This exclusive shows without doubt that the BBC puts out blatant fake news reports, and it also proves that the sources they rely upon for news include Al Jazeera, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad!
Hamas propaganda – the mass graves of Nasser Hospital
As part of the move south, the Israeli forces began to close in on the Nasser Medical Complex in Khan Younis. In mid-January fighting between Israel and the terrorist factions became intense in the *vicinity* of the hospital. Hamas propaganda channels were reporting dozens of casualties by January 22. On the same day, Palestinians began burying the bodies (almost certainly mostly dead terrorists) in the grounds of the hospital:
Videos were released showing them ‘burying their martyrs’. A week later, on the 27th & 28th January – along with undated evidence presented in additional footage – we are told by Hamas channels that more bodies were buried in the grounds of the Nasser Complex. One Hamas (QNN) post claimed an additional 150 bodies were buried (January 27th).
Therefore, Hamas claimed that in the last weeks of January 2024, over 200 bodies were buried by Palestinians in the courtyard of Nasser Medical Complex. Most of them almost certainly dead terrorists.
The creation and spread of fake news
On the evening of April 20th (close to midnight Gaza time), Hamas propaganda channels (eg QNN) began reporting on a mass grave being found on the grounds of Nasser hospital in Gaza. By the morning, hundreds of bodies were reported to have been found.
At 10:07am (Gaza time) on April 21st Al Jazeera English spread the story around the globe. By 17:30, Al Jazeera was reporting that at least 180 bodies had been found. Al Jazeera showed footage of Palestinians digging up the bodies, and claimed that Israeli forces carried out the massacre.
Hamas was now blaming Israel for mass graves which they themselves had reported were dug in January by Palestinians following a battle between Israeli forces and Hamas!
Amateur, blatant, stupid
The fake news story being promoted by Hamas was obvious from the start. Al Jazeera picked it up because it is a Hamas mouthpiece. But to any decent journalist or reporter, the attempt was amateurish, blatant and stupid. All anyone had to do was compare images between the January and April incidents.
On the left is an image from January 25, when Palestinians were digging the graves. On the right is a post from April 20 as they were breaking the news about ‘finding’ the graves. It is clearly the same spot. Two distinctive buildings prove it beyond all doubt. They are digging up bodies that they themselves buried and blaming Israel.
This is blatant and outrageous fake news – empty Hamas propaganda – and no respectable organisation should be going anywhere near it. These two buildings (from various angles) can be seen across numerous reports from both the January burial and the April ‘discovery’.
Which brings us to the BBC report……..
BBC dives straight in
During the night of 21st/22nd April BBC News was reporting on the finding of a mass grave in Nasser Medical Complex. The report which mentions ‘dozens of bodies’ strongly implies the Israelis were responsible as the bodies were found ‘after the Israelis withdrew’.
And then it gets worse. I followed the evolution in the BBC reporting. By 5am (archive) the BBC were reporting almost two hundred bodies had been discovered.
As proof that the BBC is spreading fake news – it showed footage of the ‘discovery’ – and in the clip the two landmark buildings can clearly be seen:
We have caught the BBC sharing blatant fake news. The burning question that I needed to answer was from where did they take this fake news?
The smoking gun – the internal BBC documents
BBC News takes cues from news updates written for BBC World Service. The updates contain the news detail, but also include a timestamp, and crucially – the source of the news that has been updated. Those delivering BBC News across the various platforms use these clips to update stories as they develop.
I have managed to obtain the internal updates for the BBC clips on the mass graves. In the clips we can see the evolution of the story from ‘dozens of bodies’ to claims of more than ‘two hundred’. I have obtained the three updates that were posted between 17:26 on the 21st April and 09:19 on the 22nd April as the BBC broke the story. I have uploaded them on this site as evidence.
The one I want to focus on was an update from midnight on the 21st April:
When we compare it to the 5am bulletin we can see this is the source for the updated news – and this update led to them increasing the claim about the body count from ‘dozens’ to ‘nearly two hundred’.
And this means that the source material that the BBC relied on for its fake news coverage was a mixture from Al Jazeera and Shehab News. Al Jazeera is a Qatari state mouthpiece and is run in the Gaza strip by a member of a leading Islamic Jihad clan, and Shehab News is a news station belonging to Hamas. These toxic outlets spread fake news – and the UK’s state broadcaster happily shares it with millions, along with a legitimising stamp from the BBC.
There is no disputing this. The evidence is clear. We have caught the BBC sharing blatant fake news that was provided to them by Hamas, Al Jazeera, and Islamic Jihad. It isn’t even a secret. Internally these documents tell us that terrorist led channels are considered reliable sources by the BBC, and the information they provide is used to create BBC News stories. The only people who are NOT told about this inexcusable and unforgivable situation – are the taxpayers that fund it all.
Institutional problem
The above shows just how bad the situation has become. The BBC is sharing fake news provided to them by terrorist groups. But as I was putting this report together three additional BBC incidents occurred that can be used to show that the problem with the BBC appears unsalvageable.
One: On the 29 April the BBC ran a story by Adnan El-Bursh, the Gazan based BBC Arabic correspondent. In it El-Bursh describes his life in Gaza during the war. But the article also highlights the deep friendship between El-Bursh and Wael Al-Dahdouh – the man who runs the Al Jazeera office in Gaza. Al-Dahdouh spent seven years in an Israeli jail for throwing Molotov cocktails. Apparently he was affiliated with Islamic Jihad at the time. His brother, his son, over a dozen of his cousins, his nephews and his brother-in-law were all Islamic Jihad terrorists. His family is considered Islamic Jihad royalty. This is a man a BBC correspondent should whitewash, admire and respect?
Two: On May 1, another BBC Arabic journalist, Lebanon-based Rami Ruhayem, sent an email to BBC executives which downplayed the October 7 atrocities and incredibly suggested BBC material is biased towards Israel. And here is the truth. The BBC attempts balance between terrorist supporters and Israel supporters, between the terrorists and the democracy. In doing this it falls into a rabbit hole it cannot escape from. Not only is much of the material the BBC rely on anti-Israel junk, but it will never been enough for those who support the terrorists.
Three: On May 5, the BBC published an article about the student protest at Newcastle University. The article whitewashed the event – making it seem peaceful and benign. One of the leaders of the protest publicly celebrated October 7. The BBC journalist did no research and clearly just wanted to paint the protestors in a positive light. It is impossible to imagine the BBC writing about far right protestors in such a fashion regardless of the physically passive nature of the protest.
This is the output of the BBC these days. It is not accidental. The anti-Israel virus is in the BBC’s very DNA. The BBC is producing fake news provided by terrorist groups. It really is difficult to see any way back from here.
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The BBC. Is not taxpayer funded
I get your comment because of how most people may read ‘taxpayer funded’in the manner in which I suspect you have. However I would argue that it is still accurate. The TV licence fee is a tax on receiving live broadcast television in the UK.
It is a type of hypothecated tax. Just because it is paid directly to source – rather than via the government – does not really change things – does it?
So I would argue that ‘taxpayer funded’ is a pretty solid description.
It’s about Islamic Bigotry stupid. OIC/ICC/ICJ same “difference” by now.
What is the difference between the Islamic countries block [lobby] OIC control in the UN and: ICJ –especially under racist Arab Nawaf Salam– and ICC–especially under Islamic Karim Khan? – the latter is also a hypocrite, given his defense for Charkes Taylor, Liberian war criminal.
Just like twisted misrepresented “report” by Omar Shakir apartheid slur (2021), using HRW for his long time bigoted activities long before joining the organization. At least since 2010.
President of UN’s top court has long history of anti-Israel bias: ‘Conflict of interest.’.
Nawaf Salam reportedly tweeted a meme reading ‘Unhappy birthday to you: 48 years of occupation’ about Israel in 2015
By Benjamin Weinthal, Fox News.
Published May 26, 2024 9:19am EDT
Nawaf Salam, the Lebanese president of the International Court of Justice, faces fresh scrutiny over past anti-Israel comments made while …
In 2013 Academic Essay, International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Karim Khan Says The ICC Is Incapable Of Delivering Justice; In 2007, Khan Was Defense Counsel For Liberian President Charles Taylor In UN-Backed War Crimes Trial; During The Trial, Taylor Denied Claims That He Had Ordered His Men To Eat Human Flesh.
May 23, 2024 | By Yigal Carmon.