Yesterday the BBC published a piece about a small anti-racist protest in Dover. The headline? ‘Anti-racism protesters gather in Dover’.
This is the image that they used for that headline:
This is an inexcusable lie from BBC News. It is vile, dangerous – and does not need a report or 2000+ word explanation to lay out the case. This is one of those occasions where the image does all the talking, and another of the examples of ‘activism posing as news’ that can be used if the BBC are ever held to account (a few more examples 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).
The image clearly shows a crowd full of Palestinian flags and a banner from an extremist group ‘Thanet 4 Palestine’ can be seen at the front. There may be anti-racists somewhere in the crowd, but we cannot see them – and they are not the headline act. Given what we can see it is totally dishonest to even try to identify this crowd as an anti-racist one. That is the choice these people made when they agreed to be fronted by an anti-Israel position.
This crowd visibly identifies as a group of terrorist supporting Palestinian nationalists waving the flag of an antisemitic, homophobic, misogynistic, anti-democratic, Islamist society with a history of deadly terrorism. These are not ‘anti-racists’. Certainly not in any dictionary printed outside of Tehran.
And make no mistake, this is dangerous disinformation that the BBC is spreading. When you reach this point – when the Palestinian flag becomes identified with anti-racism – then the reverse also becomes true. A perfect ‘foil’ as a good friend said to me. Those waving the Israeli flag automatically become the ‘racists’.
This leading image is not an accident or oversight. It is the result of decades of drip-fed antisemitism into the DNA of the BBC (and much of mainstream media and academia). On one side the process was enabled through the established hard-left ‘woke’ section of the British civil service. The other, an inevitable side effect of hard-left blindness, the corruption from within that takes place when you strive for diversity while using toxic sources such as ex Al-Jazeera staffers as a recruitment pool.
This is why you will see a queue of unacceptable and antisemitic experts brought in by the BBC – but you would rarely see anyone like me. My position as a staunch opponent of the very people that the BBC views as ‘anti-racist’ (people waving Palestinian flags) – places me well outside the BBC Overton window.
Any organisation infected so badly by the virus of antisemitism will never be able to correct itself. The BBC is spreading anti-Jewish hatred and must be held to account. This image proves it beyond any argument. Make sure it gets spread widely.
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Presumably you have proof that these individuals support terrorism- or is it just something you made up?
Oh how sweet. Let’s play a game
Can you name a single major Palestinian faction (PFLP. Fatah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad etc etc) that does not support terrorism?
“As a palestinian I don’t think they are doing much for my country… I’ve lost…I know people who have lost family in Gaza.”
Martha Raddatz Reports. This Week on ABC, around 10:35 AM ET
An interviewee by Martha, cast as “uncommitted”. Palestine Firster and Taqyia too: she “lost” or she “knows someone” who lost in Gaza…
How and where can I complain?
Good question.
With the BBC you have to stand up on a table and shout and throw stuff (metaphorically) – like I do…
Or go through their complaint system
It was a demonstration against the Zionist occupation of Palestine. Zionists are racists, it’s as clear and simple as that!
Speaking as a Jewish Israeli Zionist Jack, I think we need your help. We’ve seen how cross you chaps have got with us and tried to cheer you up and make you like us. So, we phoned the Egyptians, the Jordanians, the British and the Ottomans and asked them which bits of their land they want back. We even faxed that Muhammed Deif, the chap from Hamas. So far we haven’t heard back from any of them. You say you’re in the know. Who do we chat to?
Ah, there’s your mistake Ian (racist Jewish Israeli Zionist), you’ve been talking to the wrong people 🙂
You need to make contact with those whose land you stole. Even though Zionists have murdered well over 40,000 of them, I’m sure if you try hard enough, someone will talk to you.
Quite so Jack but with Yankel Sinwar ghosting us and all the other murderous savages and embezzlers being slotted with great precision, who do you suggest we talk to? Egypt says it doesn’t want Gaza back. Jordan says it doesn’t want Judea and Samaria back. Britain and Turkey don’t want any of it back and when we tried to call Assad, his people kept calling it all South Syria and had never heard of Palestine.
You seem to be the only one banging on about all this and you’re 5000 miles away. So, assuming that you care so much coz you once met an Arab at Poly or the like, have you kept his number? If so send it over and we’ll see if we can sort something out. Cheers.
Didn’t listen to you in 2019, didn’t listen to you in 2022, not listening to you now. If you had a thought in your pointy and gross head (you don’t) it would die of loneliness.
There are basically these types of fantasy theories (bigotry related) peddlers.
1. The ignorant and the gullible. In the minority.
2. Malicious, who mostly don’t believe in what they propagate but would like others to believe it. Because they hate.
3. The same as #2 but have been convincing themselves to believe in what they did not, overtime. At least much of it.
(Goebbels did not believe that the [infamous forgery] Protocols were true. When he told Hitler –who told him to use it– that it’s fiction, Hitler said, yes, it’s fake but also true)
Sept 2, 2006 is when fake “historian” Ilan Pappe invented the “genocide” label libel (Pallyweid)
September 2006:
On September 2, 2006, Ilan Pappe – fake “historian”[1], promoted the false “genocide” label-libel.[2]
July 2014:
Francesca Albanese, as she promoted an Anti-Semitic trope (July 31)[3], 6 days earlier, she had also pushed the G word. As well as Susan Akram who equated “palestinian” Arabs and no less with Holocaust victims used the G word. Akram Is working in Albanese’s Global Impact Network (GNQP).
2023 – before and after Oct 7:
Before Oct 7 genocidal attacks, the G word om victim Israel picked up speed.
After the Oct 7 atrocities it worked overtime for this.
Her lobbies – network bragged (Nov 21, 2024) for being among the first pushing the genocide term post Oct 7.[4].
[1]. Benny Morris, The New Republic, March 17, 2011. “The Liar as Hero.” ‘At best, Ilan Pappe must be one of the world’s sloppiest historians; at worst, one of the most dishonest. In truth, he probably merits a place somewhere between the two.’
[2]. Ilan Pappe, EI, Sep 2, 2006.
Francesca Albanese: UN Special Rapporteur Demonizes Israel. NGO Monitor. December 15, 2022. []
Exposed: Francesca Albanese’s Global Influence Network Targeting Israel.
UN Watch, June 11, 2024.
May 1933: “Arab ‘anti-Semitism” As Arab Palestine supports Hitler – exposes the lie: “we are only against Zionists”
Davar, May 23, 1933.
Arab ‘anti-Semitism.’
We knew quite well, that the official leaders of the Arabs of the country and their journalists hate “Zion” and the Jewish settlement in Israel in general. The causes and reasons are known. They are not in any case showing hostility towards the Zionists and the Jews in Israel, they would repeat and emphasize that they are free from hatred of the Jewish-people, from anti-Semitism. On the contrary, they would boast at every opportunity of their rights, related to the love of the Jewish-people in the past, and as if their hatred in the present did not apply to the Jewish community. The events in Germany came and revealed the true face of these Semites.
Three daily newspapers in [Eretz-Yisrael] Palestine, which reflect the opinions of Arab leaders and the active political class: ‘Falastin’ – فلسطين, ‘Al-Jami’a al-Arabiyya’ – الجامعة العربية and ‘Al-jamā’ah al-islāmīyah’ – الجماعة الإسلامية. To begin with, there was a difference in the attitude of these newspapers towards the persecution of the Jews in Germany. Falastin wrote several times against the persecutions, although in a very lukewarm tone, the two Muslim newspapers drowned from the first moment any small comment about opposition to the persecution of a people — in case they did not forget to attach such a comment — in a flood of harsh words, slander and justification of the persecution of the Jews. And the next day, ‘Falastin’ also followed them.
The crown of Arab anti-Semitism in the events of Germany goes without a doubt to the Mufti newspaper: ‘Al-Jami’a al-Arabiyya.’ This newspaper supported Hitlerism in the past, because fascist nationalism is its ideal. It always repeated the slogan: we support Hitler and only one thing will violate our joy. With his victory, his rule will increase the flow of Jewish immigration to Israel. And here Hitler came to power, terrible persecutions took place against the Jews of Germany, and ‘Al-Jami’a’ immediately sided with the Nazis to protect them from the “false [sic] Jewish” propaganda.
Almost every day, original and translated articles appear in this newspaper fighting the news about “so-called persecutions”, (الاضطهاد .) All the world’s newspapers and German government laws are (supposedly) “false”, and only a denial of the Nazis’ are “credible” to the editor of ‘Al Jamiah’. Several times he claimed in main articles from the government on the “insult” of the German consuls in Jerusalem and Jaffa at the hands of the Jews, and “establishes” in connection with this the inferiority of the Jewish race in comparison to the Germans. And it was not enough to pit the Arabs against the Jews, but he began to pit the Jews against the Germans in Palestine.
In the issue of May 16, he writes in this vein: There has been a German diaspora in Palestine for decades…. And in his speech about the Jews in Germany he writes (ibid.) “The Nazis rose up against the German Jews, who spread…” And the editor of ‘Islamiya’ writes simply (on May 22): “When Hitlerism appeared, the Arabs cheered and rejoiced, saying: A blow from heaven in the hands of others.” …
But between ‘Al-Jami’a’ and ‘Islamiyah’ there is a difference of opinion on one point: according to the former, Hitler caused a loss to Palestine by increasing the aspiration and immigration to the land, whereas the latter account of the owner of ‘Islamia’ is of great win to all “seekers of justice: “First of all, the strongest Jewish community in Europe must be torn to pieces, and in any case, Jewry in general is weakened. Second, there is no doubt that Hitler’s ideas will also spread to other countries, according to the “Law of the Spread of Contagious Diseases[sic],” and Jewry will be destroyed there as well. And third, now the end will come to the rule of England and France in the world. Italy has already risen and Germany is now standing beside it. Well, looting of systems, a new equilibrium, and here is a convenient opportunity for “those seeking justice.” The main “demander of justice” of “Islamia” removed all veils here: his ambition – the destruction of Jewry. Of course, ‘Falastin’ needs no lesson in anti-Semitism and hatred of the Jews from its Muslim friends. It stands on the ‘height’ of place and time.
All the conspiracies and lies that the anti-Semites in the world have concocted from time to time in relation to the Jews are chewed up every day in this newspaper and are presented to the reader with the addition of a well-known “Palestinian spice”.
The newspaper seeks to publish any news that contains any ‘denouncing’ of Hitler’s opponents, and concludes (May 4): “We did not doubt it at all, since the Jewish newspapers began to widely spread their abundant lies [sic] about the persecution of Jews in Germany, because they are false [sic] in their information, and criminals in their signature on the German people, who gave modern culture so much philosophical science and art.”
Of the small Arab newspapers, ‘Mir’at Al-Sharq مرﺁة الشرق – ‘ was the only one, which expressed human sorrow for the persecution of the Jews in Germany, but demanded a price for this expression: renouncing the Balfour Declaration!
For anyone who knows the heads of the strata in the Arab camp, there is no surprise in the ‘anti-Semitic’ revelation of the Arab newspapers. We knew it..!
However, what is interesting about this whole phenomenon is that in the same pages where these Muslim Arabs are standing alongside Hitler, who declares to the world that his plan is to place the Jewish community, which has lived in Germany no less than during the days of Islam on earth, outside of any civil law — in those pages, the Arabs of the country are literally “screaming bloody murder” on persecution of their brothers in North Africa! And those Muslim Arabs, who see themselves as being persecuted in several places, have no desire to listen to the moans of other persecuted people….
And from here there is only one and only conclusion regarding Eretz Yisrael (“palestine”): the Arab leaders are already today Hitlerites in idea, and woe betide the Jewish community in Israel if power is given to them. The ‘anti-Semitic revelation’ regarding the events in Germany should serve as a political document for us in any negotiation about the guarding (Mishmar) in Israel…
BBC accused of violating own guidelines 1,500 times in Gaza war coverage.
Study of coverage of the first 4 months of the war finds serious bias against Israel in BBC reporting, Hamas called a terrorist organization just 3.2% of time.
Israel National News. Sep 8, 2024, 8:47 AM (GMT+3)
A damning new report accuses the BBC of violating its own editorial guidelines more than 1,500 times during the first four months of the war between Israel and the Hamas terrorist organization, the Telegraph reported.
The report, which was led by British lawyer Trevor Asserson, “deeply worrying pattern of bias” against the Jewish State during that period immediately following the massacre of 1,200 people by Hamas terrorists on October 7, 2023.
Among the instances of bias, the report found that the BBC associated Israel with “genocide” 14 times more than Hamas, despite Israel’s efforts to avoid causing civilian casualties and the genocidal nature of Hamas’ stated objectives of wiping out the Jewish population of Israel. Israel was accused of war crimes four times more than Hamas despite the fact that Hamas terrorists filmed themselves committing war crimes.
In addition, the term “terrorist organization” was used to describe Hamas only 3.2% of the time, despite Hamas being defined as a terrorist organization by the British government.
The BBC’s Arabic-language channel was particularly biased against Israel in its reporting and featured reporters who had praised terrorism against Israelis and Hamas without informing viewers of this fact.
BBC International Editor Jeremy Bowen and international correspondent Lyse Doucet were both accused of downplaying Hamas terrorism, with Doucet accused of downplaying the atrocities committed on October 7.
Conservatives in Parliament criticized the BBC following the publication of the report. Shadow Deputy Prime Minister Sir Oliver Dowden said, “Serious questions should be asked as to why this has been allowed to happen, and license-fee payers should expect to see the BBC stick to its own editorial guidelines.”
MP Greg Smith said, “We knew in the aftermath of October 7 that the BBC was struggling to call a terrorist a terrorist. There are now clear grounds for Ofcom and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport to use every tool they have in their arsenal to bring about greater compliance with the rules around neutrality and fair coverage in the BBC charter.”
A BBC spokesperson said the organization would “carefully consider” the report, but added that it had “serious questions” about the methodology used in the report.