This is what terrorist propaganda looks like

Just a few weeks after the BBC were forced to take down a documentary because of Hamas family ties to the narrator – the BBC anti-Israel factory has churned out another classic.

In this latest example, the BBC disgracefully whitewash two terrorist families in order to portray Israel as bloodthirsty child killers. It is a classic antisemitic smear.

The core message of the article

The BBC article in question covered Israel’s renewed attack on Gaza a few days ago. The Hamas propaganda arm works quickly, and following the attacks the news channels became full of claims of hundreds of dead – with an emphasis as always on children:

The BBC cannot help itself – and taking its cues from news channels that support the ‘resistance’, it jumped swiftly into action. The end product was a piece written by Jon Donnison that relied on two grieving fathers – both with children who were killed in the Israeli strikes.

Jon Donnison, has a long history of ‘missteps‘ when it comes to reporting on Israel. And this piece is a classic of its type:

  • It is driven by the ignorance and anti-Israel bias of the journalist
  • The article makes important factual errors (which always lean towards demonising Israel)
  • Focuses on grieving parents and dead children (to break everyone’s heart)
  • And then lays the blame for all of the death and destruction on Israel (so people can be sure where to point their anger)

Because of the gravity of the BBC errors, I am going to ignore everything else and just focus on the key witnesses- the two grieving fathers.

The BBC portray them and their children as innocent victims of an Israeli strike.

But what if Donnison has it all wrong? What if the children were only caught up in the strike because the families are involved in terrorism? This would mean that it was the parents and their families who are responsible for what unfolded.

What if the Palestinians that the BBC is telling you to support are the terrorists? What then?

It all comes down to the question of the identity of the two fathers. So let me introduce them to you.

Meet father one:  ‘Alaa Abu Hihal’

Hilal was the face of the BBC article. Alaa Abu Hilal’s name was spelt wrongly by the BBC (I always wonder if this is incompetence or something more sinister) – but I found his Facebook timeline anyway. And our ‘innocent victim’ had posted this on FB on October 9 2023:

It is a mourning post about his uncle who was targeted by Israel in the days following October 7. His uncle Rafat Abu Hilal was the commander of the Palestine Revolutionary Committees ‘Salah al Din Brigades’ – the PRC’s military group. The PRC is a Jihadist terrorist outfit working alongside Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

Although the BBC article does not mention her by name, I tracked down Abu Hilal’s wife. Her name was Afnan Al-Ghannam, and her timeline is even more enlightening. On May 23rd 2023 she posted this:

This is Jihad Shaker al-Ghannam. It is her uncle. He had just been killed by an Israeli airstrike. He was secretary general of the military council of the al-Quds Brigades – Islamic Jihad‘s military wing. The al-Ghannam clan is Islamic Jihad royalty. These are just some of her cousins:

This is an image from the funeral. The man in the bottom right in the blue shirt, leading the funeral precession, is Afnan Al-Ghannam’s father.

Which means the marriage between the two was a ‘royal’ marriage between two important terrorist clans. Just look at this incredible image:

That is the nephew of the military commander of the Palestine Resistance committee closing the deal to marry the niece of the secretary general of the military council of Islamic Jihad‘s military wing. And this is the man the BBC chose to use as its headline image?

This is a jaw-dropping error by the British state broadcaster. Outrageous stuff.

None of us can know exactly who or what was the actual target – only Israeli intelligence and the terrorists know that – but the people who brought death to that family – are the terrorists, and they are the reason this baby and his mother died. The BBC is visibly whitewashing Gaza’s leading terrorist clans – all in order to demonise Israel.

So that is the first grieving father the BBC produced. What about the second?

Now meet father two:  ‘Karam Tafeek Hameid’

Father number two is a strange story. We are told Karam Hameid lost his three boys, ‘Hassan (9), Mohammad (8), and Aziz (5). For some reason the article does not mention he also lost his wife! Did he not tell the BBC, did they edit it out? That omission is just inexplicable.

In the list of those killed she is named as Kholoud Bassam Quraiqa (Hamid) or Umm (mother of) Hassan Hamid (Qariqa). She was certainly the mother of the children.

This is important because the house that was struck – was the house of the Bassam Quraiqa family. In other words, her family house appears to have been the target. And the Quraiqa family is an Islamic Jihad affiliated clan. Here is Kholoud mourning the loss of her cousins:

Here is ‘cousin Kamal‘- from the Islamic Jihad:

The family has a long history with Islamic Jihad. This is Field Commander Hazem Awad Quraiqa:

Here is Kholoud posting pictures of him, along with other Quraiqa ‘martyrs’:

And what kind of human being posts images of a baby wrapped in the colours of a genocidal Islamic terror group?:

Back before she had children herself, this was her little sister – Dina – with a gun:

It should be noted that three of those killed were named Sundas, Mayar and Maram – it would be a logical assumption to believe these are the same children as named in the photo – just 11 years ago.

And finally – here is her sister Dina, out in the field with her family (Islamic Jihad):

None of this is Israel’s fault. This is all on the radical Islamic terror groups.

And make no mistake. With names such as al-Ghannam and Abu Hilal involved – the journos that the BBC rely on in Gaza (and Sky News etc) must have all been aware of the terrorist family connections. Maybe this is why the BBC spelt Abu Hilal’s name wrong. The Hamas propaganda teams have our media organisations wrapped around their little fingers.

It is a total collapse of journalistic standards. Heavily biased reporting, an elitist mentality, and a complete lack of awareness of the realities of the Palestinian street, deliver a key part of the BBC’s antisemitic poison. Add that to an information supply chain which is highly dependent on a toxic network of BBC Arabic staffers / runners / fixers – many of whom actually support the ‘resistance’- and you can begin to see how this all ends with the publicly funded BBC acting as a half-willing, half-duped mouthpiece for radical Islamic terrorist groups.

So there you have it. The BBC presented a case of two innocent and grieving families – torn apart by Israeli army thuggery – and the truth is that Israel precisely targeted two terrorist households.  The BBC even let one father talk about how the children wanted to grow up to be Doctors. The Hamas PR agency could not have scripted it any better. The BBC may just as well be spokespeople for the Gazan terrorists.

Too many red lines have been crossed. It goes way beyond just the BBC – and it is spreading poison deep into the veins of British society. We need an urgent independent inquiry set up NOW to investigate just how deeply our own media organisations have been turned into propaganda arms of radical Islamic terror groups.


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5 thoughts on “This is what terrorist propaganda looks like

  1. Israel left Gaza 20 years ago. At least 60% of the Gaza population age is under 20, raised since they are born in the hatred of Israel and the Jewish people. They all are terrorists or potential ones.

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