BBC Hamas

Exclusive: the BBC doubles down on its deliberate deception

Last week – an exclusive on this site detailed major issues with a viral BBC News story about an IDF dog and a Gazan with Down’s Syndrome. The exposé revealed that the BBC not only omitted vitally important context from a story in order to demonise the IDF but had also deliberately butchered the statement the IDF had sent in response to the BBC’s one-sided … Continue reading Exclusive: the BBC doubles down on its deliberate deception

Unforgivable: BBC deliberately deceives with dog attack story

Last week the BBC ran a story about a young man with Down’s syndrome in Gaza who was they said was mauled and ‘left to die’ by the IDF. How does the BBC know this story is true? Because the mother told them it was. Digging into the story unravelled the truth – and it is as shocking, as it is extreme. The BBC not … Continue reading Unforgivable: BBC deliberately deceives with dog attack story

The BBC busted with terrorist supporters again!

Abed Abubaker is a terrorist supporter. He publicly celebrates the murder of Jews and justifies the slaughter of civilians. His immediate family supports terrorism. His cousin is an Islamic Jihad terrorist. Abed’s best friend’s father was a Hamas enforcer. How did the BBC fawn over him and give him so much unchallenged airtime on at least four separate occassions? So here is a legitimate question: … Continue reading The BBC busted with terrorist supporters again!