February 2017
Antisemitism inside the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. A look into branch activity of the PSC.
July 2017
Jew Hate and Holocaust Denial in Scotland. A focus on the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign.
September 2017
Exposing an antisemitic fraud. A deconstruction of the book ‘State of Terror’ by Tom Suarez.
March 2018
Antisemitism in Palestine Live. An analysis of Facebook Group Palestine Live (with Jeremy Corbyn)
July 2018
The Adalah Scam. A look at the non-existent ‘discriminatory laws’ inside Israel that underpin some of the boycott movement.
November 2018
Jenny Tonge – a Facebook post. A look into the concentration levels of antisemitism underneath a single Facebook post.
March 2019
An industry of antisemitism denial. A look at the anti-Zionist Jews who ally themselves with people who share neo-Nazi & white supremacist material.
June 2019
Antisemitic conspiracy – spread by activists for the Labour Party. A compilation of antisemitic conspiracy theory, with examples that have been shared by Labour ‘members’.
August 2019
Labour Party and radicalisation – how the party enabled the spread of antisemitism within the Labour Party supporter base.
October 2019
UK school textbook – A look at revisionist anti-Israel material being taught at schools
December 2019
Amnesty – A look at the bias inherent in Amnesty International activity
December 2020
Glasgow University – A look at a paper on the esharp platform
October 2021
Antisemitism in Ireland – A focus on antisemitism in Ireland
January 2024
Exposing an antisemitic conspiracy – the lie about the journalists in Gaza
Please help support the research
This blog is unique, and the type of investigative journalism that this work requires can be intense. Antisemitism rises across that globe and this connects to the delegitimisation campaign against Israel. To fight back, we must do so on both fronts. Because of this, my research involves both antisemitism and the revisionist narrative that demonises Israel. My work is fully independent, and your support makes much of what I do possible. This research can and does make a difference, I was recently named as one of the J100 (‘top 100 people positively influencing Jewish life’) by The Algemeiner.
If you can, please consider making a donation. Either a single amount or if possible a small monthly contribution. We need to be there to expose the hatred and the lies. To shine a light into the shadows and show people what is happening. We cannot remain silent. Every contribution is greatly appreciated.