According to the anti-Israel narrative, Jews and Arabs lived peacefully together – until of course the ‘Zionists’ arrived to spoil the ‘beautiful’ relationship.
This is one of the most offensive rewrites of history. It may be true that the Jews had a worse time in Europe – a deflective phrase I have even heard academics use – but let’s face it, is the industrial slaughter of 6 million Jews really the bar we want to measure things by?
The reality is that Jews in Islamic lands knew their place. Jews in Islamic lands were often third class citizens, with special taxes to pay, and a myriad of degrading rules to live by. Even looking a Muslim in the eye could result in death. This from Algiers (current Jewish population = zero) in the 19th century:

Sometimes, specific periods of acceptance or calm in nations such as Morocco are held up as examples – but this too is deceptive. Whilst a few Jewish families may have been given privileges now and again – the majority still lived in perpetual fear, and at the mercy of the Muslim majority population that surrounded them. Jews could be brutally attacked – but dared not complain.
Whilst doing research I have stumbled on numerous newspaper reports laying out the horror of the treatment of Jews in Islamic lands. All of them long before Israel’s war of Independence in 1948. I intend to create country-specific pages on the website to let others use them as a reference – part of a wider plan to greatly bolster the historical evidence available on this site. A depository of truth to help do battle with the revisionists. For now, I will just give an example or two from each country.
This is what it was really like for Jews living under Muslim rule:
Jewish population was once 265,000. Today it is about 3000. This report is a description of the forced expulsion in 1807 of a Jewish community in Mogadore Morocco – and the theft of all their property.

Random acts of violence against Jews persisted wherever Jews resided. These reports are of a massacre in Tetuan (1858) and the pillage of a Jewish settlement at Tameslouht in 1889.

The next two give a taste of the status of Jews in Morocco, a report from Tangier in 1825 and Mogador in 1864:

There is evidence of persistent persecution throughout the 19th century. This continued into the 20th century, with this report of an attack at Fez, occurring in 1912, just five years before the Balfour declaration:

I have provided several examples of attacks and the level of persecution in Morocco because it is generally considered the ‘most favourable’ of the nations, with some almost describing a romantic, utopian existence. Reading the above the bitter truth is clear for all to see.. For the other Jewish communities throughout the Middle East and North Africa, I will restrict the evidence here to just one or two examples (the country pages when uploaded will contain multiple examples from each).
Jewish population was once 105,000. Today it is about 1000. The reports presented here are from a massacre of Jews in Tunis in 1857, and a description of how accusations against a Jew from a Muslim, could easily lead to court sanctioned executions:

Jewish population was once 140,000. Today it is zero. Two reports, one regarding a brutal massacre of Jews at Tlemecen in 1806 and a mob attack on the Jewish quarter of Algiers in 1897.

Jewish population was once 38,000. Today it is zero. These reports both highlight the vulnerability of the Jews and the persecution they faced.

Syria, and Southern Syria
The Jewish population in Syria was once 30,000. Today it is zero. ‘Southern Syria’ is now Israel, which took in Jewish refugees from all over the world – and now has a Jewish population of over 6 million. The following posts reference the infamous 1840 blood libel in Damascus, an 1834 massacre of Jews in Tzfat, and a massacre of Jews in Jerusalem:

Not to be left out, the Shi’ites were at it too (note here – Persia – Iran – is not an Arab country, but this is inserted due to its locality – and as with Turkey, further evidence of the regional Islamic abuse of Jewish residents). Here is a report of a massacre of Jews in Manzandaran in 1866, followed by a general description from 1873, which points out that whilst there was tolerance for some, the Jews suffered ‘under great oppression’:

Jewish population was once 63,000. Today it is close to zero. The report from 1857 in Sanaa is another that highlights the third-class nature of Jewish life under Islamic rule. The second, a report from 1923, details a massacre of Jews and the desire of the Yemenite Jews to leave for ‘Palestine’:

After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire
For the next example, I am changing the time period. These events. like the final report from Yemen, took place after the fall of the Ottoman Empire but before the creation of Israel. It was this wave of violence – occurring in a world that held the promise of a Jewish state – that finally saw the collapse of 3000 years of Jewish civilisation in the Arab world. When rising Arab nationalism was added to the Islamic mix, there were frequent outbreaks of deadly violence committed against Jews throughout the MENA region. This report is of a massacre in Algeria in 1934:

After all the oppression, the massacres, forced conversions, kangaroo courts, expulsions, evictions, and being forced to live as third-class citizens in constant fear of their Muslim neighbours – the Jews were about to get a land of their own.
Jewish population was once 135,000. Today it is close to zero. These reports are from Basra, and Bagdad in 1941:

The most shocking part of doing research into the persecution of Jews, is not in what is found, but in what is not. There are so many occasions where a massacre of Jews is known to have occurred, and not a word of it was published in the media. There are several different reasons for this:
- Nobody cared. Unless there was a religious or political reason to mention the attacks, they went unreported.
- In the later part of the 19th century, massacres of Jews were taking place in Eastern Europe. These were much closer to home and more relevant to western media.
- Colonial struggles, especially in North Africa, sometimes meant it was self-harming to report troubles.
- Newspaper reports of the time often used town or city names rather than country names. Regional areas could go by various different tags. The spelling for town names could at times be imaginative – as could the description of the event. For example, news of ‘an outrage in Tetuan in Barbary’ is not an easy find.
- Often, Jews were simply a target in wider unrest. As chaos took hold, Jews always became a target – but sometimes, especially when Christians were attacked too, media in the UK and US had little interest in talking about the Jews that died.
- Within regions that experienced significant unrest, news of massacres just stopped getting out – especially if nobody was left alive to talk about it.
All this means that evidence of violence against Jews is difficult to put together. It is easier to read traveller descriptions of the way in which Jews were treated – and understand from these the awful picture of what life was like for many Jews in Muslim lands. But the truth remains. For centuries the Jewish people had suffered persecution, humiliation, and sometimes slaughter in Islamic lands. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. That continued into the 20th century. The only difference – and a huge one – is that after 1948, the Jews finally had somewhere to go.
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Next up Iran . Not MENA but deserving of its own hall of shame
Thanks Harvey. Yes, I did put a couple of examples in the piece, and there will certainly be a page on Iran when the section is done.
Marg Bar Islamofascist Iran!
David, if nothing else, your research highlights that persecution of any race or religion by another is evil. Ergo you have just demonstrated how evil the Zionist regime in Israel is in the way it treats Palestinians.
Jack – you should go to Israel and see for yourself what is true and what is not. It is not what it seems- I have worked there and my father before me in the Arab villages.
Sharon, I have been to Israel many times and seen first hand the brutality and cruelty metered out to Palestinians by the Zionists. Read “The General’s Son” by Jewish Israeli peace campaigner Miko Peled, if you want to know the truth about the Zionist occupation of Palestine.
That is just silly…. read the opinion of (insert x name here) to know the truth. And the opinions of those who wrote books that disagree with him? On what grounds are they discounted other than Peled says what you want to hear? Peled is a guy who made his career out of spinning nonsense. I’ve seen him torn to shreds in debates, so he tends to avoid them. He likes standing in front of an audience of Israel haters and revelling in their adoration. So he gives them what they want. He is an ‘efes’ – a big zero.
David, you don’t like Miko Peled a) because he is an anti-Zionist, which is like cryptonite to you Zionists and b) because he is an authentic voice for humanitarian Jews, around the world i.e. not you.
Please link to examples if you can of those who have torn him to shreds.
You can watch this one link for a start. It gets embarassing at times. And note – unlike anti-Zionist media that chop and edit to distort truth – these guys uploaded the full thing. It is why Peled doesn’t debate. He has his rhetoric – he has his empty speeches – but if there is someone there to challenge him on it, it all goes wrong for him.
David, I was at that debate and despite the title from the Zionists and the childish and bad mannered interventions from the floor, Miko showed Bloom up for being a prime purveyor of Zionist myths. Read the hundreds of YouTube comments which came to the same conclusion.
Some well aimed but potent humour:
By the way, have you read Tony Greenstein’s new book “Zionism During the Holocaust”?
‘youtube comments’. Please. Just watch the video. After the opening statements it all goes wrong for him. You asked for an example, I gave one, and all you have is ‘youtube comments’.
As for Tony Greenstein’s book. Yes of course. I bought it as I buy all books such as this. It is why my arguments are somewhat different from most – because I actually get the (twisted) anti-Zionist mindset. I could write these books for them they are so predictable. I do need to go through it again properly, as I did with Tom Suarez’s antisemitic fraud
Normally books such as this are based on cherry picking incidents, ommitting all those that disagree with the central thesis – basing it on a pyramid of bias and misplaced assumption and straight up racism. If one ‘Zionist’ does something, then ‘Zionists’ did – even if many Zionists didn’t or did the opposite. The underlying assumptions for example that Jews actually had somewhere to go is ahistorical bunkum. As is the decontextualisation of the geopolitical reality of the time. Persecuted minority groups everywhere always deal with their overlords. The biggest frauds of course are the notions that the victims of the Holocaust could see it coming – and that the Jews could even be comfortably split into Zionists (who Greenstein finds guilty) and the non-Zionists (who Greenstein considers their victims). I have absolutely no doubt that frequent arguments took place over the issue – and Jews were split into groups over what was best to be done in an impossible situation. I also have no doubt Tony has been very selective with quotes he has used – and relied on ommission to carry his point. That along with 1000 other mistakes. Like the idea that Zionists (as if it is a hive mind) did not care about the general wellbeing of the Jews – who were also their uncles. brothers, sisters, grandparents, cousins, friends etc. The whole thing is absurd, dehumansing and absolutely antisemitic. I always think, much as I do about anti-Zionists generally, that if these wannabee historians (and cherry-picking archives does not make a historian) could actually transport themselves to the time periods they feel so confident writing about – they’d think they had arrived on a different planet.
But as I said, I need to go through it as an exercise. Which I will at some point do. It is just a matter of understanding the way the book has been contrived. Each writer has their methods and their failings soon become transparent when you begin to scratch the surface. Let’s face it, it was written by a ‘notorious antisemite’.
But I will end with two questions.
1. Hamas and Israel do prisoner swaps. Do you think this means that Israel is aligned with Hamas, or merely making the best of a really bad geopolitical reality.
2. In the 1930s, much of the entire world was dealing with Nazi Germany. Do you know of any other peoples that have books written about them with such eagerness, suggesting that some of them did deals with Hitler – or is it just the Jews?
David – “Please. Just watch the video”
You failed, I did watch the video but don’t forget, I was also there and your so-called example of Bloom ‘tearing Miko into strips’ is laughable, as agreed in the overwhelming opinion of others who watched the video, whether you dismiss them or not.
But what IS actually embarrassing is watching a Zionist, any Zionist, attempt to justify the occupation and colonisation of a land to which they have no right, by birth or by any other metric, no matter what their god says. They are invaders in someone else’s land and it’s no wonder Palestinians see them as such and are thereby entitled in international law, by whatever means they have at their disposal, to evict them. Just as we would have done had the Nazis set foot on our land. Would we have been ‘terrorists’ for attacking Nazis to get rid of them?
As for Zionists caring about Jews:
Ben Gurion said, “If I knew that it would be possible to save all the children in Germany by bringing them over to England, and only half of them by transporting them to Eretz Yisrael, then I would opt for the second alternative.”
That he said it is not denied by Zionists but they try to maintain it was taken out of context. However, the end of the quotation “For we must weigh not only the life of these children, but also the history of the People of Israel”, puts it slap bang IN context. I could go on with more quotes from other Zionists, such as Jabotinsky, which truly expose malevolent Zionist intentions, but you get the idea.
Your very last question “or is it just the Jews?” gives the game away that it’s you and not I who is the antiSemite. I have never and never will criticise Jews for being Jews but I do condemn Zionists, and there is a big difference. Zionism is an insult to the Jewish religion but because as a Zionist you wish to try and foster credibility with the rest of the world, you cozy up to Judaism and Jews in an attempt to use that religion as a smoke screen for the evil actions of Zionists. The proof, is that you call anyone, even Jews, who reject Zionism, ‘antiSemites’. Or even ‘self-hating Jews’, disgusting!
Jack. Please don’t lie to me. You weren’t there and I have NO INTEREST in playing troll games. There were not that many people there – and as I ALWAYS did back then, I set about identifiying the few people I did not know. I have images if you like.
As for Ben Gurion. Thank you for showing how decontextualisation works. And how dehumanising works (as if Ben Gurion didn’t care about Jews). And how stripping quotes from history and geopolitical context is the forte of anti-Zionists.
Like most political leaders throughout the world and throughout history, Ben Gurion’s addresses referred to events unfolding around him. He made a speech, which included the words you write on December 7, 1938. A few weeks after Kristallnacht. At the time he was watching the British quibble about how many Jewish children they would let in – having DENIED THEM access to British Palestine. It was also a few months after the Evian conference which closed the doors to a Jewish escape. This is why he explicitly refers to ‘children’. It is a reference to the Kindertransport. Was Jewish immigration to Israel and the success of the Israel project important to him? Absolutely. He also firmly believed that *only* a Jewish home could properly absorb and look after Jews. He was politically lobbying for British Palestine to open its doors and save the Jews. None of this is out of place.
The comment was swiftly followed at the meeting with a clarification that ten thousand children are just a small part of the Jewish children in Germany and the British certainly don’t intend to save Germany’s Jews.
Three simple questions.
1. When Ben Gurion, or any other Jewish person spoke – in the late 1930s, did they KNOW what was about to happen?
2. Had the option been to send them to Poland – and Ben Gurion had said “if I knew that it would be possible to save all the children in Germany by bringing them over to Poland, and only half of them by transporting them to Eretz Yisrael, then I would opt for the second alternative” – would you still be using the quote – and if not – why not?
3. How do his other quotes about letting Jews go to Argentina or the US – or his explicit one that ‘the supremely important thing now is salvage, and nation-building is incidental” sit with the picture you have tried to draw here.
Or is the truth here that you are left making vile baseless accusations using words stripped from history. You, and others like Greenstein are not trying tell the truth or uncover history – you are trying to rewrite it in a devious fashion to demonise Jews. So yes, antisemitism.
David, I see you have yet again hit the bottom of the barrel when attempting to defend Zionists and Zionism. We both know that there is ample evidence from the mouths of Zionists that they NEVER had any intention of living peacefully with Palestinians, their plan from the start was to get rid of them using force. So please don’t try to fool anyone by saying this or that was taken out of context.
As for calling me a liar, you are demeaning yourself. I WAS at the debate, in fact I accompanied Miko, but to be honest I couldn’t care less whether or not you believe me.
A fascinating exercise. Thank you. On an article about the massacres of Jews in Islamic lands – you had no interest in engaging on the subject, but rather have attempted to take the conversation off course – and into Greenstein’s antisemitic territory. Having then been shown to have nothing really in your locker – and blatantly avoiding answering the questions that were raised, you have chosen once again to try to change direction…
Trolling would be an apt description.
No comment on the long list of massacres of Jews in Islamic lands? I mean after all, you chose to comment under an article about it? If not. I’m done.
David, you faf about trying to show us that Jews have suffered great harm and predudice in the past, as indeed have many other minorities in their own locality. I totally agree with you. But to maintain that Jewish suffering gives Zionists any right or excuse to persecute Palestinians, is perverse. You and the Israelis know perfectly well that the Zionist occupation and colonisation of Palestine is illegal under international law, which is why Israel refuses to recognise international courts. You are an extremely sad person spending your life trying to prove that black is white.
so (having read through that nonsense) that’s a ‘no’ then.
Here is a link to a 30 second Youtube
of a nazi propaganda film
of Socialist hitler meeting his Arab Fascist ally, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.
Yet another embarrassing performance from our resident Nazi Jack T(wat)
Conclusive proof that Jew hating vermin such as he will never never ever give you a star answer to a straight question
Disgusting really
‘anti-Zionism’ is antisemitism.
There is no ‘Palestine’ and there is no ‘occupation’.
Jordan is “palestine” and exists solely on the EAST bank of the Jordan river.
Hello Jack. You are supporting Dave’s article. Did you mean to?
Jack T(wat) is not the brightest….
The arguments he makes on here are about as balanced and as coherent as a pantomime drunk
Seems to be par for the course for Jew hating vermin like him ?
Ah well….never mind
Hello Ian, happy New Year!
“You are supporting Dave’s article. Did you mean to?”
Only the bits where he shoots himself in the foot 🙂
“they NEVER had any intention of living peacefully with Palestinians” – there were not then, as there are not now, ‘Palestinians’.
Antisemitism truly rots the brain, creep.
Sad thick ignorant antisemitic nutter.
Excellent article but please note that Iran is not an Arab country.
Thanks Geoffrey. I know Iran is not Arab, so apologies for not making that clear within the article. I have edited to make sure the point is made, that Jewish history in Iran (Persia) along with Turkey, provides further evidence of regional Islamist abuse.
A point of note here. Since 2014 I have operated with an extremely open message board. I chose not to moderate. The result was not pretty. I gave people over eight years and I can safely say there was no added value to such an open mic policy. None at all. In fact the reverse was true. I had many complaints about some of the posts / posters that were spewing sewer junk here. Being the free speech type of person I am, I let it ride for far too many years. I am no longer going to do so. A few weeks ago I started binning the fake Rabbi trolls posts and have no intention of allowing his junk on these pages. In future, I will not interfere with genuine opinion, but will close the door to anyone who is just messing up these pages..
All the best
Good to hear David. I came here in 2014 mainly having seen the contributions of your long time house troll Stephen. An obvious crank, it fascinated me the way he obsessivised over UK Jews and used this comment section as a means to prosecute attacks on individuals with whom he had personal grievances and by clumsy association to demean you. This seemed like pretty poor behaviour and it always delighted me when my banter with him caused his “Polytechnic Pseuds Corner” mask to slip. Now that his sell-by date appears to have come, I reckon my work here is done too. Kol Hakavod to you for your extraordinary efforts and accomplishments and my very best wishes to you and yours from the Jewish State. Ian
Good news about removing the antiIsrael bigots!
If you are interested in finding out more about Jews from Arab/ Muslim countries
and MENA Jewish refugees I highly recommend visiting
David, Kol Hakavod!
ImaM Oron, Happy Nakba!
Bellamy & Farmer & Jack T are clearly all obsessive anti Jewish racists that have outed themselves on here repeatedly
They are also as thick as pigsh1t like all racists are….
“Rabbi” Bruce is just an embarrassment plain and simple
All 4 of the above have done far more harm than good to their OWN anti Zionist (Jewish) agenda on the pages of this message board than any supporter of Zionism could possibly ever have done…..and are just too stupid to realise it
Ah well…never mind
So we’ll be saying goodbye to Dozy Dobkin then…. pity, he holds up the lower end of the intelligence spectrum well.
Triggered much ?
P.S. I’m not going anywhere Herr Eichmann….
Now do tell us all about your many trips to the world’s only Jewish state
Where did you stay?
Which airline did you use?
Which cities did you visit?
Tell us all about the “apartheid” that you witnessed with your own eyes that nobody else has ever seen
Nazi propaganda is nothing to do with ‘free speech’, a term that is constantly being misused.
RIP Brutes Leaky. You won’t be missed.
* 1066: execution of Rab Shmuel haNagid and ‘Garanda Massacre’ – 4-5,000 Jews died. The razing of the entire Jewish quarter in the Andalucian city of Granada.
* 1013: Under Umayyad rule,
The inhabitants of Cordoba, including Jews were massacred and looted. It is said that 2000 of them were murdered.
* 1033: Fez, Morocco, pogrom, Muslims massacres more than 6000 Jews and took away their women and robbed their belongings.
* 1172+: The Almohads, who had taken control of much of Islamic Iberia by 1172, were far more extremists than the Almoravides, and they treated the dhimmis harshly. Jews and chr. were expelled from Morocco and Islamic Spain.
* Maimonides (1138–1204) ‘Epistle to the Yemenites’, consoling the Jews of Yemen for the tortures they suffered and exhorting them to remain true to their faith , no matter what the cost. Despite the remoteness of their abode , the Yemenite Jews never lost contact with the spiritual movements in world Jewry. Their religious life was based entirely upon the Talmud.
* 1465: Fez, Morocco, Muslim subjects overthrew the last Marinid ruler who had appointed many Jews to high positions. Grudges leading to massacre the entire Jewish community of the city. The community was temporarily converted but soon reverted to Judaism.
* 1517: Safed, Israel, Jews were evicted from their homes, robbed and plundered, and they fled naked to the villages.
* Testimony by Rabbi Obadiah of Bertinoro c. 1445 – c. 1515:
Schwab, M., Bertinoro, O. (1866). Voyages: Lettres d’Obadia de Bertinoro, 1487-89. France: au bureau des Archives israëlites.
Page 23:
“In general, they appear in all Islamism as poor and deorived of everything . They have shabby dress like beggars, and they bend their backs to the Muslims.”
[Aka oppressive aoartheid Dhimmitude].
* Some “40,000 Jews lived in (Eretz Israel in the area of) Caesarea alone at the Arab conquest, after which all trace of them is lost.”
* 1679–1680: Imam of Yemen (Rassid dynasty) – Jews of nearly all cities and towns in Yemen exiled to a remote desert and left to die.
* 1790 Jews massacred in Tetuán, in Morocco;l.
* 1834 looting of Safed… 33 days of horror!
* 1840-1908: after the Damascus affair – blood libel, riots and massacres of Jews were carried out in Aleppo (1850, 1875), Damascus (1840, 1848, 1890), Beirut (1862, 1874), Dayr al-Qamar (1847), Jerusalem (1847), Cairo (1844, 1890, 1901–02), Mansura (1877), Alexandria (1870, 1882, 1901–07), Port Said (1903, 1908), Damanhur (1871, 1873, 1877, 1891), Istanbul (1870, 1874), Buyukdere (1864), Kuzguncuk (1866), Eyub (1868), Edirne (1872), Izmir (1872, 1874).
* 1864: Solica (Sulaika) Hachuel – The Moroccan Teenager Who Died for Her Jewish Faith.
Maurice Roumani, The Case of the Jews from Arab Countries: A Neglected Issue, (Tel Aviv: World Organization of Jews from Arab Countries, 1977):
Decrees ordering the destruction of synagogues were enacted in Egypt and Syria (1014, 1293-4, 1301-2), Iraq (854-859, 1344) and Yemen (1676). .., Jews were forced to convert to Islam or face death in Yemen (1165 and 1678), Morocco (1275, 1465 and 1790-92) and Baghdad (1333 and 1344).
Patterson, D. (2010). A Genealogy of Evil: Anti-Semitism from Nazism to Islamic Jihad. United States: Cambridge University Press, p.55:
then there is Ibn Tumart (c.1080–c.1130), who, according to the medieval sage Abraham ibn Daud, undertook a campaign of extermination against the Jews, when he “decreed apostasy on the Jews, saying, ‘come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.’ thus he wiped out every last ‘name and remnant’ of them from all his empire, from the city of Silves at the end of the world until the city of al-Mahdiya.”
Lewis, B. (1984). The Jews of Islam . New Jersey: Princeton University Press, p. 168:
From the late eighteenth century through the nineteenth century, expulsion, outbreaks of mob violence, and even massacres became increasingly frequent. Between 1770 and 1786 Jews were expelled from Jedda, most of them fleeing to the Yemen.
In 1790 Jews massacred in Tetuán, Morocco.
In 1828, in Baghdad. In 1834 a cycle of violence and pillage began in Safed.
In 1839, a massacre of Jews took place in Meshed in Iran, followed by the forced conversion of the survivors, and a massacre of Jews occurred in Barfurush in 1867.
In 1840 the Jews of damascus were subject to the first of a long series of blood libels in many citie….
In 1913, the racist incitement in the [Falastin] Filastin paper, which caused it getting banned by the Ottomans.
K.A. Sulaiman, “Palestine and Modern Arab Poetry,” Zed, 1984, p.11:
‘Shaykh Sulayman al-Taji, … in November he published a poem, entitled “the Zionist danger” in Filastin… In his poem, he combined Islamic motifs from the Qur’an and hadith to support his nationalist view, as well as tapping into classic European anti-Semitic tropes.’
Elie Kadouri, “Zionism and Arabism in Palestine and Israel”, Taylor & Francis, 2015, p.8:
‘Two other incidents in April added to Yishuv anxiety. In Jaffa, citrus-owner. Samuel Tolkowsky complained that Government permission for the reappearance of Falastin, which had been closed down by the Turks for incitement to race-hatred in April 1914, could only be a source of discouragement to ‘moderate’ Arabs and an official invitation to ‘extremists…’
Wistrich, Robert S., “A Lethal Obsession: Anti-Semitism from Antiquity to the Global Jihad,” (Random House Publishing Group, 2010), chapter 21 ‘The “Liberation” of Palestine’:
The Arab case against Zionism during the late Ottoman period was tainted by an anti-Jewishness that had become part of the “daily bread in Palestine,” to quote one prescient observer. In November 1913, a prominent leader of the Palestinian anti-Zionist campaign, Sheikh Sulayman al-Taji from Acre, published a poem entitled “The Zionist Danger” in Filastin. It related to Jews …
The 1929 Hebron massacre, animalistic massacre of non-Zionist Jews, body mutilation, rapes…
1941 – June 1-2: Shavuot pogrom FARHOUD, after the Nazi propaganda by Fritz Grobba, al Sabawi’s Mein-Kampf into Arabic / Palestine Mufti al Husseini and his pals who escaped there from the Brits in 1937 – hate incitement intensified resulting in the Farhoud pogrom where some estimate up to a 1,000 died. Children were thrown in the waters in front of parents, mass rapes.
The “Nakba” is that the Israelis are NOT the unarmed Jews of the Past.
Happy Eternal Nakba to All!
Odd that “anti-zionist jews” like neteuri karta don’t live IN Gaza or Sand-Nazi occupied West Bank, building Synagogues, Yeshivas, Markets required by “authentic jews”, that would demonstrate the “tolerance” of Ham-ASS, Jihadis, Intifadists, sand-nazis.
Deep down, “anti-zionist jews” know that jihadis would not distinguish “anti-zionist jews” from Zionist Jews.
P.S. I believe that 1936 was a year of massacres of Jews by the “Religion of Peace” in Eretz Yisrael.
Yes, on 1938 the bastard Arabs assassinated my relative Alexander Zeid, whose hashomer guarded the Jewish farms and villages. The British did damn-all to prevent Arab attacks and actually trained and armed many of them. Borne out of centuries of Jew hatred stemming from the Clifford’s Tower and Norwich pogroms. Am Yisrael chai.
* 1066: execution of Rab Shmuel haNagid and ‘Garanda Massacre’ – 4-5,000 Jews died. The razing of the entire Jewish quarter in the Andalucian city of Granada.
* 1013: Under Umayyad rule,
The inhabitants of Cordoba, including Jews were massacred and looted. It is said that 2000 of them were murdered.
* 1033: Fez, Morocco, pogrom, Muslims massacres more than 6000 Jews and took away their women and robbed their belongings.
* Ibn Tumart (c.1080–c.1130), who, according to the medieval sage Abraham ibn Daud, undertook a campaign of extermination against the Jews, when he “decreed apostasy on the Jews, saying, ‘come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.’ thus he wiped out every last ‘name and remnant’ of them from all his empire, from the city of Silves at the end of the world until the city of al-Mahdiya.”
* 1172+: The Almohads, who had taken control of much of Islamic Iberia by 1172, were far more extremists than the Almoravides, and they treated the dhimmis harshly. Jews and chr. were expelled from Morocco and Islamic Spain.
* Maimonides (1138–1204) ‘Epistle to the Yemenites’, consoling the Jews of Yemen for the tortures they suffered and exhorting them to remain true to their faith , no matter what the cost. Despite the remoteness of their abode , the Yemenite Jews never lost contact with the spiritual movements in world Jewry. Their religious life was based entirely upon the Talmud.
* 1465: Fez, Morocco, Muslim subjects overthrew the last Marinid ruler who had appointed many Jews to high positions. Grudges leading to massacre the entire Jewish community of the city. The community was temporarily converted but soon reverted to Judaism.
* 1517: Safed, Israel, Jews were evicted from their homes, robbed and plundered, and they fled naked to the villages.
* Testimony by Rabbi Obadiah of Bertinoro c. 1445 – c. 1515:
Schwab, M., Bertinoro, O. (1866). Voyages: Lettres d’Obadia de Bertinoro, 1487-89. France: au bureau des Archives israëlites.
Page 23: “In general, they appear in all Islamism as poor and deorived of everything . They have shabby dress like beggars, and they bend their backs to the Muslims.”
[Aka oppressive aoartheid Dhimmitude].
* Some “40,000 Jews lived in (Eretz Israel in the area of) Caesarea alone at the Arab conquest, after which all trace of them is lost.”
* 1679–1680: Imam of Yemen (Rassid dynasty) – Jews of nearly all cities and towns in Yemen exiled to a remote desert and left to die.
* 1790 Jews massacred in Tetuán, in Morocco.
* 1828, in Baghdad, a cycle of violence and pillage began in Safed.
* 1834 looting of Safed… 33 days of horror!
* 1840-1908: after the Damascus affair – blood libel, riots and massacres of Jews were carried out in Aleppo (1850, 1875), Damascus (1840, 1848, 1890), Beirut (1862, 1874), Dayr al-Qamar (1847), Jerusalem (1847), Cairo (1844, 1890, 1901–02), Mansura (1877), Alexandria (1870, 1882, 1901–07), Port Said (1903, 1908), Damanhur (1871, 1873, 1877, 1891), Istanbul (1870, 1874), Buyukdere (1864), Kuzguncuk (1866), Eyub (1868), Edirne (1872), Izmir (1872, 1874).
* 1864: Solica (Sulaika) Hachuel – The Moroccan Teenager Who Died for Her Jewish Faith.
* 1913, a prominent leader of the Palestinian anti-Zionist campaign, Sheikh Sulayman al-Taji Farouki, published a poem in ‘Falastin’, where he combined Islamic motifs from the Qur’an and hadith. Ottomans bsn the Fakastin or inciting racict hatred.
* 1929 Hebron massacre, animalistic massacre of non-Zionist Jews, body mutilation, rapes…
* 1933-46, by in large, Arab newspapers glorify Hitler.
* 1941 – June 1-2: Shavuot pogrom FARHOUD, after the Nazi propaganda by Fritz Grobba, al Sabawi’s Mein-Kampf into Arabic / Palestine Mufti al Husseini (and his hundreds of “Palestine” Arabs escaping the Brits, especially, Akram Zuaiter and Darwish al-Miqdadi) who escaped there from the Brits in 1937 – hate incitement intensified resulting in the Farhoud pogrom where some estimate up to a 1,000 died. Children were thrown in the waters in front of parents, mass rapes.
* 1939-41, Ahmad Shukairy [Shukeiri] would testify in his book that he and the Arabs in Palestine were cheering for praying for Hitler. He himself had justified the Holocaust in 1946 with Jamal Husseini, who, together with the Mufti, had established the HitlerYouth modeled Futuwwa in 1935.
* 1942, February poll, 88% if Palestine Arabs supports the Axis. August CIA report, most Arabs in Palestine are anti-Jews await Nazi-Germany’s field marshal Erwin Rommel.
* 1941-45, The Mufti, with his entourage of 60 worked for Hitler; incited to kill Jews “wherever they are”; lead Moslem SS; prevented Jewish children from escaping death to Mandatory Palestine; urged the Nazis to bomb Tel-Aviv, toured Trebbin concentration camp; plotted an Auchwitz modeled crematorium in Dotan Valley.
* 1947/8, Ex Nazis train and help Arabs fighting the Jews.
You should also read Lyn Julius’s book “UPROOTED” and also contact the author on what she has done in the past.
I was at the book launch. The book is exceptional as is Lyn’s work.
Islam under Muhamad started these bloody anti-Jewish outrages at Khayba, where the Jews of what is now Saudi Arabia were vanquished, murdered and ethnically cleansed.
From about AD700 till today Jews are excluded from Saudi Arabia; since the massacre at Khayba
Nothing has really changed in the Arab/Muslim world (the Arab street)
And Antisemitism is making a furious return in Europe
Also at American ‘universities’, Richard. And Congress.
A great book for source material here would be
“Exil in the Maghreb: Jews under Islam, Sources and Documents, 997–1912” by Paul B Fenton and David G Littmann
Although this would be limited to the Maghreb, basically NW Africa.
Ah, JackT Our resident Antisemite has been busy.
And in case you say you aren’t an Antisemite, your fixation on Jews, subdividing us into your interpretation of ‘good and bad’ Jews etc fits the bill perfectly
Here are a couple of questions for the Jew haters on here…..sorry…..ZIONIST haters (lol)
1. You claim that 7 million Jewish Israeli citizens are “illegally occupying” what is currently known as The State of Israel (a state whose legitimacy is recognised by 165 other countries) and that “Palestians” are therefore entitled to evict these citizens by whatever means necessary?
Given that Israel has one of the largest standing armies on this planet (pro rata) and billions of dollars worth of state of the art heavy weaponry – can you be more specific about what methods you would employ to actually do this?
2. As you are supporting the creation of an independent Palestinian state can you let us know how it will function moving forward?
How often will elections take place?
How many MPs will sit in its parliament?
How many female MPs will it have?
Will it be safe for gay men and women to live openly as gay men and women?
Will citizens be able to follow the religion of their choice?
Will women be able to get an education?
Looking forward to seeing what responses I get here
I’ve been a poster here for a long time and will continue to do so with David’s permission, and my view is that there are 2 kinds of (for lack of a prettier term) arseholes who try to hijack the site.
The first kind is a useful idiot: someone who makes shoddy, easily torn-apart arguments and becomes an asset to the intelligent posters here like Richard, Ken, and modesty permitting myself. Stephen was like that, and Jack-off is there as well–when someone quotes Miko Peled, they’ve gone from swimming in septics tanks to drinking from them. I’d NEVER ban people as dumb and blind as Jack-off, not ever.
The 2nd kind, though, that’s the fake Rabbi and Sigerico and that loser whose name I forgot but do remember that he fell apart after screaming that the real victims of Nazism were Russian soldiers. They don’t add anything, they can’t learn anything, and they don’t have standing to remain here. They belong in refuse bins and landfills, and that’s where their water meets it own level.
Thanks Ben. That is pretty much my take on it as well. I have no problem with those who come with opposing views. In fact I welcome them. But the days where I would leave the board open for anyone have gone. It just reduces quality, and turns people off. It is even self-harming for me to allow them to post here.