Listing Jews named Haim who were innocent victims of terrorism and the conflict. Not soldiers, but family men and children going about their day. How many can there be? Like all my research, the tragic truth is always heartbreakingly worse than the imagination.
To Haim. To all of them.
On October 13 2015 Haim Haviv was sitting on a bus in Jerusalem. He was out shopping with his wife Shoshana. He was 78 years old. Chaim had arrived in Israel from Iraq with his parents and ten siblings at the age of 11. Two Palestinian terrorists got onto the bus and started shooting and stabbing passengers. Haim was murdered by the terrorists. The attack took four lives. Haim’s wife was left seriously injured.
Chaim Yechiel Rothman was an orthodox Jew. On the morning of November 17 2014 he was praying in the Kehilat Yaakov Synagogue in Jerusalem. Two Palestinian terrorists entered the synagogue, shouted ‘allahu akbar’ and began slaughtering the Jewish congregation. One of the terrorists was shooting at point blank range, the other was hacking at people with a meat cleaver. Rabbi Chaim Rothman battled hard but never recovered. He died whilst still in a coma from his injuries in late October 2015 – almost a whole year after the attack. The attack also claimed five other victims.
On Aug 31, 2010 thirty-seven year old Kochava Even Chaim from Beit Hagai caught a lift home with her friends Yitzhak and Talya Ames. Their vehicle was attacked by Palestinian terrorists in a drive by shooting. All four passengers of the vehicle were hit by numerous shots from close range and pronounced dead at the scene. Kochava’s husband was in the initial response medical team that arrived to help the victims, only to discover his wife was amongst them.
On January 9 2007, Emi Haim Elmaliah went to work in his bakery in Eilat, the city he was born and raised in. He had opened the bakery just six months before. A Palestinian terrorist chose the bakery as a soft target for a suicide attack. The Islamic Jihad and the Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack. At the time these factions were fighting each other, and they reasoned that by joining together to kill Jews, they would help heal their own wounds. Emi was one of three civilians who died at the scene.
December 5 2005 Haim Amram, 26, went to the shopping mall in Netanya where he worked as a security guard. Haim would never return home again. A Palestinian suicide bomber attempted to enter the mall to inflict maximum carnage but alert security guards became suspicious and approached the terrorist. Haim paid with his life for his bravery. Five people died in that attack – but for Haim’s actions, it could have been many more.
On February 2 2004, Yehuda Haim, 48, got onto a 14A bus in Jerusalem. Haim was a disabled veteran. Nobody noticed the Palestinian terrorist who got on the bus. The suicide attack took place at about 8:30 a.m. as the crowded, rush-hour bus was making its way downtown. The terrorist murdered eight people, including Haim. Haim is survived by his wife and three children.
Meir Haim had just been watching his favourite football team practise, as he made his way back through the old central bus station in Tel Aviv. The date was 5th January 2003. The bus station was hit with a double suicide bombing and Meir was waiting at a bus stop when the first Palestinian terrorist detonated his device. The suicide bombers slaughtered 23 people. Meir Haim was survived by his wife and five children.
Haim Amar was 56 years old. He had gone to help operate a polling booth for party elections on November 28 2002. As he worked at the polling station in Beit She’an, two terrorists opened fire and threw grenades. Haim was one of six people killed in the attack. He was survived by his wife and four children.
Rafael Haim was spending the evening at a crowded game club in Rishon Lezion. It was May 7 2002. The club was located on the third floor of a building. The suicide bomber used a powerful device that caused a partial building collapse. Rafael Haim had worked his whole life and retired only two months before. He had immigrated to Israel with his family from Iraq when he was just 11. Rafael was one of fifteen to die that night in the attack. He was survived by his wife and six children.
Haim Smadar was a security guard at the Kiryat Yovel supermarket in Jerusalem. Haim was born in Tunis. On March 29, 2002 he was murdered as he did his job, by an 18 year-old Palestinian suicide bomber. The oddity here was that the suicide bomber was female. She approached the store, told Arab workers outside to get away and then made her way to the entrance. Haim tackled her to stop the terrorist getting inside the shop. She denotated the device killing Haim and another innocent bystander, Rachel Levy, who was just 17. Once again a security guard paid for his bravery with his life. Haim was survived by his wife and six children.
Avraham Haim Rahamim was out having fun on Saturday night. It was about 22:30 on March 9th 2002 and Jerusalem would have been buzzing as it always does at this time after Shabbat. Haim was at Cafe Moment, a busy cafe in Rehavia when the suicide bomber struck. The Palestinian terrorist walked into a busy coffee shop, looked around and then massacred the people there. Eleven civilians were murdered, 50 more were injured.
Haim Ben-Ezra was 76. Haim Ben-Ezra was a staunch Zionist who had immigrated to Israel from Morocco in 1971. On October 4 2001 he was at Afula bus station when it attacked by a Palestinian terrorist. It was the Jewish festival of Sukkot and Haim was on his way to buy groceries for the holidays. His wife and two of his sons were both sick and Haim had been the one looking after them. The terrorist, dressed in IDF military fatigues, opened fire, killing three Israelis. Haim died at the scene.
On May 6 1998, Haim Kerman, 28, was passing through Lion Gate St. in Jerusalem when he was ambushed and attacked by Palestinian terrorists. He was stabbed to death. Haim left behind two children.
December 31 1993. Chaim Weizman and his friend David Bizi were found murdered in a Ramle apartment. Left behind in the flat as proof of their kill, were the identity cards of the two Palestinian terrorists that murdered them. A PFLP leaflet was also left behind as a calling card of the terrorist organisation that wanted to take responsibility for the terror attack.
On October 29 1993 Chaim Mizrahi went to buy eggs at a poultry farm. He was kidnapped by three terrorists, murdered and his body burned. His charred body was found in a burnt-out car. The terrorists were from Fatah, Yasser Arafat’s organisation, and this was just one month after the Oslo peace process was signed. Chaim was 30 years old.
Feb 28 1988. Chaim Tacktoc was born in Tunis in 1940. In February 1988 he went missing. Chaim’s body was found five months later in the basement of a warehouse in Ramle. The Arab landlord had murdered Haim as part of the ‘uprising’ -‘Intifada’.
On June 27 1986, Haim Azran was shopping at a market in Gaza. The intifada had not yet started. Haim was 35 years old and had come to Israel from Morocco. As he stopped at a stall to buy some grapes, a terrorist slit his throat. Haim managed to stumble his way to seek help at a medical post nearby but had lost too much blood and died from his wounds. He was survived by his wife Rinat and his four children.
15 Dec 1970. Haim Shekel was driving a truck containing building materials from Sderot to Gaza. On his way back he was ambushed by terrorists. He was wounded and tried to flee the scene, but the terrorists caught him and bludgeoned him to death. Haim was born in Tunis and left behind a wife and two children.
On 14 Dec 1969 Haim Kind had stayed at home to rest and study whilst the rest of his community went to a Chanukah party. A shell fired on the town by Arabs, hit his apartment wounding him. He died the following day in hospital. He was 18. His mother never recovered from the tragedy, suffered a stroke and died soon afterwards.
19 Oct 1969. Haim Manikovitz was at home in his apartment in Haifa in Katzenelson St. Terrorists had targeted the building with an explosive device. Haim was killed in the blast. Over the next few days, five other resIdential buildings were targeted by the terrorists.
Haim Mizrahi was born in Iraq in 1904. On June 17 1969 he was working in the Jordan valley when the Jordanians opened fire. Haim was wounded and taken to hospital, where he died from his injuries. He left behind a wife and three daughters.
On June 4 1968 Haim Treyus was working in the fields of Kibbutz Ashdot Ya’akov. The Jordanians shelled the area, killing three Israelis. Haim was one of them. He was 23 years old.
February 8 1968. Haim Motzri was born in Syria. He worked on the banana plantation at Kibbutz Ashdot Ya’akov. On February 8, Haim was in a tractor that went over a mine planted by Arab terrorists. Four were killed by the blast. Haim left behind a wife and four children. He was 37.
June 6 1967. Haim Garon was due to enlist in the IDF in July 1967. He was seventeen years old. War had broken out and frustrated, he went to see if he could enlist early in Ashkelon. Somewhere on his way he was murdered by terrorists from the Deir al-Balah refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. His fate was not known until October when his burnt body was found near the camp.
Sep 3 1963. Chaim Shemesh was born in Iran in 1901. On Tuesday afternoon, Sep 3 1963 he was working in Jerusalem. Jordanian soldiers fired at the workers, killing Chaim. Chaim was survived by his wife and seven children.
Nov 5 1956. Chaim Abitan had only been in Israel a few months, having arrived earlier in 1956 from Morocco. On Monday morning, 05 November, Haim and his four friends travelled in a horse-drawn wagon on their way to work on a farm. As they passed by Kibbutz Or Haner, the wagon hit an explosive device left by terrorists from Gaza the night before. All of the passengers were killed. The horse returned alone to Sderot and the residents went out searching for the workers. They soon found what was left of the bodies of Haim and his friends. Haim was 25 when he was murdered. He was the oldest of the victims. Three of them were just 17.
Haim Dubinsky was 30 years old in 1956. When he was just 14, he fled the Nazis and joined the partisans to fight them. After the war he learned his entire family had perished in the Holocaust. On Aug 9 1956 Haim was driving in a car near Hatzeva with his friend Yochanan Notman. They were attacked by terrorists and both were shot and killed.
Haim Shifroni lived on Kibbutz Nirim in the south. On May 5 1955 the Kibbutz was shelled from Gaza. Chaim, who looked after the cowshed, tried to move the cows to safety. He was hit by a shell and died instantly. Haim left being a wife and son.
March 17 1954. Chaim Furstenberg was travelling with his family from Eilat to Tel Aviv. He was just nine years old. Terrorists ambushed the bus, opening fire at short range. After killing the driver, the terrorists boarded the bus, and shot each passenger, one by one. The bus only contained 14 passengers. Chaim was shielded, along with his sister and was one of just three that survived the original massacre. His mother Hannah was raped and murdered outside the bus. Thinking it was over, Chaim called out to his sister and the terrorist returned to shoot the child in the head. Chaim did not die immediately, but rather remained in a vegetitive state for another 32 years, finally passing away in September, 1986.
Haim Levy was 52. He worked at the sewage plant of the Jerusalem Municipality. On 28 Sep 1951, the plant was attacked by Arab terrorists. Haim was murdered and his body was found two days later some way away from the scene.
Sep 2 1951. Chaim Mordechai Kashi was a new immigrant from Iraq. Just four days are immigrating to Israel he went to visit family in Jerusalem. Unaware of the dangerous layout of the city, Haim was shot and killed by Jordanian soldiers. The Jordanians threatened to shoot anyone who tried to retrieve the body. Eventually the UN stepped in to help. He was 35.
Jan 2 1950. Haim Salman Ezri was born in Yemen in 1910. He lived in Ein Shemer a Kibbutz in the north. On Jan 2 1950 he went over a bomb planted near the camp where he lived and Haim was killed by the blast.
Sep 21 1948. Haim Shabtai Mizrahi was working in Jerusalem. He had stayed late to work with a friend. Haim’s workplace was attacked by Arab terrorists. Both men were killed. Haim’s body was only found a couple of days later. He left behind a wife and seven children.
July 17 1948. The War of Independence was in full swing. Haim Shimshi who was just 15, was playing football with his friends on Balfour Street. Haim’s parents had escaped persecution in Yemen by fleeing to Israel. Egyptian planes bombed Tel Aviv, killing 20 civilians. Haim was killed in the Egyptian bombing raid just before the second cease fire was implemented. Two of his friends were also killed.
May 29 1948. In the constant shelling of Jewish neighbourhoods in Jerusalem, Haim Shipman was badly wounded by shrapnel. He had been hit as he went to dine with his parents. He died in hospital of his injuries. Haim was 40 and left behind a wife and two daughters.
On the morning of May 28 1948, Haim Benjamin Goldberg was just nine years old. The Jordanian army were shelling Jewish neighborhoods. Hundreds of Jews died in these attacks and eventually not a single Jew would be left in this part of the city. Haim was hit by a shell near his home and died at the scene.
On May 24 1948 Haim Steiner was just 16 years old. He was hit by Jordanian shells being fired on the Jewish residents of Jerusalem. He died the following day from his wounds.
19 May 1948. Rabbi Chaim Mendel was also inside besieged Jerusalem being shelled by the Jordanian Army. He was born in 1861 and was 87 years old. Rabbi Chaim was injured by the shelling and died the following day from his wounds. Five of his children had been killed in the Holocaust.
In May 1948, Haim Hagar was at work in Tel Aviv. Haim had smuggled into the country as part of the illegal immigration to escape Nazi persecution. When the boat he was on was cornered by the British, he swam ashore and hid on a kibbutz. His wife later joined him and their daughter Renee was born in 1941. On 20th May, Haim was killed by an Egyptian air attack. He was 38.
May 18 1948. Haim Winter lived in Rishon Lezion and worked in a factory in Tel Aviv. He was 31. The Egyptians had been bombing Tel Aviv every day since the outbreak of hostilities. On May 18 they targeted the Tel Aviv bus station. Haim was on his way home from work at the time and was killed in the bombing. 54 people were murdered in the attack.
April 13 1948. Chaim Yassky was a physician, and in a convoy taking supplies and personnel to Hadassah hospital. The convoy was attacked and there was a massacre. 78 Jews were slaughtered. Chaim Yassky was shot in the liver and died within minutes.
March 13 1948, Chaim Elias’s body was found in Haifa and taken to the local hospital. Haim was 20 years old and had arrived in Israel from Iraq. He had been shot by terrorists as he passed through an Arab neighbourhood.
March 13 1948. Haim Kendell was born in Yemen and moved to ‘Israel’ in 1910. He lived with his family in Tel Aviv and ran a grocery store. On March 13 he was shot in the head by Arab snipers. He left behind a wife and children.
Feb 22 1948. Arab irregular forces carried out a major attack on the Jewish civilian areas. Multiple vehicles carried large explosives. British defectors helped the Arabs in the attack. About 50 people died in the attacks. Haim Schonberg was killed in the blasts. He was 30 and left behind a wife and son.
Feb 1 1948. Haim Parpar worked at the Palestine Post, a national newspaper. On Feb 1 1948, Arab terrorists along with British army deserters hit the building with two cars loaded with explosives. Printing worker Haim Farber was killed at the scene. He left behind a wife and children.
Jan 25 1948. Haim Shar was driving a truck on the Tel Aviv – Haifa road when he was attacked by Arab terrorists and killed on the spot. He was 32 and left behind his wife. The road was supposedly protected by the British.
January 12 1948. Haim Yakobovitz was 28 years old. Haim was living in Haifa but had only just arrived from Europe a few months before. He was not familiar with the city. Haim took a wrong turn into an Arab neighbourhood and was shot in the street.
On Jan 5 1948, Haim Unger got in his Egged bus and began his daily work as a driver in downtown Haifa. The Arabs were violently resisting the UN partition and it was only 5 days since a massacre of Jews at the Haifa refinery. Haim’s bus was attacked by Arab terrorists and Haim was shot and killed. The terrorists were Arabs who served in the National Guard under British command. The weapons supplied by the British.
Haim Karl Greiner worked as a welder at the Haifa oil refinery. On December 30th 1947, Arab workers turned on their Jewish colleagues in retaliation for an Irgun attack. Haim was one of thirty-nine Jews slaughtered in the massacre.
On 24 Dec 1947, Haim Tzecuto was travelling in a bus in Haifa. Arab terrorists were targeting Jewish traffic passing through. Haim was on one of the buses that was attacked. Six were injured, but Haim never recovered from his wounds and died later that day.
On Dec 13 1947 Haim Goldman HaCohen drove to deposit money in a nearby bank. Haim was 32 years old and had fled from the Nazis in Germany, the country of his birth. He was shot by the Arab terrorist who was supposed to protect him. There were other Arabs who witnessed the attack but did nothing to help him. Haim died in hospital two days later from his injuries.
On Dec 8 1947 Haim Pearstein was travelling home in a bus from his work. He was shot by a British sniper. Haim died from his wounds later that evening. He was 48 and left behind a wife and two children.
December 6 1947. Just a week since the UN vote on partition. Local Arabs had intensified their attacks on the Hatikvah neighbourhood in Tel Aviv. Haim Scandrion was just 9 years old. He was shot and died from his injuries. His mother was killed alongside him.
On Aug 10 1947, Haim Boksdorf sat with his girlfriend at the Hawaii Garden cafe in Tel Aviv. Arab terrorists attacked the cafe and began shooting. Haim was hit in the chest and died at the scene. His girlfriend was injured but survived the attack. Haim was 24 years old and during the war had enlisted with the British Army to fight the Nazis. Three others were killed in the terrorist attack.
During March 1947, Tel Aviv was under curfew. British troops with orders to shoot curfew violators on sight shot at pedestrians and motorists out on legitimate business. In Jerusalem they killed a 4 year old girl. Chaim Turkletaub was out on the streets of Tel Aviv when British soldiers released their frustrations by firing randomly in civilian areas. Haim was shot, injured and suffered for a week in hospital before finally falling to his injuries.
Haim Kupershmidt was 88 in 1941. He had lived in Jerusalem since 1878. In 1941 he moved to a care home in Tel Aviv. On June 6, 1941 Italian airplanes struck Tel Aviv, bombing the care home and killing Haim and 12 others. One of Haim’s daughters was wounded in the bombing.
July 24 1940. Haim Levy was 18. His family had immigrated from Egypt and they lived in Haifa. The Italian air force bombed Haifa and the Gulf. Haim was working in the refinery. On 24 July the Italian bombs killed Haim and 20 others.
On Thursday, February 28, 1939 Haim Donmitz was asleep in his bed. He was just 10 years old. He lived in Moshav Gibton, near Rehovot. His father and sister were away for a few days. Arab terrorists broke into the family home, shot his mother, cut the throats of his brothers and stabbed Haim to death.
October 2 1938. Haim Leimer was just twelve years old. He was with his sister Rivka 10 and Ezra 8 in Tiberias, when Arabs attacked the city. There was a massacre. These children were stabbed and burnt to death along with another family in the house at the time of the attack. A total of 19 Jews were killed, 11 of them children.
July 5 1938. Haim Reuben Saban was born in Turkey in 1917. He worked at a shop in the Old City Jerusalem. Haim was warned that it was dangerous, but he said that the Arabs would not hurt him. On July 5 an Arab terrorist entered the shop and murdered Haim and his father.
January 5 1938. Chaim Dovid Katz was in Jerusalem. He had only immigrated a few months before and was working in the Givat Shaul quarry. There was an attack on the quarry by Arabs, shots were fired and Chaim was killed in the attack. He was 29.
September 24 1936. Haim Devick was 27 years old. Haim had been born in Jerusalem in 1909 but his family was expelled by the Ottomans and they fled to Egypt. He returned in 1932 and he worked at a market in the Old City of Jerusalem. On the 24 September he was shot in the back by an Arab terrorist and died later that day from his injuries.
On April 19 1936 Haim Fsigoda was making his way to work in Jaffa. He was attacked by Arab rioters and brutally murdered. He was 23.
April 19 1936. Haim Alter Kornfeld was 30 years old. He was a builder and also worked to integrate the Arab workers into the Histadrut. He was a writer and had articles published in Zionist-Socialist newspapers. Haim refused to accept he was in danger despite the outbreak of Arab violence. Whilst at work on April 19, Arab rioters attacked and murdered him.
On August 24 1929 Haim Eliezer Dubnikov was resting in a home in Hebron. He was a headmaster in Tel Aviv. He was 53, married and had six children. It was the summer holiday and he had gone to Hebron for a break. Both Haim and his wife were brutally murdered in the Hebron massacre, which saw Arabs moving from house to house to slaughter 67 Jews.
August 24 1929. Haim Krasner was also in Hebron. He was just 16 years old when he was murdered. The Arab attackers pierced Haim’s body with daggers and knives, and then left him to suffer for hours before he died.
August 24 1929. Haim Shalom Alter was 25. Haim stood at the door and tried to stop the mob from coming in. But his body was repeatedly stabbed with knives and daggers, and he died by the door.
May 1 1921. Haim Mevurach was born in 1890 in the Old City of Jerusalem. In 1921 he went to Jaffa to visit his wife’s family. On May 1 he was shot and killed in Jaffa during mass Arab rioting. Forty-seven Jews were killed. Haim was buried in a mass grave in the old cemetery in Trumpledor St in Tel Aviv. He left behind a wife and children.
Jan 15 1917. Haim Moses was a locksmith from Jerusalem. On Jan 15 1917, he was waiting for a train in Beer Sheva, when it was attacked by the British. The people at the station tried to hide, but 16 Jews were killed including Haim and his father.
Jan 15 1917. Haim Margalit was born in 1880. He was killed in the same British bombing raid. as Haim Moses.
Jan 15 1917. Chaim Karmine was born in 1900. He was a carpenter and was also killed in the British bombing raid. He was just 16 or 17 years old.
In 1904 the Ottoman Empire was still standing. Haim Kurdi, was from Kurdistan and had moved to Illanya (Shajara) in 1902. On Aug 28 1904, Haim returned with several other residents of Shajara on a cart with groceries from Tiberias. They were attacked by Arabs. Haim recognised one of the attackers who then attacked Haim, mortally wounding him. He was 25.
All these victims. They were not soldiers. They were people, going to work, out shopping, celebrating or just children holding the hands of their parents. These people died – most of them simply because they were Jewish. They are the truth of the conflict. And we must never, ever forget it.
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Very telling – and saddening!
Striking how many of the dead were Jewish refugees Ethnically Cleansed from the Arab/Muslim countries of the Middle East/North Africa
Absolute Antisemitism is evident when the Arab woman terrorist told the Arab workers to leave so that only Jews would be the dead victims (March 2002)
In April 1948 the Hadassah Massacre occurred when a convoy taking patients and supplies to the hospital was ambushed and approximately 82-88 Jewish doctors, Jewish nurses, Jewish patients and Jewish workers were murdered. When the Arabs and their western joyriders talk about Deir Yassin, they seem to very conveniently forget about the Hadassah massacre
I was thinking this as I was doing it. And so many arrived early too. I hadn’t expected pre 1948 attacks to have so many Mizrahi victims. It really did surprise me.
I’ve read quite often of Yemeni Jews from the late nineteenth century working on farms and living in towns all over the Mandate.
Not great numbers, but definitely a noticable presence
Another Haim:
On 1 July 2014, Yosef Haim Ben-David and his two nephews abducted and killed 16-year-old Palestinian Muhammad Abu Khdeir in East Jerusalem.
An autopsy found that Muhammad Abu Khdeir had had been beaten and then burned alive in a forest in Jerusalem. The attack was part of a spiral of violence ahead of the 2014 genocidal Gaza action called ‘Operation Protective Edge’ by the Zios.
Brucie babes
If you didn’t project such a one sided biased narrative you would be a little more believable.
But , as is your wont, you just talk hate..
Before this disgusting incident occurred your beautifully peaceful friends in Hamas abducted and murdered three young Jews.
An incident you totally ignore
So before you spread your malign rhetoric, try to describe the entire train of events, so that honesty (a trait I don’t believe you possess) and truth can be applied to the situation
“So before you spread your malign rhetoric, try to describe the entire train of events, so that honesty (a trait I don’t believe you possess) and truth can be applied to the situation”
Richard, the ENTIRE train of events is as follows :
On Nakba day May 15th 2014, a border guard who should not have had any live ammunition shot dead an innocent Palestinian youth. Initially Israel denied that live fire had been used but footage should the guilt of Deri. Three other Palestinians were also murdered that day.
Deri was convicted for causing death by negligence and sentenced to NINE MONTHS in jail,
The murder of the three Israelis was actually in retaliation for these killings…..
So, Richard ” try to describe the entire train of events” please.
Wish to continue the saga … and how it sparked the 2014 invasion of Gaza?
Thank you Mike for teaching Richard ‘Dick’ Galber a lesson he’ll never forget.
?? =☠️
You two are such a pair of scamps with all your internet activism.
Wikipedia is the first and last resort of fools.
It is subject to partisan editing by all sides which can alter and misrepresent the truth to whichever viewpoint you desire,subject to your wikipedia credentials
Every event that happens in the Middle East , and the world for that matter, can be found to have a push/pull sequence if you so desire and search hard enough.
The art is to find the most likely cause rather than the previous event.
The Palestinians have a tendency to try and murder Jews.
Very seldom do Jews resort to retaliation attacks.
The Palestinians do retaliation attacks, and random attacks, to try kill Jews by default
“Very seldom do Jews resort to retaliation attacks.”
Eichmann, Protective Edge, ‘War for peace’ etc.
Richard, are you denying the facts in my post. Yes/No?
1938. British Archive material
That’s just someone’s opinion.
I’m sure the families of those killed in the King David Hotel bombing or any of the other hundreds of atrocities committed by the Jewish terror groups would disagree. No doubt a possible forgery used to reinforce Zio hegemony. You effin Zionazis will use every trick in the book to lie and try to convince the gullible or those not familiar with history how ‘your kind’ has a divine right to the region.
Same modus operandi that the Nazis used. Nothing more, nothing less. Goebbels and Streicher would approve.
you are right – it is an opinion. It is the opinion of the commander of the HMS Repulse that was staitioned in Haifa in 1938 and who was tasked with monitoring the violence during the Arab uprising. He wrote the report, including detailed information about the daily violence that occurred there. But hey, he was only there and it was just his job- so no doubt his opinion doesn’t mean anything more than yours.
Just because something is written, it doesn’t mean that it’s the writer’s opinion or that the writer seeks to convey truth. Especially if it is that person’s ‘job’.
Your blogs, David, are a case in point.
Bruce Moooooooooooohammed,
You and your Koranazi pals will spend Eternity Burning in HELL.
“The Israelis – just recognise our right to be here & we can all live in peace. ”
The right of MIGHT!!
If only Israel recognised the right of the Palestinians to be there.
Jordan is “Pal-e-STINE”.
Happy Nakba!
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in an interview Thursday that Palestinians living under Israeli rule in an annexed Jordan Valley would not receive Israeli citizenship.
Palestinian towns and villages in the area will remain “Palestinian enclaves” under Palestinian rule but Israel security control, he explained.
Yet David tells us that Israel is a beacon of democracy ……… lol.
There is nothing in the definition of democracy that creates a responsibility on the victors to reward failure Michael.
Buffoons like you never grasp that defeat has consequences.
Sharmuta, tells us again how Islam is “The Religion of Peace” ……… lol.
9/11, London’t 7/7, 500,000+ dead in Syrian Civil War, 1,000,000 dead in 8 year Iraq/Fascist Iran war, thwarted attack at Corpus Christi Naval base, beheading of Lee Rigby, ISIS videos of group beheading of captives, girls stoned to death over “family honour”, Boston Marathon bombing, Charlie Hebdo massacre, Easter Sunday 2019 massacre in Sri Lanka, HamASS pushing gays off rooftops in Gaza, Fascist Iran hanging gays, truck ramming attack on Bastille Day in Nice, Bataclan arena bombing, the need to screen passengers and cargo for bombs and weapons, …
Happy Nakba!
Nothing could be further than the truth than to claim that six million Jews perished during the Holocaust, when in fact, highly reputable sources confirm that it was closer to 1.5 – 2 million, which still is a large figure and a tragedy. The number of Jewish were inflated by Zios over the decades primarily to encourage immigration to the apartheid state.
Another lie and scare tactic Zios circulated was to claim that Jewish concentration camp inmates were made into soap and lampshades which was repeated ad nauseum over decades. Unfortunately for the scaremongers, scientific and historical evidence proved this to be untrue.
Ooh, so provocative!
You lads are such sore losers.
Not surprised you mentioned Eichmann–a man should never forget the people whom he admires/loves/barely hides his sick lust for, and to be fair, you haven’t forgotten him. Kisses.
Feels like there is always a countdown for both you and Muck snarling about how mean Jews have been to Nazis and outright lying about the genocidal Third Reich. It says a lot about both of you that your default piss-angry move is Holocaust denial. And to be clear, Muck is a total piece of shit but he’s more of a fumbling relativist here Brutes, next to your flailing Zundelism (oh please please bring your idol the late unlamented Ernst into this conversation, I can tell it’s killing you not to be able to do so without being banned permanently).
But ‘Holocaust Denial’ isn’t, Ben. Just the usual feigned indignation.
David – “I see @OwenJones84 is in trouble again. Rightfully so. This is the trouble with those arrogant fools who think they are cleverer than everyone else and play at the edge of the cliff.
Cleverer than you, David. Went to Oxford.
The King David Hotel was the seat of the British Military and Civil control in Mandatory Palestine, and was thus a legitimate military target
Only a blind ideologue would be able to miss that point
And as far as I am concerned, you are an Antisemetic racist bigot because of your continuous postings belittling the Holocaust and making fun of the anti-Jewish ‘Blood Libel’ that has resulted in untold tens of millions of Jews being murdered because they were Jews
“untold tens of millions of Jews being murdered because they were Jews”?
Should read “untrue tens of millions of Jews being murdered because they were Jews”
“The King David Hotel was the seat of the British Military and Civil control in Mandatory Palestine, and was thus a legitimate military target ”
Therefore any IDF personnel are legitimate targets for the Palestinians, Richard?
I had a wonderful dream last night.
After Israel admitted that it created COVID19, the UK government launched a pogrom against all domestic Zionists and supporters of Israel. After all of those who supported the racist, apartheid state had been eliminated, the UK Government righted wrongs and liberated Palestine by launching a naval and air attack of apartheid Israel catching the poorly disciplined criminal Zionist army off guard.
After victory parades in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv where leading members of the Israeli government and military were paraded in chains before being tried and executed, Palestinian refugees were invited back to reclaim their homeland.
British Army manuals from the Boer War were dusted off and Zionists who refused to leave were relocated to camps in the Sinai never to be heard from again, but most Zios were repatriated back to America and Russia. Yad Vashem was bulldozed to create a recycling centre and the Knesset was turned into a memorial to Palestinians who were killed by the Zionist terror throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. Palestine Memorial tour guides like to show visitors the former Knesset’s secret Adolf Hitler Memorial Room where Zionist policy was planned.
Now if you excuse me, I have to pray.
Alright Mick.
Total Baader Meinhoff with your activism today. Very provocative. Andreas would be impressed. Almost as powerful as blowing up an Air France plane full of Jews. Have you got the mask and everything?
Pourquoi Air France? Pourquoi pas El Al?
Makes no odds to me Mick. Either you’re a serious activist or you’re not.
We’ve got what we want. You haven’t. You need to work harder.
Dreams can come true. And it’s very likely most of mine will – sooner or later.
Sure Mick. Meanwhile we’ve got what we want and get to love it. You haven’t and get to write about it.
Ah well……
Bruce Mooooooooooohamed,
Even your dreams are filled with Nakba.
Happy Nakba!
Dream whatever Bruce Moooooooooohammd,
but REALITY means
From the River to the Sea,
Pal-e-SLIME Will Never Be!
Bruce Mooooooooooohammed,
Happy Nakba!
David questioned.
Questioner : David, can you go through your record on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : Do you think that’s a point?
Questioner : David, would you like to go through your record on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : I’m not a member of the Tory Party.
Questioner : Antisemitism exists everywhere, if you are here to fight antisemitism you fight antisemitism everywhere.
David : I agree
Questioner : You seem to ‘specialise’ in antisemitism in the Labour Party, Can you tell me what your record is on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : Your question is disingenuous …… I am a member of the Labour Party.
Michael, I feel obligated to point out that this is the second time you’ve had this conversation with yourself. In your opinion are you becoming schizophrenic or are you in two minds about this?
David just walked into a furnace there.
Mick, in your opinion, has the lot of the Arabs living in Judea and Samaria got worse over the last 5 years?
By all means confer with Michael. His opinion counts here too
Collier – “Never forgave me for busting Palestine Live. He has quite the obsession.”
But you didn’t. You produced a report where you highlighted anti-Zionist and Anti-Israel posts and smeared them as anti-Semitic.
Also lied about J.C. being a regular member.
Just a lying, corrupt pro-Israel Zionist. Nothing new.
Sharmuta, THANK YOU for your working in electing Boris Johnson PM of the UK!
you clearly didn’t read the report. I went out of my way to focus ONLY on hard-core antisemitism. Even the Sunday Times acknowledged that you would need to ‘work very hard’ to be included.
Read the report.
First there was a pathetic attempt to smear Corbyn as a regular member of an anti-Semitic group. Your usual dishonest crap.
Then there were numerous instances of “anti-Israel”, “anti-Zionist” examples which you labelled anti-Semitic. But then you doggedly map antiZionism to anti-Semitic, more of your dishonesty.
Of course the Tory supporting press jumped onto the hysterical witch-hunt bandwagon, the Zionist rags Chronicle, News spinning every rumour, every untruth. You were their useful idiot. All leading to a gullible mob of pro-Israeli Zionists posing as the ‘Jewish Community’ politically demonstrating in Parliament Square.
All manufactured untruths.
Michael you buffoon. This is a propaganda war between two sides. David is very good at it. You are not. So you’re losing. It’s up to you to get better at it.
Collier – “Antifa are violent scum and it is about time that nations in the west treated these dangerous hard-left groups as the domestic terrorists that they clearly are.”
The IDF have just shot dead a young special-needs Palestinian who presented no threat whatsoever to them.
David, the violent scum are your own trigger happy IDF.
Jewish news – “A major new DNA study has shown how modern-day Jews and Arabs retain the genetic heritage of Bronze Age Canaanites who lived in the land today known as Israel for more than 2,000 years. “
“Antifa are violent scum…”
David, you certainly know your cookies.
The banner in this image reads: ‘Antifa means solidarity with Israel.’
Like *Democratic* People’s Republic of Korea, German *Democratic* Republic, Israel – beacon of democracy.
Michael, in your opinion, has the lot of the Arabs living in Judea and Samaria got worse over the last 5 years?
By all means confer with Mick (in his Bruce persona). His opinion counts here too.
Brucie babes
Why are you so fixated on Holocaust imagery.
You are constantly alluding to it
1) constantly invoking the ‘Blood Libel’
2) constantly challenging the amount of Jews that were mass murdered in the Antisemitic Nazi gas chambers and firing squads.
3) using language like here, ‘furnaces” to invoke the Nazi cremattoria that perfectly encapsulates the most evil crime ever perpetuated by mankind; the industrial mass murders of human beings because their sole crime was having been born Jews
And just to remind you, the Holocaust occurred before the reincarnation of the State of Israel in 1948
Therefore, as I have said before, you meet many of the criteria for being called an Antisemetic racist bigot
Who needs criteria? Zionists always label those who dislike them and criticise Israel “Antisemetic racist bigot”s.
Islamofascists/Sand Na zis always label those who dislike them and criticize Al Qada, ISIS, Fascist Iran, Hamass, Hezbola, Taliban, Boko Haram, MSA,
“Islam-o-FAUX-b racist bigot”s.
Hey Dick, Your argument turns to ash upon forensic examination of the facts. I don’t have an antisemitic bone in my body and even once received an award from a Jewish organisation.
I’m on Beth Springfield’s steering committee and am undertaking rabbinical studies.
Antisemitic and racist in your own sick, psychopathic, warped mind.
Now up the chimney you go. Dick.
David – “I can feel real anger at the death of #GeorgeFloyd -oppose racism & stand with those who seek justice”
Wonder if David feels real anger at the death of #Iyad al-Halak – opposing racism & standing with those who seek justice.
Michael, in your opinion, has the lot of the Arabs living in Judea and Samaria got worse over the last 5 years?
Brucie babes
Not one thing that you managed to splatter out detracts from the fact that you are a Holocaust denying Antisemitic racist bigot.
It’s your ongoing rhetoric that is the best illustration of your Antisemitic racist bigotry.
Anyone going back on your postings will have no trouble viewing your Holocaust denial and trivialisation of the mass murders of Jews committed by the Nazis.
And the Beth Springfield Shul that you mention, is that the same one as featured in the Simpsons on TV.
If it is a different Shul, please do tell
Hey Dick, by your definition, anyone who’s anti-Zionist and speaks out against Israeli atrocities is antisemitic. So your name calling is meaningless.
I’ll submit a prayer request to ‘דם ומצה’ for you and also for the peaceful and prompt dismantlement of the State of Israel.
You’re welcome. Dick.
Happy Nakba Moooooooohammed!
When David was questioned about ‘fighting antisemitism everywhere’.
Questioner : David, can you go through your record on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : Do you think that’s a point?
Questioner : David, would you like to go through your record on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : I’m not a member of the Tory Party.
Questioner : Antisemitism exists everywhere, if you are here to fight antisemitism you fight antisemitism everywhere.
David : I agree
Questioner : You seem to ‘specialise’ in antisemitism in the Labour Party, Can you tell me what your record is on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : Your question is disingenuous …… I am a member of the Labour Party.
Michael, I feel obligated to point out that this is the third time you’ve had this conversation with yourself. In your opinion are you becoming schizophrenic or are you in two minds about this?
Brucie babes
I’m not sure if you’re illiterate or just don’t bother reading, but if you check you will see that I call you an Antisemetic racist bigot because of your attempts at denial and trivialisation and denigration of the Holocaust and the industrial mass murders of the Jews.
Your ad hominem personal attacks on Jews and Zionists just serves to prove that you are a particularly unpleasant and intolerant bigot.
The New York Holocaust Museum puts those that died oin the Holocaust at 17 million. Jewish groups put the Jewish figure at 6 million, a minority. How can a questioning of the figures be a particularly anti-Semitic motive?
Don’t Zionists “trivialise” the Nakba?
The Holocaust has been cynically used to garner appeasement for Israel these decades past.
You’re such a sore loser Michael.
If in your opinion a minority of 6 million dead Jews is an insufficient number to justify appeasement for Israel, what number did you have in mind?
Sharmuta, I don’t “trivialize” your “Nakba”,
as all good people CELEBRATE the UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER of your fellow fascist socialist nazi swine did in May 1945.
Meant what I said, stand by it, you’re the most dishonest relativist I’ve ever seen and if that bothers you, I really don’t care.
Hard to say whether this is more disgusting than the kind of dreams that you certainly have on a regular basis involving deviancy and perversion (sometimes, I’m quite sure, where your happy abusers have tiny mustaches and wear swastikas) but mostly this whole mindset of yours? It’s RECYCLED. And BORING. You’re frankly becoming boring too.
Looks like our Sharmuta just swallowed a bottle of Sleeping tablets.
Happy Nakba!
When David was questioned about ‘fighting antisemitism everywhere’.
Questioner : David, can you go through your record on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : Do you think that’s a point?
Questioner : David, would you like to go through your record on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : I’m not a member of the Tory Party.
Questioner : Antisemitism exists everywhere, if you are here to fight antisemitism you fight antisemitism everywhere.
David : I agree
Questioner : You seem to ‘specialise’ in antisemitism in the Labour Party, Can you tell me what your record is on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : Your question is disingenuous …… I am a member of the Labour Party.
Michael, I feel obligated to point out that this is the 4th time you’ve had this conversation with yourself. In your opinion are you becoming schizophrenic or are you in two minds about this?
Boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring = Brutes Leaky.
Sleep and Dream of Eternal Nakba! 🙂
That’s my line and not Brutes Leaky’s manhood, Muck, so keep it out of your mouth.
Michael, I asked a question above that you must have missed. In your opinion, has the lot of the Arabs living in Judea and Samaria got worse over the last 5 years?
Ben, you’re an idiot.
Sharmuta, you’re an STD riddled sow.
A lovely man.
And whilst we’re thinking talking about missed questions Michael, you missed this one above as well.
“If in your opinion a minority of 6 million dead Jews is an insufficient number to justify appeasement for Israel, what number did you have in mind?”
Now now Muck, we’ll never be able to fall in love and get married if you have THAT attitude.
I”n a few weeks my daughter leaves London and flies to Israel to enlist in @IDF through a lone soldiers program.
She turned down the chance to go to university here to play her part in fighting for truth and defending Israel.
Daddy Zionist is very proud”
Didn’t learn British values then. Respect for International law.
Hope that she harms nobody, and that nobody harms her.
Sharmuta, I hope you stop harming your customers and go into Quarantine.
“But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” Jeremiah 29:7
“In a few weeks my daughter leaves London and flies to Israel to enlist in @IDF through a lone soldiers program. She turned down the chance to go to university here to play her part in fighting for truth and defending Israel.
Daddy Zionist is very proud”
The apple didn’t fall from the tree; Both father and daughter are traitors and lack British values.
I understand why people would go to great lengths to leave the UK, but give me just TEN MINUTES alone in a room with your daughter and I will convince her to abandon this folly and enlist in HM Forces instead.
Oh Brutes, you stupid porky bastard. You of all people shouldn’t be offering to spend time alone in a room with no witnesses, especially with your age and, you know, your “habits”. I can’t believe that a Nazi apologist found something equally disgusting to post. But I underestimated just how sick you truly are.
“In a few weeks my daughter leaves London and flies to Israel to enlist in @IDF through a lone soldiers program. She turned down the chance to go to university here to play her part in fighting for truth and defending Israel.
Daddy Zionist is very proud”
If your daughter returned home in a box, would you still be as proud David?
Ten minutes alone with her is all I ask.
Bruce Moooooooooooohammed,
16 seconds is all she would need with you.
Tell her if she goes, she may be able to party with Ron Arad, Tzvi Feldman, Yehuda Katz and Guy Hever.
Bruce Mooooooooohammed, You and your swinish klan will be Party’n with
– Osama bin Laden
– Ayatooola Khomeni
– Snake Yassin
– Yassir Arafart
– Rantisi
– General Solemani
in HELL, courtesy of Hellfire missiles.
Happy Nakba!
And Happy VE Day!
…. or if she put others in a box?
Johnson and his useless gang have undermined “public trust and confidence” themselves by siding with Cummings. What a difference in stature between Starmer and Johnson. Johnson didn’t want to be PM to do any actual hard work, now he’s in the middle of a pandemic, and he’s pathetic.” – Dipstork
Michael, are you deliberately avoiding my questions? You said you were pro Palestinian but you are unwilling to express your opinion on their former leader Yasser Arafat. You are also unwilling to offer an opinion on whether the Arabs in Judea and Samaria have become worse off over the last 5 years.
Finally you didn’t want to offer an opinion on how many more dead Jews beyond the 6 million it would have taken to garner real sympathy for Israel.
You on seem to have opinions on David, Tories and Jews. Why no opinions on Arabs?
Collier – “I am a centrist – a moderate – a Jew – who fights for truth & peace. ”
A ‘Centrist’ who supports the right-wing state of Israel.
A ‘Centrist’ who only smears the left.
A ‘Centrist’ who spreads lies and dishonesty.
A ‘Centrist’ with rabid hatred towards Arabs.
A racist who supports Israel’s racism.
Michael, you are a pro Palestinian (you tell us) that will not express an opinion on their former leader nor their current plight in Judea and Samaria ( or the West Bank as you like to call it.)
You only express opinions on David, Tories and Jews. Why not Arabs?
On this day June 5th in 1967.
Attacked Egypt.
Didn’t we just !
Stunning outcome as well eh?
Did you know that the speed at which we turned around our aircraft has still never been beaten? This enabled fewer planes to fly more missions in a very narrow window and ensured our complete air superiority over much larger enemy forces. This also enabled rapid re-deployment to the North where we repeated the strategy with the same result against the Syrians and Jordanians. Even you would have to applaud this tactical brilliance Michael.
Stupid Sharmuta,
The Best Defense
is a good Offense.
Islamofascist Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, etc. threatened to annihilate Israel. So Israel made the Smart, First Move – and WON, decisively.
Happy Nakba!
Happy VE Day!
When David was questioned about ‘fighting antisemitism everywhere’.
Questioner : David, can you go through your record on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : Do you think that’s a point?
Questioner : David, would you like to go through your record on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : I’m not a member of the Tory Party.
Questioner : Antisemitism exists everywhere, if you are here to fight antisemitism you fight antisemitism everywhere.
David : I agree
Questioner : You seem to ‘specialise’ in antisemitism in the Labour Party, Can you tell me what your record is on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : Your question is disingenuous …… I am a member of the Labour Party.
Michael, I feel obligated to point out that this is the 5th time you’ve had this conversation with yourself in this thread. In your opinion are you becoming schizophrenic or are you in two minds about this?
Collier – “Amnesty push an antisemitic – PRO ISLAMIST agenda – that CREATES good news stories from Pakistan, whilst INVENTING bad news stories about Israel.”
Little wonder that David, Zionist apologist for right-wing military Israel, attacks a human rights organisation that has done so much good work.
He lobbies against supporting them. Vile.
On this day June 6th in 1944.
Britain, and its allies moved into Europe to wipe the Nazis from the land.
Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Ministers to be, terrorist Jews Menachem Begin and Iztak Shamir were attacking the British in Palestine.
Begin harboured a rabid hatred that showed itself with the cowardly murders of Britons there
The deaths included the hanging by piano wire of two 20-year-old British Army sergeants, Mervyn Paice and Clifford Martin, who in 1947 were kidnapped by Irgun and held hostage for three weeks. Their bodies were left hanging in a eucalyptus grove and were booby trapped with land mines.
Israel made this scum a leader of the state.
Michael, were you aware that Menachem Begin went on to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Arab leader Yasser Arafat was also a recipient. In your opinion, were they equally worthy winners?
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu was at the vanguard of nationalistic and chauvinistic populism when he returned to power a decade ago, but his antidemocratic tendencies
gained prominence recently as his hold on the premiership came under threat.
Netanyahu has taken increasingly drastic steps to maintain the loyalty of far-right groups, entrenching and expanding West Bank settlements at the expense of the moribund Palestinian peace process, banning foreign activists based on their opposition to such policies, and enacting a discriminatory law that reserved the right of self-determination in Israel to the Jewish people.
He has countenanced no criticism, denouncing his perceived enemies in the parliament, civil society, the media, and law enforcement agencies over actions that were consistent with their legal and democratic functions.
His struggle came to a head in 2019, when he was indicted on three separate corruption charges, refused to step down, and actively sought immunity even as he ran for re-election. Netanyahu governed Israel as a caretaker prime minister throughout the year, having failed to secure majority coalitions in two successive popular votes in April and September.
ISRAEL’S SCORE HAS SLIPPED SIX POINTS SINCE 2009, an unusually large decline for an established democracy.
Thanks for your concern Michael. But we’re all very happy here thanks.
Any opinion on the Arab leadership being 14 years into a 4 year term with no elections in sight?
Yes. I saw the grizzly reconstruction of their torture and murders at the hands of Zionist terrorist scum in the excellent Channel 4 mini series, ‘The Promise’ which should be required viewing as part of the national curriculum
. The DVD set I own is one of my most treasured possessions. I watch it regularly.
Alright Mick,
Nice to hear you’re a film buff. I’ve tried to find some titles to recommend to you where Zios lose. Unhappily for you, there aren’t any. Some of my faves include Cast A Giant Shadow, Raid on Entebbe and Munich. Check them out. You may at least admire the commitment of the Arab terrorists.
Slingshot Hip Hop, Wedding in Galilee, Chronicle of a Disappearance, Jenin, Jenin, Salt of This Sea, Laila’s Birthday, Arna’s Children and Omar are all highly recommended films.
In the film ‘The City Without Jews,’ the city government expels all Jews and the city goes to pot. But don’t worry, the Jews are invited back. Would love to see a Hollywood remake of this.
It was dem Zios who killed George Floyd.
“Officers from the American police force responsible for murder of George Floyd received training in restraint techniques and anti-terror tactics from Israeli law enforcement officers.” reports the People’s World newspaper.
Over 100 Minnesota police officers attended several conference hosted by Israel’s Chicago consulate where the violent and deadly techniques used by the evil, filthy, murdering Zios in the occupied Palestinian territories were delivered under the guise of security operations.
George Floyd’s death rests solely with the Zionist apartheid state.
Payback’s a bitch.
Alright Mick,
Do you think that the lot of the Arabs in Judea and Samaria has got worse over the last 5 years?
I asked Michael for his opinion on this but he won’t give it. Weird isn’t it, when someone says that they’re pro Palestinian but won’t express an opinion on the people or leaders they support?
As your postings so rightly illustrate, it’s the Jewish element of Zionism that posters like the motley band of Farmer and Levy et al are so incensed about.
They show no empathy with, nor desire, to help or better the lives of the Palestinians
Their sole effort is to denigrate Israel, Israelis,
Zionists and Jews.
I doubt that they see any Antisemitic bigotry in their actions despite the copious quantity of evidence to the contrary
Agreed 100% Richard. The frustration of The Resistance is palpable with little more than tepid provocations and recycled slogans on offer. Clueless nutcases that hate what we’ve got but are totally powerless to do anything about it. Imagine not having Israel and having to rely on pricks like this for anything?
The pretence of supporting Arabs is long gone. They’re even frightened to express opinions about them, their leaders, their conditions or their cause. Baader Meinhoff wouldn’t let them get their chips. Wimps.
Your usual statements based on no presented evidence. Present it … or take a rest… a walk … a crossword.
p.s. who is al?
It was Yasser Arafat’s nickname in certain circles Michael. Were you aware that he won the Nobel Peace Prize? In your opinion was he a worthy recipient…….you know, given that you said you were pro Palestinian and everything?
On 8 June, 1967 (53 years ago), the American research ship, USS LIBERTY, while in international waters, was deliberately attacked by Zionist jet fighter aircraft and Zionist Navy torpedo boats.
The combined attack killed 34 Americans, wounded 171 crew and severely damaged the ship.
In December 1980, the racist, apartheid state agreed to pay $6 million (there’s that number again) as the final settlement for material damage to Liberty itself plus 13 years of interest.
What was Israel’s explanation for the attack?
Israel claimed the attack was “a case of mistaken identity”; that they didn’t know it was an American ship.
Why would we question that explanation more than 50 years later?
The ship’s survivors were afraid to speak out in the early years because of threats of “court martial, prison or worse” if they did not remain silent. However, as time passed, they have stepped forward to say the attack was deliberate.
Recently, high government and military officials have suggested that not only was the attack deliberate, but that the US government covered-up the incident. Today, an Independent Commission of Inquiry has found that Israel committed “an act of war” against the United States.
In addition, the Navy’s chief attorney to the original 1967 military Court of Inquiry has issued a statement that orders to cover-up the incident were issued by President Lyndon Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara.
Doesn’t Israel say that the Liberty flew no flag?
According to American survivors, a 5-by-8 feet American flag was hoisted early that morning and was flying all day until it was shot away by attacking aircraft. Within several minutes, it was replaced by the giant 7-by-13 feet holiday ensign, which flew for the duration of the attack.
Could Israel have thought the ship was in a war zone, acting suspiciously?
According to surviving crewmembers, Israeli reconnaissance aircraft closely studied the Liberty over an eight-hour period prior to the attack, one flying within two hundred feet of the ship. At all times the Liberty was a clearly marked American ship in international waters, proceeding at a speed of only 5 knots.
Why would Israel have deliberately attacked an American ship?
Israel’s motive for launching the attack has never been determined with certainty. This is why an impartial investigation is critical. One hypothesis is that Israel intended to sink the ship (with no survivors) and blame Egypt because this might have brought the United States into the 1967 war. Another hypothesis is that the Liberty was gathering intelligence about activities that Israel did not want revealed. Examples might include the massacre of Egyptian prisoners of war that was then occurring in the Sinai, as well as Israel’s impending invasion of Syria.
Doesn’t Israel say they ended the attack the minute they saw someone hoist an American flag?
The Israeli attack by combined air and naval forces spanned two hours — as long as the attack on Pearl Harbor. The air attack alone lasted approximately 25 minutes: consisting of more than 30 sorties by approximately 12 separate planes using napalm, cannon, and rockets which left 821 holes in the ship. Following the air attack, three Israeli motor torpedo boats torpedoed the ship, causing a 40’x 40’ wide hole in her hull, and machine-gunning firefighters and stretcher-bearers attempting to save their ship and crew. More than 3,000 machine-gun bullet holes were later counted on the Liberty’s hull. After the attack was thought to have ended, three life rafts were lowered into the water to rescue the most seriously wounded. The Israeli torpedo boats returned and machine-gunned these life rafts at close range. This was followed by the approach of two large Israeli Army assault helicopters filled with armed commandos carrying what appeared to be explosive satchels (they departed after hovering over the ship for several minutes, making no attempt to communicate).
This is the true face of Zionism.
Brucie brucie
You are losing it.
There was a major war situation going on there.
You mention an ‘independent commision’; not much detail there – were they independent of the truth – were they a partisan independent commision (because there are lots of those – decision made before meetings begin etc etc )
In war mistakes happen, and from the lack of US response Iv’e always taken it to mean the ship was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and Israel suspected something. That is the nature of war – you don’t wait to be defeated before acting; you act first and then investigate.
But then people with an agenda will always believe what they will – it’s called ‘Conspiracy Theory’ syndrome
“In war mistakes happen”? A tad glib.
Did 6 million happen last century, Richard?
The apartheid Israeli government paid SIX MILLION dollars, plus interest for their war crime against the USS Liberty.
Funny how that number keeps cropping up.
Hey Dick,
Read this slowly: The USS Liberty was in International Waters. According to surviving crewmembers, Israeli reconnaissance aircraft closely studied the Liberty OVER AN EIGHT-HOUR PERIOD PRIOR TO THE ATTACK, one flying within two hundred feet of the ship. At all times the Liberty was a clearly marked American ship in international waters, proceeding at a speed of only 5 knots.
You effing Zio bastards bite the hand that feeds you. Dick.
As for the Independent Commission, here it is:
Findings of the Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Israeli Attack on the USS Liberty, the Recall of Military Rescue Support Aircraft while the Ship was Under Attack, and the Subsequent Cover-up by the United States Government
OCTOBER 22, 2003
Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Chairman, Liberty Alliance
Former Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps
Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient
Vice Chairman, Liberty Alliance
Former Judge Advocate General of the Navy
Director, Liberty Alliance
Former United States Ambassador to Saudi Arabia
Director, Liberty Alliance
We, the undersigned, having undertaken an independent investigation of Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty, including eyewitness testimony from surviving crewmembers, a review of naval and other official records, an examination of official statements by the Israeli and American governments, a study of the conclusions of all previous official inquiries, and a consideration of important new evidence and recent statements from individuals having direct knowledge of the attack or the cover up, hereby find the following: **
That on June 8, 1967, after eight hours of aerial surveillance, Israel launched a two-hour air and naval attack against the USS Liberty, the world’s most sophisticated intelligence ship, inflicting 34 dead and 172 wounded American servicemen (a casualty rate of seventy percent, in a crew of 294);
That the Israeli air attack lasted approximately 25 minutes, during which time unmarked Israeli aircraft dropped napalm canisters on the Liberty’s bridge, and fired 30mm cannons and rockets into our ship, causing 821 holes, more than 100 of which were rocket-size; survivors estimate 30 or more sorties were flown over the ship by a minimum of 12 attacking Israeli planes which were jamming all five American emergency radio channels;
That the torpedo boat attack involved not only the firing of torpedoes, but the machine-gunning of the Liberty’s firefighters and stretcher-bearers as they struggled to save their ship and crew; the Israeli torpedo boats later returned to machine-gun at close range three of the Liberty’s life rafts that had been lowered into the water by survivors to rescue the most seriously wounded;
That there is compelling evidence that Israel’s attack was a deliberate attempt to destroy an American ship and kill her entire crew; evidence of such intent is supported by statements from Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Undersecretary of State George Ball, former CIA director Richard Helms, former NSA directors Lieutenant General William Odom, USA (Ret.), Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, USN (Ret.), and Marshal Carter; former NSA deputy directors Oliver Kirby and Major General John Morrison, USAF (Ret.); and former Ambassador Dwight Porter, U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon in 1967;
That in attacking the USS Liberty, Israel committed acts of murder against American servicemen and an act of war against the United States;
That fearing conflict with Israel, the White House deliberately prevented the U.S. Navy from coming to the defense of the Liberty by recalling Sixth Fleet military rescue support while the ship was under attack; evidence of the recall of rescue aircraft is supported by statements of Captain Joe Tully, Commanding Officer of the aircraft carrier USS Saratoga, and Rear Admiral Lawrence Geis, the Sixth Fleet carrier division commander, at the time of the attack; never before in American naval history has a rescue mission been cancelled when an American ship was under attack;
That although the Liberty was saved from almost certain destruction through the heroic efforts of the ship’s Captain, William L. McGonagle (MOH), and his brave crew, surviving crewmembers were later threatened with “court-martial, imprisonment or worse” if they exposed the truth; and were abandoned by their own government;
That due to the influence of Israel’s powerful supporters in the United States, the White House deliberately covered up the facts of this attack from the American people;
That due to continuing pressure by the pro-Israel lobby in the United States, this attack remains the only serious naval incident that has never been thoroughly investigated by Congress; to this day, no surviving crewmember has been permitted to officially and publicly testify about the attack;
That there has been an official cover-up without precedent in American naval history; the existence of such a cover-up is now supported by statements of Rear Admiral Merlin Staring, USN (Ret.), former Judge Advocate General of the Navy; and Captain Ward Boston, USN, (Ret.), the chief counsel to the Navy’s 1967 Court of Inquiry of the Liberty attack;
That the truth about Israel’s attack and subsequent White House cover-up continues to be officially concealed from the American people to the present day and is a national disgrace;
That a danger to our national security exists whenever our elected officials are willing to subordinate American interests to those of any foreign nation, and specifically are unwilling to challenge Israel’s interests when they conflict with American interests; this policy, evidenced by the failure to defend the USS Liberty and the subsequent official cover-up of the Israeli attack, endangers the safety of Americans and the security of the United States.
WHEREUPON, we, the undersigned, in order to fulfill our duty to the brave crew of the USS Liberty and to all Americans who are asked to serve in our Armed Forces, hereby call upon the Department of the Navy, the Congress of the United States and the American people to immediately take the following actions:
FIRST: That a new Court of Inquiry be convened by the Department of the Navy, operating with Congressional oversight, to take public testimony from surviving crewmembers; and to thoroughly investigate the circumstances of the attack on the USS Liberty, with full cooperation from the National Security Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency and the military intelligence services, and to determine Israel’s possible motive in launching said attack on a U.S. naval vessel;
SECOND: That every appropriate committee of the Congress of the United States investigate the actions of the White House and Defense Department that prevented the rescue of the USS Liberty, thereafter threatened her surviving officers and men if they exposed the truth, and covered up the true circumstances of the attack from the American people; and
THIRD: That the eighth day of June of every year be proclaimed to be hereafter known as
USS LIBERTY REMEMBRANCE DAY, in order to commemorate the Liberty’s heroic crew; and to educate the American people of the danger to our national security inherent in any passionate attachment of our elected officials for any foreign nation.
We, the undersigned, hereby affix our hands and seals, this 22nd day of October, 2003.
Thomas H. Moorer
Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff,
Chairman, Liberty Alliance
General of Marines Raymond G. Davis, USMC, MOH*
Vice Chairman, Liberty Alliance
Merlin Staring
Rear Admiral Merlin Staring, USN, Ret.,
Former Judge Advocate General of the Navy,
Director, Liberty Alliance
James Akins
Ambassador James Akins, Ret.,
Former United States Ambassador to Saudi Arabia,
Director, Liberty Alliance
*IN MEMORIAM: General of Marines Raymond G. Davis, one of America’s most decorated military heroes (including the Congressional Medal of Honor), Vice Chairman of the Liberty Alliance, and one of the principal members of this Independent Commission of Inquiry, passed away in Conyers, Georgia, on September 3, 2003.
** [1] Captain Ward Boston, USN, JAGC, Ret, the chief Navy attorney for the 1967 U.S. Navy Court of Inquiry into the Israeli attack, has recently come forward to repudiate the Court’s conclusion that the attack was “a case of mistaken identity”. Captain Boston has revealed that all available evidence, in fact, pointed in exactly the opposite direction — that it was a deliberate attack on a clearly identified American ship. In his affidavit dated October 9, 2003, Captain Boston states, “Admiral Kidd and I believed with certainty that this attack, which killed 34 American sailors and injured 172 others, was a deliberate effort to sink an American ship and murder its entire crew. I am certain that the Israeli pilots that undertook the attack, as well as their superiors who had ordered the attack, were aware that the ship was American.” [See Exhibit attached]. Captain Boston stated that he has personal knowledge that Admiral Kidd found the attack to be “a case of mistaken identity” in 1967 only because he was under direct orders to do so by Defense Secretary McNamara and President Johnson.
[2] Lieutenant Commander David E. Lewis, the Liberty’s chief intelligence officer (who was severely wounded in the attack) has reported a conversation with Admiral Lawrence R. Geis, the Sixth Fleet carrier division commander, who visited Lewis after he had been medically evacuated by helicopter to the aircraft carrier USS America. According to Lewis, “He (Admiral Geis) said that he wanted somebody to know that we weren’t forgotten…attempts HAD been made to come to our assistance. He said that he had launched a flight of aircraft to come to our assistance, and he had then called Washington. Secretary McNamara came on the line and ordered the recall of the aircraft, which he did. Concurrently he said that since he suspected that they were afraid that there might have been nuclear weapons on board, he reconfigured another flight of aircraft – strictly conventional weaponry – and re-launched it. After the second launch, he again called Washington to let them know what was going on. Again, Secretary McNamara ordered the aircraft recalled. Not understanding why, he requested confirmation of the order; and the next higher in command came on to confirm that…President Johnson…with the instructions that the aircraft were to be returned, that he would not have his allies embarrassed, he didn’t care who was killed or what was done to the ship…words to that effect. With that, Admiral Geis swore me to secrecy for his lifetime. I had been silent up until I found out from Admiral Moorer that Admiral Geis had passed away” [transcript from NBC’s Liberty Story, aired on national television 1/27/92]. This statement by Commander Lewis has recently been corroborated by Tony Hart, a Navy communications technician stationed at the U.S. Navy Base in Morocco in June, 1967. Mr. Hart connected the telephone conversation between Secretary McNamara and Admiral Geis and stayed on the line to keep them connected. Hart has been recorded as saying that he overheard Admiral Geis refusing McNamara’s order to recall the Sixth Fleet rescue aircraft while the ship was under attack. Mr.Hart reported that McNamara responded, “we are not going to war over a bunch of dead sailors.”
[3] New evidence of intercepted radio communications between attacking Israeli pilots and the Israeli War Room, recorded by a U.S. Navy EC-121 spy plane, in which the Israeli pilots report seeing the Liberty’s American flag flying, has been collected by investigative author James Bamford – for 9 years the Washington Investigative Producer for ABC’s World News Tonight with Peter Jennings (and author of Body of Secrets, which includes a chapter entitled Blood about the attack on the Liberty). A similar radio message was intercepted by the EC-121 from the Israeli motor torpedo boats. This corroborates statements by surviving crewmembers, by Ambassador Dwight Porter, and by senior National Security Agency officials concerning NSA intercepts of Israeli pilot communications identifying the ship as American.
Yes, but as a troll how do you get your hair done in a lockdown?
Nuclear Israel has a strange hold on the US. Israel has in the past had to be dissuaded from using its weapon. Perhaps this was that time.
You’ve just provided lots of information. Yet a serial troll labels you a troll. Classic.
Brucie brucie
Read my post
I never denied the Liberty was attacked
I said that at the time there might have been reasons that made the Israelis undertake the attack
In the fog of war many things occur
And HINDSIGHT is a perfect science after the event, and is always grabbed by the fascists who disagree with the events that occured to try prove whatever point they are trying to make
So Israel was proved guilty and payed compensation
And an Independent group undertook an investigation
The whole point of investigations after wars is to find out where they went wrong, and/or where mistakes were made, so that the same errors will not reoccur in the future
These types of events happen in war, in the past, in the present and will happen in the future.
And your demented ad hominem insults and wild eyed fanaticism will do nothing to change that.
“In the fog of war many things occur”
If it’s foggy you shouldn’t just blast away .. even if you’re Israel.
A 2 hour “error”? Yeah, right.
Hey Dick, you’re a Zio apologist and certainly behind barbed wire with that excuse.
Yes Mike
According to certain sections of the word population Jews/Zionists control the World
I would have thought you would have known that after reading your post.
Incidently, these groups use the term Jew and Zionist interchangably
who is the serial troll that labels me a troll
Is this your “I’m Spartacus” moment, Richard?
Your cry is “I am Sharmuta!”
Incorrect, Richard.
Jew and Zionist are two different classes.
It is David and those gagging for antisemitism that equate them in their ‘crying wold’ pretences.
Sometimes, when I occasionally read your posts, I wonder if you suffer from some sort of reading or comprehension dysfunction.
You made some inane comment on trolls etc., and when I asked you to clarify what you meant so that I could better understand, you reply with another inane comment that doesn’t seem to have any connection either to your original comment or my query.
Your general commentary on this blog seems to be making generalised comments, inane statements, and replies to questions and queries that are unrelated to the subject or the question.
I mostly stopped reading your contributions ages ago for that reason.
My, you are hard work, Richard. Such lack of comprehension.
Your inane comment once again perfectly encapsulates everything I have said.
Considering the amount of comments you make on David’s blog, one is left to wonder if you have a life outside of this blog.
Perhaps I can type with more than one finger, Richard. 🙂
Gnasher sends greetings from Pitcairn
The latest from David’s bestie simple Simon . ” the true leader of the Jewish community”
re the dumping of the Colston statue into the harbour
” first they came for the statues”
We waited in vain for…..
” and I said nothing because I am not a statue”
Brucie Brucie
Funny how you continuously find ways to invoke the memory and tragedy of the Holocaust so that you can denigrate the memory of the six million Jews who were murdered with your normal snide comments and vile innuendo.
What is it that makes you happy with the fact that six million Jews were mass murdered by the Nazis,
Virtually the entire Jewish population East Central Europe was wiped out in the space of six years, and you always belittle and mock their memories.
This is why I call you are an Antisemitic racist bigot
But then more than 6 million died at the hands of Shamir’s admired, Richard.
New York Holocaust Museum puts the total including Jews at 17 million. Writing the others from History, Richard?
Hey Dick, it wasn’t six million, but 1.5 – 2 million, which is still a large figure and a crime, so I’m not denying it happened. But in the fog of war many things occur.
And HINDSIGHT is a perfect science after the event, and is always grabbed by the Zionists who disagree with the events that occurred to inflate the figures to try and justify the miserable existence of the apartheid state.
So Germany was proved guilty and payed compensation
And your demented ad hominem insults and wild eyed fanaticism will do nothing to change that.
Richard, Richard
Funny how you continuously find ways to invoke the memory and tragedy of the Holocaust so that you can justify Israel’s abuse and flouting of humanitarian laws. those Jews that perished in Holocaust would be ashamed of Israel’s actions as many today are.
Sharmuta, You are just upset that the Israelis are NOT the unarmed Jews of WW2 or Khybar.
Happy Nakba!
You are back
I was wondering if Covid had got to you
Hope you are well
only when something too delicious to leave you all in ignorance of crops up Richard crops . I am very well ty hope you are the same
The true face of Zionism: On 8 June, 1967 (53 years ago today), the American research ship, USS LIBERTY, WHILE IN INTERNATIONAL WATERS, was deliberately attacked by Zionist jet fighter aircraft and navy torpedo boats hoping to kill all crewmen aboard.
It was an Zionist-initiated Holocaust that killed 34 Americans, wounded 171 crew and severely damaged the ship.
It was a day that Israel intentionally attacked America.
The figure of six million has always been a rounded off approximation.
It is derived from figures relating to pre-war and post-war Jewish population statistics and German/Nazi records that were captured after the war.
The records of my fathers uncle and two aunts and their families (on his mothers side) are part of those records that were found after the war.
Jews comprised majorities, or near majorities, in countless communities in East -Central-Southern Europe for centuries, yet after the war there were very few Jews left in those areas.
So where is your documented and verified proof to back up your numbers.
And please don’t quote your Rabbi from the Simpsons cartoon series as a source.
And your morbid fascination with, and attempts to diminish and denigrate the Holocaust are the reasons why I call you an Antisemitic Racist Bigot,
Your ad hominem personal attacks on Israel and its supporters, Zionists and Zionism are the reason why I call you an Intolerant Racist Bigot.
Your take on Hindsight is a bit senseless and garbled; please try to be a bit more lucid with your answer
“Your ad hominem personal attacks on Israel and its supporters, Zionists and Zionism are the reason why I call you an Intolerant Racist Bigot.”
None of that is remotely racist! Just the usual dishonest spin.
Brucie brucie
There you go again trying to denigrate and diminish the Holocaust by trying to compare the mass murder of six million Jews by the Nazis and their acolytes to the attack on an American warship during a war.
This is why I call you an Antisemitic Racist Bigot
Alright Bellers. Un-flounced again?
Michael’s kept your slogans warm but he’s still the liability you said he was when he tries to play your “Poke David Collier” Game.
That other dick, Pretend Bruce will be glad to see you too. His Provocator-o-meter is way over on the red and he’s been running on vapour since the lock-down. Couple of nice copy/pastes from your 2006 ‘Incidental Jew’ repertoire will put everything back on an even keel I reckon.
Hey Dick, call me what you like, but you’re making me choke and gasp with your comment. I suppose you’d like me to grovel before you because your ancestors perished during the Second World War? Even most African-Americans whose ancestors were enslaved, don’t expect favourable treatment solely on that basis and to do so would be an insult to them, their intelligence, talents, skills and abilities. My ancestors were slaves in Egypt a few thousand of years ago. Doesn’t that make you feel eternally sorry for me? Of course not. No sane person would expect that.
Many so-called ‘Holocaust Museums’ agree that there’s no way of definitely knowing how many perished. Jews themselves can’t even agree on a figure. The respected academic NY Rabbi, Yosef Mizrachi, claimed that one million Jews died. After WW2, the numbers kept fluctuating to 1. Appease the Zionists, 2. Divert attention away and excuse the many Zionist crimes against Palestinians and 3. Encourage immigration to Israel.
Get real. Dick.
Alright Mick,
You and Michael like to think of dead Jews as a procedural accounting issue. Fair enough. If a number between 1.5m and 6m is insufficient in your minds to engender sympathy for Israel and live Jews, what number did you have in mind?
Your true face is brutally ugly but it’s still a pleasure to watch your mask slip, Brutes. BTW, an alien named Gazoo told me that 200 million Jews were murdered by the Nazis. I told him there was someone who took insane claims at face value (in the other direction, of course), so when he contacts you…
bruciue brucie
a lot of huff and puff but no facts
Facts boy, facts: not your convoluted opinions
Any idiot can say the numbers were increased because that’s what the Zionists wanted, but without backup evidence, it’s just your opinion
I did not seek anything from you concerning the deaths of distant family members in the Holocaust other than to say their existance as residents of Berlin and their demise at the hands of the Nazis was catalouged by the Nazis and is in the archives in Berlin. Proof
So until you can start giving verifiable evidence to back up your attempts to denigrate and belittle
the Holocaust, I will call you the Antisemitic Racist Bigot that you are
Collier tweets – “The Tory decision to readmit Ryan Houghton is shameful. There should be zero tolerance for antisemitsm
But how is it all of a sudden – there are all these Corbynites who think Holocaust denial and antisemitism is an issue-
they’ve been staunchly defending their own for 5 years”
Does anyone have a quote of Houghton’s remarks.
All I can find is ‘The Aberdeen councillor claimed he had been taking part in political discussion when he published the remarks, which included stating some parts of the Holocaust had been “fabricated and exaggerated”.”
How is voicing that opinion(if that is true) at all antisemitic. Are opinions now banned?
I have yet to hear a sensible reason for the label.
Anyone wish to present one?
‘Ave a word with Michael, Bellers.
This can’t be helping your team.
Collier tweets – “The Palestinan textbooks teach children to hate
Their streets are named after terrorists
They give life long pensions to those who murder Jews
Their leaders reject offer after offer for genuine peace
And they seek to destroy Israel
Israel cannot make peace without a partner”
Israeli textbooks teach anti-Arab thought.
Highway 50, officially is called Begin Boulevard.
There is a Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Israel. Menachem Begin was a Jewish terrorist, a term Israel regularly uses towards others.
There is also an annual memorial ceremony for former prime minister Yitzhak Shamir who was also a Jewish terrorist.
Israel’s gov. ontinues to build outside of its state and is determined to erase any hope of a Palestinian state where they could have self-determination.
Israel’s Nation Law has now taken the right of self-determination from all of its non-Jewish citizens.
Michael, were you aware that our former PM Menachem Begin was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. As a pro-Palestinian you may also be aware that their leader Yasser Arafat was also awarded the prize.
In your opinion were they equally worthy recipients?
David tweets “Israel is the size of Wales”
More than big enough for those Jews that lived there in the ’40s.
But then Mossad and Zionist groups worked hard in MENA countries to have them leave and emigrate to Israel. if it’s crowded, Even now it subsidises Jews to move and live in the settlements.
Israel has only itself to blame.
Pal-e-STINE is the size of, and occupies the same space as Jordan.
Happy Nakba!
When David was questioned about ‘fighting antisemitism everywhere’.
Questioner : David, can you go through your record on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : Do you think that’s a point?
Questioner : David, would you like to go through your record on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : I’m not a member of the Tory Party.
Questioner : Antisemitism exists everywhere, if you are here to fight antisemitism you fight antisemitism everywhere.
David : I agree
Questioner : You seem to ‘specialise’ in antisemitism in the Labour Party, Can you tell me what your record is on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : Your question is disingenuous …… I am a member of the Labour Party.
Michael, you told us you were pro-Palestinian. How come you are afraid to express your opinion on their former leader Yasser Arafat and on the plight of their people in Judea and Samaria ?
Are you really pro-Palestinian?
Alright Mick,
Your team have this weird thing where you reduce the industrial genocide of Jews to a minor accounting irregularity. You find it useful to talk about around one million dead. Michael still uses six million with big caveats. So the question remains, if neither figure is enough for everyone to have real sympathy for Jews and Israel, what number did you have in mind?