Another day, another viral pack of lies spread by our mainstream media. This latest one comes from Sky News. On 19 December an 80 year old woman was shot and killed during an IDF operation in the Balata camp near Nablus. She was one of two fatalities. Her name was Halima Saleh Hassan Abu Lail.
Then yesterday, Sky News published the heartbreaking story of Halima’s poor family – a family who are reluctantly forced into supporting the ‘resistance’. They have to resist because the inhumane Israelis keep killing their children, pregnant wives and elderly mothers. I mean just look at this headline – how can you not just break out in tears?
The story was provided by Yousra Elbagir a Sky correspondent, in the West Bank. In both written and video format we are told that Halima was shot six times. We are told she only went out ‘to buy groceries’ – and ‘then the Israelis fired at her’.
How does Yousra Elbagir know that the grandmother was shot six times and fell to her knees as the Israeli soldiers targeted her while she was shopping? Because Halima’s children told her so.
As usual, when you start digging through the history of the Sky News journalist, you realise there is nothing impartial about them. In 2017 Yousra was even trying to provide justification for Lebanon’s banning of Wonder Woman because it starred Gal Gadot.
And these type of posts about ‘worst conflict ever’ from her are just stupid promotions of raw Hamas propaganda. Yousra Elbagir is meant to be an expert on Sudan of all places – she has NO EXCUSE for the ignorance necessary to spread this type of rubbish.
But I think this one takes the prize. Her opposition to Sudan signing the Abraham accords because it would place them on the ‘wrong side of history’. She is clearly ‘let down’ by this:
Impartial? You are having a laugh! How the Sky News hierarchy felt justified in turning someone like this – who clearly holds heavy bias against Israel – into a correspondent reporting on the conflict in Israel is a question only they can answer. In any event she is now there – so perhaps what follows was only to be expected.
Sky News and the six bullets
I don’t know exactly what happened to Halima Abu Lail, the 80 year old grandmother. We know she died – and it is likely this was the result of bullets that came from IDF weaponry. The IDF were certainly there in an action – and there was an exchange of fire. We are told it happened while she was shopping. Like the ‘six bullets’ – all we have to go on are the testimonies of two of her children.
Yet as soon as you look at the official story. The ‘six bullets’ in the Sky headline become a highly problematic statement. The website that records all of the ‘martyr’ deaths – says three:
Worse still – there is a single link on that page cited as the source – and that leads to a news article on the site that only records two bullets – one to the chest, the other to the leg.
You may argue that there is no point quibbling about whether two, three or six bullets killed an 80-year-old grandmother. But as a journalist I am interested in truth – and importantly – the reliability of the witnesses being used to spread a story around the world. So let us take a closer look at Halima’s two children – the people Yousra Elbagir has relied upon.
Meet Brother X and Sister Y
We don’t know their names because they refused to give them (why alarm bells were not ringing in the head of the Sky journalist is beyond me). Yousra Elbagir rationalised it in her piece as being because of fear the Israelis would come for them. This makes no sense at all. The images of the two are unblurred and the name of the mother is known. Which means either Yousra Elbagir has used artistic licence to spice up the story, or she is easily manipulated into writing nonsense.
Whatever the reason we can begin with this picture. It is from January 2023 and both of the children take a prominent place inside it:
The woman with the arms outstretched is the daughter that was interviewed by the Sky News journalist. Over her right shoulder is her brother. We see them both in the Sky News piece:
These are the people who laid out the whole ‘six bullets while she was shopping story’ that Sky News built their headline around. Now look at the January 2023 image again. Above the head of the son, someone is holding a gun. Another gun can be seen on the right side of the image. A final gun can be seen on the corpse being carried to the funeral. The corpse belongs to Ahmad Abu Jneid. He is the daughters son that we are told got ‘killed’ by Sky News – but are never told how.
The proud terrorist family
During her son’s funeral in January 2023, the mother of the terrorist speaks to camera. She boasts about how proud she is of her terrorist son and how he always wanted to die a martyr. This is the same daughter- who in the Sky News piece says that ‘children and pregnant women are killed’ and suggests that their ‘sons leave the house and don’t come back’. She must have just forgotten to mention (or the Sky News journalist didn’t bother to dig) that her son -‘Ahmad Amer Abu Jneid’ did not come home because he was a Lion’s Den terrorist shot during a live fire exchange with Israel.
We know for sure this is them because following her death, posters helpfully tied the family all together for us – reminding people that the fallen 80 year old was the grandmother of the martyr.
During the Sky News interview – when we are told that the daughters 21-year-old son died, we are shown images of a sweet boy in pictures hanging on the wall:
Other pictures of him online show us a much clearer truth:
It seems they prepared the house for the Sky News journalist, because when the mother gives interviews to Arabic channels – she doesn’t have a problem showing them images of her son with weapons:
There is more:
These people are just making fools of western media journalists and using them to spread lies across the world. Browsing through the photo collection of Mohammed Abu Janaid (Ahmad Abu Janaid’s brother) is like picking up a terrorist family photo album. They all live in Balata (near Nablus) – the spiritual home of the Al Aqsa Martyr Brigades – and soon you realise the whole clan is Al Aqsa Brigade royalty.
Sky News turns causality on its head
In promoting this fiction Sky News have allowed the terrorist family to turn causality on its head. We hear from both children about how they have no choice but to resist – and we know this because 80 year old grandmothers are shot 6 times just for going shopping.
This is raw pro-terrorist propaganda. Delivered to the homes of British viewers who simply will not have the ability to see through it. Why should they question it? Surely the Sky News journalists would not have been so naive and stupid.
Is it possible that the terrorist links of this family – the weapons and fighters they certainly have linked to their home – are the reason the grandmother may have been caught in the crossfire? And can we ask – if this was actually an innocent family, who rejected violence and kept terrorists away from their homes – whether Halima would still be alive?
At what point did the Sky News article EVER suggest that the death of the grandmother (and we have no witnesses to know what actually happened outside of the testimony of the terrorist family) – may actually be down to the militant nature of the family themselves? It didn’t. The only thing they do is tell us that the family are ‘loyal to growing militancy’ – completely hiding the violent and physical level of that ‘loyalty’ from the audience.
Sky News ignores the second victim
You would not know it from the Sky News piece but there was a second victim in the exchange of fire that morning. His name was Qusai Sarouji. I found his picture as well. On the left is the image being shared of him for gullible foreigners. On the right is the one his family are sharing on FB amongst friends:
But this raises another issue. It is odd that two people were killed, and yet Sky News only reports on one of them – the civilian. Both the Hamas terror group and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, claimed that the second person killed, Qusai Sarouji, was one of theirs. Surely the Sky News journos knew that an affiliated terrorist had been killed at the same time in Balata? So why not mention it? And why treat the Israeli claims of terrorist activity as dubious – if terrorist factions were publicly claiming a fighter had died? Did Sky choose not to discuss the second person because it would spoil the story they wanted to tell?
An additional point. Sarouji had posted on his own timeline about the death of Ahmad in January 2023. Did the families know each other? Could he have been in the vicinity of Halima at the time she was ‘shopping’. I have no idea – but then again, nor do the Sky News journalists.
Live by the sword, fear not – Sky News has you covered
Given all the above what is far more likely than some random shooting in the street, is that this family of terrorists brought the IDF’s terrorist hunters into or around their homes. Which made what happened next – all on them.
I am Jewish, but I am an avid reader, and so the New Testament writings are familiar to me. The words of warning from Matthew 26:52 have been reshaped into a well-known proverb – ‘live by the sword, die by the sword’. The meaning of the proverb is clear and highly relevant to this story, but after 1950 years or so, it appears Sky News want to reshape it once more. Their latest offering suggests that if you live by the sword – fear not – and just let Sky News pretend you are an innocent victim if your family members get hurt.
The real tragedy here is that this whitewashing of terrorist clans in order to demonise Israel – is not good for anyone. This shoddy reporting only ends up glorifying and strengthening the very people that are destroying Palestinian society from within. These are not good guys. These are the people making sure that yet another generation of Palestinians in Nablus will grow up without hope. Why on earth would anyone want to make them look as if they are innocent victims who have been forced to defend themselves?
That is a question only the journalists at Sky News can answer.
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Brilliant work, well done and keep it up. Unfortunately there seems to be a torrent for misinformation that still needs to be dealt with. Please continue fighting the good fight.
Thanks David for exposing them. What a difference SkyNews UK from its AU sister. Though the latter caved in to Arab Muslim immigrants’ threats, in firing Erin Molan.
BTW. That Mathew phrase might have been inspired by the Torah:
Genesis 27:40 “live by the sword”, which was an observation by Isaac acompanied by blessing that he will win wars (which his choice) up to a point.
Happy Christmas/Hanukkah to all!
Just a reminder that Jesus was Palestinian.
Fact: Christmas cancelled again this year because of the Gaza genocide.
“jesus was palestinian” 1,963 years before the “palestinian people” were invented. maybe you should ponder who wrote the “palestinian talmud”.
“Abe” “forgot” to say he celebrates Chanukah.. it reminds how twiyltter was of JVP for used by PalestiNazi of SJP Hatem Bazian tweeting “we as Jews”… In 2002 he promoted a Sturmer style cartoon featuring a non zionist Haredi image
To “Abe” muhammad.
The term “palestinian” was invented in the 1960.
Anti-Israel hyperbolic slanderous rhetoric always had the dual goals in mind: demonization justification of mass murder.
1. Setting up a default.
If the ‘A’ slur (“apartheid”) libel was invented by Hitler’s ally [], [], [], [], Holocaust-justifier [] Ahmad Shukeiri in Oct 1961 [] [] (a little over a year he promoted neo Nazi gang at UN [], [],[], and a little over 5 years he stated ‘Palestine “is nothing but southern Syria,”‘ [] and less than 6 years before the genocidal first PLO head “predicted” that no Jew would survive in 1967 []),
when it comes to the G slur, it began at least in Sep 2006 by infamous fake historian and liar [] [] []
(as also Benny Morris defined him) [] Ilan Pappe (- the falsely “ethnic cleansing” [] “Alice in Ethnic Cleansing Land” [] inventor but not where it really was – nearly 900,000 Jews of Arab countries [] []).
Then, it was pushed by antisemite [] Francesca Albanese in her tweet in 2014, she made rounds in 2022 as her FB post from thar time in 2014 was revealed: peddling anti Jewish tropes. [].
Yet, this PallyWeid campaign picked up steam in 2023.
Merely weeks after Israel began the ‘defensive’ op. ‘Swords of Iron,’ against genocidal [] [] [] Palestinian Hamas Gaza regime (which controls ‘Gaza Health ministry’ and inacts: confirmed [], condemned [] ‘human shields’ to cause civilian deaths, for its goal of demonizing Israel), following its atrocities on Oct 7 (which Francesca Albanese and SJP had justified and OIC whitewashed) as they ‘came for everyone it could kill in Israel’:
From Nov 5, 2023 pushback example, “Eichmann was genocidal. Hamas is too. Israel, no. Since the atrocities, the abuse of language has become almost Orwellian.” [].
On Nov 15, 2023, longtimer Anti-Israel Christiane Amanpour eagerly pressed Omer Bartov as to when it can be described as in the G word.
Left-winger Bartov emphasized that Israel’s coalition government needs to eject the two conservatives Ben Gvir and Smotrich (this, despite they have no say in the war cabinet), then all will be fine.
He tried to explain his way, but his political motivation was clear from the start.
(‘War crimes[sic] are happening’ in Gaza, says Israeli-American Historian.
Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Omer Bartov, examines the history of the term “genocide”. He spoke with Christiane Amanpour about the Israel Hamas war. [edition[DOT]cnn[DOT]com/videos/world/2023/11/15/exp-omer-bartov-genocide-history-111501pseg2-cnni-world.cnn]).
On Nov 20, “Palestine” Arab bigot propagandist on Wikipedia ‘iskandar323’, part of, who has been working with Arab lobbyists
[], [] backed by other non-Arab other anti-Israel actors, all pretending to be “random” editors) on the site, created a totally new anti-Jewish page with a new term on Wikipedia, to slander. Weeks later, he would link allegations of genocide as plain “genocide” in articles, then, he would succeed, with various Arab lobbies/groups organized on Wikipedia in branding anti-hate fighting ADL as “unreliable.”
Then, the aforementioned organized groups would overwhelm the site to convert ‘allegations’ into supposed “fact.”
2. The cocktail’s noise. Bad actors jumping on the bandwagon.
In the echochamber of longtime Israelophobes; gullible activists swallowing fake data [], [] and lies: Pallywood;
and not-so-gullible-but-radicals on one hand (- cynics who pretend not to be aware of or brush aside terror regime’s tactics in ‘brutal calculation’ design [] including in hospitals – as admitted [] [] as well as the ‘lower civilian-to-combatant death ratio than other urban battles.’ [];
aided by some ‘rights’ groups who have been consistenly overtaken/managed by individuals with specific bias exclusively against Israel;
Qatar’s Hamas-linked al Jazeera [];
and Islamists Karim Khan of ICC and Nawaf Salam (with a long history of anti-Israel statements as Lebanese official) of ICJ; the UN, controlled by Organisation of Islamic Cooperation OIC organized lobby (to dictate agendas, “deals” on nominations, votes), made the G slur campaign into a monster.
Add to that, of course, the bribed-campuses-by-Qatar [] inaction to noisy Arab (immigrants or not) led hyperbolic riots – masked as just “pro-palestine.” Qatari action []and money [] [] also very much behind that well crafted not-spontaneous propaganda.
Last but not least, Islamic “journalists,” including (Palestine-Arab) Ayman Mohyeldin and Ali Velshi at MSNBC, Amna Nawaz at PBS with her Lebanese Leila Molana-Allen: have done their damaging part.
Speaking of media, there has been a strange pattern in consistently demanding evidence when the IDF states something vs the terror Hamas propaganda “statement,” with no comment or question added in narrative
Arab-Islamic motivated, not to a minor extend, by frustration over Arab-Palestine overwhelming pro-Hitler record 1930s/1940s and Holocaust trivialization. Thus, not unrelated is the same Arab lobby succeful efforts in deleting the research of Nazism by Palestinian Arabs.
Simple questions:
1. How much more does one need to uncover or be aware of, to realize, how UNRWA was and is par of the problem?
[] .
2. How do HRW/Amnesty “know” who is a civilian? Do those “impartial” employees know something we don’t?
Rhetorical questions regarding the lie of “targeting civilians”:
1. What would have happened, had Israel really targeted civilians, how many would survive?
2. Why does the anti terror operation take so long?
The slur has been used as a convenient excuse by anti-Jewish (physical and online) attackers by racist Arab-Muslims mostly, but not exclusively, globally.
Oh, it’s “Edward” the moron.
If he lived today, the baby Jesus would be buried under the rubble after being shot by the Zios.