Oct 7 saw Hamas commit atrocities beyond description, but instead of support – Jews in the west are facing a tsunami of antisemitic hate.
Because I am public facing – I become a target of hate for our enemies. For those on the sidelines it is near impossible to fathom the level and intensity of hate that is thrown every day. I mean we all see the offensive messages thrown around, but little of it is targeted or personal. For some – death threats, sadistic promises – we see it all. I am taking a quick breather from ongoing investigations just to post this. What I have posted below are examples of the hateful messages I receive *all day, every day* . These are not public responses to my posts – but recent private messages that people have taken the time to send.
I am not posting them to elicit sympathy. It is done only to inform and to help create a public understanding of the tsunami of antisemitism we are facing.
This is not anti-Zionism, nor is it anything to do with helping Palestinians. It is just a raw hatred of Jews. This is what my inbox looks like right now – all of these messages are recent:
And it was Sunday – a quiet day. None of these examples are more than a few days old:
What I am posting is just a choice few. I am not even bothering to show the more predictable ones – statements equating Zionists with ‘Nazis’ or calls to ‘free Palestine’.
Some I receive are exceptional in their sadistic quality:
The above is from Twitter (and no, I don’t think the enviroment on the platform has got worse since Elon Musk took over – it has always been toxic). I have to leave my message streams open so those with news about antisemitic activity can contact me. My website is another avenue to send messages. Comments are open – and this allows for anonymous vindictive messages to be sent. This one was received yesterday:
I have been doing this a long time, and to be honest, these type of messages no longer affect me at all. I have simply grown accustomed to having sadistic abuse thrown my way.
And then there are the posts that make it all worth it. Like this one:
Posts such as these tell me I am doing exactly what I need to be doing. This is a battle that must be fought.
Time to get back to work.
Help support the fight against antisemitism in 2024.
2024 looks like it will be a difficult and long struggle.
My research is unique and hard hitting. It also depends on community support.
I battle back against those who seek to revise history, demonise Israel – and I expose antisemitism wherever it is found. I fight when others don’t. The results speak for themselves and for nine years I have been exposing hate and creating headlines.
Please help If you can, consider making a donation. Your help makes it all possible.
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Every contribution is truly appreciated

We will never forget all the little Jacks and Janes who could barely contain themselves on 8/10 before taking to the streets to squeal with joy at the beheading of Jewish babies and the murder of Jewish children as they screamed for the genocide of Jews. We will remember their jubilation as terrified Israeli girls were still cowering in Israeli fields as Arab rapists hunted them down and ‘peace loving’ Gazan citizens spat on the bodies of elderly Jewish captives as they were dragged beaten and bloodied through Gazan streets. They will be foremost in our minds as we hunt down and slaughter the animals that they support as we flush them from their UN funded rat holes.
Am Yisrael Chai to all the little Jacks and Janes. You went too early, didn’t you?
I do admit that the pro Pal rallies are becoming a little bit tiresome
I used to quite enjoy going into the city on a Saturday afternoon
But that’s all in the past now
You have to feel sorry for the business owners who must be losing money hand over fist as a result of these thugs as their so called protests always inevitably turn violent. And who wants to be around that? Best to just stay away and leave them to it…
Meanwhile right wing politics is surging all over the world with Trump set to win by a landslide in November
But I’m sure that is just a coincidence
Trump is a defender of the Jews, a personal friend of Netanyahu, and has a town in Israel named after him. He moved the US embassy to Jerusalem in 2017, something previous presidents had spoken about but never done. The Abrhaham Accords did more to secure Israeli security, isolating Iran, than 50 years of “peace process” had ever achieved. WIth respect, please look beyond the propaganda about Trump.
I am not Jewish (although I am pleased to say that my extended family now includes Jews, to whom I have written with support.) I give a very modest monthly support to this site and donated recently. I am horrifed by a corrupt state which is tolerating monstrous antisemitisme on the streets and in our pathetic, degraded Universities. Thank you David for your work. Unlike most who claim to have received death threats, you actually publish your’s so we can judge for ourselves. Bret Weinstein has characterised the present situation, with ignornant brainwashed young people spouting open hate, as “pre-genocidal”, and it is difficult to disagree. It is pathetic so see my middle-classs friends equivocate and I do what I can. My very best wishes to you.
Iain, animals are wonderful creatures. Please don’t compare the Palestinian Nazi Hamas terrorists to them
The Hamas terrorists are a bunch of barbaric, perverted, sadistic demons
I am not Jewish (although I am pleased to say that my extended family now includes Jews, to whom I have written with support.) I give a very modest monthly support to this site and donated recently. I am horrifed by a corrupt state which is tolerating monstrous antisemitisme on the streets and in our pathetic, degraded Universities. Thank you David for your work. Unlike most who claim to have received death threats, you actually publish your’s so we can judge for ourselves. Bret Weinstein has characterised the present situation, with ignornant brainwashed young people spouting open hate, as “pre-genocidal”, and it is difficult to disagree. It is pathetic so see my middle-classs friends equivocate and I do what I can, trying not to lose my temper. My very best wishes to you.
I am not Jewish (although I am pleased to say that my extended family now includes Jews, to whom I have written with support.) I give a very modest monthly support to this site and donated recently. I am horrifed by a corrupt state which is tolerating monstrous antisemitisme on the streets and in our pathetic, degraded Universities. Thank you David for your work. Unlike most who claim to have received death threats, you actually publish your’s so we can judge for ourselves. Bret Weinstein has characterised the present situation, with ignornant brainwashed young people spouting open hate, as “pre-genocidal”, and it is difficult to disagree. It is pathetic so see my middle-classs friends equivocate and I do what I can. My very best wishes to you.
Right on brother!Am Yisroel Chai!🇮🇱
Antisemitic hatred is unique in its depth of hatred. It’s a pathological illness that warps and deranges. Keep up your brave fight, David. You’re on the right side of truth and honor. The sick, depraved haters will never win.
Thank you for your efforts.
They are appreciated
Ahmad Balousha social influencer, stating in his profile he is in Gaza and at the time includes Gaza[dot]ps in his profile, (on Oct 13, 2023) posts Hitler meme prevelant in the Arab world “I would have killed them all, but I left some, so that…” adding “I wish you were here, Hitler.”
Watchdog Group Exposes Individual Behind Antisemitic Online Network
Canary Mission, an antisemitism watchdog, identifies law student Abdullah Hassan as the person operating a network of websites and social media accounts promoting antisemitic conspiracy theories. Hassan is linked to the Stop Zionist Hate site, Raven Mission, and Tru Wire, which propagate false narratives like Zionist control over Hollywood and denial of the Holocaust.
07 Feb 2024 15:28 EST
Turkey [Türkiye] Islamist oppressor Erdogan’s obsessive long record of Hitler Nazi comparison. All the while, he himself actually has a Hitler-problem…
Erdogan’s Hitler Problem.
The Turkish presidency is seeking to clarify President Erdogan’s recent remarks in which he favorably compared his vision of an executive presidency with Nazi Germany. This is not the first time he has said outrageous things only to walk them back.
Blog Post by Steven A. Cook,
January 4, 2016 11:30 am (EST)
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has a Hitler problem. When he was asked last Friday to comment on his strong desire to establish what Turks call an “executive presidency” and how that might affect the “unitary structure” of the Turkish state, Erdogan replied, “There are already examples in the world. You can see it when you look at Hitler’s Germany.” In the firestorm of criticism that followed, the Turkish presidency sought to clarify Erdogan’s remark. The Guardian quoted an anonymous official stating, “There are good and poor examples of presidential systems and the important thing is to put checks and balances in place…Nazi Germany, lacking proper institutional arrangements, was obviously one of the most disgraceful examples in history.” The same official also accused the president’s opponents of purposefully distorting his remarks. Fair enough, but one has to wonder why Nazi Germany was the first example Erdogan could think of…
First against the Netherlands.
Then against Germany.
Turkey hurls “Nazi” allegations to boost its president’s support.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan reckons an anti-European frenzy will help him win a constitutional referendum
Mar 15th 2017
Erdogan: If You Call Me Dictator, I Will Call You Nazi
Mar 24, 2017 — Turkish president has said he would keep throwing Nazi slurs as long as he is called “a dictator,” refusing to tamp down his
Erdogan Calls Dutch ‘Nazi Remnants’ After Turkish Minister Is Barred
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey at a rally in Istanbul on Saturday. He threatened to retaliate against the Netherlands for denying the foreign minister permission to fly in.
By Alissa J. Rubin
March 11, 2017
PARIS — The Dutch government on Saturday intensified a diplomatic dispute between Turkey and its NATO allies in Europe by refusing to let the Turkish foreign minister fly into the Netherlands to campaign on behalf of a referendum that would augment the power of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey.
In response, Mr. Erdogan compared the Dutch to “fascists” and said they were “Nazi remnants,” echoing the description he used for the Germans last Sunday, after two Turkish politicians campaigning for Mr. Erdogan scrapped rallies when the German government told them it could not guarantee their safety.
Mr. Erdogan accused Germany of using “Nazi practices” to block him from campaigning, drawing a rebuke from the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, who called the comparison “completely unacceptable” and said the remarks trivialized the suffering of the Nazis’ victims.
Erdogan calls Dutch government ‘Nazis’ after Turkish foreign minister’s plane prevented from landing in Netherlands
Protests at Dutch embassy in Turkey as diplomatic row escalates
Lizzie Dearden, Harriet Agerholm
Saturday 11 March 2017
Germany Turkey Tensions on Rise following Nazi Comment by Erdogan
Mar 19, 2017 — Turkish President accuses German chancellor of Nazi practices in escalating war of words ahead of Turkish referendum.
Turkish President Erdogan calls Germany’s Merkel “Nazi”
Mar 20, 2017 — Turkish President Erdogan calls Germany’s Merkel “Nazi” … YEREVAN, MARCH 20, ARMENPRESS. Ankara launched a new wave of anti-German rhetoric..
Germany says Erdogan has ‘gone too far’ with Nazi jibe.
Germany’s FM Sigmar Gabriel branded Erdogan’s comments “shocking”
AFP PTI Berlin
Last Updated : Mar 20 2017 | 4:06 AM
Germany rejects Erdogan’s ‘absurd’ Nazi comparison, calls for calm.
By Andrea Shalal
March 6, 2017
Merkel: Turkish comments about Nazis trivialize to victims.
Published 7:49 AM PST, March 9, 2017
BERLIN (AP) — Comments from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and other Turkish officials accusing Germany of “Nazi practices” cannot be tolerated and need to stop, Chancellor Angela Merkel told Parliament on Thursday.
In her strongest comments so far about Erdogan’s statement, Merkel said the Nazi comparisons were “sad” and “so incredibly misplaced that one really can’t comment, but they cannot be justified.”
“We will not allow the victims of the Nazis to be trivialized,” she said. “These comparisons with the Nazis must stop.”
In 2018:
Turkey daily portrays Merkel as Hitler, decries ‘Nazi mentality’
Mar 26, 2018
In 2020:
With Nazi reference, Turkey’s Erdogan escalates dispute with Greece over migrants
Greece calls comments unhelpful, has denied accusations it has mistreated migrants
The Associated Press
Posted: March 11, 2020
Last Updated: March 11, 2020
In 2022
Erdoğan likens removal of Dostoyevsky from curricula in Europe to ‘Nazi mindset’
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has called the removal of Dostoyevsky’s works from academic curricula in some European countries a “Nazi mindset.” Meanwhile, social media users mocked Erdoğan for his pronunciation of Dostoyevsky as “Dostoviski,” as “viski” means “whisky” in Turkish.
Duvar English
In 2023:
Turkish FM Compares Sweden to Nazi Germany After Court Ruling.
[Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu].
The Turkish foreign minister’s remarks do not bode well for Sweden’s eventual accession into NATO.
Robert Semonsen
— April 6, 2023
The Arabs in Mandatory Palestine: for Nazis.
* One of the first public opinion polls in Palestine, conducted by al-Sakakini’s son, Sari Sakakini, on behalf of the American consulate in Ierusalem, in February 1941 found that 88 percent of the Palestinian Arabs favored Nazi Germany and only 9 percent Britain. [Cohen, H., 2008:175].
* The Palestinians, Khalil al-Sakakini, a .. Jerusalem educator, jotted down in his diary, ”rejoiced [as did ‘the whole Arab world’] when the British bastion at Tobruk fell .. to the Germans.” [Morris, 1999:21].
* In general: the major Arab newspapers (Falastin فلسطين, Ad-Difa ’الدفاع, Carmel [Karmel, Karmil], etc.) praised Hitler in the 1930s. [Ehrlich, 2002:81 (Heb.)] Some noticeable: ‘Karmel May 14, 1933 : “Will an Arab Hitler appear among us to awaken, unite and lead us to lead us to fight and defend our rights?” And the Falastin called Hitler “noble” [Palestine Post, 22-May-1933].
The editor of ‘Al-Jami’a al-Islamiyya’ [الجماعة الإسلامية] wrote on May 22, 1933: “When Hitlerism appeared, the Arabs cheered and rejoiced, saying: A blow from heaven in the hands of others…” At Ad-Difa, portions of Mein Kampf were published, its editor Ibrahim al-Shanti, called on Arab youth (in an article from June 1, 1934) to “learn from Hitler’s actions and imitate them in order to achieve similar national achievements.”
(During the war years, Arab press was under the control of the Brits).
* In 1936, Timotheus Wurst, the German consul in Jaffa: “The Muslim Palestinians .. deeply impressed by fascist teachings and views, especially from the National Socialists.” [Mallman, Cüppers, 2010: 38].
* The cry of ‘Heil Hitler’ became a key word that rang brazenly throughout Palestine.” [Ziff, 1938:430].
* In 1934, an Arab Nazi party was established [ibid]. In 1935 there are groups: Arab-Nazi [JTA, June-25-1935]. Also in Haifa, a Nazi-Arab club ‘The Red Moon’ was established [JTA July-1-1935]. In 1936, the Husseinis’ ‘futuwwa’ – modeled on the ‘Hitler youth’. [Rosen, 2005:109].
* New York Times, May 23, 1937, ‘All’ the Arabs of Palestine, [even non-Muslim Arabs] celebrated Muhammad’s birthday with a flying Nazi swastika and pictures of Hitler. [New York Times, May 23, 1937].
* Hilda Wilson, a teacher in Beer-Zeit throughout the rebellion of 1936-9, noted that most of her students were pro-Nazis and approved of Hitler. [Segev, 1999:343].
* In March 1935, the Templar newspaper wrote: Many Arabs saw Hitler as the most important man of the 20th century and almost every Arab knew his name. Fascism and National Socialism with their anti-Jewish attitude were welcomed by many Arabs. [Canaan, 1968: 53 (Heb.)].
* In 1937, Walter Dohle, the German consul in Jerusalem wrote: “Palestinian Arabs in all social strata have great sympathy for the new Germany and its Fuehrer…” [YNet, 7.5.2006]
* Awni Abd al-Hadi (of the Istiqlal institutions and the Supreme Arab Committee) in January 1937 told the Nazi magazine that Arabs like Nazis. [Sentinel, Feb. 25, 1937].
* In 1938, Arabs respond to Hitler’s words with cheers from the newspapers [for example, in the Petersburg Times – Sep 16, 1938].
* 1938, about a hundred Arabs, including from Palestine, are represented in Nuremberg a.j.n. September 23, 1938 when Fauzi Kaukeji [al-Qawuqji] welcomes them. [Davar, Jan. 5, 1947].
* Journalist John Gunther in 1939: “The greatest contemporary Arab hero is – Adolf Hitler.” [Gunther, 1939:528].
* Ahmad Shukeyri [Shukeiri, Shukairy], testifies in his book (in 1969, pp. 196, 201; Encounter, vol. 39, p.76. S. Spencer, Irving Kristol, 1972) that they sympathized with the Nazis and “prayed” for their victory, referring to the years 1940-1.
(The same Ahmad Shukeiri helped with propaganda for Hitler [Congressional Record.. Vol. 107, Pt 24, 1961, p.5735 (p.35); Detroit Jewish News, 3-Feb-1967,9], with Jamal Husseini – both justified the holocaust in 1946 [B’nai B’rith, 12-Jul-1946], promoted neo-Nazis in 1962 [JTA, Dec.3.1962; JTA, De.4.1962; Congressional Record : Proceedings and…’ US Congress, 1965, PA15915-6], was associated with Issa Nakhle [Herut, Nov-29-1953 (Heb.)] – who glorified Nazi Germany [DAIA, Apr. 1958], denied the holocaust [Nov.13.1972 at UN; 1978 in his memorandum to Carter, Sadaat ahead of Camp David; etc.] and worked with neo-Nazis for most of his career. [1963 corresponding with A. Arcand; Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, 1969:.425; Anti Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, 1983:49; The American Spectator, 1986:20]).
* On 21 Dec, 1942, letter, representatives of the Reich and the NSDAP in Palestine described the Arabs’ hope for a great Arab state: “Arabs in Palestine were waiting for Hitler to come to Palestine and expel all the Jews…”
* Jaffa Arab activist, Muhammad Abu Sarrari: “Most Arabs in Israel were in favor of Nazi Germany.” [Arbel, 2000:19 (Heb.)].
* Dr. Zaid Hamzeh (who was 9 years old in 1941): “We Arabs supported Hitler during World War II because he hated the Jews.” [Memri, according to an interview with him on 9-Oct-2019].
* “Palestinian” Arab leader, in Jerusalem (then under Jordanian rule), spring, 1967: “We Arabs supported Hitler to get the British out of Palestine and to keep the Jews from taking it over – and that was our big mistake…” [Saturday Review. (1970). vol. 53. United States: Saturday Review Associates, p. 4].
* Arab “Palestinian” leader Farouq Qaddoumi (b. 1931): We supported the Nazis in WWII. [Memri, December 18, 2013].
* In 1941, Aref Abd-Razak meets Himmler, meets Goebbels – who, according to his words, made a “great impression on him”, and who suggested that he recruit Arabs for the SS. [Yom Yom, 21-June-1949 (Heb.)].
* 1941-1945: infamous Arab Palestine Islamic leader Haj Amin al Husseini, the Mufti: no. 1 Hitller’s active Arab helper, very close Himmler. Preached –on Nazi radio– for genocide and Jihad to the Arab world; oversaw schools for combining radical Islam and Hitlerism; mobilized SS Muslim units; plotted crematorium in Dothan Valey for M.E. and N. African Jews; toured concentration camps with Nazi officials; intervened against rescue of thousands of Jewish children who were to escape the Holocaust to come to Mandatory Palestine. He had a large Arab entourage with him.
* Stated in Jan 6, 1942: ‘Up until a month or two ago, you would have heard from Englishmen from various circles the “ruled law,” that the majority of Arabs are Nazis. One would say 70%, one would say 90% – that was the dispute.’ [Political Struggle: A file of speeches and documents. Vol. 1, Iss. 1, ch. 3. Moshe Sharett, Shifra Kolat, 2009, p. 56].
* In July 1942 when the rumors came about the fate of the Jews, there was public jubilation among most Arabs. [Cohen, 2014, ch. 17, according to journalist’s testimony].
* August 1942: The CIA reports on the anti-Jewish sentiments of the ‘majority’ of Palestinian Arabs, influenced by propaganda. Expect Rommel… [Herf, 2009:139].
* In 1944, ‘in secret ways, Nazi propaganda material, authored by Hajj Amin, was also stolen into Palestine.
Throughout the country his supporters drank in his words with thirst, and the phenomenon of the years of the rebellion returned: in the Arab circles they were already debating the distribution of Jewish property after the victory; And in Jerusalem and Jaffa, in Tiberias and Safed, the fate of the young Jewish women has already been determined: for each one, her future Arab rapist has been determined. [Lebl, 1996:98 (Heb.)].
* Before the 1941 Farhud (in which they threw babies into the water in front of their parents, raped women before killing them), the Palestinian teachers in Iraq incited with the mufti. [Julius, Huffington Post May 25, 2015]. And the Jenin born poet Bohan al-Din al-Abushi called for genocide [Shasha, 2008:6]. He also wrote pro-Hitler poems in 1942-1940. [Hazkani, 2021].
* Ahead of the Nuremberg Trials, the Falastin defended Nazism, saying that “Nazism which is — as much a way of life as democracy and — socialism” in a leading article. [The Palestine Post, 31 October 1945].
* The Islamic Ad-Difaa (Al Difa) الدفاع, in honor of the Christian holiday has put at the top of the issue a picture of the “Fuhrer,” published the “will” of Hitler with great prominence. [Ad Difaa, Jan 1, 1946; denounced in ha-Tsofeh, Jan 2, 1946].
* An Arab newspaper elaborates about “Hitler the Great (sic) Leader”. “Adolf Hitler, the lost European man” – an article of this name with a picture on “the greatest [sic] leader who rose in Germany” was published in the latest issue of “alwahda” (الوحدة) the Arab weekly in Jerusalem. [HaMashkif, June 4, 1946].
* According to Edward Said, the pro-Nazi mufti represented the consensus of the Arabs of Palestine. In his book (1983:7): “The Arab Higher Committee; It operated… especially since 1946… This committee, headed by the national leader of Palestine, Haj Amin al-Husseini, represented the Palestinian Arab national consensus, backed by the parties The Palestinian political parties that operated in Palestine, and were recognized in some way by Arab governments as the voice of the Palestinian people, until the PLO…”
משה חננאל, “הירושלמים: מסע בספר הטלפון המנדטורי 1946”, תל אביב: ארץ וטבע, 2007, עמ’ 277-278.
עבדול האדי אל-עלמי משפחת עבדול האדי / Abdul Hadi , Dr. Burham מופיד ביי, בנו של אמין ביי, נסע לגרמניה, שם שהה בתקופת השלטון הנאצי והצטרף לפלסטינים אחרים שפעלו עם הנאצים בחסות קשריו של המופתי הירושלמי. בגרמניה הצטרף למאות בני משפחות האצולה הפלסטיניות, שפעלו עם הנאצים בחסות קשריו של המופתי הירושלמי. מופיד עמד בקשר קבוע עם המופתי וביקר אותו תדירות במעונו בברלין. בזמן שהותו בברלין התארגנה שם קבוצת לאומנים סורים ופלסטינים, שצידדו בסוריה הגדולה. סמל הקבוצה היה צלב קרס הפוך. מספר רופאים ערבים, שהיו חברים בקבוצה, אף שירתו בצבא הנאצי, לפחות אחד מהם במחנה השמדה. המודיעין הבריטי ניהל מעקב צמוד אחרי הקבוצה הזו, שחלק מחבריה לא חזר לארץ ישראל לאחר המלחמה.
Hannanel, Mosheh (2007), Ha-Yerushalmim: Masa be-sefer ha-telephonim Ha-Mandatory.
[Jerusalemites : a journey through the british mandate telephone book 1946], Tel Aviv; Eretz Vateva.ץ, pp. 277-278:
Abdul Hadi Al-Alami Abdul Hadi family / Abdul Hadi, Dr. Burham Mufid Bey, the son of Amin Bey, went to Germany, where he stayed during the Nazi regime and joined other Palestinians who worked with the Nazis under the auspices of the Jerusalem mufti’s connections. In Germany, he joined hundreds of members of Palestinian aristocratic families, who worked with the Nazis under the auspices of the connections of the Jerusalem mufti. Mufid was in regular contact with the mufti and visited him frequently at his residence in Berlin. During his stay in Berlin, a group of Syrian and Palestinian nationalists, who sided with Greater Syria, was organized there. The symbol of the group was an inverted swastika. A number of Arab doctors, who were members of the group, even served in the Nazi army, at least one of them in an extermination camp. British intelligence closely monitored this group, some of whose members did not return to [E.] Israel after the war.
The Canadian Jewish Chronicle – Sep 15, 1944 – Pages 27-28
“The Forgotten Ally.”
By Rev. Eric D. Errey, (Brandon, Mann)
(United Church of Canada).