The Global Peace and Unity – GPU festival
The first GPU festival in eleven years was just held at the Excel London exhibition and convention centre. Organised by the Islam Channel, it is a reboot of the near-annual festival that was held six times between 2005 and 2013 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). Historically this festival has given a platform to a range of extremist speakers – and this year certainly did not let that tradition down.
Although it bills itself as the ‘largest multicultural event in Europe’, there is only one real culture on show, and as 50,000+ Muslims entered its halls, the Excel London was turned into a radicalisation chamber for two whole days.
The way this works is quite clever. On the surface, this is a cultural festival, set up to entertain the whole family. As you walk around the large exhibition hall, there are activities for everyone (similar to the way the PalExpo operated in 2017). This year they even set up a fun fair for young children, with numerous fairground rides keeping them happy. There is ample place for eating – and a few places selling tasty halal meals. Then there are endless stalls – offering everything from Halal travel, to help with your religious wedding arrangements.
So if you attack the festival – this mask of decency will be used to attack you in return. After all, if you have a problem with Halal food and Muslim children having fun – then surely you must be an anti-Muslim bigot.
But it isn’t all set out to entertain. Underneath it all there is an extremist drumbeat. In fact – because of the number of Muslims who arrive specifically to enjoy a family day out – the cultural side of the ‘festival’ could be considered akin to a well designed trap.
One of the most visible parts of the exhibition hall, is the amount of pro-Palestinian items on sale. These stalls are everywhere. The largest stall on the floor, belonged to Friends of Al Aqsa – and it was constantly surrounded by people crowding round – buying up everything they could. ‘Palestine’ is a real money maker.
Given that it is mostly fake news that is behind the hysteria driving the sales of these items – some people in that hall were making a real profit off the back of lies, an easily duped clientele, and the misery of people who are actually suffering in wartime.
Other stalls of this type were more problematic – there was one for the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM). This is a new Marxist driven student group in the UK, that has been imported from America. PYM in the States openly supports terrorists and is aligned with the PFLP. It is also closely associated with the other PFLP baby, Samidoun – which is currently being proscribed across the western world.
This is PYM Britain – clearly marking itself as the ‘British chapter’ of the global movement.
This is a US PYM Instagram post from 8 October:
There is no way this type of group should be allowed to promote itself inside the Excel London.
Yet even more troubling stuff was occurring away from the exhibition hall.
The GPU festival conference centre
The Excel London is a big venue – and it took a while to walk from the exhibition hall to the conference centre where the speeches were taking place. The auditorium is massive, and when I arrived early, it looked empty – but as the day progressed the room became far busier. I also managed to get another photo for my collection – this time with Norman Finkelstein (I have a collection of selfies with arch anti-Zionists that I will use if I ever get around to writing up my story in a book):
On the stage there were dozens of speakers spread over the two days – most given about ten to fifteen minutes each. Because of other things I needed to see I didn’t sit through them all, but chose which ones I wanted to hear.
One of the first up was Mahathir Mohamad – the former PM of Malaysia. A man known for making disgusting antisemitic remarks. His inclusion gave me an indication of what to expect, so I sat back and prepared myself for what was to follow.
For example, Ilan Pappe told a fictional tale of history (as he often does). He spoke of a time before the colonial era – where Muslims, Jews and Christians lived in peace and equality in the Middle East. This isn’t history – it is fiction. How this man is ever permitted to lecture in history is beyond me. The region NEVER knew equality – and seldom saw peace. And above it all – in the period before the arrival of European influence – the Muslim supremacist Dhimmi system was the law of the land. An Apartheid system which was only abolished BECAUSE of the growing strength of the colonial powers in the region. Pappe paints this ‘goal’ (pre-colonial Middle East) – as what we need to strive for today. Which basically means he is calling for Islamist supremacy – and a return to a time when the Jewish and Christian populations had to kneel before their Muslim masters.
He wasn’t the only liar to take to the stage. Ben Jamal – head of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign did not miss the opportunity to spread hate and lies. Ben Jamal is an accomplished speaker, he has a powerful voice and he easily works up the crowd. Yet as he spoke to the hall, almost everything that came out of his mouth was a lie. It was a tale of a demonic state full of evil people singing songs about burning Palestinians alive. Then (importantly because it was a recurring message on the stage) he said this:
“Israel has no right to defend itself… it is the Palestinian people that have a right to resist – including, as enshrined within international law, through armed resistance“.
There was no qualification to Jamal’s statement – or from any of the other speakers who pushed the same message. It is left to the audience to decide whether this support for terrorism includes the atrocities of Oct 7 or not.
Jamal ended his speech with cries of ‘free free Palestine’ – as several other speakers did as well.
Some are not shy about telling everyone what is coming. While on the stage, Fatima Barkatulla had this to say:
“I have six things that I want each and every one of us – Muslims of Britain – to do, because we are the future of Britain. We are officially the future of Britain, because, we are the fastest growing religious group in Britain. We are the ones who have the biggest and strongest families….and also we are sharing the message of Islam”
Fatima Barkatulla – the face of the future of Britain – was one of those who on the 8th October 2023 posted that the Palestinian resistance is ‘100% legitimate’.
It goes on. Ismail Patel, the head of Friends of Al Aqsa, gave a predictable speech devoid of all facts, and Norman Finkelstein actually said on the stage that condemning the Hamas atrocities of October 7 was ‘giving more ground than ought to be given’. Finkelstein then went on to paint a picture which implied Hamas were given little choice but to do what they did.
I won’t overrun this post with the content of dozens of speeches. And it isn’t that there was a single message. It is the cocktail that makes this all so dangerous. The delusional lack of historicity from Ilan Pappe, the naive foolishness of the convert Paul Williams, the toxic deception of Ben Jamal, the single-minded zealous outlook of Fatima Barkatulla, the terrorist-excusing mental acrobatics of Norman Finkelstein – they all play their part. And it is when these elements are mixed up with raw religious extremism that steers people towards open support for terrorism and violence.
As a sign of even darker times ahead, there were various references by speakers painting themselves as the enemy within – descriptions of what it is like for them living in the ‘belly of the beast’ (either refering to the UK or US) – and how the Ummah needs to take action against the global north which (because of Zionist dependence) is unable to stop the ‘worst of mankind’ (unspoken – but they mean Zionist Jews). It is not difficult to read between these lines.
Are the counter-terrorist police really not paying attention to any of this?
Which brings us to the seminars
Up in the seminar rooms
I headed to the third floor where Latifa Abouchakra was due to speak on a panel. Latifa Abouchakra is a presenter at the Iranian PRESS TV channel. Some may recognise her name because on the 7 October she published an Instagram post in total awe of the Hamas attack. And they call this a peace conference?
Abouchakra’s input was predictable. She suggested that the October 7 atrocity was a ‘biblical battle of good (Hamas) vs evil (the innocent Israeli victims). Even suggesting the attack had restored pride in the Ummah:
I sat and heard this open admiration for atrocities committed by a proscribed terrorist group at the Excel – one of London’s premier venues – and nobody bats an eye. At this point it really is difficult to see how London can offer a safe future to British Jews.
Also being handed around at the Excel London was printed material to support the ‘pro-terrorist’ message. A pocket-sized ‘reclaim the dictionary’ booklet. It was only large enough for three examples. But sure enough people were instructed that instead of ‘terrorism’ – they should use the word ‘resistance’:
There are no caveats or conditions to the information provided – without being explicit it provides cover for every terrorist atrocity.
And it was time to go home and have a shower.
The pro-terrorist message was everywhere. And the more you listen to the careful statements – and coded messages – the more you realise how widespread these sentiments are in this community. Nobody questions the pro-terrorist drumbeat.
And this is not hidden away in some local hall in Bradford or Dewsbury. It is taking place at the Excel London. If the UK cannot see the problem – if even London’s greatest venues are willing to play host to all this – there really is not much left to discuss.
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Bless you David for making the public more aware of Jihadist intentions. Regarding Fatima Barkatulla, the Reverend David Pawson, a leading UK Evangelical Christian, has forecast that Muslims will become a future prime power in our nation, overtaking our Judeo-Christian heritage. He says this will be a Divine judgment on our country for its slide into secularism.
Very interesting article and exposes what most decent people already know about the dark corners of islamic extremism and the profiteers of palihamas!
@harmony What you say is echoed as well amongst those paying attention within the evangelical community in the states concerning what appears to be of divine judgment Yet His hand is stretched out in mercy still unto them that repent and find shelter underneath the everlasting arms of God our Savior- Truly we live in biblical times We watch as the Mosaic of the Most High unfolds The convergence of many things Truly the birth pangs increase These have an end Just as it is written
Praying for the peace of Jerusalem and the salvation of Israel Praying for the nations
Behold He who is coming shall come and not tarry Behold His reward is with Him All who trust in Him shall not be ashamed
As an ex-Muslim, I am not surprised by all this. This typical behaviour of the community and i the same worldwide. Muslims siding Muslims.
They will not condemn Muslims killing Muslims, like in Yemen, Syria where Hezbollah targets Sunnis, where ISIS kills Shias. But Ummah of course! Keep up the great work! We’re rooting for you! We have similar problem in India as well. They partitioned in 1946 on the grounds that Muslims cannot sustain with Hindus. Yet, a large population stayed back and enjoy the life of the largest democracy on the planet, yet they’re all driven by the agenda of ‘Ghazwa-e-Hind’ ( Conquering Hind). Unfortunately, Hindus speaking up and resisting their motives have been deemed as Islaophobia by none other than the great West, US, UK included. We are all suffering Islam. We must come together and make them learn, otherwise Humanity is doomed with Islamists.
I suggest the so-called ‘Marxists’ who attended this function should read what the atheist Marx had to say about the followers of Islam. I quote: ‘Were it not for their monopoly of civil and military power they would soon disappear. But their monopoly has become impossible for the future, and their power is turned into impotence, except for obstructions in the way of progress. ..The fact is, they must be got rid of…there will be, sooner or later, an absolute necessity for freeing one of the finest parts of this continent [Europe] from the rule of the mob, compared with which the mob of Imperial Rome was an assemblage of sages and heroes.’ And much more of the same.
I bet, some of the racist “activists” edit wiki…
“Anti-Israel bias on Wikipedia”
2000 / 2024
HAARETZISM (- casting genuine fear of racist Arab-Islamist terror as supposedly “racist,” while justifying or at least Whitewashing that raw racist terror targeting Jews).
Ramallah lynch 10.12.00: Animalistic lynching of 2 Israeis who lost their way, beaten, brutality butchered. Crying Allah Akbar: mutilation while moaning as Arab masses cheer public square, (described as bestial / like animals), “Palestine” policeman involved, PA would glorify butchers; apologetic for racist Arab terror Haaretz don’t pass ‘lynch test’ [Haaretzism]
Ministries call to cut ties with Haaretz after publisher calls terrorists ‘freedom fighters’.
Ran Boker|10.31.24
David, my contacts within Tel Aviv told me that Israeli surgeons are dissecting Palestinian civilians alive. an you help? What can be done to stop these Zionist atrocities?
Harris’ loss, instability & the “palestine” ‘Hitler youth’ like rioters?
Harris’ loss, instability & the “palestine” ‘Hitler youth’ like rioters?
2024 elections, with a Kamala Harris’ huge 1B dollar campaign, spreading all over. Unleashing millions of door knocking; all that star power, the Obamas, Clintons, some former Republicans; the WMD of ‘abortion.’
And what?
The Dems. couldn’t get the first female, and of color to be President?
Of course, it’s the economy stupid. But it’s linked/part of one concept: stability.
Border insecurity and uncontrolled influx, is that toonis part of it.
Here’s another chaotic scene that makes people nervous.
Well, with all her pandering to the Islamic-Arab [immigrants’] lobby, AKA “undocumented” big noise and threats. Maybe the average American, deep inside, is simply in fear of these rioters?
Their actions (swastika Palestine, physical attacks, hyperbolic language: Pallyweid) actually exposes the “Palestinian” cause for that it is at its core: bigotry.
(Not that most aren’t aware which side is the cynical one, using its civilians).
And yes, unvetted immigrants and the “protestsers” are also not unrelated.
“Swastika Palestine” effect?
When NYT’s Thomas Friedman admits Harris lost because of woke and that already a day after Oct 7 massacres there were anti Israel protests.
Well well, what a surprise :-). The same nonsense from David as always. More than 40,000 Palestinians murdered by a psychotic Israel, so David goes to a pro-Palestinian event with the intention of finding anti-Semitism, and comes back with nothing, not one example apart from criticism of the Israeli Zionist colonisers, which in his warped mind reads as ‘Jew hate’ or some other manifestation of victimisation of the depraved Israeli killers.
Hello Jack. Losing has become habitual for your team now and as I’ve said before here, you will live your entire life in disappointment as you watch the Jewish State flourish despite all your internet posts.
To be honest, I think things are about to get much worse for you and I doubt you’re going to like what happens next, at all. Uncle Donald’s back, baby!
Hello Ian, yes the madmad is back again, but he can’t help you. The Jewish, no Zionist state is not exactly flourishing, even insiders know that it is crumbling and long may it continue to do so.
Oh go on then Jack. I’m feeling charitable. You can have the internet win today. That should boost your “Arabs helped per Jack post” stats. You’re welcome.