the PA areas as part of a SOAS propaganda visit:
A quick scan of his Twitter output highlights raw and unacceptable bias.
Critical tweets on:
- Israel 200+
- Iran 0
- Pakistan 0
- North Korea 0
His speeches also confirm this. When talking in Parliament about sanctions, Morris is only discussing Israel – nobody else. Whatever he is doing, Morris is not opposing Israel on human rights grounds.
Brendan O’Hara MP (SNP)
Brendan O’Hara represents Argyll and Bute. O’Hara has taken paid propaganda tours to the PA areas as well as a trip to the UAE ‘to promote investment ties and trade’.
The UAE is well known for lack of freedoms and for persecutions and other flagrant human rights violations. But O’Hara took a trip, paid for by the UAE government, to promote trade with them. Upon his return from ‘Palestine’ (O’Hara never uses the word Israel on Twitter, only ‘Palestine’) O’Hara did some speaking events telling people what he had learned there.
Kate Osamor MP (Labour)
Kate Osamor represents Edmonton. Like most of the other MPs who signed the letter, Osamor’s support for the boycott movement has been around for a long time and isn’t actually related to the issue of annexation. Osamor also continued to employ an aide who was suspended for antisemitism.
Although she wants to boycott Israel, Osamor recently went on a paid junket to increase trade with Nigeria.
Nigeria’s human rights record is atrocious and state actors are responsible for countless arbitrary killings, ‘forced disappearances’, torture and a denial of basic freedoms.
Osamor has deleted offensive tweets about Israel, so it is impossible to verify anything through her account. In Parliament she has spoken out against Israel, but not against serial human rights abusers such as Iran or Pakistan.
Yasmin Qureshi MP (Labour)
Yasmin Qureshi represents Bolton South East. In a 2015 speech in Parliament on ISIS, Qureshi basically blamed Israel for the rise of ISIS and most of the unrest in the Middle East. ‘Israel is key‘ she said.
Qureshi has spoken against Israel several times throughout her parliamentary career. This contrasts with her vigorous defence of Pakistan – even painting Pakistan as a victim, rather than abuser of human rights. Qureshi has not criticised Iran from the benches either. Nor Saudi Arabia.
Qureshi’s Twitter account reads like that of an anti-Israel activist. What on earth is an MP doing talking about a ‘country’ that used to exist called Palestine?
That is fake news. That tweet spreads disinformation and hate. Qureshi has posted 50+ tweets on Israel, all highly critical. She has posted 30 tweets on Pakistan and not a single one holds criticism.
There is nothing critical about Iran either.
She has been on the paid propaganda trip to PA areas:
Qureshi has also been on trips paid for by the Government of Pakistan. One additional and relevant trip worth noting was funded by the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. A paid trip to ‘occupied Cyprus’.
The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is not recognised by the UK. At the time Qureshi was ‘co-chair of the all-party parliamentary group for the TRNC’ and gave a very positive spin upon her return.
Naz Shah MP (Labour)
Naz Shah represents Bradford West. Shah ran into trouble and was suspended from the Labour Party for sharing antisemitic images.
Shah has been on a paid propaganda tour to PA areas.
She has spoken out against Israel several times in parliament, but never about Iran or Saudi Arabia. On Twitter she also attacks Israel, but her posts about Pakistan are always respectful and celebratory. Whilst she wants boycotts on Israel – she seeks to increase trade with Pakistan:
The date of that tweet (Aug 2014) raises serious issues of hypocrisy. As Naz Shah wrote that, the Pakistani military was involved in a major military offensive in the north. displacing 800,000 people and killing many innocent civilians. Nothing to stop Shah wanting to increase trade with them though.
Tommy Sheppard MP (SNP)
Tommy Sheppard represents Edinburgh East. Sheppard has a long history of anti-Israel activism and of baiting the mainstream Jewish community. His ‘boycott Israel’ agenda has nothing to do with annexation. He often speaks at hard-core anti-Israel events – including those put on by anti-Israel Islamist organisations such as Friends of Al Aqsa.
He has posted dozens of tweets attacking Israel but not a single one attacking Syria, Pakistan, North Korea or Iran. Sheppard has also been on *three* paid trips, two to the PA areas and one to Jordan:
Andy Slaughter MP (Labour)
Andy Slaughter represents Hammersmith. Slaughter is another long term anti-Israel activist. He is Secretary of the Britain-Palestine All-Party Parliamentary Group and Vice-Chair of Labour Friends of Palestine. He often speaks at anti-Israel rallies, including those that have seen calls for the murder of Jews.
Slaughter hosted the PRC event at which Gerald Kaufman made his comment about ‘Jewish money’ being used to subvert the UK Government. As one of the leading propagandists inside Westminster, Slaughter often receives opportunities to travel to PA areas:
He has attacked Israel in Parliament dozens of times yet has almost never spoken out against those such as Iran or Pakistan. The ‘Kurds’, the largest stateless people in the Middle East have been mentioned zero times.
Zarah Sultana MP (Labour)
Zarah Sultana represents Coventry South. She was only elected in December so has no Parliamentary record to search. In 2015, Sultana shared posts indicating that she supported violent resistance by the Palestinians.
As a student in 2014, Sultana was ‘at the forefront‘ of pushing the National Union of Students into full support of the boycott movement (which effectively seeks to destroy Israel). It is therefore absurd to suggest that annexation has anything to do with her skewed reasoning.
In one of several deleted tweets Ms Sultana said that her mum ‘was “p*ssed” after her dad told her that she was a Jew’. Sultana was one of several anti-Israel and Corbyn-linked Labour MPs who entered Parliament in December 2019.
It is quite scary to think these tweets came from someone who is now a sitting MP.
Sam Tarry MP (Labour)
Sam Tarry represents Ilford South. He is another pro-Corbyn 2019 addition to Parliament. During the election campaign Tarry claimed that the antisemitism crisis in the Labour Party and the EHRC investigation into institutionalised antisemitism was all linked to those who disagree with Corbyn’s views on Israel.
Prior to being an MP, Tarry often tweeted on ‘Palestine’, retweeted toxic organisations such as War on Want and used the Apartheid smear against Israel:
Philippa Whitford MP (SNP)
Philippa Whitford represents Central Ayrshire. Long before she was an MP, Whitford served for a year and a half as a medical volunteer in a hospital in Gaza.
Since becoming an MP, she frequently takes paid-for trips to Gaza, which are then used as propaganda items for anti-Israel activism.
Whitford also spreads anti-Israel propaganda at events.
Rupa Huq MP (Labour)
Rupa Huq represents Ealing Central and Acton. Huq has been on paid anti-Israel propaganda tours.
Rupa Huq has spoken at toxic anti-Israel events for years, such as one organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign in 2015:
Huq has spoken out against Israel several times in parliament, but never seems to have mentioned the human rights violations in Iran, Pakistan, Burma, Syria, China or North Korea. It seems odd that whilst on the one hand Huq wants to boycott Israeli products, she went to China to improve ties there:
Neil Coyle MP (Labour)
Neil Coyle represents for Bermondsey and Old Southwark. Until 2020, he was silent in Parliament and on Twitter on issues related to Israel. He has only recently returned from a MAP paid propaganda trip.
On Twitter that trip to ‘Israel and the west bank’ became a trip to a place called ‘Palestine’:
With Coyle now activated, he makes his first tweet on Israel (‘Palestine’) following the trip. Hundreds of millions of people face starvation in the world yet suddenly he is tweeting out propaganda about how Palestinians – the most heavily subsidised people on earth – are in desperate need of water and electricity. Note too the demand to meet the Israeli Ambassador. This is how these trips turn MPs into blind and foolish activists:
A shame for a Labour MP who until recently was certainly not in Corbyn’s anti-Israel camp. Within a month he was signing letters to boycott Israel. Coyle’s interest in trade and human rights does not extend to China. He went on a trip paid for by the Chinese government’s nuclear organisation:
Four days after the Chinese trip Coyle pressed in parliament for the government to accept the investment from CGN China. This is the only time Coyle has mentioned China in one of his speeches. This promotion of trade and investment came in November 2018, when Chinese Muslim concentration camps were headline news.
Claudia Webbe MP (Labour)
Claudia Webbe represents Leicester East. Webbe only entered Parliament in December 2019, another of Corbyn’s allies to be handed a safe seat. Webbe defended Ken Livingstone after he compared a Jewish journalist to a concentration camp guard. In the Autum of 2018, Webbe was still tweeting about antisemitism as ‘pretend claims‘ and elite conspiracy.
Claudia Webbe has also used Twitter to attack Israel. She has tagged toxic organisations such as the PSC and CADFA into her tweets and chaired hard-core anti-Zionist events:
Although Webbe found time on Twitter to attack Israel on several occasions, these are some of the countries she has not criticised: Nth Korea, Iran, Russia, Syria, Pakistan, China, Turkey and the DRC. As is the case with so many of these self-titled ‘human rights activists’, there is an obsession with Israel and when searching their posts for public support of the largest stateless actor in the Middle East – the Kurds, the results always come up empty:
Debbie Abrahams MP (Labour)
Debbie Abrahams represents for Oldham East and Saddleworth. Abrahams has spoken up against Israel several times in parliament, but never found time to speak out against nations such as China or Iran.
Abrahams has been on a CAABU funded propaganda tour:
It is important to reproduce just a snippet from Abraham’s blog about her visit, written shortly after her return. The entire piece is a non-factual propaganda diatribe but this piece highlights how badly distorted MPs vision can become:
A single paragraph, five comments:
- The assertion Israel deliberately stoke conflict for electoral purposes
- Israeli ‘missile attacks’?
- A reference to Hamas as a proscribed terrorist organisation rather than a ‘ruling party’ would be helpful
- Hamas do not fire missiles, they fire rockets
- Sderot and the surrounding neighbourhood are not ‘settlement areas in occupied Palestinian territory’. They are in Israel.
Ample evidence as to how a few days on these propaganda tours can brainwash people.
Apsana Begum MP (Labour)
Apsana Begum represents Poplar and Limehouse. She is another of the toxic MPs who took safe seats under Corbyn’s leadership. Begum shared a social media post that referred to ‘Zionist masters’.
Diane Abbott MP (Labour)
Diane Abbott represents Hackney North and Stoke Newington. She is one of Jeremy Corbyn’s key allies. Abbott has called Labour’s antisemitism crisis ‘a smear‘. Even now, after Corbyn’s defeat and the impending results of an EHRC investigation, Diane Abbott still insists on mixing with toxic individuals that have been expelled by the Labour party.
Abbott has frequently spoken at PSC events. The PSC supports a full boycott of Israel and an end to the Jewish state.
Tim Loughton MP (Cons)
Tim Loughton represents East Worthing and Shoreham. Loughton has been on the MAP propaganda tour.
Jeremy Corbyn MP (Labour)
Jeremy Corbyn represents Islington North. There should be little need to introduce the man who led the Labour Party over an antisemitic cliff. Corbyn’s legacy is an investigation into institutional antisemitism and the worst electoral defeat of Labour for 80 years.
Corbyn is an anti-Zionist activist and has been for decades. His signature has nothing to do with annexation and he has often spoken at events that push the full boycott of Israel.
Corbyn has aligned with radical Islamists and terrorists from every corner. Corbyn is no longer the party leader but he has done untold damage to the UK Jewish community.
Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP (Labour)
Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP represents Streatham. Riberio-Addy is another 2019 Corbynite winner. She has previously worked for the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. She has spoken at events that commemorate violence against Israelis and has spoken alongside a known terrorist.
Forty-seven MPs are listed. Of the remaining MPs several only joined Parliament in December 2019 and therefore have no history to draw from. Some, chiefly from the SNP, sign anti-Israel actions by default, but never openly raise the issue of the conflict in Parliament or social media. Several MPs who signed the letter should really be ashamed of themselves. These MPs have chosen to virtue signal by aligning with hypocrites and antisemites to attack Israel.
The hypocrisy, double standards and blatant anti-Israel activism is clear in many of the 47 examples listed. It is impossible to morally justify boycotting Israel, a democratic ally and OECD member, whilst pushing simultaneously for increased trade with nations such as China or Pakistan.
There is an element of this that is ethically unacceptable. Sometimes the MP’s own bias is stamped on their activity. Put aside the hypocrisy of cuddling up to nations such as Pakistan or China or Qatar, let us focus on persecuted peoples. How many of these MPs have ever marched or spoken up for the Kurds – a people who unlike Palestinians, have not walked away from numerous opportunities to have their own state?
Demographics and propaganda
Another sign is even more troublesome – namely the correlation between the ethnic make-up of their constituencies and the anti-Israel stance that MPs have adopted. The MPs (all Labour) of eight out of the top ten constituencies as regards the proportion of Muslim constituents signed the letter (80%). Given only 15% of all MPs signed the letter, that provides a clear correlation. Jonathan Hoffman crunched the numbers to look at this more closely.
MPs who do not speak out on China, Iran, Syria, Saudi or Pakistan but consistently jump on the anti-Israel bandwagon – are blatantly treating Israel from any other nation. That makes bias such as this – antisemitic.
The propaganda tours are also an issue. There is a link between the tour and the activity. The tours do not provide grounding for a background into the conflict, but rather are specifically designed to activate an MP. Debbie Abrahams’ article suggesting Hamas fire ‘missiles’ into land Israel ‘occupies’ is a clear sign that MPs return brainwashed from these tours.
Regardless of whether Israel annexes the land and however you may view the situation – letters such as CAABU’S are toxic and no decent MP should have anything to do with any of them.
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The key issue surrounding these biased, ignorant and squalid comments about Israel, ultimately relate to the land question. A dispute that is over a century old. Yet, what is forgotten, or deliberately overlooked is that under Intenational Law Isrel is not occupying any territory. Moreover, according to International Law, Jews are indigenous, so cannot be removed nor can the Israeli state be de-legitimised as so many of these MPs seem to believe.
The question is, why this blog never refers to International Law, preferring to continue the ‘naming and shaming’ game that has not alleviated anti-Semitism. In fact, according to the latest CST figures, anti-Semitism increased again in the last year. Much of this is directed by Muslim states, like Iran, that support terrorist orgabnsations.
So, for the all the regualr naming and shaming, anti-Semitism is increasing. As has been previously stated, unless and until more effort is made to educate about Judaism and Israel, in particular the Jews contribution to western civiisation, nothing will change. .
John- you failed to respond to my questions after your last critical comment – and here you are again with another.
If I understand you right, my strategy is wrong and you would rather I spoke all the time about international law.
So there should be no naming and shaming. We shouldn’t have opposed Corbyn and exposed him and his mates. We should have spent our time educating those who want to be educated about history. Corbyn may well have won the election – but hey – that doesn’t matter – a price worth paying.
Are you for real. You are arguing that there is only one strategy – yours – and everyone who doesn’t follow your strategy is wasting their time or even helping to increase antisemitism.
Every army needs different units and different strategies. Very few need commanders that think they are the only ones who are ever right.
“according to the latest CST figures”??!? figures from a Jewish group. Lol.
” Jews are indigenous”??!? Jews are the descendants of an Iraqi immigrant…. Abraham.
The transparency of the Jew haters eh! And long may it remain so.
To ensure that Jews get negative attention, our homeland is singled out from all other states on the planet and vilified.
To avoid Jews getting positive or sympathetic attention, our plight at the hands of genocidal oppressors is aggregated with the plights of every other state or group on the planet.
We see you.
The role of the Zionist here, if i may, is to ask ‘why’ Israel is singled out as the exception to all the other similar scenarios. I am keen on contacting the list of MPs, one Tory MP is on the list which proves this is not about politics but about Jews, to ask:; ‘why is Israel the worst human rights violator in the world’? I will do my best to furnish this site with some replies.
Michael, quite keen to ask questions but not so keen to answer them. Shocking double standard.
He’s your chance to put it right. Former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and former PLO leader Yasser Arafat were winners of the Nobel Peace Prize. In your opinion were they both worthy recipients?
New bottle, Ian? Lol.
Margaret Hodge signed the CAABU letter. What a disgrace after all the support we have given her.
Thought that Israel has bought her, John?
Here is a Link to a 37 second Youtube of a newsreel documenting a sit-down meeting between National SOCIALIST SHlTler and his ally, the Grand Mooooofti of Jerusalem.
“if Israel were to rank anywhere at all.”?
Remember that Russia was sanctioned for its occupation and annexation of Crimea.
Israel is appeased and has had no sanctions against it for its occupation and annexation.
The world treats Israel well, given its murderous and brutal History.
You’re such a sore loser Michael.
Not to worry….
I leave that to you, ian.
MP Claudia Webbe at PMQs “African, Asian and ethnic minority communities in Leicester East needed to be supported in the next stage of this virus.”
The JC asked Ms Webbe whether she had meant to exclude the Jewish community from her question – or whether it had been an oversight on her part.
Seriously. How anti-Semitic of her for not mentioning the Jewish ethnic community by name. How dare she not?
This is getting really silly.
Describing those who wish to uphold International Law as anti-Israel is yet another idiotic statement by David.
Actually (not surprised you didn’t understand this), David’s statement is accurate. International law–there’s no capital letter in the second word because it’s not a religious faith or a brand, you asshole–should be a lot of good things, but it’s none of them.
One lady takes the time to attend PSC rallies.
Same lady has been on tours of Medical Aid for Palestinians.
Same lady has signed a letter stating that if Israel moves ahead with the annexation, there should be sanctions.
Bear in mind that Russia had sanctions imposed against it for its occupation and annexation of Crimea, predominantly voted for by Western countries.
David writes “She clearly hates Israel”. ??!?
Er, David. I suggest that she and the other signatories, including Margaret Hodge ‘Friend of Israel Labour MP, hate not the state but its scheme in this regard.
p.s. think you’ve overdone the phrase “anti-Israel” in this blog. 31 occurrences. Your continued obsession and hatred towards Jeremy Corbyn earns him 17 mentions.
Get well soon.
Hi, ben.
In 1945 the project to wipe out the Jewish people was temporarily halted, but had successfully decimated European Jewry which has still not recovered from the firing squads and furnaces of the Nazis and their allies.
In 1948 another attempt was made to wipe out another part of the Jewish people, a fact that is annually mourned by the Palestinians and vast swathes of the Arab and Muslim world, and their European and other allies.
In 1950 UNRWA was created and has developed into an instrument to continue the conflict, and help maintain that hunger for the destruction of the Jewish people; sorry I meant Israel
I often wonder when I hear some of these individuals, and others, whether their animus against Israel is rather a cover for their desire to complete what the Nazis started.
No matter whether their is compassion for the Palestinians or animus against Israel, the point as David has highlighted so well, is that these people and groups seem to have a tunnel vision that only emphasises Israels perceived wrongs while ignoring the egregiously awful wrongs committed by others
Hamas , Hezbollah and the Palestinian Authority/Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and all the other similar groups are called Left Wing by the ‘lefty liberal neo-fascist coalition’ despite the fact that they are all Homophobic, Misogynistic and Racist
A pro-Israeli chiding others over racism? Hypocrisy?
Sharmuta, It’s sick POS’s like you who helped LaBOOR crash and burn.
Happy Nakba!
Michael, you never really clarify whether you are pro-Arab or just anti-Israel. Do you symapthise with the Arabs?
Were you aware that former Arab leader Yasser Arafat won the Nobel Peace Prize? Is this something on which you have an opinion?
Me, I’m pro-Palestinian, want them to have self-determination.. also want the Arab-Israelis to have that too, as the Jewish-Israelis do.
How’s the head, Ian?
Sharmuta, Looks like “The Nakba” Hit the Fan again – this time in Texas.
Another one of your Jihadi pig pals just got sent to “Allah”.
Happy Nakba!
Texas? That’s in America isn’t it.
So, an America went wild with a gun. Think that’s normal over there. It’s the gun laws, Ted. America is still the Wild West.
You’re American aren’t you, Ted?
I’m British. 🙂
Good to know you’re pro-Palestinian Michael. So what was your opinion of their leader of Yasser Arafat winning the Nobel Peace Prize ? Was he a worthy recipient ?
Your homework, Ian. Your decision … without help. 🙂
Don’t be silly Michael. I’m simply asking for your opinion. Nothing threatening in that, is there?
You say you’re pro-Palestinian. Do you have an opinion on their leader receiving the Nobel Peace Prize? I gave you the chance earlier to say “No opinion” and if that’s the case, I’ll drop it.
Now why would you be interested in opinions at all? You’ve never had one in all your years on this blog.
There’s never been a comment supportive or otherwise on the topic of any blog.
You’re going to have to look at his life, his history and any deals he has pursued PLUS the stated criteria for the prize.
You’ve obviously got the time and the burning desire to answer the question. Do something different, Ian .. form an opinion. Be your own man … could do it while David out at lunch.
Your fear of addressing this subject fascinates me Michael. You have used so many deflections now to avoid answering the question. If you lack the confidence in your position and prefer to drop the matter the so be it. Just say so rather than all this silliness.
Fair warning though. The next article has a big picture of Yasser Arafat in the header. We will need to return to this question and get your opinion.
Of course. You either have an opinion that you are willing to share or you do not. Let’s come back to it in the next article.
In honour of the Islamofascist appeasing British Parliamentarians,
here is a chant to make their every day…
From the River to the Sea,
David tweets – “I will use the compensation I have received to continue to expose antisemitism wherever I find it.”
But you won’t …. you won’t investigate it in the Israel appeasing Tory Party……… and why?
Because, you say, you’re NOT a member of the Tory Party.
We did ‘wherever’ at school. David must have been sick that day……… or …. he hasn’t dared look for it there.
So, David attacks the British democracy. A democracy where all citizens have self-determination, while Israel, his favourite state, only gives it to its Jewish citizens yet claims to be a democracy.
Stupid Sharmuta, British democracy spoke – and your Islamofascist Lovin’ LaBOOR Party was beaten to the ground.
Worst beating for LaBOOR in 85 years.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only fights Labour
I’ve updated the comment to correct your link to the full unedited version.
Not updated … you have doctored my comment.
Unethical …. but then you are.
David questioned.
Questioner : David, can you go through your record on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : Do you think that’s a point?
Questioner : David, would you like to go through your record on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : I’m not a member of the Tory Party.
Questioner : Antisemitism exists everywhere, if you are here to fight antisemitism you fight antisemitism everywhere.
David : I agree
Questioner : You seem to ‘specialise’ in antisemitism in the Labour Party, Can you tell me what your record is on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : Your question is disingenuous …… I am a member of the Labour Party.
Another well researched, and frustrating, article. The triple assault on the world’s only Jewish majority state, by the unholy trilogy of Islamic Terrorism, Western Muslims content with outrageous homophobia, misogyny, bigotry and despotism stretching geographically from Morocco to Pakistan but agonising over every little thing that a fully functioning democracy in a corner of the Eastern Med does, and useful idiots in the West, who seem more concerned with not being seen as racist and supporting any cause pushed by angry people with dark skin.
It is conveniently forgotten that Israel has tried, many times, to make concessions. Sinai. Oslo. Southern Lebanon. It gives in to the demands of an appeasing West. And for what? As US diplomat Dennis Ross said “there was a new model for dealing with Israel: the Hezbollah model. Don’t make concessions. Don’t negotiate, Use violence. And the Israelis will grow weary and withdraw.”
Stay strong, Israel, and don’t listen to the Western idiots who appease our angry, bigoted Muslims.