BBC News: A deceptive, amateur, anti-Zionist train wreck

There comes a time when you have to accept there is no saving the BBC, and we are way past that point. I am so angry and tired with all this that I cannot even be bothered to give this piece a proper introduction. I have broken this analysis of the latest attack by the BBC’s anti-Zionists down into nine digestible parts. 1. The BBC’s … Continue reading BBC News: A deceptive, amateur, anti-Zionist train wreck

BBC apology - not to be accepted

The BBC apology should be absolutely rejected

Last week I ran an exclusive which exposed blatant antisemitism in a live BBC News interview with a Jerusalem based Rabbi. When faced with the undeniable evidence of inexcusable bias that was presented – the BBC has actually apologised to the Rabbi concerned. Sometimes it is right to accept an apology and move on. This is not one of those times. The BBC apology for … Continue reading The BBC apology should be absolutely rejected