
So you think you know the Israelis?

There is so much ignorance about Israel and Israelis. So many lies are told by anti-Israel haters, yet sometimes the truth is so simple and staring everyone in the face. Who are the Israelis? I like the personal touch so I thought I would take you on a bit of a tour to meet some: Avraham Kiryati Avraham Kiryati was 8 years old when in … Continue reading So you think you know the Israelis?

Adalah discriminatory laws scam

The Adalah scam. The farce of the ‘discriminatory laws database’

Adalah is a name you may not recognise. They are an Israeli NGO and are responsible for one of the most important ‘scams’ of the delegitimisation campaign against Israel. Adalah created a database of laws that they claim ‘discriminate’ against the Arab citizens of Israel. There are currently sixty-six laws listed. Whenever you hear the claim that Israel is a ‘racist state’ or that it … Continue reading The Adalah scam. The farce of the ‘discriminatory laws database’